Dollar Amount
BCAR Data Point
Point de donn�e du RNFPB
BCAR Positive DPA
RNFPB - APD positif
Probability of Default Band
Fourchette de probabilit� de d�faut
Key '1401' = Label 'PD Band 01'
Key '1402' = Label 'PD Band 02'
Key '1403' = Label 'PD Band 03'
Key '1404' = Label 'PD Band 04'
Key '1405' = Label 'PD Band 05'
Key '1406' = Label 'PD Band 06'
Key '1407' = Label 'PD Band 07'
Key '1408' = Label 'PD Band 08'
Key '1409' = Label 'PD Band 09'
Key '1410' = Label 'PD Band 10'
Key '1411' = Label 'PD Band 11'
Key '1412' = Label 'PD Band 12'
Key '1413' = Label 'PD Band 13'
Key '1414' = Label 'PD Band 14'
Key '1415' = Label 'PD Band 15'
Key '1416' = Label 'PD Band 16'
Key '1417' = Label 'PD Band 17'
Key '1418' = Label 'PD Band 18'
Key '1419' = Label 'PD Band 19'
Key '1420' = Label 'PD Band 20'
Key '1421' = Label 'PD Band 21'
Key '1422' = Label 'PD Band 22'
Key '1423' = Label 'PD Band 23'
Key '1424' = Label 'PD Band 24'
Key '1425' = Label 'PD Band 25'
Key '1426' = Label 'Default 100%'
Key '1498' = Label 'Unknown PD Band'
Key '1499' = Label 'Not Applicable'
Key '1400' = Label 'Total PD Band'
Approach Type
Type d'approche
Key '299' = Label 'No Approach Type'
Key '200' = Label 'Total Approach Type'
Key '201' = Label 'Standardized'
Key '202' = Label 'Total IRB'
Key '203' = Label 'Foundation IRB'
Key '204' = Label 'Advanced IRB'
Double Default Framework
R�gime de double d�faut
Key '301' = Label 'No Double Default'
Key '302' = Label 'Double Default'
Key '300' = Label 'Total DD and non-DD'
BCAR Exposure Classes
BCAR Exposure Classes
Key '199' = Label 'No Exposure Class'
Key '100' = Label 'Total - All Exposure Classes'
Key '101' = Label 'Large Corporate'
Key '102' = Label 'Corporate (excl. SMEs treated as Corporate & Specialized Lending)'
Key '103' = Label 'Specialized Lending - High-Volatility Commercial Real Estate (HVCRE)'
Key '104' = Label 'Specialized Lending non-HVCRE'
Key '105' = Label 'SMEs treated as Corporate'
Key '106' = Label 'Sovereign'
Key '107' = Label 'Bank (excluding Covered Bonds)'
Key '108' = Label 'General Residential Real Estate, excl. HELOCs'
Key '109' = Label 'General Residential Real Estate excl. HELOCs (109)'
Key '110' = Label 'General HELOCs'
Key '111' = Label 'Total Other retail (excl. SBEs treated as Other retail)'
Key '112' = Label 'Non-regulatory Retail'
Key '113' = Label 'Qualifying Revolving Retail'
Key '114' = Label 'SBEs treated as Regulatory Retail'
Key '115' = Label 'Equity'
Key '116' = Label 'Counterparty Credit Risk For Trading Book Exposures'
Key '117' = Label 'Securitization'
Key '120' = Label 'Public Sector Entities (PSEs)'
Key '121' = Label 'Multilateral Development Banks (MDBs)'
Key '122' = Label 'Covered Bonds'
Key '123' = Label 'Securities Firms and Other Financial Institutions treated as Bank'
Key '124' = Label 'Mid-sized Corporate'
Key '125' = Label 'Mortgage-Backed Securities'
Key '126' = Label 'Securities Firms and Other Financial Institutions treated as Corporate'
Key '127' = Label 'Specialized Lending'
Key '128' = Label 'Reverse Mortgages '
Key '129' = Label 'Regulatory Retail - Transactors (for qualifying revolving retail)'
Key '130' = Label ''Regulatory Retail - Revolvers'
Key '131' = Label 'Regulatory Retail - Indirect Auto'
Key '132' = Label 'Regulatory Retail - All Other Exposures'
Key '133' = Label 'Residential Real Estate Exposures that do not meet expectations related to B-20 (Mortgages)'
Key '134' = Label 'Residential Real Estate Exposures that do not meet expectations related to B-20 (HELOCs)'
Key '135' = Label 'Income-Producing Residential Real Estate excl. HELOCs'
Key '136' = Label 'Income-Producing HELOCs'
Key '137' = Label 'General Commercial Real Estate'
Key '138' = Label 'Income-Producing Commercial Real Estate'
Key '139' = Label 'Land Acquisition, Development and Construction (ADC) excluding HVCRE'
Key '141' = Label 'Morgtage-Backed Securities'
Key '145' = Label 'Specialized Lending - Project Financing'
Key '146' = Label 'Specialized Lending - Object Financing'
Key '147' = Label 'Specialized Lending - Commodities Financing'
Key '148' = Label 'Specialized Lending - Income Producing Real Estate'
Risk Weight
Pond�ration des risques
Key '700' = Label 'Total Risk Weight'
Key '701' = Label '0%'
Key '702' = Label '10%'
Key '703' = Label '20%'
Key '704' = Label '35%'
Key '705' = Label '50%'
Key '706' = Label '70% Slotting HVCRE Strong, Preferential'
Key '707' = Label '70% Slotting non-HVCRE Strong'
Key '708' = Label '75%'
Key '709' = Label '90% Slotting non-HVCRE Good'
Key '710' = Label '95% Slotting HVCRE Strong'
Key '711' = Label '95% Slotting HVCRE Good, Preferential'
Key '712' = Label '100%'
Key '713' = Label '115% Slotting Non-HVCRE Satisfactory'
Key '714' = Label '120% Slotting HVCRE Good'
Key '715' = Label '140% Slotting HVCRE Satisfactory'
Key '716' = Label '150%'
Key '717' = Label '250% Slotting HVCRE & Non-HVCRE Weak'
Key '718' = Label '0% Slotting HVCRE and Non-HVCRE Default'
Key '730' = Label '15% Unrated'
Key '731' = Label '20% Simplified'
Key '732' = Label '25%'
Key '733' = Label '30% Rated'
Key '734' = Label '40%'
Key '735' = Label '45%'
Key '736' = Label '60%'
Key '737' = Label '65%'
Key '738' = Label '70%'
Key '739' = Label '75% (Requirements not met)'
Key '740' = Label '85%'
Key '741' = Label '85% (Requirements not met)'
Key '742' = Label 'Others (Requirements not met)'
Key '743' = Label '90%'
Key '744' = Label '100% Simplified'
Key '745' = Label '100% Base rated'
Key '746' = Label '105%'
Key '747' = Label '110%'
Key '748' = Label '150% (requirements not met)'
Key '749' = Label '150% Non-qualifying'
Key '750' = Label '20% Unrated'
Key '751' = Label '30% Unrated'
Key '752' = Label '40% Base unrated'
Key '753' = Label '40% Simplified'
Key '754' = Label '50% Unrated'
Key '755' = Label '65% Unrated'
Key '756' = Label '75% Base unrated'
Key '757' = Label '75% Simplified'
Key '758' = Label '80% Unrated, Project finance'
Key '759' = Label '85% Unrated'
Key '760' = Label '100% Unrated'
Key '761' = Label '100% Unrated, Project finance'
Key '762' = Label '100% Unrated, Object finance'
Key '763' = Label '100% Unrated, Commodities finance'
Key '764' = Label '130% Unrated, Project finance'
Key '765' = Label '150% Base unrated'
Key '766' = Label '20% Short-term rated'
Key '767' = Label '50% Short-term rated'
Key '768' = Label '150% Short-term rated'
Key '769' = Label '20% Short-term unrated'
Key '770' = Label '50% Short-term unrated'
Key '771' = Label '150% Short-term unrated'
Key '772' = Label '100% Defaulted'
Key '773' = Label '150% Defaulted'
Key '780' = Label '100% Rated '
Key '781' = Label '100% Base unrated'
Key '784' = Label '150% Base rated'
Key '785' = Label '150% Unrated'
Key '786' = Label '20% Base rated'
Key '787' = Label '220% PMI Backstop'
Key '788' = Label '30%'
Key '789' = Label '30% Base rated'
Key '790' = Label '30% Base unrated'
Key '791' = Label '330% PMI Backstop'
Key '793' = Label '35% Simplified'
Key '794' = Label '40% Unrated'
Key '795' = Label '44% PMI Backstop'
Key '796' = Label '50% Base rated'
Key '797' = Label '50% Rated'
Key '798' = Label '66% PMI Backstop'
Key '799' = Label '15%'
Key '800' = Label '75% Unrated'
Key '801' = Label '0% Rated'
Key '802' = Label '10% Base rated'
Key '803' = Label '10% Rated'
Key '806' = Label '150% Rated'
Key '807' = Label '110% PMI Backstop'
Key '804' = Label '20% Rated'
Key '808' = Label '75% Rated'
Key '809' = Label '50% Slotting HVCRE Strong, Preferential'
Key '810' = Label '70% Slotting HVCRE Good'
Key '811' = Label '55% PMI Backstop'
Key '812' = Label '77% PMI Backstop'
Key '813' = Label '88% PMI Backstop'
Key '814' = Label '99% PMI Backstop'
Key '815' = Label '132% PMI Backstop'
Key '816' = Label '154% PMI Backstop'
Key '817' = Label '165% PMI Backstop'
Key '818' = Label '187% PMI Backstop'
Key '819' = Label '231% PMI Backstop'
Key '820' = Label 'Junior Liens 1.25 Multiplier'
Key '821' = Label '300%'
Exposure Type
Type d'exposition
Key '599' = Label 'No Exposure Type'
Key '500' = Label 'Total Exposure Type'
Key '501' = Label 'Drawn'
Key '502' = Label 'Undrawn commitment'
Key '503' = Label 'Repo-style transaction'
Key '504' = Label 'OTC Derivatives'
Key '505' = Label 'Other off-balance sheet'
Key '506' = Label 'Model risk add-on RWA'
Equity Characteristics
Caract�ristiques des titres
Key '1000' = Label 'Total Equity Characteristics'
Key '1001' = Label 'No Captial Gains Expected - Publicly Traded'
Key '1002' = Label 'No Captial Gains Expected - Other Equities'
Key '1003' = Label 'Held for Captial Gain - Publicly Traded'
Key '1004' = Label 'Held for Captial Gain - Other Equities'
Key '1099' = Label 'Not Applicable'
Default / Dilution Risk
Risque de d�faut / dilution
Key '1100' = Label 'Total Default / Dilution Risk'
Key '1101' = Label 'Default Risk'
Key '1102' = Label 'Dilution Risk'
Key '1199' = Label 'Not Applicable'
Nombre entier
Code du pays
Key 'AD' = Label 'ANDORRA'
Key 'AF' = Label 'AFGHANISTAN'
Key 'AI' = Label 'ANGUILLA'
Key 'AL' = Label 'ALBANIA'
Key 'AM' = Label 'ARMENIA'
Key 'AO' = Label 'ANGOLA'
Key 'AQ' = Label 'ANTARCTICA'
Key 'AR' = Label 'ARGENTINA'
Key 'AT' = Label 'AUSTRIA'
Key 'AU' = Label 'AUSTRALIA'
Key 'AW' = Label 'ARUBA'
Key 'AX' = Label '�LAND ISLANDS'
Key 'AZ' = Label 'AZERBAIJAN'
Key 'BB' = Label 'BARBADOS'
Key 'BD' = Label 'BANGLADESH'
Key 'BE' = Label 'BELGIUM'
Key 'BF' = Label 'BURKINA FASO'
Key 'BG' = Label 'BULGARIA'
Key 'BH' = Label 'BAHRAIN'
Key 'BI' = Label 'BURUNDI'
Key 'BJ' = Label 'BENIN'
Key 'BL' = Label 'SAINT BARTH�LEMY '
Key 'BM' = Label 'BERMUDA'
Key 'BO' = Label 'BOLIVIA'
Key 'BR' = Label 'BRAZIL'
Key 'BS' = Label 'BAHAMAS'
Key 'BT' = Label 'BHUTAN'
Key 'BV' = Label 'BOUVET ISLAND'
Key 'BW' = Label 'BOTSWANA'
Key 'BY' = Label 'BELARUS'
Key 'BZ' = Label 'BELIZE'
Key 'CA' = Label 'CANADA'
Key 'CG' = Label 'CONGO'
Key 'CH' = Label 'SWITZERLAND'
Key 'CI' = Label 'C�TE D'IVOIRE'
Key 'CK' = Label 'COOK ISLANDS'
Key 'CL' = Label 'CHILE'
Key 'CM' = Label 'CAMEROON'
Key 'CN' = Label 'CHINA'
Key 'CO' = Label 'COLOMBIA'
Key 'CR' = Label 'COSTA RICA'
Key 'CU' = Label 'CUBA'
Key 'CV' = Label 'CAPE VERDE'
Key 'CW' = Label 'CURACAO'
Key 'CY' = Label 'CYPRUS'
Key 'DE' = Label 'GERMANY'
Key 'DJ' = Label 'DJIBOUTI'
Key 'DK' = Label 'DENMARK'
Key 'DM' = Label 'DOMINICA'
Key 'DZ' = Label 'ALGERIA'
Key 'EC' = Label 'ECUADOR'
Key 'EE' = Label 'ESTONIA'
Key 'EG' = Label 'EGYPT'
Key 'ER' = Label 'ERITREA'
Key 'ES' = Label 'SPAIN'
Key 'ET' = Label 'ETHIOPIA'
Key 'FI' = Label 'FINLAND'
Key 'FJ' = Label 'FIJI'
Key 'FO' = Label 'FAROE ISLANDS'
Key 'FR' = Label 'FRANCE'
Key 'GA' = Label 'GABON'
Key 'GD' = Label 'GRENADA'
Key 'GE' = Label 'GEORGIA'
Key 'GF' = Label 'FRENCH GUIANA'
Key 'GG' = Label 'GUERNSEY'
Key 'GH' = Label 'GHANA'
Key 'GI' = Label 'GIBRALTAR'
Key 'GL' = Label 'GREENLAND'
Key 'GM' = Label 'GAMBIA'
Key 'GN' = Label 'GUINEA'
Key 'GP' = Label 'GUADELOUPE'
Key 'GR' = Label 'GREECE'
Key 'GT' = Label 'GUATEMALA'
Key 'GU' = Label 'GUAM'
Key 'GW' = Label 'GUINEA-BISSAU'
Key 'GY' = Label 'GUYANA'
Key 'HK' = Label 'HONG KONG'
Key 'HN' = Label 'HONDURAS'
Key 'HR' = Label 'CROATIA'
Key 'HT' = Label 'HAITI'
Key 'HU' = Label 'HUNGARY'
Key 'ID' = Label 'INDONESIA'
Key 'IE' = Label 'IRELAND'
Key 'IL' = Label 'ISRAEL'
Key 'IM' = Label 'ISLE OF MAN'
Key 'IN' = Label 'INDIA'
Key 'IQ' = Label 'IRAQ'
Key 'IS' = Label 'ICELAND'
Key 'IT' = Label 'ITALY'
Key 'JE' = Label 'JERSEY'
Key 'JM' = Label 'JAMAICA'
Key 'JO' = Label 'JORDAN'
Key 'JP' = Label 'JAPAN'
Key 'KE' = Label 'KENYA'
Key 'KG' = Label 'KYRGYZSTAN'
Key 'KH' = Label 'CAMBODIA'
Key 'KI' = Label 'KIRIBATI'
Key 'KM' = Label 'COMOROS'
Key 'KW' = Label 'KUWAIT'
Key 'KZ' = Label 'KAZAKHSTAN'
Key 'LB' = Label 'LEBANON'
Key 'LC' = Label 'SAINT LUCIA'
Key 'LK' = Label 'SRI LANKA'
Key 'LR' = Label 'LIBERIA'
Key 'LS' = Label 'LESOTHO'
Key 'LT' = Label 'LITHUANIA'
Key 'LU' = Label 'LUXEMBOURG'
Key 'LV' = Label 'LATVIA'
Key 'MA' = Label 'MOROCCO'
Key 'MC' = Label 'MONACO'
Key 'ME' = Label 'MONTENEGRO'
Key 'MG' = Label 'MADAGASCAR'
Key 'ML' = Label 'MALI'
Key 'MM' = Label 'MYANMAR'
Key 'MN' = Label 'MONGOLIA'
Key 'MO' = Label 'MACAO'
Key 'MQ' = Label 'MARTINIQUE'
Key 'MR' = Label 'MAURITANIA'
Key 'MS' = Label 'MONTSERRAT'
Key 'MT' = Label 'MALTA'
Key 'MU' = Label 'MAURITIUS'
Key 'MV' = Label 'MALDIVES'
Key 'MW' = Label 'MALAWI'
Key 'MX' = Label 'MEXICO'
Key 'MY' = Label 'MALAYSIA'
Key 'MZ' = Label 'MOZAMBIQUE'
Key 'NA' = Label 'NAMIBIA'
Key 'NC' = Label 'NEW CALEDONIA'
Key 'NE' = Label 'NIGER'
Key 'NG' = Label 'NIGERIA'
Key 'NI' = Label 'NICARAGUA'
Key 'NL' = Label 'NETHERLANDS'
Key 'NO' = Label 'NORWAY'
Key 'NP' = Label 'NEPAL'
Key 'NR' = Label 'NAURU'
Key 'NU' = Label 'NIUE'
Key 'NZ' = Label 'NEW ZEALAND'
Key 'OM' = Label 'OMAN'
Key 'PA' = Label 'PANAMA'
Key 'PE' = Label 'PERU'
Key 'PH' = Label 'PHILIPPINES'
Key 'PK' = Label 'PAKISTAN'
Key 'PL' = Label 'POLAND'
Key 'PN' = Label 'PITCAIRN'
Key 'PR' = Label 'PUERTO RICO'
Key 'PT' = Label 'PORTUGAL'
Key 'PW' = Label 'PALAU'
Key 'PY' = Label 'PARAGUAY'
Key 'QA' = Label 'QATAR'
Key 'RE' = Label 'R�UNION'
Key 'RO' = Label 'ROMANIA'
Key 'RS' = Label 'SERBIA'
Key 'RW' = Label 'RWANDA'
Key 'SA' = Label 'SAUDI ARABIA'
Key 'SC' = Label 'SEYCHELLES'
Key 'SD' = Label 'SUDAN'
Key 'SE' = Label 'SWEDEN'
Key 'SG' = Label 'SINGAPORE'
Key 'SH' = Label 'SAINT HELENA'
Key 'SI' = Label 'SLOVENIA'
Key 'SK' = Label 'SLOVAKIA'
Key 'SL' = Label 'SIERRA LEONE'
Key 'SM' = Label 'SAN MARINO'
Key 'SN' = Label 'SENEGAL'
Key 'SO' = Label 'SOMALIA'
Key 'SR' = Label 'SURINAME'
Key 'SS' = Label 'SOUTH SUDAN '
Key 'SV' = Label 'EL SALVADOR'
Key 'SZ' = Label 'SWAZILAND'
Key 'TD' = Label 'CHAD'
Key 'TG' = Label 'TOGO'
Key 'TH' = Label 'THAILAND'
Key 'TJ' = Label 'TAJIKISTAN'
Key 'TK' = Label 'TOKELAU'
Key 'TL' = Label 'TIMOR-LESTE'
Key 'TN' = Label 'TUNISIA'
Key 'TO' = Label 'TONGA'
Key 'TR' = Label 'TURKEY'
Key 'TV' = Label 'TUVALU'
Key 'UA' = Label 'UKRAINE'
Key 'UG' = Label 'UGANDA'
Key 'US' = Label 'UNITED STATES'
Key 'UY' = Label 'URUGUAY'
Key 'UZ' = Label 'UZBEKISTAN'
Key 'VE' = Label 'VENEZUELA'
Key 'VI' = Label 'VIRGIN ISLANDS, U.S.'
Key 'VN' = Label 'VIET NAM'
Key 'VU' = Label 'VANUATU'
Key 'WS' = Label 'SAMOA'
Key 'YE' = Label 'YEMEN'
Key 'YT' = Label 'MAYOTTE'
Key 'YU' = Label 'YUGOSLAVIA'
Key 'ZA' = Label 'SOUTH AFRICA'
Key 'ZM' = Label 'ZAMBIA'
Key 'ZW' = Label 'ZIMBABWE'
Key '99' = Label 'Unknown'
Key '98' = Label 'OTHER COUNTRIES'
This datatype was created to because there was a need to have a percentage datatype that did not have a Min and Max value for 1Q. Just adjusting the existing percentdatatype would have caused a formset version number increase in all the schemas (returns).
Institution ID
Identification de l'entreprise
BA, Ratio Calculations, Tier 1 capital ratio (%)
Ratio Calculations - Net Tier 1 capital
Ratio Calculations - Total capital
Common equity tier 1 - Gross common equity tier 1 capital
Net common equity tier 1 capital (after all deductions)
English Description - A Fake Description for Integration Testing - see TdsToReturnAddressMapperDbImpl:getTdsAddress(BarrelDataPointAddress dpa, MeasureUsage mu)
French Description - A Fake Description for Integration Testing - see TdsToReturnAddressMapperDbImpl:getTdsAddress(BarrelDataPointAddress dpa, MeasureUsage mu)
Deduction from additional tier 1 - Total deduction
Eligible Stage 1 and Stage 2 allowance (re standardized approach) adjusted for ECL Transitional Arrangements
Excess allowance (re IRB approach) adjusted for ECL Transitional Arrangements
English Description - A Fake Description for Integration Testing - see TdsToReturnAddressMapperDbImpl:getTdsAddress(BarrelDataPointAddress dpa, MeasureUsage mu)
French Description - A Fake Description for Integration Testing - see TdsToReturnAddressMapperDbImpl:getTdsAddress(BarrelDataPointAddress dpa, MeasureUsage mu)
English Description - A Fake Description for Integration Testing - see TdsToReturnAddressMapperDbImpl:getTdsAddress(BarrelDataPointAddress dpa, MeasureUsage mu)
French Description - A Fake Description for Integration Testing - see TdsToReturnAddressMapperDbImpl:getTdsAddress(BarrelDataPointAddress dpa, MeasureUsage mu)
English Description - A Fake Description for Integration Testing - see TdsToReturnAddressMapperDbImpl:getTdsAddress(BarrelDataPointAddress dpa, MeasureUsage mu)
French Description - A Fake Description for Integration Testing - see TdsToReturnAddressMapperDbImpl:getTdsAddress(BarrelDataPointAddress dpa, MeasureUsage mu)
English Description - A Fake Description for Integration Testing - see TdsToReturnAddressMapperDbImpl:getTdsAddress(BarrelDataPointAddress dpa, MeasureUsage mu)
French Description - A Fake Description for Integration Testing - see TdsToReturnAddressMapperDbImpl:getTdsAddress(BarrelDataPointAddress dpa, MeasureUsage mu)
English Description - A Fake Description for Integration Testing - see TdsToReturnAddressMapperDbImpl:getTdsAddress(BarrelDataPointAddress dpa, MeasureUsage mu)
French Description - A Fake Description for Integration Testing - see TdsToReturnAddressMapperDbImpl:getTdsAddress(BarrelDataPointAddress dpa, MeasureUsage mu)
English Description - A Fake Description for Integration Testing - see TdsToReturnAddressMapperDbImpl:getTdsAddress(BarrelDataPointAddress dpa, MeasureUsage mu)
French Description - A Fake Description for Integration Testing - see TdsToReturnAddressMapperDbImpl:getTdsAddress(BarrelDataPointAddress dpa, MeasureUsage mu)
BA, Ratio Calculations, Adjusted risk-weighted assets
Collective allowance on balance sheet assets for capital purposes
"On-balance sheet" securitization exposures recognized for capital ratio but not for consolidated balance sheet purposes
Adjustment for measurement bases used for accounting purposes (fair values)
Adjustment for recognition bases used for accounting purposes (settlement / trade date)
Common Equity Tier 1 (CET1) capital ratio (%)
BA, Ratio Calculations, Total capital ratio (%)
BA, Ratio Calculations, Tier 1 capital ratio (%) - before floor
BA, Ratio Calculations, Total capital ratio (%) - before floor
Net CET1 capital
CET1 capital ratio (%) - before floor
OSFI Target CET1 capital ratio (%)
OSFI Target Tier 1 capital ratio (%)
OSFI Target total capital ratio (%)
BA, Ratio Calculations - TLAC ratio (%)
BA, Ratio Calculations, Counter-cyclical buffer (%)
BA, Ratio Calculations, Memo, Institution's own internal CET1 capital target (%)
BA, Memo: Institution's own internal capital targets, Institution's own internal Tier 1 capital target (%)
BA, Memo: Institution's own internal capital targets, Institution's own internal Total capital target (%)
BA, Memo: Institution's own internal capital targets, Institution's own internal TLAC target (%)
Ratio Calculations - Total capital
BA, Ratio Calculations - TLAC ratio (%) - before floor
OSFI Target TLAC ratio (%)
BA, Ratio Calculations, Risk-weighted assets (before floor)
BA, Ratio Calculations, Adjustment for floor
Simplified Risk-Based Capital Ratio Calculations for Category III SMSBs, A Ratio Calculations, Common Equity Tier 1 (CET1) simplified risk-based capital ratio ratio (%)
Simplified Risk-Based Capital Ratio Calculations for Category III SMSBs, A Ratio Calculations, Tier 1 simplified risk-based capital ratio (%)
Simplified Risk-Based Capital Ratio Calculations for Category III SMSBs, A Ratio Calculations, Total simplified risk-based capital ratio (%)
BA, SMSB Cat III B Capital, Net CET1 capital
BA, SMSB Cat III B Capital, Net Tier 1 capital
BA, SMSB Cat III B Capital, Total capital
BA, SMSB Cat III C Adjusted Total Assets and Operational Risk RWA, Total Assets
BA, SMSB Cat III C Adjusted Total Assets and Operational Risk RWA, CET1 capital deductions
BA, SMSB Cat III C Adjusted Total Assets and Operational Risk RWA, Additional Tier 1 capital deductions
BA, SMSB Cat III C Adjusted Total Assets and Operational Risk RWA, Tier 2 capital deductions
BA, SMSB Cat III C Adjusted Total Assets and Operational Risk RWA, Adjusted Total Assets (CET1)
BA, SMSB Cat III C Adjusted Total Assets and Operational Risk RWA, Adjusted Total Assets (Tier 1)
BA, SMSB Cat III C Adjusted Total Assets and Operational Risk RWA, Adjusted Total Assets (Total Capital)
BA, SMSB Cat III C Adjusted Total Assets and Operational Risk RWA, Operational Risk RWA
BA, SMSB Cat III D OSFI Target SRBCR, OSFI Target Tier 1 SRBCR (%)
BA, SMSB Cat III D OSFI Target SRBCR, OSFI Target Total SRBCR (%)
BA, SMSB Cat III D OSFI Target SRBCR, Countercyclical buffer (%)
BA, SMSB Cat III E Institution's Own Internal Capital Target SRBCR, Institution's own target CET1 SRBCR (%)
BA, SMSB Cat III E Institution's Own Internal Capital Target SRBCR, Institution's own target Tier 1 SRBCR (%)
BA, SMSB Cat III E Institution's Own Internal Capital Target SRBCR, Institution's own target Total SRBCR (%)
BA, SMSB Cat III Derivatives, Notional Amount of Interest Rate and Foreign Exchange Derivatives
BA, SMSB Cat III Derivatives, As a % of Total Capital
BA, SMSB Cat III Derivatives, Notional Amount of Other Derivatives
BA, Other Off Balance Sheet Exposures, Unconditionally cancellable commitments - 10% CCF, Notional Amount
BA, Other Off Balance Sheet Exposures, Commitments (regardless of the maturity of the underlying facility) 40% CCF , Notional Amount
BA, Other Off Balance Sheet Exposures, Eligible servicer cash advances or facilities - 10% CCF, Notional Amount
BA, Other Off Balance Sheet Exposures, Securitization liquidity facilities (externally rated) - 100% CCF , Notional Amount
BA, Other Off Balance Sheet Exposures, Undrawn securitization commitments to fund acquisition of assets - 40% CCF, Notional Amount
BA, Other Off Balance Sheet Exposures, Other off balance sheet securitization exposures - 100% CCF, Notional Amount
BA, Other Off Balance Sheet Exposures, Direct credit substitutes - 100% CCF, Notional Amount
BA, Other Off Balance Sheet Exposures, Forward asset purchases - 100% CCF, Notional Amount
BA, Other Off Balance Sheet Exposures, Forward forward deposits - 100% CCF, Notional Amount
BA, Other Off Balance Sheet Exposures, Partly paid shares and securities - 100% CCF, Notional Amount
BA, Other Off Balance Sheet Exposures, Transaction-related contingent items - 50% CCF, Notional Amount
BA, Other Off Balance Sheet Exposures, Note issuance facilities and revolving underwriting facilities - 50% CCF, Notional Amount
BA, Other Off Balance Sheet Exposures, Short-term self-liquidating trade letters of credit - 20% CCF, Notional Amount
BA, Other Off Balance Sheet Exposures, Unsettled financial asset purchases, Notional Amount
BA, Securities Financing Transactions, SFT agent transactions � Notional Amount, Notional Amount
BA, Securities Financing Transactions, All other SFTs (after adjusting for sale accounting transactions) � Gross Value, Notional Amount
BA, Other Off Balance Sheet Exposures, Unconditionally cancellable commitments - 10% CCF, Exposure after CCF
BA, Other Off Balance Sheet Exposures, Commitments (regardless of the maturity of the underlying facility) 40% CCF , Exposure after CCF
BA, Other Off Balance Sheet Exposures, Eligible servicer cash advances or facilities - 10% CCF, Exposure after CCF
BA, Other Off Balance Sheet Exposures, Securitization liquidity facilities (externally rated) - 100% CCF , Exposure after CCF
BA, Other Off Balance Sheet Exposures, Undrawn securitization commitments to fund acquisition of assets - 40% CCF, Exposure after CCF
BA, Other Off Balance Sheet Exposures, Other off balance sheet securitization exposures - 100% CCF, Exposure after CCF
BA, Other Off Balance Sheet Exposures, Direct credit substitutes - 100% CCF, Exposure after CCF
BA, Other Off Balance Sheet Exposures, Forward asset purchases - 100% CCF, Exposure after CCF
BA, Other Off Balance Sheet Exposures, Forward forward deposits - 100% CCF, Exposure after CCF
BA, Other Off Balance Sheet Exposures, Partly paid shares and securities - 100% CCF, Exposure after CCF
BA, Other Off Balance Sheet Exposures, Transaction-related contingent items - 50% CCF, Exposure after CCF
BA, Other Off Balance Sheet Exposures, Note issuance facilities and revolving underwriting facilities - 50% CCF, Exposure after CCF
BA, Other Off Balance Sheet Exposures, Short-term self-liquidating trade letters of credit - 20% CCF, Exposure after CCF
BA, Other Off Balance Sheet Exposures, Unsettled financial asset purchases, Exposure after CCF
BA, Other Off Balance Sheet Exposures, Total Off Balance Sheet exposures, Exposure after CCF
BA, Other Off Balance Sheet Exposures, As a % of Total Capital, Exposure after CCF
English Description - A Fake Description for Integration Testing - see TdsToReturnAddressMapperDbImpl:getTdsAddress(BarrelDataPointAddress dpa, MeasureUsage mu)
French Description - A Fake Description for Integration Testing - see TdsToReturnAddressMapperDbImpl:getTdsAddress(BarrelDataPointAddress dpa, MeasureUsage mu)
Credit Risk - Std. - RWA - Banks excluding covered bonds
Credit Risk - Std. - RWA - SBEs treated as Regulatory Retail
Credit Risk - Std. - RWA - Counterparty Credit Risk of Trading Book Exposures
English Description - A Fake Description for Integration Testing - see TdsToReturnAddressMapperDbImpl:getTdsAddress(BarrelDataPointAddress dpa, MeasureUsage mu)
French Description - A Fake Description for Integration Testing - see TdsToReturnAddressMapperDbImpl:getTdsAddress(BarrelDataPointAddress dpa, MeasureUsage mu)
English Description - A Fake Description for Integration Testing - see TdsToReturnAddressMapperDbImpl:getTdsAddress(BarrelDataPointAddress dpa, MeasureUsage mu)
French Description - A Fake Description for Integration Testing - see TdsToReturnAddressMapperDbImpl:getTdsAddress(BarrelDataPointAddress dpa, MeasureUsage mu)
English Description - A Fake Description for Integration Testing - see TdsToReturnAddressMapperDbImpl:getTdsAddress(BarrelDataPointAddress dpa, MeasureUsage mu)
French Description - A Fake Description for Integration Testing - see TdsToReturnAddressMapperDbImpl:getTdsAddress(BarrelDataPointAddress dpa, MeasureUsage mu)
Credit Risk - FIRB - RWA - SMEs treated as Corporate
Credit Risk - FIRB - RWA - Banks excluding covered bonds
Credit Risk - FIRB - RWA - Counterparty Credit Risk of Trading Book Exposures
English Description - A Fake Description for Integration Testing - see TdsToReturnAddressMapperDbImpl:getTdsAddress(BarrelDataPointAddress dpa, MeasureUsage mu)
French Description - A Fake Description for Integration Testing - see TdsToReturnAddressMapperDbImpl:getTdsAddress(BarrelDataPointAddress dpa, MeasureUsage mu)
Credit Risk - AIRB - RWA - SMEs treated as Corporate
Credit Risk - AIRB - RWA - Counterparty Credit Risk of Trading Book Exposures
Credit Risk - Total IRB - RWA - SMEs treated as Corporate
English Description - A Fake Description for Integration Testing - see TdsToReturnAddressMapperDbImpl:getTdsAddress(BarrelDataPointAddress dpa, MeasureUsage mu)
French Description - A Fake Description for Integration Testing - see TdsToReturnAddressMapperDbImpl:getTdsAddress(BarrelDataPointAddress dpa, MeasureUsage mu)
Credit Risk - Total IRB - RWA - Banks excluding covered bonds
Credit Risk - Total IRB - RWA - SBEs treated as Regulatory Retail
Credit Risk - Total IRB - RWA - Counterparty Credit Risk of Trading Book Exposures
English Description - A Fake Description for Integration Testing - see TdsToReturnAddressMapperDbImpl:getTdsAddress(BarrelDataPointAddress dpa, MeasureUsage mu)
French Description - A Fake Description for Integration Testing - see TdsToReturnAddressMapperDbImpl:getTdsAddress(BarrelDataPointAddress dpa, MeasureUsage mu)
English Description - A Fake Description for Integration Testing - see TdsToReturnAddressMapperDbImpl:getTdsAddress(BarrelDataPointAddress dpa, MeasureUsage mu)
French Description - A Fake Description for Integration Testing - see TdsToReturnAddressMapperDbImpl:getTdsAddress(BarrelDataPointAddress dpa, MeasureUsage mu)
Credit Risk - Std. & IRB - RWA - SMEs treated as Corporate
Credit Risk - Std. & IRB - RWA - Banks excluding covered bonds
English Description - A Fake Description for Integration Testing - see TdsToReturnAddressMapperDbImpl:getTdsAddress(BarrelDataPointAddress dpa, MeasureUsage mu)
French Description - A Fake Description for Integration Testing - see TdsToReturnAddressMapperDbImpl:getTdsAddress(BarrelDataPointAddress dpa, MeasureUsage mu)
Credit Risk - Std. & IRB - RWA - SBEs treated as Regulatory Retail
Credit Risk - Std. & IRB - RWA - Counterparty Credit Risk of Trading Book Exposures
English Description - A Fake Description for Integration Testing - see TdsToReturnAddressMapperDbImpl:getTdsAddress(BarrelDataPointAddress dpa, MeasureUsage mu)
French Description - A Fake Description for Integration Testing - see TdsToReturnAddressMapperDbImpl:getTdsAddress(BarrelDataPointAddress dpa, MeasureUsage mu)
English Description - A Fake Description for Integration Testing - see TdsToReturnAddressMapperDbImpl:getTdsAddress(BarrelDataPointAddress dpa, MeasureUsage mu)
French Description - A Fake Description for Integration Testing - see TdsToReturnAddressMapperDbImpl:getTdsAddress(BarrelDataPointAddress dpa, MeasureUsage mu)
English Description - A Fake Description for Integration Testing - see TdsToReturnAddressMapperDbImpl:getTdsAddress(BarrelDataPointAddress dpa, MeasureUsage mu)
French Description - A Fake Description for Integration Testing - see TdsToReturnAddressMapperDbImpl:getTdsAddress(BarrelDataPointAddress dpa, MeasureUsage mu)
English Description - A Fake Description for Integration Testing - see TdsToReturnAddressMapperDbImpl:getTdsAddress(BarrelDataPointAddress dpa, MeasureUsage mu)
French Description - A Fake Description for Integration Testing - see TdsToReturnAddressMapperDbImpl:getTdsAddress(BarrelDataPointAddress dpa, MeasureUsage mu)
English Description - A Fake Description for Integration Testing - see TdsToReturnAddressMapperDbImpl:getTdsAddress(BarrelDataPointAddress dpa, MeasureUsage mu)
French Description - A Fake Description for Integration Testing - see TdsToReturnAddressMapperDbImpl:getTdsAddress(BarrelDataPointAddress dpa, MeasureUsage mu)
English Description - A Fake Description for Integration Testing - see TdsToReturnAddressMapperDbImpl:getTdsAddress(BarrelDataPointAddress dpa, MeasureUsage mu)
French Description - A Fake Description for Integration Testing - see TdsToReturnAddressMapperDbImpl:getTdsAddress(BarrelDataPointAddress dpa, MeasureUsage mu)
English Description - A Fake Description for Integration Testing - see TdsToReturnAddressMapperDbImpl:getTdsAddress(BarrelDataPointAddress dpa, MeasureUsage mu)
French Description - A Fake Description for Integration Testing - see TdsToReturnAddressMapperDbImpl:getTdsAddress(BarrelDataPointAddress dpa, MeasureUsage mu)
Credit or market RWA on deducted portion of non-significant investment in financials
English Description - A Fake Description for Integration Testing - see TdsToReturnAddressMapperDbImpl:getTdsAddress(BarrelDataPointAddress dpa, MeasureUsage mu)
French Description - A Fake Description for Integration Testing - see TdsToReturnAddressMapperDbImpl:getTdsAddress(BarrelDataPointAddress dpa, MeasureUsage mu)
BA, Summary of Risk-weighted Assets, Total Risk-Weighted Assets
BA, Credit Risk - Std. & IRB - EAD - Subtotal
BA, Credit Risk - FIRB - RWA - Specialized Lending - Commodity financing
BA, Credit Risk - AIRB - RWA - Specialized Lending - Commodity financing
BA, Credit Risk - Total IRB - RWA - Specialized Lending - Commodity financing
BA, Credit Risk - Std. & IRB - RWA - Specialized Lending - Commodity financing
BA, Credit Risk - FIRB - EAD - Specialized Lending - Commodity financing
BA, Credit Risk - AIRB - EAD - Specialized Lending - Commodity financing
BA, Credit Risk - Total IRB - EAD - Specialized Lending - Commodity financing
BA, Credit Risk - Std. & IRB - EAD - Specialized Lending - Commodity financing
BA, Credit Risk - FIRB - RWA - Specialized Lending - HVCRE including ADC
BA, Credit Risk - AIRB - RWA - Specialized Lending - HVCRE including ADC
BA, Credit Risk - Total IRB - RWA - Specialized Lending - HVCRE including ADC
BA, Credit Risk - Std. & IRB - RWA - Specialized Lending - HVCRE including ADC
BA, Credit Risk - FIRB - EAD - Specialized Lending - HVCRE including ADC
BA, Credit Risk - AIRB - EAD - Specialized Lending - HVCRE including ADC
BA, Credit Risk - Total IRB - EAD - Specialized Lending - HVCRE including ADC
BA, Credit Risk - Std. & IRB - EAD - Specialized Lending - HVCRE including ADC
BA, Credit Risk - FIRB - RWA - Specialized Lending - Slotting Approach
BA, Credit Risk - AIRB - RWA - Specialized Lending - Slotting Approach
BA, Credit Risk - Total IRB - RWA - Specialized Lending - Slotting Approach
BA, Credit Risk - Std. & IRB - RWA - Specialized Lending - Slotting Approach
BA, Credit Risk - FIRB - EAD - Specialized Lending - Slotting Approach
BA, Credit Risk - AIRB - EAD - Specialized Lending - Slotting Approach
BA, Credit Risk - Total IRB - EAD - Specialized Lending - Slotting Approach
BA, Credit Risk - Std. & IRB - EAD - Specialized Lending - Slotting Approach
BA, Credit Risk - Std. - RWA - Regulatory Retail - Transactors
BA, Credit Risk - AIRB - RWA - Regulatory Retail - Transactors
BA, Credit Risk - Total IRB - RWA - Regulatory Retail - Transactors
BA, Credit Risk - Std. & IRB - RWA - Regulatory Retail - Transactors
BA, Credit Risk - Std. - EAD - Regulatory Retail - Transactors
BA, Credit Risk - AIRB - EAD - Regulatory Retail - Transactors
BA, Credit Risk - Total IRB - EAD - Regulatory Retail - Transactors
BA, Credit Risk - Std. & IRB - EAD - Regulatory Retail - Transactors
BA, Credit Risk - Std. - RWA - Regulatory Retail - Revolvers
BA, Credit Risk - AIRB - RWA - Regulatory Retail - Revolvers
BA, Credit Risk - Total IRB - RWA - Regulatory Retail - Revolvers
BA, Credit Risk - Std. & IRB - RWA - Regulatory Retail - Revolvers
BA, Credit Risk - Std. - EAD - Regulatory Retail - Revolvers
BA, Credit Risk - AIRB - EAD - Regulatory Retail - Revolvers
BA, Credit Risk - Total IRB - EAD - Regulatory Retail - Revolvers
BA, Credit Risk - Std. & IRB - EAD - Regulatory Retail - Revolvers
BA, Credit Risk - Std. - RWA - Regulatory Retail - Indirect Auto
BA, Credit Risk - AIRB - RWA - Regulatory Retail - Indirect Auto
BA, Credit Risk - Total IRB - RWA - Regulatory Retail - Indirect Auto
BA, Credit Risk - Std. & IRB - RWA - Regulatory Retail - Indirect Auto
BA, Credit Risk - Std. - EAD - Regulatory Retail - Indirect Auto
BA, Credit Risk - AIRB - EAD - Regulatory Retail - Indirect Auto
BA, Credit Risk - Total IRB - EAD - Regulatory Retail - Indirect Auto
BA, Credit Risk - Std. & IRB - EAD - Regulatory Retail - Indirect Auto
BA, Credit Risk - Std. - EAD - SBEs treated as Regulatory Retail
BA, Credit Risk - Total IRB - EAD - SBEs treated as Regulatory Retail
BA, Credit Risk - Std. & IRB - EAD - SBEs treated as Regulatory Retail
BA, Credit Risk - Std. - RWA - Regulatory Retail - All Other Exposures
BA, Credit Risk - AIRB - RWA - Regulatory Retail - All Other Exposures
BA, Credit Risk - Total IRB - RWA - Regulatory Retail - All Other Exposures
BA, Credit Risk - Std. & IRB - RWA - Regulatory Retail - All Other Exposures
BA, Credit Risk - Std. - EAD - Regulatory Retail - All Other Exposures
BA, Credit Risk - AIRB - EAD - Regulatory Retail - All Other Exposures
BA, Credit Risk - Total IRB - EAD - Regulatory Retail - All Other Exposures
BA, Credit Risk - Std. & IRB - EAD - Regulatory Retail - All Other Exposures
BA, Credit Risk - Std. - RWA - Non-regulatory Retail
BA, Credit Risk - AIRB - RWA - Non-regulatory Retail
BA, Credit Risk - Total IRB - RWA - Non-regulatory Retail
BA, Credit Risk - Std. & IRB - RWA - Non-regulatory Retail
BA, Credit Risk - Std. - EAD - Non-regulatory Retail
BA, Credit Risk - AIRB - EAD - Non-regulatory Retail
BA, Credit Risk - Total IRB - EAD - Non-regulatory Retail
BA, Credit Risk - Std. & IRB - EAD - Non-regulatory Retail
BA, Credit Risk - Std. - RWA - General Residential real estate excl. HELOCs
BA, Credit Risk - FIRB - RWA - General Residential real estate excl. HELOCs
BA, Credit Risk - AIRB - RWA - General Residential real estate excl. HELOCs
BA, Credit Risk - Total IRB - RWA - General Residential real estate excl. HELOCs
BA, Credit Risk - Std. & IRB - RWA - General Residential real estate excl. HELOCs
BA, Credit Risk - Std. - EAD - General Residential real estate excl. HELOCs
BA, Credit Risk - FIRB - EAD - General Residential real estate excl. HELOCs
BA, Credit Risk - AIRB - EAD - General Residential real estate excl. HELOCs
BA, Credit Risk - Total IRB - EAD - General Residential real estate excl. HELOCs
BA, Credit Risk - Std. & IRB - EAD - General Residential real estate excl. HELOCs
BA, Credit Risk - Std. - RWA - General HELOCs
BA, Credit Risk - FIRB - RWA - General HELOCs
BA, Credit Risk - AIRB - RWA - General HELOCs
BA, Credit Risk - Total IRB - RWA - General HELOCs
BA, Credit Risk - Std. & IRB - RWA - General HELOCs
BA, Credit Risk - Std. - EAD - General HELOCs
BA, Credit Risk - FIRB - EAD - General HELOCs
BA, Credit Risk - AIRB - EAD - General HELOCs
BA, Credit Risk - Total IRB - EAD - General HELOCs
BA, Credit Risk - Std. & IRB - EAD - General HELOCs
BA, Credit Risk - Std. - RWA - Income-Producing Residential Real Estate excl. HELOCs
BA, Credit Risk - FIRB - RWA - Income-Producing Residential Real Estate excl. HELOCs
BA, Credit Risk - AIRB - RWA - Income-Producing Residential Real Estate excl. HELOCs
BA, Credit Risk - Total IRB - RWA - Income-Producing Residential Real Estate excl. HELOCs
BA, Credit Risk - Std. & IRB - RWA - Income-Producing Residential Real Estate excl. HELOCs
BA, Credit Risk - Std. - EAD - Income-Producing Residential Real Estate excl. HELOCs
BA, Credit Risk - FIRB - EAD - Income-Producing Residential Real Estate excl. HELOCs
BA, Credit Risk - AIRB - EAD - Income-Producing Residential Real Estate excl. HELOCs
BA, Credit Risk - Total IRB - EAD - Income-Producing Residential Real Estate excl. HELOCs
BA, Credit Risk - Std. & IRB - EAD - Income-Producing Residential Real Estate excl. HELOCs
BA, Credit Risk - Std. - RWA - Regulatory Retail - Income-Producing HELOCs
BA, Credit Risk - AIRB - RWA - Regulatory Retail - Income-Producing HELOCs
BA, Credit Risk - Total IRB - RWA - Regulatory Retail - Income-Producing HELOCs
BA, Credit Risk - Std. & IRB - RWA - Regulatory Retail - Income-Producing HELOCs
BA, Credit Risk - Std. - EAD - Regulatory Retail - Income-Producing HELOCs
BA, Credit Risk - AIRB - EAD - Regulatory Retail - Income-Producing HELOCs
BA, Credit Risk - Total IRB - EAD - Regulatory Retail - Income-Producing HELOCs
BA, Credit Risk - Std. & IRB - EAD - Regulatory Retail - Income-Producing HELOCs
BA, Credit Risk - Std. - RWA - Residential Real Estate Exposures that do not meet expectations related to B-20 (Mortgages)
BA, Credit Risk - FIRB - RWA - Residential Real Estate Exposures that do not meet expectations related to B-20 (Mortgages)
BA, Credit Risk - AIRB - RWA - Residential Real Estate Exposures that do not meet expectations related to B-20 (Mortgages)
BA, Credit Risk - Total IRB - RWA - Residential Real Estate Exposures that do not meet expectations related to B-20 (Mortgages)
BA, Credit Risk - Std. & IRB - RWA - Residential Real Estate Exposures that do not meet expectations related to B-20 (Mortgages)
BA, Credit Risk - Std. - EAD - Residential Real Estate Exposures that do not meet expectations related to B-20 (Mortgages)
BA, Credit Risk - FIRB - EAD - Residential Real Estate Exposures that do not meet expectations related to B-20 (Mortgages)
BA, Credit Risk - AIRB - EAD - Residential Real Estate Exposures that do not meet expectations related to B-20 (Mortgages)
BA, Credit Risk - Total IRB - EAD - Residential Real Estate Exposures that do not meet expectations related to B-20 (Mortgages)
BA, Credit Risk - Std. & IRB - EAD - Residential Real Estate Exposures that do not meet expectations related to B-20 (Mortgages)
BA, Credit Risk - Std. - RWA - Residential Real Estate Exposures that do not meet expectations related to B-20 (HELOCs)
BA, Credit Risk - FIRB - RWA - Residential Real Estate Exposures that do not meet expectations related to B-20 (HELOCs)
BA, Credit Risk - AIRB - RWA - Residential Real Estate Exposures that do not meet expectations related to B-20 (HELOCs)
BA, Credit Risk - Total IRB - RWA - Residential Real Estate Exposures that do not meet expectations related to B-20 (HELOCs)
BA, Credit Risk - Std. & IRB - RWA - Residential Real Estate Exposures that do not meet expectations related to B-20 (HELOCs)
BA, Credit Risk - Std. - EAD - Residential Real Estate Exposures that do not meet expectations related to B-20 (HELOCs)
BA, Credit Risk - FIRB - EAD - Residential Real Estate Exposures that do not meet expectations related to B-20 (HELOCs)
BA, Credit Risk - AIRB - EAD - Residential Real Estate Exposures that do not meet expectations related to B-20 (HELOCs)
BA, Credit Risk - Total IRB - EAD - Residential Real Estate Exposures that do not meet expectations related to B-20 (HELOCs)
BA, Credit Risk - Std. & IRB - EAD - Residential Real Estate Exposures that do not meet expectations related to B-20 (HELOCs)
BA, Credit Risk - Std. - RWA - General CRE
BA, Credit Risk - FIRB - RWA - General CRE
BA, Credit Risk - AIRB - RWA - General CRE
BA, Credit Risk - Total IRB - RWA - General CRE
BA, Credit Risk - Std. & IRB - RWA - General CRE
BA, Credit Risk - Std. - EAD - General CRE
BA, Credit Risk - FIRB - EAD - General CRE
BA, Credit Risk - AIRB - EAD - General CRE
BA, Credit Risk - Total IRB - EAD - General CRE
BA, Credit Risk - Std. & IRB - EAD - General CRE
BA, Credit Risk - Std. - RWA - income-Producing CRE
BA, Credit Risk - FIRB - RWA - income-Producing CRE
BA, Credit Risk - AIRB - RWA - income-Producing CRE
BA, Credit Risk - Total IRB - RWA - income-Producing CRE
BA, Credit Risk - Std. & IRB - RWA - income-Producing CRE
BA, Credit Risk - Std. - EAD - income-Producing CRE
BA, Credit Risk - FIRB - EAD - income-Producing CRE
BA, Credit Risk - AIRB - EAD - income-Producing CRE
BA, Credit Risk - Total IRB - EAD - income-Producing CRE
BA, Credit Risk - Std. & IRB - EAD - income-Producing CRE
BA, Credit Risk - Std. - RWA - Land ADC
BA, Credit Risk - FIRB - RWA - Land ADC
BA, Credit Risk - AIRB - RWA - Land ADC
BA, Credit Risk - Total IRB - RWA - Land ADC
BA, Credit Risk - Std. & IRB - RWA - Land ADC
BA, Credit Risk - Std. - EAD - Land ADC
BA, Credit Risk - FIRB - EAD - Land ADC
BA, Credit Risk - AIRB - EAD - Land ADC
BA, Credit Risk - Total IRB - EAD - Land ADC
BA, Credit Risk - Std. & IRB - EAD - Land ADC
BA, Credit Risk - Std. - RWA - Reverse Mortgages
BA, Credit Risk - Std. & IRB - RWA - Reverse Mortgages
BA, Credit Risk - Std. - EAD - Reverse Mortgages
BA, Credit Risk - Std. & IRB - EAD - Reverse Mortgages
BA, Credit Risk - Std. - RWA - MBS
BA, Credit Risk - Std. & IRB - RWA - MBS
BA, Credit Risk - Std. - EAD - MBS
BA, Credit Risk - Std. & IRB - EAD - MBS
BA, Credit Risk - Std. - RWA - Subordinated debt, equity and other financial instruments
BA, Credit Risk - Std. & IRB - RWA - Subordinated debt, equity and other financial instruments
BA, Credit Risk - Std. - EAD - Subordinated debt, equity and other financial instruments
BA, Credit Risk - Std. & IRB - EAD - Subordinated debt, equity and other financial instruments
BA, Credit Risk - Std. - RWA - Equity Investment in Funds
BA, Credit Risk - FIRB - RWA - Equity Investment in Funds
BA, Credit Risk - AIRB - RWA - Equity Investment in Funds
BA, Credit Risk - Total IRB - RWA - Equity Investment in Funds
BA, Credit Risk - Std. & IRB - RWA - Equity Investment in Funds
BA, Credit Risk - Std. - EAD - Equity Investment in Funds
BA, Credit Risk - FIRB - EAD - Equity Investment in Funds
BA, Credit Risk - AIRB - EAD - Equity Investment in Funds
BA, Credit Risk - Total IRB - EAD - Equity Investment in Funds
BA, Credit Risk - Std. & IRB - EAD - Equity Investment in Funds
BA, Credit Risk - Std. - RWA - CCP
BA, Credit Risk - Std. & IRB - RWA - CCP
BA, Credit Risk - Std. - EAD - CCP
BA, Credit Risk - Std. & IRB - EAD - CCP
BA, Credit Risk - Std. - RWA - CVA
BA, Credit Risk - Std. & IRB - RWA - CVA
BA, Credit Risk - Std. - RWA - Other credit risk-weighted assets
BA, Credit Risk - Std. & IRB - RWA - Other credit risk-weighted assets
BA, Credit Risk - Std. - EAD - Other credit risk-weighted assets
BA, Credit Risk - Std. & IRB - EAD - Other credit risk-weighted assets
BA, Credit Risk - Std. - EAD - Securitizations
BA, Credit Risk - Total IRB - EAD - Securitizations
BA, Credit Risk - Std. & IRB - EAD - Securitizations
BA, Credit Risk - Std. - EAD - Counterparty Credit Risk of Trading Book Exposures
BA, Credit Risk - FIRB - EAD - Counterparty Credit Risk of Trading Book Exposures
BA, Credit Risk - AIRB - EAD - Counterparty Credit Risk of Trading Book Exposures
BA, Credit Risk - Total IRB - EAD - Counterparty Credit Risk of Trading Book Exposures
BA, Credit Risk - Std. & IRB - EAD - Counterparty Credit Risk of Trading Book Exposures
BA, Credit Risk - Std. - EAD - Subtotal
BA, Credit Risk - Total IRB - EAD - Subtotal
BA, Credit Risk - FIRB - EAD - Sovereign
BA, Credit Risk - Std. - EAD - Sovereign
BA, Credit Risk - AIRB - EAD - Sovereign
BA, Credit Risk - Total IRB - EAD - Sovereign
BA, Credit Risk - Std. & IRB - EAD - Sovereign
BA, Credit Risk - Std. - RWA - PSEs
BA, Credit Risk - FIRB - RWA - PSEs
BA, Credit Risk - AIRB - RWA - PSEs
BA, Credit Risk - Total IRB - RWA - PSEs
BA, Credit Risk - Std. & IRB - RWA - PSEs
BA, Credit Risk - Std. - EAD - PSEs
BA, Credit Risk - FIRB - EAD - PSEs
BA, Credit Risk - AIRB - EAD - PSEs
BA, Credit Risk - Total IRB - EAD - PSEs
BA, Credit Risk - Std. & IRB - EAD - PSEs
BA, Credit Risk - Std. - RWA - MDBs
BA, Credit Risk - FIRB - RWA - MDBs
BA, Credit Risk - AIRB - RWA - MDBs
BA, Credit Risk - Total IRB - RWA - MDBs
BA, Credit Risk - Std. & IRB - RWA - MDBs
BA, Credit Risk - Std. - EAD - MDBs
BA, Credit Risk - FIRB - EAD - MDBs
BA, Credit Risk - AIRB - EAD - MDBs
BA, Credit Risk - Total IRB - EAD - MDBs
BA, Credit Risk - Std. & IRB - EAD - MDBs
BA, Credit Risk - Std. - EAD - Banks excluding covered bonds
BA, Credit Risk - FIRB - EAD - Banks excluding covered bonds
BA, Credit Risk - Total IRB - EAD - Banks excluding covered bonds
BA, Credit Risk - Std. & IRB - EAD - Banks excluding covered bonds
BA, Credit Risk - Std. - RWA - Covered bonds
BA, Credit Risk - FIRB - RWA - Covered bonds
BA, Credit Risk - Total IRB - RWA - Covered bonds
BA, Credit Risk - Std. & IRB - RWA - Covered bonds
BA, Credit Risk - Std. - EAD - Covered bonds
BA, Credit Risk - FIRB - EAD - Covered bonds
BA, Credit Risk - Total IRB - EAD - Covered bonds
BA, Credit Risk - Std. & IRB - EAD - Covered bonds
BA, Credit Risk - Std. - RWA - Securities Firms and Other Financial Institutions Treated as Bank
BA, Credit Risk - FIRB - RWA - Securities Firms and Other Financial Institutions Treated as Bank
BA, Credit Risk - Total IRB - RWA - Securities Firms and Other Financial Institutions Treated as Bank
BA, Credit Risk - Std. & IRB - RWA - Securities Firms and Other Financial Institutions Treated as Bank
BA, Credit Risk - Std. - EAD - Securities Firms and Other Financial Institutions Treated as Bank
BA, Credit Risk - FIRB - EAD - Securities Firms and Other Financial Institutions Treated as Bank
BA, Credit Risk - Total IRB - EAD - Securities Firms and Other Financial Institutions Treated as Bank
BA, Credit Risk - Std. & IRB - EAD - Securities Firms and Other Financial Institutions Treated as Bank
BA, Credit Risk - Std. - RWA - Large Corporate
BA, Credit Risk - FIRB - RWA - Large Corporate
BA, Credit Risk - Total IRB - RWA - Large Corporate
BA, Credit Risk - Std. & IRB - RWA - Large Corporate
BA, Credit Risk - Std. - EAD - Large Corporate
BA, Credit Risk - FIRB - EAD - Large Corporate
BA, Credit Risk - Total IRB - EAD - Large Corporate
BA, Credit Risk - Std. & IRB - EAD - Large Corporate
BA, Credit Risk - Std. - RWA - Mid-sized Corporate
BA, Credit Risk - FIRB - RWA - Mid-sized Corporate
BA, Credit Risk - AIRB - RWA - Mid-sized Corporate
BA, Credit Risk - Total IRB - RWA - Mid-sized Corporate
BA, Credit Risk - Std. & IRB - RWA - Mid-sized Corporate
BA, Credit Risk - Std. - EAD - Mid-sized Corporate
BA, Credit Risk - FIRB - EAD - Mid-sized Corporate
BA, Credit Risk - AIRB - EAD - Mid-sized Corporate
BA, Credit Risk - Total IRB - EAD - Mid-sized Corporate
BA, Credit Risk - Std. & IRB - EAD - Mid-sized Corporate
BA, Credit Risk - Std. - RWA - SMEs treated as Corporate
BA, Credit Risk - Std. - EAD - SMEs treated as Corporate
BA, Credit Risk - FIRB - EAD - SMEs treated as Corporate
BA, Credit Risk - AIRB - EAD - SMEs treated as Corporate
BA, Credit Risk - Total IRB - EAD - SMEs treated as Corporate
BA, Credit Risk - Std. & IRB - EAD - SMEs treated as Corporate
BA, Credit Risk - Std. - RWA - Corporate
BA, Credit Risk - FIRB - RWA - Corporate
BA, Credit Risk - Total IRB - RWA - Corporate
BA, Credit Risk - Std. & IRB - RWA - Corporate
BA, Credit Risk - Std. - EAD - Corporate
BA, Credit Risk - FIRB - EAD - Corporate
BA, Credit Risk - AIRB - EAD - Corporate
BA, Credit Risk - Total IRB - EAD - Corporate
BA, Credit Risk - Std. & IRB - EAD - Corporate
BA, Credit Risk - Std. - RWA - Specialized Lending
BA, Credit Risk - Std. & IRB - RWA - Specialized Lending
BA, Credit Risk - Std. - EAD - Specialized Lending
BA, Credit Risk - Std. & IRB - EAD - Specialized Lending
BA, Credit Risk - FIRB - RWA - Specialized Lending - Project financing
BA, Credit Risk - AIRB - RWA - Specialized Lending - Project financing
BA, Credit Risk - Total IRB - RWA - Specialized Lending - Project financing
BA, Credit Risk - Std. & IRB - RWA - Specialized Lending - Project financing
BA, Credit Risk - FIRB - EAD - Specialized Lending - Project financing
BA, Credit Risk - AIRB - EAD - Specialized Lending - Project financing
BA, Credit Risk - Total IRB - EAD - Specialized Lending - Project financing
BA, Credit Risk - Std. & IRB - EAD - Specialized Lending - Project financing
BA, Credit Risk - AIRB - RWA - Specialized Lending - Object financing
BA, Credit Risk - Total IRB - RWA - Specialized Lending - Object financing
BA, Credit Risk - Std. & IRB - RWA - Specialized Lending - Object financing
BA, Credit Risk - FIRB - EAD - Specialized Lending - Object financing
BA, Credit Risk - FIRB - RWA - Specialized Lending - Object financing
BA, Credit Risk - AIRB - EAD - Specialized Lending - Object financing
BA, Credit Risk - Total IRB - EAD - Specialized Lending - Object financing
BA, Credit Risk - Std. & IRB - EAD - Specialized Lending - Object financing
BA, Credit Risk - FIRB - RWA - SBEs treated as Regulatory Retail
BA, Credit Risk - AIRB - RWA - SBEs treated as Regulatory Retail
BA, Credit Risk - FIRB - EAD - SBEs treated as Regulatory Retail
BA, Credit Risk - AIRB - EAD - SBEs treated as Regulatory Retail
BA, Op Risk - Capital charge - simplified standardized approach
BA, Total output floor risk-weighted assets
BA, Other Inputs to the floor calculation, Allowances eligible for inclusion in Tier 2 Capital under the floor
BA, Output Floor Summary, Floor adjustment Factor
BA, Output Floor Summary, RWA Floor Adjustment
BA, Output Floor risk-weighted assets for: Credit Risk, Sovereign, Net Exposure (After CRM)
BA, Capital Floor risk-weighted assets for: Credit Risk (by original obligor, after CRM), Other Retail, Net Exposure (After CRM)
BA, Capital Floor risk-weighted assets for: Credit Risk (by original obligor, after CRM), SBEs treated as Regulatory-Retail, Net Exposure (After CRM)
BA, Capital Floor risk-weighted assets for: Credit Risk (by original obligor, after CRM), Counterparty Credit Risk of Trading Book Exposures , Net Exposure (After CRM)
BA, Output Floor risk-weighted assets for: Credit Risk, Securitizations, Net Exposure (After CRM)
BA, Output Floor risk-weighted assets for: Credit Risk, Market Risk, RWA
BA, Output Floor risk-weighted assets for: Credit Risk, Sovereign, RWA
BA, Capital Floor risk-weighted assets for: Credit Risk (by original obligor, after CRM), Other Retail, RWA
BA, Capital Floor risk-weighted assets for: Credit Risk (by original obligor, after CRM), SBEs treated as Regulatory-Retail, RWA
BA, Capital Floor risk-weighted assets for: Credit Risk (by original obligor, after CRM), Counterparty Credit Risk of Trading Book Exposures , RWA
BA, Output Floor risk-weighted assets for: Credit Risk, Securitizations, RWA
BA, Other Inputs to the floor calculation, Before-floor allowances in Capital net of EL-shortfall deduction
BA, Other Inputs to the floor calculation, Before-floor RWA
BA, Memo: Capital floor credit risk-weighted assets by ultimate guarantor, Credit Risk (by ultimate guarantor, after CRM), Large Corporate, Net Exposure (After CRM)
BA, Memo: Capital floor credit risk-weighted assets by ultimate guarantor, Credit Risk (by ultimate guarantor, after CRM), Bank excluding covered bonds, Net Exposure (After CRM)
BA, Memo: Capital floor credit risk-weighted assets by ultimate guarantor, Credit Risk (by ultimate guarantor, after CRM), General Residential Real Estate, excl. HELOCs, Net Exposure (After CRM)
BA, Memo: Capital floor credit risk-weighted assets by ultimate guarantor, Credit Risk (by ultimate guarantor, after CRM), Non-regulatory Retail, Net Exposure (After CRM)
BA, Memo: Capital floor credit risk-weighted assets by ultimate guarantor, Credit Risk (by ultimate guarantor, after CRM), SBEs treated as Regulatory-Retail, Net Exposure (After CRM)
BA, Memo: Capital floor credit risk-weighted assets by ultimate guarantor, Credit Risk (by ultimate guarantor, after CRM), Counterparty Credit Risk of Trading Book Exposures, Net Exposure (After CRM)
BA, Memo: Capital floor credit risk-weighted assets by ultimate guarantor, Credit Risk (by ultimate guarantor, after CRM), Large Corporate, RWA
BA, Memo: Capital floor credit risk-weighted assets by ultimate guarantor, Credit Risk (by ultimate guarantor, after CRM), Bank excluding covered bonds, RWA
BA, Memo: Capital floor credit risk-weighted assets by ultimate guarantor, Credit Risk (by ultimate guarantor, after CRM), General Residential Real Estate, excl. HELOCs, RWA
BA, Memo: Capital floor credit risk-weighted assets by ultimate guarantor, Credit Risk (by ultimate guarantor, after CRM), Non-regulatory Retail, RWA
BA, Memo: Capital floor credit risk-weighted assets by ultimate guarantor, Credit Risk (by ultimate guarantor, after CRM), SBEs treated as Regulatory-Retail, RWA
BA, Memo: Capital floor credit risk-weighted assets by ultimate guarantor, Credit Risk (by ultimate guarantor, after CRM), Counterparty Credit Risk of Trading Book Exposures, RWA
BA, Capital Floor risk-weighted assets for: Credit Risk (by original obligor, after CRM), PSEs, Net Exposure (After CRM)
BA, Capital Floor risk-weighted assets for: Credit Risk (by original obligor, after CRM), PSEs, RWA
BA, Capital Floor risk-weighted assets for: Credit Risk (by original obligor, after CRM), MDBs, Net Exposure (After CRM)
BA, Capital Floor risk-weighted assets for: Credit Risk (by original obligor, after CRM), MDBs, RWA
BA, Capital Floor risk-weighted assets for: Credit Risk (by original obligor, after CRM), Bank excluding covered bonds, Net Exposure (After CRM)
BA, Capital Floor risk-weighted assets for: Credit Risk (by original obligor, after CRM), Bank excluding covered bonds, RWA
BA, Capital Floor risk-weighted assets for: Credit Risk (by original obligor, after CRM), Covered Bonds, Net Exposure (After CRM)
BA, Capital Floor risk-weighted assets for: Credit Risk (by original obligor, after CRM), Covered Bonds, RWA
BA, Capital Floor risk-weighted assets for: Credit Risk (by original obligor, after CRM), Securities Firms and Other Financial Institutions treated as Bank, Net Exposure (After CRM)
BA, Capital Floor risk-weighted assets for: Credit Risk (by original obligor, after CRM), Securities Firms and Other Financial Institutions treated as Bank, RWA
BA, Capital Floor risk-weighted assets for: Credit Risk (by original obligor, after CRM), Large Corporate, Net Exposure (After CRM)
BA, Capital Floor risk-weighted assets for: Credit Risk (by original obligor, after CRM), Large Corporate, RWA
BA, Capital Floor risk-weighted assets for: Credit Risk (by original obligor, after CRM), Mid-sized Corporate, Net Exposure (After CRM)
BA, Capital Floor risk-weighted assets for: Credit Risk (by original obligor, after CRM), Mid-sized Corporate, RWA
BA, Capital Floor risk-weighted assets for: Credit Risk (by original obligor, after CRM), SMEs Treated as Corporate, Net Exposure (After CRM)
BA, Capital Floor risk-weighted assets for: Credit Risk (by original obligor, after CRM), SMEs Treated as Corporate, RWA
BA, Capital Floor risk-weighted assets for: Credit Risk (by original obligor, after CRM), Securities Firms and Other Financial Institutions treated as Corporate, Net Exposure (After CRM)
BA, Capital Floor risk-weighted assets for: Credit Risk (by original obligor, after CRM), Securities Firms and Other Financial Institutions treated as Corporate, RWA
BA, Capital Floor risk-weighted assets for: Credit Risk (by original obligor, after CRM), Specialized Lending, Net Exposure (After CRM)
BA, Capital Floor risk-weighted assets for: Credit Risk (by original obligor, after CRM), Specialized Lending, RWA
BA, Capital Floor risk-weighted assets for: Credit Risk (by original obligor, after CRM), Specialized Lending - Project financing, Net Exposure (After CRM)
BA, Capital Floor risk-weighted assets for: Credit Risk (by original obligor, after CRM), Specialized Lending - Project financing, RWA
BA, Capital Floor risk-weighted assets for: Credit Risk (by original obligor, after CRM), Specialized Lending - Object financing, Net Exposure (After CRM)
BA, Capital Floor risk-weighted assets for: Credit Risk (by original obligor, after CRM), Specialized Lending - Object financing, RWA
BA, Capital Floor risk-weighted assets for: Credit Risk (by original obligor, after CRM), Specialized Lending - Commodity financing, Net Exposure (After CRM)
BA, Capital Floor risk-weighted assets for: Credit Risk (by original obligor, after CRM), Specialized Lending - Commodity financing, RWA
BA, Capital Floor risk-weighted assets for: Credit Risk (by original obligor, after CRM), Specialized Lending - HVCRE including ADC, Net Exposure (After CRM)
BA, Capital Floor risk-weighted assets for: Credit Risk (by original obligor, after CRM), Specialized Lending - HVCRE including ADC, RWA
BA, Capital Floor risk-weighted assets for: Credit Risk (by original obligor, after CRM), Specialized Lending - Slotting Approach, Net Exposure (After CRM)
BA, Capital Floor risk-weighted assets for: Credit Risk (by original obligor, after CRM), Specialized Lending - Slotting Approach, RWA
BA, Capital Floor risk-weighted assets for: Credit Risk (by original obligor, after CRM), Regulatory Retail - Transactors, Net Exposure (After CRM)
BA, Capital Floor risk-weighted assets for: Credit Risk (by original obligor, after CRM), Regulatory Retail - Transactors, RWA
BA, Capital Floor risk-weighted assets for: Credit Risk (by original obligor, after CRM), Regulatory Retail - Revolvers, Net Exposure (After CRM)
BA, Capital Floor risk-weighted assets for: Credit Risk (by original obligor, after CRM), Regulatory Retail - Revolvers, RWA
BA, Capital Floor risk-weighted assets for: Credit Risk (by original obligor, after CRM), Regulatory Retail - Indirect Auto, Net Exposure (After CRM)
BA, Capital Floor risk-weighted assets for: Credit Risk (by original obligor, after CRM), Regulatory Retail - Indirect Auto, RWA
BA, Capital Floor risk-weighted assets for: Credit Risk (by original obligor, after CRM), Regulatory Retail - All Other Exposures, Net Exposure (After CRM)
BA, Capital Floor risk-weighted assets for: Credit Risk (by original obligor, after CRM), Regulatory Retail - All Other Exposures, RWA
BA, Capital Floor risk-weighted assets for: Credit Risk (by original obligor, after CRM), General Residential Real Estate, excl. HELOCs, Net Exposure (After CRM)
BA, Capital Floor risk-weighted assets for: Credit Risk (by original obligor, after CRM), General Residential Real Estate, excl. HELOCs, RWA
BA, Capital Floor risk-weighted assets for: Credit Risk (by original obligor, after CRM), General HELOCs, Net Exposure (After CRM)
BA, Capital Floor risk-weighted assets for: Credit Risk (by original obligor, after CRM), General HELOCs, RWA
BA, Capital Floor risk-weighted assets for: Credit Risk (by original obligor, after CRM), Income-Producing Residential Real Estate, Net Exposure (After CRM)
BA, Capital Floor risk-weighted assets for: Credit Risk (by original obligor, after CRM), Income-Producing Residential Real Estate, RWA
BA, Capital Floor risk-weighted assets for: Credit Risk (by original obligor, after CRM), Income-Producing HELOC, Net Exposure (After CRM)
BA, Capital Floor risk-weighted assets for: Credit Risk (by original obligor, after CRM), Income-Producing HELOC, RWA
BA, Capital Floor risk-weighted assets for: Credit Risk (by original obligor, after CRM), Residential Real Estate Exposures that do not meet expectations related to B-20 (Mortgages), Net Exposure (After CRM)
BA, Capital Floor risk-weighted assets for: Credit Risk (by original obligor, after CRM), Residential Real Estate Exposures that do not meet expectations related to B-20 (Mortgages), RWA
BA, Capital Floor risk-weighted assets for: Credit Risk (by original obligor, after CRM), Residential Real Estate Exposures that do not meet expectations related to B-20 (HELOCs), Net Exposure (After CRM)
BA, Capital Floor risk-weighted assets for: Credit Risk (by original obligor, after CRM), Residential Real Estate Exposures that do not meet expectations related to B-20 (HELOCs), RWA
BA, Capital Floor risk-weighted assets for: Credit Risk (by original obligor, after CRM), General CRE, Net Exposure (After CRM)
BA, Capital Floor risk-weighted assets for: Credit Risk (by original obligor, after CRM), General CRE, RWA
BA, Capital Floor risk-weighted assets for: Credit Risk (by original obligor, after CRM), Income-Producing CRE, Net Exposure (After CRM)
BA, Capital Floor risk-weighted assets for: Credit Risk (by original obligor, after CRM), Income-Producing CRE, RWA
BA, Capital Floor risk-weighted assets for: Credit Risk (by original obligor, after CRM), Land ADC, Net Exposure (After CRM)
BA, Capital Floor risk-weighted assets for: Credit Risk (by original obligor, after CRM), Land ADC, RWA
BA, Capital Floor risk-weighted assets for: Credit Risk (by original obligor, after CRM), Reverse Mortgages, Net Exposure (After CRM)
BA, Capital Floor risk-weighted assets for: Credit Risk (by original obligor, after CRM), Reverse Mortgages, RWA
BA, Capital Floor risk-weighted assets for: Credit Risk (by original obligor, after CRM), MBS, Net Exposure (After CRM)
BA, Capital Floor risk-weighted assets for: Credit Risk (by original obligor, after CRM), MBS, RWA
BA, Capital Floor risk-weighted assets for: Credit Risk (by original obligor, after CRM), Subordinated Debt, Equity and Other Capital Instruments, Net Exposure (After CRM)
BA, Capital Floor risk-weighted assets for: Credit Risk (by original obligor, after CRM), Subordinated Debt, Equity and Other Capital Instruments, RWA
BA, Capital Floor risk-weighted assets for: Credit Risk (by original obligor, after CRM), Equity Investments in Funds, Net Exposure (After CRM)
BA, Capital Floor risk-weighted assets for: Credit Risk (by original obligor, after CRM), Equity Investments in Funds, RWA
BA, Capital Floor risk-weighted assets for: Credit Risk (by original obligor, after CRM), CCP, Net Exposure (After CRM)
BA, Capital Floor risk-weighted assets for: Credit Risk (by original obligor, after CRM), CCP, RWA
BA, Capital Floor risk-weighted assets for: Credit Risk (by original obligor, after CRM), CVA, RWA
BA, Capital Floor risk-weighted assets for: Credit Risk (by original obligor, after CRM), Other Credit Risk-Weighted Assets, RWA
BA, Capital Floor risk-weighted assets for: Operational Risk, RWA
BA, Memo: Capital floor credit risk-weighted assets by ultimate guarantor, Credit Risk (by ultimate guarantor, after CRM), PSEs, Net Exposure (After CRM)
BA, Memo: Capital floor credit risk-weighted assets by ultimate guarantor, Credit Risk (by ultimate guarantor, after CRM), PSEs, RWA
BA, Memo: Capital floor credit risk-weighted assets by ultimate guarantor, Credit Risk (by ultimate guarantor, after CRM), MDBs, Net Exposure (After CRM)
BA, Memo: Capital floor credit risk-weighted assets by ultimate guarantor, Credit Risk (by ultimate guarantor, after CRM), MDBs, RWA
BA, Memo: Capital floor credit risk-weighted assets by ultimate guarantor, Credit Risk (by ultimate guarantor, after CRM), Covered Bonds, Net Exposure (After CRM)
BA, Memo: Capital floor credit risk-weighted assets by ultimate guarantor, Credit Risk (by ultimate guarantor, after CRM), Covered Bonds, RWA
BA, Memo: Capital floor credit risk-weighted assets by ultimate guarantor, Credit Risk (by ultimate guarantor, after CRM), Securities Firms and Other Financial Institutions Treated as Bank, Net Exposure (After CRM)
BA, Memo: Capital floor credit risk-weighted assets by ultimate guarantor, Credit Risk (by ultimate guarantor, after CRM), Securities Firms and Other Financial Institutions Treated as Bank, RWA
BA, Memo: Capital floor credit risk-weighted assets by ultimate guarantor, Credit Risk (by ultimate guarantor, after CRM), Mid-sized Corporate, Net Exposure (After CRM)
BA, Memo: Capital floor credit risk-weighted assets by ultimate guarantor, Credit Risk (by ultimate guarantor, after CRM), Mid-sized Corporate, RWA
BA, Memo: Capital floor credit risk-weighted assets by ultimate guarantor, Credit Risk (by ultimate guarantor, after CRM), SMEs Treated as Corporate, Net Exposure (After CRM)
BA, Memo: Capital floor credit risk-weighted assets by ultimate guarantor, Credit Risk (by ultimate guarantor, after CRM), SMEs Treated as Corporate, RWA
BA, Memo: Capital floor credit risk-weighted assets by ultimate guarantor, Credit Risk (by ultimate guarantor, after CRM), Securities Firms and Other Financial Institutions treated as Corporate, Net Exposure (After CRM)
BA, Memo: Capital floor credit risk-weighted assets by ultimate guarantor, Credit Risk (by ultimate guarantor, after CRM), Securities Firms and Other Financial Institutions treated as Corporate, RWA
BA, Memo: Capital floor credit risk-weighted assets by ultimate guarantor, Credit Risk (by ultimate guarantor, after CRM), Specialized Lending, Net Exposure (After CRM)
BA, Memo: Capital floor credit risk-weighted assets by ultimate guarantor, Credit Risk (by ultimate guarantor, after CRM), Specialized Lending, RWA
BA, Memo: Capital floor credit risk-weighted assets by ultimate guarantor, Credit Risk (by ultimate guarantor, after CRM), Specialized Lending - Project financing, Net Exposure (After CRM)
BA, Memo: Capital floor credit risk-weighted assets by ultimate guarantor, Credit Risk (by ultimate guarantor, after CRM), Specialized Lending - Project financing, RWA
BA, Memo: Capital floor credit risk-weighted assets by ultimate guarantor, Credit Risk (by ultimate guarantor, after CRM), Specialized Lending - Object financing, Net Exposure (After CRM)
BA, Memo: Capital floor credit risk-weighted assets by ultimate guarantor, Credit Risk (by ultimate guarantor, after CRM), Specialized Lending - Object financing, RWA
BA, Memo: Capital floor credit risk-weighted assets by ultimate guarantor, Credit Risk (by ultimate guarantor, after CRM), Specialized Lending - Commodity financing, Net Exposure (After CRM)
BA, Memo: Capital floor credit risk-weighted assets by ultimate guarantor, Credit Risk (by ultimate guarantor, after CRM), Specialized Lending - Commodity financing, RWA
BA, Memo: Capital floor credit risk-weighted assets by ultimate guarantor, Credit Risk (by ultimate guarantor, after CRM), Specialized Lending - HVCRE including ADC, Net Exposure (After CRM)
BA, Memo: Capital floor credit risk-weighted assets by ultimate guarantor, Credit Risk (by ultimate guarantor, after CRM), Specialized Lending - HVCRE including ADC, RWA
BA, Memo: Capital floor credit risk-weighted assets by ultimate guarantor, Credit Risk (by ultimate guarantor, after CRM), Specialized Lending - Slotting Approach, Net Exposure (After CRM)
BA, Memo: Capital floor credit risk-weighted assets by ultimate guarantor, Credit Risk (by ultimate guarantor, after CRM), Specialized Lending - Slotting Approach, RWA
BA, Memo: Capital floor credit risk-weighted assets by ultimate guarantor, Credit Risk (by ultimate guarantor, after CRM), Regulatory Retail - Transactors, Net Exposure (After CRM)
BA, Memo: Capital floor credit risk-weighted assets by ultimate guarantor, Credit Risk (by ultimate guarantor, after CRM), Regulatory Retail - Transactors, RWA
BA, Memo: Capital floor credit risk-weighted assets by ultimate guarantor, Credit Risk (by ultimate guarantor, after CRM), Regulatory Retail - Revolvers, Net Exposure (After CRM)
BA, Memo: Capital floor credit risk-weighted assets by ultimate guarantor, Credit Risk (by ultimate guarantor, after CRM), Regulatory Retail - Revolvers, RWA
BA, Memo: Capital floor credit risk-weighted assets by ultimate guarantor, Credit Risk (by ultimate guarantor, after CRM), Regulatory Retail - Indirect Auto, Net Exposure (After CRM)
BA, Memo: Capital floor credit risk-weighted assets by ultimate guarantor, Credit Risk (by ultimate guarantor, after CRM), Regulatory Retail - Indirect Auto, RWA
BA, Memo: Capital floor credit risk-weighted assets by ultimate guarantor, Credit Risk (by ultimate guarantor, after CRM), Regulatory Retail - All Other Exposures, Net Exposure (After CRM)
BA, Memo: Capital floor credit risk-weighted assets by ultimate guarantor, Credit Risk (by ultimate guarantor, after CRM), Regulatory Retail - All Other Exposures, RWA
BA, Memo: Capital floor credit risk-weighted assets by ultimate guarantor, Credit Risk (by ultimate guarantor, after CRM), General HELOCs, Net Exposure (After CRM)
BA, Memo: Capital floor credit risk-weighted assets by ultimate guarantor, Credit Risk (by ultimate guarantor, after CRM), General HELOCs, RWA
BA, Memo: Capital floor credit risk-weighted assets by ultimate guarantor, Credit Risk (by ultimate guarantor, after CRM), Income-Producing Residential Real Estate, Net Exposure (After CRM)
BA, Memo: Capital floor credit risk-weighted assets by ultimate guarantor, Credit Risk (by ultimate guarantor, after CRM), Income-Producing Residential Real Estate, RWA
BA, Memo: Capital floor credit risk-weighted assets by ultimate guarantor, Credit Risk (by ultimate guarantor, after CRM), Income-Producing HELOCs, Net Exposure (After CRM)
BA, Memo: Capital floor credit risk-weighted assets by ultimate guarantor, Credit Risk (by ultimate guarantor, after CRM), Income-Producing HELOCs, RWA
BA, Memo: Capital floor credit risk-weighted assets by ultimate guarantor, Credit Risk (by ultimate guarantor, after CRM), Residential Real Estate Exposures that do not meet expectations related to B-20 (Mortgages), Net Exposure (After CRM)
BA, Memo: Capital floor credit risk-weighted assets by ultimate guarantor, Credit Risk (by ultimate guarantor, after CRM), Residential Real Estate Exposures that do not meet expectations related to B-20 (Mortgages), RWA
BA, Memo: Capital floor credit risk-weighted assets by ultimate guarantor, Credit Risk (by ultimate guarantor, after CRM), Residential Real Estate Exposures that do not meet expectations related to B-20 (HELOCs), Net Exposure (After CRM)
BA, Memo: Capital floor credit risk-weighted assets by ultimate guarantor, Credit Risk (by ultimate guarantor, after CRM), Residential Real Estate Exposures that do not meet expectations related to B-20 (HELOCs), RWA
BA, Memo: Capital floor credit risk-weighted assets by ultimate guarantor, Credit Risk (by ultimate guarantor, after CRM), General Commercial Real Estate, Net Exposure (After CRM)
BA, Memo: Capital floor credit risk-weighted assets by ultimate guarantor, Credit Risk (by ultimate guarantor, after CRM), General Commercial Real Estate, RWA
BA, Memo: Capital floor credit risk-weighted assets by ultimate guarantor, Credit Risk (by ultimate guarantor, after CRM), Income-Producing CRE, Net Exposure (After CRM)
BA, Memo: Capital floor credit risk-weighted assets by ultimate guarantor, Credit Risk (by ultimate guarantor, after CRM), Income-Producing CRE, RWA
BA, Memo: Capital floor credit risk-weighted assets by ultimate guarantor, Credit Risk (by ultimate guarantor, after CRM), Land ADC, Net Exposure (After CRM)
BA, Memo: Capital floor credit risk-weighted assets by ultimate guarantor, Credit Risk (by ultimate guarantor, after CRM), Land ADC, RWA
BA, Memo: Capital floor credit risk-weighted assets by ultimate guarantor, Credit Risk (by ultimate guarantor, after CRM), Reverse Mortgages, Net Exposure (After CRM)
BA, Memo: Capital floor credit risk-weighted assets by ultimate guarantor, Credit Risk (by ultimate guarantor, after CRM), Reverse Mortgages, RWA
BA, Memo: Capital floor credit risk-weighted assets by ultimate guarantor, Credit Risk (by ultimate guarantor, after CRM), MBS, Net Exposure (After CRM)
BA, Memo: Capital floor credit risk-weighted assets by ultimate guarantor, Credit Risk (by ultimate guarantor, after CRM), MBS, RWA
BA, Memo: Capital floor credit risk-weighted assets by ultimate guarantor, Credit Risk (by ultimate guarantor, after CRM), Subordinated Debt, Equity and Other Capital Instruments, Net Exposure (After CRM)
BA, Memo: Capital floor credit risk-weighted assets by ultimate guarantor, Credit Risk (by ultimate guarantor, after CRM), Subordinated Debt, Equity and Other Capital Instruments, RWA
BA, Memo: Capital floor credit risk-weighted assets by ultimate guarantor, Credit Risk (by ultimate guarantor, after CRM), Equity Investments in Funds, Net Exposure (After CRM)
BA, Memo: Capital floor credit risk-weighted assets by ultimate guarantor, Credit Risk (by ultimate guarantor, after CRM), Equity Investments in Funds, RWA
BA, Memo: Capital floor credit risk-weighted assets by ultimate guarantor, Credit Risk (by ultimate guarantor, after CRM), CCP, Net Exposure (After CRM)
BA, Memo: Capital floor credit risk-weighted assets by ultimate guarantor, Credit Risk (by ultimate guarantor, after CRM), CCP, RWA
BA, Memo: Capital floor credit risk-weighted assets by ultimate guarantor, Credit Risk (by ultimate guarantor, after CRM), CVA, RWA
English Description - A Fake Description for Integration Testing - see TdsToReturnAddressMapperDbImpl:getTdsAddress(BarrelDataPointAddress dpa, MeasureUsage mu)
French Description - A Fake Description for Integration Testing - see TdsToReturnAddressMapperDbImpl:getTdsAddress(BarrelDataPointAddress dpa, MeasureUsage mu)
English Description - A Fake Description for Integration Testing - see TdsToReturnAddressMapperDbImpl:getTdsAddress(BarrelDataPointAddress dpa, MeasureUsage mu)
French Description - A Fake Description for Integration Testing - see TdsToReturnAddressMapperDbImpl:getTdsAddress(BarrelDataPointAddress dpa, MeasureUsage mu)
English Description - A Fake Description for Integration Testing - see TdsToReturnAddressMapperDbImpl:getTdsAddress(BarrelDataPointAddress dpa, MeasureUsage mu)
French Description - A Fake Description for Integration Testing - see TdsToReturnAddressMapperDbImpl:getTdsAddress(BarrelDataPointAddress dpa, MeasureUsage mu)
English Description - A Fake Description for Integration Testing - see TdsToReturnAddressMapperDbImpl:getTdsAddress(BarrelDataPointAddress dpa, MeasureUsage mu)
French Description - A Fake Description for Integration Testing - see TdsToReturnAddressMapperDbImpl:getTdsAddress(BarrelDataPointAddress dpa, MeasureUsage mu)
English Description - A Fake Description for Integration Testing - see TdsToReturnAddressMapperDbImpl:getTdsAddress(BarrelDataPointAddress dpa, MeasureUsage mu)
French Description - A Fake Description for Integration Testing - see TdsToReturnAddressMapperDbImpl:getTdsAddress(BarrelDataPointAddress dpa, MeasureUsage mu)
English Description - A Fake Description for Integration Testing - see TdsToReturnAddressMapperDbImpl:getTdsAddress(BarrelDataPointAddress dpa, MeasureUsage mu)
French Description - A Fake Description for Integration Testing - see TdsToReturnAddressMapperDbImpl:getTdsAddress(BarrelDataPointAddress dpa, MeasureUsage mu)
English Description - A Fake Description for Integration Testing - see TdsToReturnAddressMapperDbImpl:getTdsAddress(BarrelDataPointAddress dpa, MeasureUsage mu)
French Description - A Fake Description for Integration Testing - see TdsToReturnAddressMapperDbImpl:getTdsAddress(BarrelDataPointAddress dpa, MeasureUsage mu)
English Description - A Fake Description for Integration Testing - see TdsToReturnAddressMapperDbImpl:getTdsAddress(BarrelDataPointAddress dpa, MeasureUsage mu)
French Description - A Fake Description for Integration Testing - see TdsToReturnAddressMapperDbImpl:getTdsAddress(BarrelDataPointAddress dpa, MeasureUsage mu)
English Description - A Fake Description for Integration Testing - see TdsToReturnAddressMapperDbImpl:getTdsAddress(BarrelDataPointAddress dpa, MeasureUsage mu)
French Description - A Fake Description for Integration Testing - see TdsToReturnAddressMapperDbImpl:getTdsAddress(BarrelDataPointAddress dpa, MeasureUsage mu)
English Description - A Fake Description for Integration Testing - see TdsToReturnAddressMapperDbImpl:getTdsAddress(BarrelDataPointAddress dpa, MeasureUsage mu)
French Description - A Fake Description for Integration Testing - see TdsToReturnAddressMapperDbImpl:getTdsAddress(BarrelDataPointAddress dpa, MeasureUsage mu)
English Description - A Fake Description for Integration Testing - see TdsToReturnAddressMapperDbImpl:getTdsAddress(BarrelDataPointAddress dpa, MeasureUsage mu)
French Description - A Fake Description for Integration Testing - see TdsToReturnAddressMapperDbImpl:getTdsAddress(BarrelDataPointAddress dpa, MeasureUsage mu)
English Description - A Fake Description for Integration Testing - see TdsToReturnAddressMapperDbImpl:getTdsAddress(BarrelDataPointAddress dpa, MeasureUsage mu)
French Description - A Fake Description for Integration Testing - see TdsToReturnAddressMapperDbImpl:getTdsAddress(BarrelDataPointAddress dpa, MeasureUsage mu)
Other off-balance sheet - Note Issuance Facility (NIF)s & Revolving Underwriting Facility (RUF)s - Std. approach - Notional principal amount
English Description - A Fake Description for Integration Testing - see TdsToReturnAddressMapperDbImpl:getTdsAddress(BarrelDataPointAddress dpa, MeasureUsage mu)
French Description - A Fake Description for Integration Testing - see TdsToReturnAddressMapperDbImpl:getTdsAddress(BarrelDataPointAddress dpa, MeasureUsage mu)
English Description - A Fake Description for Integration Testing - see TdsToReturnAddressMapperDbImpl:getTdsAddress(BarrelDataPointAddress dpa, MeasureUsage mu)
French Description - A Fake Description for Integration Testing - see TdsToReturnAddressMapperDbImpl:getTdsAddress(BarrelDataPointAddress dpa, MeasureUsage mu)
English Description - A Fake Description for Integration Testing - see TdsToReturnAddressMapperDbImpl:getTdsAddress(BarrelDataPointAddress dpa, MeasureUsage mu)
French Description - A Fake Description for Integration Testing - see TdsToReturnAddressMapperDbImpl:getTdsAddress(BarrelDataPointAddress dpa, MeasureUsage mu)
English Description - A Fake Description for Integration Testing - see TdsToReturnAddressMapperDbImpl:getTdsAddress(BarrelDataPointAddress dpa, MeasureUsage mu)
French Description - A Fake Description for Integration Testing - see TdsToReturnAddressMapperDbImpl:getTdsAddress(BarrelDataPointAddress dpa, MeasureUsage mu)
English Description - A Fake Description for Integration Testing - see TdsToReturnAddressMapperDbImpl:getTdsAddress(BarrelDataPointAddress dpa, MeasureUsage mu)
French Description - A Fake Description for Integration Testing - see TdsToReturnAddressMapperDbImpl:getTdsAddress(BarrelDataPointAddress dpa, MeasureUsage mu)
English Description - A Fake Description for Integration Testing - see TdsToReturnAddressMapperDbImpl:getTdsAddress(BarrelDataPointAddress dpa, MeasureUsage mu)
French Description - A Fake Description for Integration Testing - see TdsToReturnAddressMapperDbImpl:getTdsAddress(BarrelDataPointAddress dpa, MeasureUsage mu)
English Description - A Fake Description for Integration Testing - see TdsToReturnAddressMapperDbImpl:getTdsAddress(BarrelDataPointAddress dpa, MeasureUsage mu)
French Description - A Fake Description for Integration Testing - see TdsToReturnAddressMapperDbImpl:getTdsAddress(BarrelDataPointAddress dpa, MeasureUsage mu)
English Description - A Fake Description for Integration Testing - see TdsToReturnAddressMapperDbImpl:getTdsAddress(BarrelDataPointAddress dpa, MeasureUsage mu)
French Description - A Fake Description for Integration Testing - see TdsToReturnAddressMapperDbImpl:getTdsAddress(BarrelDataPointAddress dpa, MeasureUsage mu)
English Description - A Fake Description for Integration Testing - see TdsToReturnAddressMapperDbImpl:getTdsAddress(BarrelDataPointAddress dpa, MeasureUsage mu)
French Description - A Fake Description for Integration Testing - see TdsToReturnAddressMapperDbImpl:getTdsAddress(BarrelDataPointAddress dpa, MeasureUsage mu)
English Description - A Fake Description for Integration Testing - see TdsToReturnAddressMapperDbImpl:getTdsAddress(BarrelDataPointAddress dpa, MeasureUsage mu)
French Description - A Fake Description for Integration Testing - see TdsToReturnAddressMapperDbImpl:getTdsAddress(BarrelDataPointAddress dpa, MeasureUsage mu)
English Description - A Fake Description for Integration Testing - see TdsToReturnAddressMapperDbImpl:getTdsAddress(BarrelDataPointAddress dpa, MeasureUsage mu)
French Description - A Fake Description for Integration Testing - see TdsToReturnAddressMapperDbImpl:getTdsAddress(BarrelDataPointAddress dpa, MeasureUsage mu)
English Description - A Fake Description for Integration Testing - see TdsToReturnAddressMapperDbImpl:getTdsAddress(BarrelDataPointAddress dpa, MeasureUsage mu)
French Description - A Fake Description for Integration Testing - see TdsToReturnAddressMapperDbImpl:getTdsAddress(BarrelDataPointAddress dpa, MeasureUsage mu)
English Description - A Fake Description for Integration Testing - see TdsToReturnAddressMapperDbImpl:getTdsAddress(BarrelDataPointAddress dpa, MeasureUsage mu)
French Description - A Fake Description for Integration Testing - see TdsToReturnAddressMapperDbImpl:getTdsAddress(BarrelDataPointAddress dpa, MeasureUsage mu)
English Description - A Fake Description for Integration Testing - see TdsToReturnAddressMapperDbImpl:getTdsAddress(BarrelDataPointAddress dpa, MeasureUsage mu)
French Description - A Fake Description for Integration Testing - see TdsToReturnAddressMapperDbImpl:getTdsAddress(BarrelDataPointAddress dpa, MeasureUsage mu)
English Description - A Fake Description for Integration Testing - see TdsToReturnAddressMapperDbImpl:getTdsAddress(BarrelDataPointAddress dpa, MeasureUsage mu)
French Description - A Fake Description for Integration Testing - see TdsToReturnAddressMapperDbImpl:getTdsAddress(BarrelDataPointAddress dpa, MeasureUsage mu)
Other off-balance sheet - Note Issuance Facility (NIF)s & Revolving Underwriting Facility (RUF)s - Std. approach - Credit Equivalent Amount
English Description - A Fake Description for Integration Testing - see TdsToReturnAddressMapperDbImpl:getTdsAddress(BarrelDataPointAddress dpa, MeasureUsage mu)
French Description - A Fake Description for Integration Testing - see TdsToReturnAddressMapperDbImpl:getTdsAddress(BarrelDataPointAddress dpa, MeasureUsage mu)
English Description - A Fake Description for Integration Testing - see TdsToReturnAddressMapperDbImpl:getTdsAddress(BarrelDataPointAddress dpa, MeasureUsage mu)
French Description - A Fake Description for Integration Testing - see TdsToReturnAddressMapperDbImpl:getTdsAddress(BarrelDataPointAddress dpa, MeasureUsage mu)
English Description - A Fake Description for Integration Testing - see TdsToReturnAddressMapperDbImpl:getTdsAddress(BarrelDataPointAddress dpa, MeasureUsage mu)
French Description - A Fake Description for Integration Testing - see TdsToReturnAddressMapperDbImpl:getTdsAddress(BarrelDataPointAddress dpa, MeasureUsage mu)
English Description - A Fake Description for Integration Testing - see TdsToReturnAddressMapperDbImpl:getTdsAddress(BarrelDataPointAddress dpa, MeasureUsage mu)
French Description - A Fake Description for Integration Testing - see TdsToReturnAddressMapperDbImpl:getTdsAddress(BarrelDataPointAddress dpa, MeasureUsage mu)
English Description - A Fake Description for Integration Testing - see TdsToReturnAddressMapperDbImpl:getTdsAddress(BarrelDataPointAddress dpa, MeasureUsage mu)
French Description - A Fake Description for Integration Testing - see TdsToReturnAddressMapperDbImpl:getTdsAddress(BarrelDataPointAddress dpa, MeasureUsage mu)
English Description - A Fake Description for Integration Testing - see TdsToReturnAddressMapperDbImpl:getTdsAddress(BarrelDataPointAddress dpa, MeasureUsage mu)
French Description - A Fake Description for Integration Testing - see TdsToReturnAddressMapperDbImpl:getTdsAddress(BarrelDataPointAddress dpa, MeasureUsage mu)
English Description - A Fake Description for Integration Testing - see TdsToReturnAddressMapperDbImpl:getTdsAddress(BarrelDataPointAddress dpa, MeasureUsage mu)
French Description - A Fake Description for Integration Testing - see TdsToReturnAddressMapperDbImpl:getTdsAddress(BarrelDataPointAddress dpa, MeasureUsage mu)
English Description - A Fake Description for Integration Testing - see TdsToReturnAddressMapperDbImpl:getTdsAddress(BarrelDataPointAddress dpa, MeasureUsage mu)
French Description - A Fake Description for Integration Testing - see TdsToReturnAddressMapperDbImpl:getTdsAddress(BarrelDataPointAddress dpa, MeasureUsage mu)
English Description - A Fake Description for Integration Testing - see TdsToReturnAddressMapperDbImpl:getTdsAddress(BarrelDataPointAddress dpa, MeasureUsage mu)
French Description - A Fake Description for Integration Testing - see TdsToReturnAddressMapperDbImpl:getTdsAddress(BarrelDataPointAddress dpa, MeasureUsage mu)
English Description - A Fake Description for Integration Testing - see TdsToReturnAddressMapperDbImpl:getTdsAddress(BarrelDataPointAddress dpa, MeasureUsage mu)
French Description - A Fake Description for Integration Testing - see TdsToReturnAddressMapperDbImpl:getTdsAddress(BarrelDataPointAddress dpa, MeasureUsage mu)
Other off-balance sheet - Note Issuance Facility (NIF)s & Revolving Underwriting Facility (RUF)s - FIRB approach - Notional principal amount
English Description - A Fake Description for Integration Testing - see TdsToReturnAddressMapperDbImpl:getTdsAddress(BarrelDataPointAddress dpa, MeasureUsage mu)
French Description - A Fake Description for Integration Testing - see TdsToReturnAddressMapperDbImpl:getTdsAddress(BarrelDataPointAddress dpa, MeasureUsage mu)
English Description - A Fake Description for Integration Testing - see TdsToReturnAddressMapperDbImpl:getTdsAddress(BarrelDataPointAddress dpa, MeasureUsage mu)
French Description - A Fake Description for Integration Testing - see TdsToReturnAddressMapperDbImpl:getTdsAddress(BarrelDataPointAddress dpa, MeasureUsage mu)
English Description - A Fake Description for Integration Testing - see TdsToReturnAddressMapperDbImpl:getTdsAddress(BarrelDataPointAddress dpa, MeasureUsage mu)
French Description - A Fake Description for Integration Testing - see TdsToReturnAddressMapperDbImpl:getTdsAddress(BarrelDataPointAddress dpa, MeasureUsage mu)
English Description - A Fake Description for Integration Testing - see TdsToReturnAddressMapperDbImpl:getTdsAddress(BarrelDataPointAddress dpa, MeasureUsage mu)
French Description - A Fake Description for Integration Testing - see TdsToReturnAddressMapperDbImpl:getTdsAddress(BarrelDataPointAddress dpa, MeasureUsage mu)
English Description - A Fake Description for Integration Testing - see TdsToReturnAddressMapperDbImpl:getTdsAddress(BarrelDataPointAddress dpa, MeasureUsage mu)
French Description - A Fake Description for Integration Testing - see TdsToReturnAddressMapperDbImpl:getTdsAddress(BarrelDataPointAddress dpa, MeasureUsage mu)
English Description - A Fake Description for Integration Testing - see TdsToReturnAddressMapperDbImpl:getTdsAddress(BarrelDataPointAddress dpa, MeasureUsage mu)
French Description - A Fake Description for Integration Testing - see TdsToReturnAddressMapperDbImpl:getTdsAddress(BarrelDataPointAddress dpa, MeasureUsage mu)
English Description - A Fake Description for Integration Testing - see TdsToReturnAddressMapperDbImpl:getTdsAddress(BarrelDataPointAddress dpa, MeasureUsage mu)
French Description - A Fake Description for Integration Testing - see TdsToReturnAddressMapperDbImpl:getTdsAddress(BarrelDataPointAddress dpa, MeasureUsage mu)
English Description - A Fake Description for Integration Testing - see TdsToReturnAddressMapperDbImpl:getTdsAddress(BarrelDataPointAddress dpa, MeasureUsage mu)
French Description - A Fake Description for Integration Testing - see TdsToReturnAddressMapperDbImpl:getTdsAddress(BarrelDataPointAddress dpa, MeasureUsage mu)
English Description - A Fake Description for Integration Testing - see TdsToReturnAddressMapperDbImpl:getTdsAddress(BarrelDataPointAddress dpa, MeasureUsage mu)
French Description - A Fake Description for Integration Testing - see TdsToReturnAddressMapperDbImpl:getTdsAddress(BarrelDataPointAddress dpa, MeasureUsage mu)
English Description - A Fake Description for Integration Testing - see TdsToReturnAddressMapperDbImpl:getTdsAddress(BarrelDataPointAddress dpa, MeasureUsage mu)
French Description - A Fake Description for Integration Testing - see TdsToReturnAddressMapperDbImpl:getTdsAddress(BarrelDataPointAddress dpa, MeasureUsage mu)
English Description - A Fake Description for Integration Testing - see TdsToReturnAddressMapperDbImpl:getTdsAddress(BarrelDataPointAddress dpa, MeasureUsage mu)
French Description - A Fake Description for Integration Testing - see TdsToReturnAddressMapperDbImpl:getTdsAddress(BarrelDataPointAddress dpa, MeasureUsage mu)
English Description - A Fake Description for Integration Testing - see TdsToReturnAddressMapperDbImpl:getTdsAddress(BarrelDataPointAddress dpa, MeasureUsage mu)
French Description - A Fake Description for Integration Testing - see TdsToReturnAddressMapperDbImpl:getTdsAddress(BarrelDataPointAddress dpa, MeasureUsage mu)
Other off-balance sheet - Note Issuance Facility (NIF)s & Revolving Underwriting Facility (RUF)s - FIRB approach - Exposure at Default
English Description - A Fake Description for Integration Testing - see TdsToReturnAddressMapperDbImpl:getTdsAddress(BarrelDataPointAddress dpa, MeasureUsage mu)
French Description - A Fake Description for Integration Testing - see TdsToReturnAddressMapperDbImpl:getTdsAddress(BarrelDataPointAddress dpa, MeasureUsage mu)
English Description - A Fake Description for Integration Testing - see TdsToReturnAddressMapperDbImpl:getTdsAddress(BarrelDataPointAddress dpa, MeasureUsage mu)
French Description - A Fake Description for Integration Testing - see TdsToReturnAddressMapperDbImpl:getTdsAddress(BarrelDataPointAddress dpa, MeasureUsage mu)
English Description - A Fake Description for Integration Testing - see TdsToReturnAddressMapperDbImpl:getTdsAddress(BarrelDataPointAddress dpa, MeasureUsage mu)
French Description - A Fake Description for Integration Testing - see TdsToReturnAddressMapperDbImpl:getTdsAddress(BarrelDataPointAddress dpa, MeasureUsage mu)
English Description - A Fake Description for Integration Testing - see TdsToReturnAddressMapperDbImpl:getTdsAddress(BarrelDataPointAddress dpa, MeasureUsage mu)
French Description - A Fake Description for Integration Testing - see TdsToReturnAddressMapperDbImpl:getTdsAddress(BarrelDataPointAddress dpa, MeasureUsage mu)
English Description - A Fake Description for Integration Testing - see TdsToReturnAddressMapperDbImpl:getTdsAddress(BarrelDataPointAddress dpa, MeasureUsage mu)
French Description - A Fake Description for Integration Testing - see TdsToReturnAddressMapperDbImpl:getTdsAddress(BarrelDataPointAddress dpa, MeasureUsage mu)
English Description - A Fake Description for Integration Testing - see TdsToReturnAddressMapperDbImpl:getTdsAddress(BarrelDataPointAddress dpa, MeasureUsage mu)
French Description - A Fake Description for Integration Testing - see TdsToReturnAddressMapperDbImpl:getTdsAddress(BarrelDataPointAddress dpa, MeasureUsage mu)
English Description - A Fake Description for Integration Testing - see TdsToReturnAddressMapperDbImpl:getTdsAddress(BarrelDataPointAddress dpa, MeasureUsage mu)
French Description - A Fake Description for Integration Testing - see TdsToReturnAddressMapperDbImpl:getTdsAddress(BarrelDataPointAddress dpa, MeasureUsage mu)
English Description - A Fake Description for Integration Testing - see TdsToReturnAddressMapperDbImpl:getTdsAddress(BarrelDataPointAddress dpa, MeasureUsage mu)
French Description - A Fake Description for Integration Testing - see TdsToReturnAddressMapperDbImpl:getTdsAddress(BarrelDataPointAddress dpa, MeasureUsage mu)
English Description - A Fake Description for Integration Testing - see TdsToReturnAddressMapperDbImpl:getTdsAddress(BarrelDataPointAddress dpa, MeasureUsage mu)
French Description - A Fake Description for Integration Testing - see TdsToReturnAddressMapperDbImpl:getTdsAddress(BarrelDataPointAddress dpa, MeasureUsage mu)
English Description - A Fake Description for Integration Testing - see TdsToReturnAddressMapperDbImpl:getTdsAddress(BarrelDataPointAddress dpa, MeasureUsage mu)
French Description - A Fake Description for Integration Testing - see TdsToReturnAddressMapperDbImpl:getTdsAddress(BarrelDataPointAddress dpa, MeasureUsage mu)
English Description - A Fake Description for Integration Testing - see TdsToReturnAddressMapperDbImpl:getTdsAddress(BarrelDataPointAddress dpa, MeasureUsage mu)
French Description - A Fake Description for Integration Testing - see TdsToReturnAddressMapperDbImpl:getTdsAddress(BarrelDataPointAddress dpa, MeasureUsage mu)
Other off-balance sheet - Note Issuance Facility (NIF)s & Revolving Underwriting Facility (RUF)s - AIRB approach - Notional principal amount
English Description - A Fake Description for Integration Testing - see TdsToReturnAddressMapperDbImpl:getTdsAddress(BarrelDataPointAddress dpa, MeasureUsage mu)
French Description - A Fake Description for Integration Testing - see TdsToReturnAddressMapperDbImpl:getTdsAddress(BarrelDataPointAddress dpa, MeasureUsage mu)
English Description - A Fake Description for Integration Testing - see TdsToReturnAddressMapperDbImpl:getTdsAddress(BarrelDataPointAddress dpa, MeasureUsage mu)
French Description - A Fake Description for Integration Testing - see TdsToReturnAddressMapperDbImpl:getTdsAddress(BarrelDataPointAddress dpa, MeasureUsage mu)
English Description - A Fake Description for Integration Testing - see TdsToReturnAddressMapperDbImpl:getTdsAddress(BarrelDataPointAddress dpa, MeasureUsage mu)
French Description - A Fake Description for Integration Testing - see TdsToReturnAddressMapperDbImpl:getTdsAddress(BarrelDataPointAddress dpa, MeasureUsage mu)
English Description - A Fake Description for Integration Testing - see TdsToReturnAddressMapperDbImpl:getTdsAddress(BarrelDataPointAddress dpa, MeasureUsage mu)
French Description - A Fake Description for Integration Testing - see TdsToReturnAddressMapperDbImpl:getTdsAddress(BarrelDataPointAddress dpa, MeasureUsage mu)
English Description - A Fake Description for Integration Testing - see TdsToReturnAddressMapperDbImpl:getTdsAddress(BarrelDataPointAddress dpa, MeasureUsage mu)
French Description - A Fake Description for Integration Testing - see TdsToReturnAddressMapperDbImpl:getTdsAddress(BarrelDataPointAddress dpa, MeasureUsage mu)
Other off-balance sheet - Note Issuance Facility (NIF)s & Revolving Underwriting Facility (RUF)s - AIRB approach - Credit Conversion Factor %
English Description - A Fake Description for Integration Testing - see TdsToReturnAddressMapperDbImpl:getTdsAddress(BarrelDataPointAddress dpa, MeasureUsage mu)
French Description - A Fake Description for Integration Testing - see TdsToReturnAddressMapperDbImpl:getTdsAddress(BarrelDataPointAddress dpa, MeasureUsage mu)
English Description - A Fake Description for Integration Testing - see TdsToReturnAddressMapperDbImpl:getTdsAddress(BarrelDataPointAddress dpa, MeasureUsage mu)
French Description - A Fake Description for Integration Testing - see TdsToReturnAddressMapperDbImpl:getTdsAddress(BarrelDataPointAddress dpa, MeasureUsage mu)
English Description - A Fake Description for Integration Testing - see TdsToReturnAddressMapperDbImpl:getTdsAddress(BarrelDataPointAddress dpa, MeasureUsage mu)
French Description - A Fake Description for Integration Testing - see TdsToReturnAddressMapperDbImpl:getTdsAddress(BarrelDataPointAddress dpa, MeasureUsage mu)
English Description - A Fake Description for Integration Testing - see TdsToReturnAddressMapperDbImpl:getTdsAddress(BarrelDataPointAddress dpa, MeasureUsage mu)
French Description - A Fake Description for Integration Testing - see TdsToReturnAddressMapperDbImpl:getTdsAddress(BarrelDataPointAddress dpa, MeasureUsage mu)
English Description - A Fake Description for Integration Testing - see TdsToReturnAddressMapperDbImpl:getTdsAddress(BarrelDataPointAddress dpa, MeasureUsage mu)
French Description - A Fake Description for Integration Testing - see TdsToReturnAddressMapperDbImpl:getTdsAddress(BarrelDataPointAddress dpa, MeasureUsage mu)
English Description - A Fake Description for Integration Testing - see TdsToReturnAddressMapperDbImpl:getTdsAddress(BarrelDataPointAddress dpa, MeasureUsage mu)
French Description - A Fake Description for Integration Testing - see TdsToReturnAddressMapperDbImpl:getTdsAddress(BarrelDataPointAddress dpa, MeasureUsage mu)
English Description - A Fake Description for Integration Testing - see TdsToReturnAddressMapperDbImpl:getTdsAddress(BarrelDataPointAddress dpa, MeasureUsage mu)
French Description - A Fake Description for Integration Testing - see TdsToReturnAddressMapperDbImpl:getTdsAddress(BarrelDataPointAddress dpa, MeasureUsage mu)
English Description - A Fake Description for Integration Testing - see TdsToReturnAddressMapperDbImpl:getTdsAddress(BarrelDataPointAddress dpa, MeasureUsage mu)
French Description - A Fake Description for Integration Testing - see TdsToReturnAddressMapperDbImpl:getTdsAddress(BarrelDataPointAddress dpa, MeasureUsage mu)
English Description - A Fake Description for Integration Testing - see TdsToReturnAddressMapperDbImpl:getTdsAddress(BarrelDataPointAddress dpa, MeasureUsage mu)
French Description - A Fake Description for Integration Testing - see TdsToReturnAddressMapperDbImpl:getTdsAddress(BarrelDataPointAddress dpa, MeasureUsage mu)
English Description - A Fake Description for Integration Testing - see TdsToReturnAddressMapperDbImpl:getTdsAddress(BarrelDataPointAddress dpa, MeasureUsage mu)
French Description - A Fake Description for Integration Testing - see TdsToReturnAddressMapperDbImpl:getTdsAddress(BarrelDataPointAddress dpa, MeasureUsage mu)
English Description - A Fake Description for Integration Testing - see TdsToReturnAddressMapperDbImpl:getTdsAddress(BarrelDataPointAddress dpa, MeasureUsage mu)
French Description - A Fake Description for Integration Testing - see TdsToReturnAddressMapperDbImpl:getTdsAddress(BarrelDataPointAddress dpa, MeasureUsage mu)
English Description - A Fake Description for Integration Testing - see TdsToReturnAddressMapperDbImpl:getTdsAddress(BarrelDataPointAddress dpa, MeasureUsage mu)
French Description - A Fake Description for Integration Testing - see TdsToReturnAddressMapperDbImpl:getTdsAddress(BarrelDataPointAddress dpa, MeasureUsage mu)
Other off-balance sheet - Note Issuance Facility (NIF)s & Revolving Underwriting Facility (RUF)s - AIRB approach - Exposure at Default
English Description - A Fake Description for Integration Testing - see TdsToReturnAddressMapperDbImpl:getTdsAddress(BarrelDataPointAddress dpa, MeasureUsage mu)
French Description - A Fake Description for Integration Testing - see TdsToReturnAddressMapperDbImpl:getTdsAddress(BarrelDataPointAddress dpa, MeasureUsage mu)
BA, Undrawn commitments - Retail - Unconditionally cancelleable at any time - Std. approach - Credit Equivalent Amount
BA, Undrawn commitments - Retail - Undrawn balances of credit cards and charge cards - Std. approach - Notional Principal Amount
BA, Undrawn commitments - Retail - Undrawn balances of credit cards and charge cards - Std. approach - Credit Equivalent Amount
BA, Undrawn commitments - Retail - Undrawn balances of credit cards and charge cards - IRB approach - Notional Principal Amount
BA, Undrawn commitments - Retail - Undrawn balances of credit cards and charge cards - IRB approach - Credit Equivalent Factor
BA, Undrawn commitments - Retail - Undrawn balances of credit cards and charge cards - IRB approach - Exposure at Default
BA, Undrawn commitments - Retail - All Other Commitments - Std. approach - Notional Principal Amount
BA, Undrawn commitments - Retail - All Other Commitments - Std. approach - Credit Equivalent Amount
BA, Undrawn commitments - Retail - All Other Commitments - IRB approach - Notional Principal Amount
BA, Undrawn commitments - Retail - All Other Commitments - IRB approach - Credit Equivalent Factor
BA, Undrawn commitments - Retail - All Other Commitments - IRB approach - Exposure at Default
Undrawn commitments - Non-Retail - Unconditionally cancellable at any time- Std. approach - Credit Equivalent Amount
Undrawn commitments - Non-Retail - Unconditionally cancellable at any time- IRB Approach -Exposure at Default
Undrawn commitments - Non-Retail - Undrawn balances of credit cards and charge cards - Std. approach - Notional Principal Amount
Undrawn commitments - Non-Retail - Undrawn balances of credit cards and charge cards - Std. approach - Credit Equivalent Amount
Undrawn commitments - Non-Retail - Undrawn balances of credit cards and charge cards - FIRB approach - Notional Principal Amount
Undrawn commitments - Non-Retail - Undrawn balances of credit cards and charge cards - FIRB approach - Exposure at Default
Undrawn commitments - Non-Retail - All Other Commitments - Std. approach - Notional Principal Amount
Undrawn commitments - Non-Retail - All Other Commitments - Std. approach - Credit Equivalent Amount
Undrawn commitments - Non-Retail - All Other Commitments - FIRB approach - Notional Principal Amount
Undrawn commitments - Non-Retail - All Other Commitments - FIRB approach - Exposure at Default
Undrawn commitments - Non-Retail - All Other Commitments - AIRB approach - Notional Principal Amount
Undrawn commitments - Non-Retail - All Other Commitments - AIRB approach - Credit Equivalent Factor %
Undrawn commitments - Non-Retail - All Other Commitments - AIRB approach - Exposure at Default
Off-balance Sheet Exposures Excluding Derivatives and Securitization Exposures, Undrawn commitments - excl. securitization exposures, (ii) Non-retail (incl. SMEs treated as Corporate), Included in the Advanced IRB Approach, Undrawn balances of credit cards, Notional Principal Amount
Off-balance Sheet Exposures Excluding Derivatives and Securitization Exposures, Undrawn commitments - excl. securitization exposures, (ii) Non-retail (incl. SMEs treated as Corporate), Included in the Advanced IRB Approach, Undrawn balances of credit cards, Credit Conversion Factor [1] (%)
Off-balance Sheet Exposures Excluding Derivatives and Securitization Exposures, Undrawn commitments - excl. securitization exposures, (ii) Non-retail (incl. SMEs treated as Corporate), Included in the Advanced IRB Approach, Undrawn balances of credit cards, Exposure at Default
English Description - A Fake Description for Integration Testing - see TdsToReturnAddressMapperDbImpl:getTdsAddress(BarrelDataPointAddress dpa, MeasureUsage mu)
French Description - A Fake Description for Integration Testing - see TdsToReturnAddressMapperDbImpl:getTdsAddress(BarrelDataPointAddress dpa, MeasureUsage mu)
Credit risk - IRB (excl. slotting, retail, equity, and secur'n) - Gross exposures before CRM - Drawn
English Description - A Fake Description for Integration Testing - see TdsToReturnAddressMapperDbImpl:getTdsAddress(BarrelDataPointAddress dpa, MeasureUsage mu)
French Description - A Fake Description for Integration Testing - see TdsToReturnAddressMapperDbImpl:getTdsAddress(BarrelDataPointAddress dpa, MeasureUsage mu)
English Description - A Fake Description for Integration Testing - see TdsToReturnAddressMapperDbImpl:getTdsAddress(BarrelDataPointAddress dpa, MeasureUsage mu)
French Description - A Fake Description for Integration Testing - see TdsToReturnAddressMapperDbImpl:getTdsAddress(BarrelDataPointAddress dpa, MeasureUsage mu)
English Description - A Fake Description for Integration Testing - see TdsToReturnAddressMapperDbImpl:getTdsAddress(BarrelDataPointAddress dpa, MeasureUsage mu)
French Description - A Fake Description for Integration Testing - see TdsToReturnAddressMapperDbImpl:getTdsAddress(BarrelDataPointAddress dpa, MeasureUsage mu)
English Description - A Fake Description for Integration Testing - see TdsToReturnAddressMapperDbImpl:getTdsAddress(BarrelDataPointAddress dpa, MeasureUsage mu)
French Description - A Fake Description for Integration Testing - see TdsToReturnAddressMapperDbImpl:getTdsAddress(BarrelDataPointAddress dpa, MeasureUsage mu)
English Description - A Fake Description for Integration Testing - see TdsToReturnAddressMapperDbImpl:getTdsAddress(BarrelDataPointAddress dpa, MeasureUsage mu)
French Description - A Fake Description for Integration Testing - see TdsToReturnAddressMapperDbImpl:getTdsAddress(BarrelDataPointAddress dpa, MeasureUsage mu)
English Description - A Fake Description for Integration Testing - see TdsToReturnAddressMapperDbImpl:getTdsAddress(BarrelDataPointAddress dpa, MeasureUsage mu)
French Description - A Fake Description for Integration Testing - see TdsToReturnAddressMapperDbImpl:getTdsAddress(BarrelDataPointAddress dpa, MeasureUsage mu)
English Description - A Fake Description for Integration Testing - see TdsToReturnAddressMapperDbImpl:getTdsAddress(BarrelDataPointAddress dpa, MeasureUsage mu)
French Description - A Fake Description for Integration Testing - see TdsToReturnAddressMapperDbImpl:getTdsAddress(BarrelDataPointAddress dpa, MeasureUsage mu)
English Description - A Fake Description for Integration Testing - see TdsToReturnAddressMapperDbImpl:getTdsAddress(BarrelDataPointAddress dpa, MeasureUsage mu)
French Description - A Fake Description for Integration Testing - see TdsToReturnAddressMapperDbImpl:getTdsAddress(BarrelDataPointAddress dpa, MeasureUsage mu)
English Description - A Fake Description for Integration Testing - see TdsToReturnAddressMapperDbImpl:getTdsAddress(BarrelDataPointAddress dpa, MeasureUsage mu)
French Description - A Fake Description for Integration Testing - see TdsToReturnAddressMapperDbImpl:getTdsAddress(BarrelDataPointAddress dpa, MeasureUsage mu)
English Description - A Fake Description for Integration Testing - see TdsToReturnAddressMapperDbImpl:getTdsAddress(BarrelDataPointAddress dpa, MeasureUsage mu)
French Description - A Fake Description for Integration Testing - see TdsToReturnAddressMapperDbImpl:getTdsAddress(BarrelDataPointAddress dpa, MeasureUsage mu)
English Description - A Fake Description for Integration Testing - see TdsToReturnAddressMapperDbImpl:getTdsAddress(BarrelDataPointAddress dpa, MeasureUsage mu)
French Description - A Fake Description for Integration Testing - see TdsToReturnAddressMapperDbImpl:getTdsAddress(BarrelDataPointAddress dpa, MeasureUsage mu)
English Description - A Fake Description for Integration Testing - see TdsToReturnAddressMapperDbImpl:getTdsAddress(BarrelDataPointAddress dpa, MeasureUsage mu)
French Description - A Fake Description for Integration Testing - see TdsToReturnAddressMapperDbImpl:getTdsAddress(BarrelDataPointAddress dpa, MeasureUsage mu)
English Description - A Fake Description for Integration Testing - see TdsToReturnAddressMapperDbImpl:getTdsAddress(BarrelDataPointAddress dpa, MeasureUsage mu)
French Description - A Fake Description for Integration Testing - see TdsToReturnAddressMapperDbImpl:getTdsAddress(BarrelDataPointAddress dpa, MeasureUsage mu)
English Description - A Fake Description for Integration Testing - see TdsToReturnAddressMapperDbImpl:getTdsAddress(BarrelDataPointAddress dpa, MeasureUsage mu)
French Description - A Fake Description for Integration Testing - see TdsToReturnAddressMapperDbImpl:getTdsAddress(BarrelDataPointAddress dpa, MeasureUsage mu)
Credit risk - IRB (excl. slotting, retail, equity, and secur'n) - Gross exposures before CRM - Repo-style Transactions
English Description - A Fake Description for Integration Testing - see TdsToReturnAddressMapperDbImpl:getTdsAddress(BarrelDataPointAddress dpa, MeasureUsage mu)
French Description - A Fake Description for Integration Testing - see TdsToReturnAddressMapperDbImpl:getTdsAddress(BarrelDataPointAddress dpa, MeasureUsage mu)
English Description - A Fake Description for Integration Testing - see TdsToReturnAddressMapperDbImpl:getTdsAddress(BarrelDataPointAddress dpa, MeasureUsage mu)
French Description - A Fake Description for Integration Testing - see TdsToReturnAddressMapperDbImpl:getTdsAddress(BarrelDataPointAddress dpa, MeasureUsage mu)
English Description - A Fake Description for Integration Testing - see TdsToReturnAddressMapperDbImpl:getTdsAddress(BarrelDataPointAddress dpa, MeasureUsage mu)
French Description - A Fake Description for Integration Testing - see TdsToReturnAddressMapperDbImpl:getTdsAddress(BarrelDataPointAddress dpa, MeasureUsage mu)
English Description - A Fake Description for Integration Testing - see TdsToReturnAddressMapperDbImpl:getTdsAddress(BarrelDataPointAddress dpa, MeasureUsage mu)
French Description - A Fake Description for Integration Testing - see TdsToReturnAddressMapperDbImpl:getTdsAddress(BarrelDataPointAddress dpa, MeasureUsage mu)
English Description - A Fake Description for Integration Testing - see TdsToReturnAddressMapperDbImpl:getTdsAddress(BarrelDataPointAddress dpa, MeasureUsage mu)
French Description - A Fake Description for Integration Testing - see TdsToReturnAddressMapperDbImpl:getTdsAddress(BarrelDataPointAddress dpa, MeasureUsage mu)
English Description - A Fake Description for Integration Testing - see TdsToReturnAddressMapperDbImpl:getTdsAddress(BarrelDataPointAddress dpa, MeasureUsage mu)
French Description - A Fake Description for Integration Testing - see TdsToReturnAddressMapperDbImpl:getTdsAddress(BarrelDataPointAddress dpa, MeasureUsage mu)
English Description - A Fake Description for Integration Testing - see TdsToReturnAddressMapperDbImpl:getTdsAddress(BarrelDataPointAddress dpa, MeasureUsage mu)
French Description - A Fake Description for Integration Testing - see TdsToReturnAddressMapperDbImpl:getTdsAddress(BarrelDataPointAddress dpa, MeasureUsage mu)
English Description - A Fake Description for Integration Testing - see TdsToReturnAddressMapperDbImpl:getTdsAddress(BarrelDataPointAddress dpa, MeasureUsage mu)
French Description - A Fake Description for Integration Testing - see TdsToReturnAddressMapperDbImpl:getTdsAddress(BarrelDataPointAddress dpa, MeasureUsage mu)
English Description - A Fake Description for Integration Testing - see TdsToReturnAddressMapperDbImpl:getTdsAddress(BarrelDataPointAddress dpa, MeasureUsage mu)
French Description - A Fake Description for Integration Testing - see TdsToReturnAddressMapperDbImpl:getTdsAddress(BarrelDataPointAddress dpa, MeasureUsage mu)
English Description - A Fake Description for Integration Testing - see TdsToReturnAddressMapperDbImpl:getTdsAddress(BarrelDataPointAddress dpa, MeasureUsage mu)
French Description - A Fake Description for Integration Testing - see TdsToReturnAddressMapperDbImpl:getTdsAddress(BarrelDataPointAddress dpa, MeasureUsage mu)
Credit risk - Other assets - Gross exposures before credit risk mitigation - Repo-style transactions
Deducted portion of non-significant investment in financials (if double counted) - Gross exposures before credit risk mitigation - Drawn
Deducted portion of non-significant investment in financials (if double counted) - Gross exposures before credit risk mitigation - Total balance sheet
Deducted portion of non-significant investment in financials (if double counted) - Exposures before CRM, net of individual allowance
Credit risk - IRB (excl. slotting, retail, equity, and secur'n) - Gross exposures before CRM - Total
English Description - A Fake Description for Integration Testing - see TdsToReturnAddressMapperDbImpl:getTdsAddress(BarrelDataPointAddress dpa, MeasureUsage mu)
French Description - A Fake Description for Integration Testing - see TdsToReturnAddressMapperDbImpl:getTdsAddress(BarrelDataPointAddress dpa, MeasureUsage mu)
English Description - A Fake Description for Integration Testing - see TdsToReturnAddressMapperDbImpl:getTdsAddress(BarrelDataPointAddress dpa, MeasureUsage mu)
French Description - A Fake Description for Integration Testing - see TdsToReturnAddressMapperDbImpl:getTdsAddress(BarrelDataPointAddress dpa, MeasureUsage mu)
English Description - A Fake Description for Integration Testing - see TdsToReturnAddressMapperDbImpl:getTdsAddress(BarrelDataPointAddress dpa, MeasureUsage mu)
French Description - A Fake Description for Integration Testing - see TdsToReturnAddressMapperDbImpl:getTdsAddress(BarrelDataPointAddress dpa, MeasureUsage mu)
English Description - A Fake Description for Integration Testing - see TdsToReturnAddressMapperDbImpl:getTdsAddress(BarrelDataPointAddress dpa, MeasureUsage mu)
French Description - A Fake Description for Integration Testing - see TdsToReturnAddressMapperDbImpl:getTdsAddress(BarrelDataPointAddress dpa, MeasureUsage mu)
English Description - A Fake Description for Integration Testing - see TdsToReturnAddressMapperDbImpl:getTdsAddress(BarrelDataPointAddress dpa, MeasureUsage mu)
French Description - A Fake Description for Integration Testing - see TdsToReturnAddressMapperDbImpl:getTdsAddress(BarrelDataPointAddress dpa, MeasureUsage mu)
English Description - A Fake Description for Integration Testing - see TdsToReturnAddressMapperDbImpl:getTdsAddress(BarrelDataPointAddress dpa, MeasureUsage mu)
French Description - A Fake Description for Integration Testing - see TdsToReturnAddressMapperDbImpl:getTdsAddress(BarrelDataPointAddress dpa, MeasureUsage mu)
English Description - A Fake Description for Integration Testing - see TdsToReturnAddressMapperDbImpl:getTdsAddress(BarrelDataPointAddress dpa, MeasureUsage mu)
French Description - A Fake Description for Integration Testing - see TdsToReturnAddressMapperDbImpl:getTdsAddress(BarrelDataPointAddress dpa, MeasureUsage mu)
English Description - A Fake Description for Integration Testing - see TdsToReturnAddressMapperDbImpl:getTdsAddress(BarrelDataPointAddress dpa, MeasureUsage mu)
French Description - A Fake Description for Integration Testing - see TdsToReturnAddressMapperDbImpl:getTdsAddress(BarrelDataPointAddress dpa, MeasureUsage mu)
English Description - A Fake Description for Integration Testing - see TdsToReturnAddressMapperDbImpl:getTdsAddress(BarrelDataPointAddress dpa, MeasureUsage mu)
French Description - A Fake Description for Integration Testing - see TdsToReturnAddressMapperDbImpl:getTdsAddress(BarrelDataPointAddress dpa, MeasureUsage mu)
English Description - A Fake Description for Integration Testing - see TdsToReturnAddressMapperDbImpl:getTdsAddress(BarrelDataPointAddress dpa, MeasureUsage mu)
French Description - A Fake Description for Integration Testing - see TdsToReturnAddressMapperDbImpl:getTdsAddress(BarrelDataPointAddress dpa, MeasureUsage mu)
English Description - A Fake Description for Integration Testing - see TdsToReturnAddressMapperDbImpl:getTdsAddress(BarrelDataPointAddress dpa, MeasureUsage mu)
French Description - A Fake Description for Integration Testing - see TdsToReturnAddressMapperDbImpl:getTdsAddress(BarrelDataPointAddress dpa, MeasureUsage mu)
English Description - A Fake Description for Integration Testing - see TdsToReturnAddressMapperDbImpl:getTdsAddress(BarrelDataPointAddress dpa, MeasureUsage mu)
French Description - A Fake Description for Integration Testing - see TdsToReturnAddressMapperDbImpl:getTdsAddress(BarrelDataPointAddress dpa, MeasureUsage mu)
English Description - A Fake Description for Integration Testing - see TdsToReturnAddressMapperDbImpl:getTdsAddress(BarrelDataPointAddress dpa, MeasureUsage mu)
French Description - A Fake Description for Integration Testing - see TdsToReturnAddressMapperDbImpl:getTdsAddress(BarrelDataPointAddress dpa, MeasureUsage mu)
English Description - A Fake Description for Integration Testing - see TdsToReturnAddressMapperDbImpl:getTdsAddress(BarrelDataPointAddress dpa, MeasureUsage mu)
French Description - A Fake Description for Integration Testing - see TdsToReturnAddressMapperDbImpl:getTdsAddress(BarrelDataPointAddress dpa, MeasureUsage mu)
English Description - A Fake Description for Integration Testing - see TdsToReturnAddressMapperDbImpl:getTdsAddress(BarrelDataPointAddress dpa, MeasureUsage mu)
French Description - A Fake Description for Integration Testing - see TdsToReturnAddressMapperDbImpl:getTdsAddress(BarrelDataPointAddress dpa, MeasureUsage mu)
English Description - A Fake Description for Integration Testing - see TdsToReturnAddressMapperDbImpl:getTdsAddress(BarrelDataPointAddress dpa, MeasureUsage mu)
French Description - A Fake Description for Integration Testing - see TdsToReturnAddressMapperDbImpl:getTdsAddress(BarrelDataPointAddress dpa, MeasureUsage mu)
English Description - A Fake Description for Integration Testing - see TdsToReturnAddressMapperDbImpl:getTdsAddress(BarrelDataPointAddress dpa, MeasureUsage mu)
French Description - A Fake Description for Integration Testing - see TdsToReturnAddressMapperDbImpl:getTdsAddress(BarrelDataPointAddress dpa, MeasureUsage mu)
Credit risk - IRB (excl. slotting, retail, equity, and securitization) - Stage 3 allowance
English Description - A Fake Description for Integration Testing - see TdsToReturnAddressMapperDbImpl:getTdsAddress(BarrelDataPointAddress dpa, MeasureUsage mu)
French Description - A Fake Description for Integration Testing - see TdsToReturnAddressMapperDbImpl:getTdsAddress(BarrelDataPointAddress dpa, MeasureUsage mu)
English Description - A Fake Description for Integration Testing - see TdsToReturnAddressMapperDbImpl:getTdsAddress(BarrelDataPointAddress dpa, MeasureUsage mu)
French Description - A Fake Description for Integration Testing - see TdsToReturnAddressMapperDbImpl:getTdsAddress(BarrelDataPointAddress dpa, MeasureUsage mu)
English Description - A Fake Description for Integration Testing - see TdsToReturnAddressMapperDbImpl:getTdsAddress(BarrelDataPointAddress dpa, MeasureUsage mu)
French Description - A Fake Description for Integration Testing - see TdsToReturnAddressMapperDbImpl:getTdsAddress(BarrelDataPointAddress dpa, MeasureUsage mu)
English Description - A Fake Description for Integration Testing - see TdsToReturnAddressMapperDbImpl:getTdsAddress(BarrelDataPointAddress dpa, MeasureUsage mu)
French Description - A Fake Description for Integration Testing - see TdsToReturnAddressMapperDbImpl:getTdsAddress(BarrelDataPointAddress dpa, MeasureUsage mu)
English Description - A Fake Description for Integration Testing - see TdsToReturnAddressMapperDbImpl:getTdsAddress(BarrelDataPointAddress dpa, MeasureUsage mu)
French Description - A Fake Description for Integration Testing - see TdsToReturnAddressMapperDbImpl:getTdsAddress(BarrelDataPointAddress dpa, MeasureUsage mu)
English Description - A Fake Description for Integration Testing - see TdsToReturnAddressMapperDbImpl:getTdsAddress(BarrelDataPointAddress dpa, MeasureUsage mu)
French Description - A Fake Description for Integration Testing - see TdsToReturnAddressMapperDbImpl:getTdsAddress(BarrelDataPointAddress dpa, MeasureUsage mu)
English Description - A Fake Description for Integration Testing - see TdsToReturnAddressMapperDbImpl:getTdsAddress(BarrelDataPointAddress dpa, MeasureUsage mu)
French Description - A Fake Description for Integration Testing - see TdsToReturnAddressMapperDbImpl:getTdsAddress(BarrelDataPointAddress dpa, MeasureUsage mu)
English Description - A Fake Description for Integration Testing - see TdsToReturnAddressMapperDbImpl:getTdsAddress(BarrelDataPointAddress dpa, MeasureUsage mu)
French Description - A Fake Description for Integration Testing - see TdsToReturnAddressMapperDbImpl:getTdsAddress(BarrelDataPointAddress dpa, MeasureUsage mu)
English Description - A Fake Description for Integration Testing - see TdsToReturnAddressMapperDbImpl:getTdsAddress(BarrelDataPointAddress dpa, MeasureUsage mu)
French Description - A Fake Description for Integration Testing - see TdsToReturnAddressMapperDbImpl:getTdsAddress(BarrelDataPointAddress dpa, MeasureUsage mu)
English Description - A Fake Description for Integration Testing - see TdsToReturnAddressMapperDbImpl:getTdsAddress(BarrelDataPointAddress dpa, MeasureUsage mu)
French Description - A Fake Description for Integration Testing - see TdsToReturnAddressMapperDbImpl:getTdsAddress(BarrelDataPointAddress dpa, MeasureUsage mu)
Credit risk - IRB (excl. slotting, retail, equity, and securitization) - Exposure before CRM, net of Stage 3 allowance and partial write-offs
English Description - A Fake Description for Integration Testing - see TdsToReturnAddressMapperDbImpl:getTdsAddress(BarrelDataPointAddress dpa, MeasureUsage mu)
French Description - A Fake Description for Integration Testing - see TdsToReturnAddressMapperDbImpl:getTdsAddress(BarrelDataPointAddress dpa, MeasureUsage mu)
English Description - A Fake Description for Integration Testing - see TdsToReturnAddressMapperDbImpl:getTdsAddress(BarrelDataPointAddress dpa, MeasureUsage mu)
French Description - A Fake Description for Integration Testing - see TdsToReturnAddressMapperDbImpl:getTdsAddress(BarrelDataPointAddress dpa, MeasureUsage mu)
English Description - A Fake Description for Integration Testing - see TdsToReturnAddressMapperDbImpl:getTdsAddress(BarrelDataPointAddress dpa, MeasureUsage mu)
French Description - A Fake Description for Integration Testing - see TdsToReturnAddressMapperDbImpl:getTdsAddress(BarrelDataPointAddress dpa, MeasureUsage mu)
English Description - A Fake Description for Integration Testing - see TdsToReturnAddressMapperDbImpl:getTdsAddress(BarrelDataPointAddress dpa, MeasureUsage mu)
French Description - A Fake Description for Integration Testing - see TdsToReturnAddressMapperDbImpl:getTdsAddress(BarrelDataPointAddress dpa, MeasureUsage mu)
English Description - A Fake Description for Integration Testing - see TdsToReturnAddressMapperDbImpl:getTdsAddress(BarrelDataPointAddress dpa, MeasureUsage mu)
French Description - A Fake Description for Integration Testing - see TdsToReturnAddressMapperDbImpl:getTdsAddress(BarrelDataPointAddress dpa, MeasureUsage mu)
English Description - A Fake Description for Integration Testing - see TdsToReturnAddressMapperDbImpl:getTdsAddress(BarrelDataPointAddress dpa, MeasureUsage mu)
French Description - A Fake Description for Integration Testing - see TdsToReturnAddressMapperDbImpl:getTdsAddress(BarrelDataPointAddress dpa, MeasureUsage mu)
English Description - A Fake Description for Integration Testing - see TdsToReturnAddressMapperDbImpl:getTdsAddress(BarrelDataPointAddress dpa, MeasureUsage mu)
French Description - A Fake Description for Integration Testing - see TdsToReturnAddressMapperDbImpl:getTdsAddress(BarrelDataPointAddress dpa, MeasureUsage mu)
English Description - A Fake Description for Integration Testing - see TdsToReturnAddressMapperDbImpl:getTdsAddress(BarrelDataPointAddress dpa, MeasureUsage mu)
French Description - A Fake Description for Integration Testing - see TdsToReturnAddressMapperDbImpl:getTdsAddress(BarrelDataPointAddress dpa, MeasureUsage mu)
English Description - A Fake Description for Integration Testing - see TdsToReturnAddressMapperDbImpl:getTdsAddress(BarrelDataPointAddress dpa, MeasureUsage mu)
French Description - A Fake Description for Integration Testing - see TdsToReturnAddressMapperDbImpl:getTdsAddress(BarrelDataPointAddress dpa, MeasureUsage mu)
English Description - A Fake Description for Integration Testing - see TdsToReturnAddressMapperDbImpl:getTdsAddress(BarrelDataPointAddress dpa, MeasureUsage mu)
French Description - A Fake Description for Integration Testing - see TdsToReturnAddressMapperDbImpl:getTdsAddress(BarrelDataPointAddress dpa, MeasureUsage mu)
English Description - A Fake Description for Integration Testing - see TdsToReturnAddressMapperDbImpl:getTdsAddress(BarrelDataPointAddress dpa, MeasureUsage mu)
French Description - A Fake Description for Integration Testing - see TdsToReturnAddressMapperDbImpl:getTdsAddress(BarrelDataPointAddress dpa, MeasureUsage mu)
English Description - A Fake Description for Integration Testing - see TdsToReturnAddressMapperDbImpl:getTdsAddress(BarrelDataPointAddress dpa, MeasureUsage mu)
French Description - A Fake Description for Integration Testing - see TdsToReturnAddressMapperDbImpl:getTdsAddress(BarrelDataPointAddress dpa, MeasureUsage mu)
English Description - A Fake Description for Integration Testing - see TdsToReturnAddressMapperDbImpl:getTdsAddress(BarrelDataPointAddress dpa, MeasureUsage mu)
French Description - A Fake Description for Integration Testing - see TdsToReturnAddressMapperDbImpl:getTdsAddress(BarrelDataPointAddress dpa, MeasureUsage mu)
English Description - A Fake Description for Integration Testing - see TdsToReturnAddressMapperDbImpl:getTdsAddress(BarrelDataPointAddress dpa, MeasureUsage mu)
French Description - A Fake Description for Integration Testing - see TdsToReturnAddressMapperDbImpl:getTdsAddress(BarrelDataPointAddress dpa, MeasureUsage mu)
English Description - A Fake Description for Integration Testing - see TdsToReturnAddressMapperDbImpl:getTdsAddress(BarrelDataPointAddress dpa, MeasureUsage mu)
French Description - A Fake Description for Integration Testing - see TdsToReturnAddressMapperDbImpl:getTdsAddress(BarrelDataPointAddress dpa, MeasureUsage mu)
Securitization-related assets not recognized for capital ratio calculations but consolidated for balance sheet purposes - Total
Other adjustments to balance sheet assets used for capital ratios
Investments in deconsolidated subsidiaries (equity method excluding goodwill and intangibles)
Balances due to/from deconsolidated subsidiaries
Deconsolidated subsidiaries' total balance sheet assets, excluding subsidiaries' goodwill and intangible assets
Total assets per consolidated balance sheet
BA, Credit risk - IRB Equity investment in funds - Gross exposures before CRM - Drawn
BA, Credit risk - IRB Equity investment in funds - Gross exposures before CRM - Total
BA, Credit risk - IRB Equity investment in funds - Stage 3 allowance
BA, Credit risk - IRB Equity investment in funds - Exposure before CRM, net of Stage 3 allowance and partial write-offs
BA, Std, Banking Book, Sovereign, Pre-CRM Exposure by Original Obligor
BA, Std, Banking Book, Sovereign, Guaranteed Exposure, by Ultimate Guarantor, All Corporates (Large, Mid, SME, Financials)
BA, Std, Banking Book, Sovereign, Guaranteed Exposure, by Ultimate Guarantor, Sovereign including PSE/MDB
BA, Std, Banking Book, Sovereign, Guaranteed Exposure, by Ultimate Guarantor, All Banks including covered bonds/Financials treated as Bank)
BA, Std, Banking Book, Sovereign, Guaranteed Exposure, by Ultimate Guarantor, Total
BA, Std, Banking Book, Sovereign, Collateralized Exposure under the Simple Approach, by Collateral Provider, All Corporates (Large, Mid, SME, Financials)
BA, Std, Banking Book, Sovereign, Collateralized Exposure under the Simple Approach, by Collateral Provider, Sovereign excluding PSE/MDB
BA, Std, Banking Book, Sovereign, Collateralized Exposure under the Simple Approach, by Collateral Provider, All Banks including covered bonds/Financials treated as Bank)
BA, Std, Banking Book, Sovereign, Collateralized Exposure under the Simple Approach, by Collateral Provider, Total
BA, Std, Banking Book, Sovereign, Exposure Not Guaranteed nor Collateralized (exposure to original obligor)
BA, Std, Banking Book, Sovereign, RWA for Pre-CRM Exposure by Original Obligor
BA, Std, Banking Book, Sovereign, RWA for Guaranteed Exposure, by Ultimate Guarantor, All Corporates (Large, Mid, SME, Financials)
BA, Std, Banking Book, Sovereign, RWA for Guaranteed Exposure, by Ultimate Guarantor, Sovereign excluding PSE/MDB
BA, Std, Banking Book, Sovereign, RWA for Guaranteed Exposure, by Ultimate Guarantor, All Banks including covered bonds/Financials)
BA, Std, Banking Book, Sovereign, RWA for Guaranteed Exposure, by Ultimate Guarantor, Total
BA, Std, Banking Book, Sovereign, RWA for collateralized Exposure under the Simple Approach, by Collateral Provider (Not Applicable under IRB Approach), All Corporates (Large, Mid, SME, Financials)
BA, Std, Banking Book, Sovereign, RWA for collateralized Exposure under the Simple Approach, by Collateral Provider (Not Applicable under IRB Approach), Sovereign excluding PSE/MDB
BA, Std, Banking Book, Sovereign, RWA for collateralized Exposure under the Simple Approach, by Collateral Provider (Not Applicable under IRB Approach), All Banks including covered bonds/Financials)
BA, Std, Banking Book, Sovereign, RWA for collateralized Exposure under the Simple Approach, by Collateral Provider (Not Applicable under IRB Approach), Total
BA, Std, Banking Book, Sovereign, RWA for Exposure Not Guaranteed nor Collateralized (RWA associated with exposure to original obligor)
BA, Std, Banking Book, PSEs, Pre-CRM Exposure by Original Obligor
BA, Std, Banking Book, PSEs, Guaranteed Exposure, by Ultimate Guarantor, All Corporates (Large, Mid, SME, Financials)
BA, Std, Banking Book, PSEs, Guaranteed Exposure, by Ultimate Guarantor, Sovereign including PSE/MDB
BA, Std, Banking Book, PSEs, Guaranteed Exposure, by Ultimate Guarantor, All Banks including covered bonds/Financials treated as Bank)
BA, Std, Banking Book, PSEs, Guaranteed Exposure, by Ultimate Guarantor, Total
BA, Std, Banking Book, PSEs, Collateralized Exposure under the Simple Approach, by Collateral Provider, All Corporates (Large, Mid, SME, Financials)
BA, Std, Banking Book, PSEs, Collateralized Exposure under the Simple Approach, by Collateral Provider, Sovereign excluding PSE/MDB
BA, Std, Banking Book, PSEs, Collateralized Exposure under the Simple Approach, by Collateral Provider, All Banks including covered bonds/Financials treated as Bank)
BA, Std, Banking Book, PSEs, Collateralized Exposure under the Simple Approach, by Collateral Provider, Total
BA, Std, Banking Book, PSEs, Exposure Not Guaranteed nor Collateralized (exposure to original obligor)
BA, Std, Banking Book, PSEs, RWA for Pre-CRM Exposure by Original Obligor
BA, Std, Banking Book, PSEs, RWA for Guaranteed Exposure, by Ultimate Guarantor, All Corporates (Large, Mid, SME, Financials)
BA, Std, Banking Book, PSEs, RWA for Guaranteed Exposure, by Ultimate Guarantor, Sovereign excluding PSE/MDB
BA, Std, Banking Book, PSEs, RWA for Guaranteed Exposure, by Ultimate Guarantor, All Banks including covered bonds/Financials)
BA, Std, Banking Book, PSEs, RWA for Guaranteed Exposure, by Ultimate Guarantor, Total
BA, Std, Banking Book, PSEs, RWA for collateralized Exposure under the Simple Approach, by Collateral Provider (Not Applicable under IRB Approach), All Corporates (Large, Mid, SME, Financials)
BA, Std, Banking Book, PSEs, RWA for collateralized Exposure under the Simple Approach, by Collateral Provider (Not Applicable under IRB Approach), Sovereign excluding PSE/MDB
BA, Std, Banking Book, PSEs, RWA for collateralized Exposure under the Simple Approach, by Collateral Provider (Not Applicable under IRB Approach), All Banks including covered bonds/Financials)
BA, Std, Banking Book, PSEs, RWA for collateralized Exposure under the Simple Approach, by Collateral Provider (Not Applicable under IRB Approach), Total
BA, Std, Banking Book, PSEs, RWA for Exposure Not Guaranteed nor Collateralized (RWA associated with exposure to original obligor)
BA, Std, Banking Book, MDBs, Pre-CRM Exposure by Original Obligor
BA, Std, Banking Book, MDBs, Guaranteed Exposure, by Ultimate Guarantor, All Corporates (Large, Mid, SME, Financials)
BA, Std, Banking Book, MDBs, Guaranteed Exposure, by Ultimate Guarantor, Sovereign including PSE/MDB
BA, Std, Banking Book, MDBs, Guaranteed Exposure, by Ultimate Guarantor, All Banks including covered bonds/Financials treated as Bank)
BA, Std, Banking Book, MDBs, Guaranteed Exposure, by Ultimate Guarantor, Total
BA, Std, Banking Book, MDBs, Collateralized Exposure under the Simple Approach, by Collateral Provider, All Corporates (Large, Mid, SME, Financials)
BA, Std, Banking Book, MDBs, Collateralized Exposure under the Simple Approach, by Collateral Provider, Sovereign excluding PSE/MDB
BA, Std, Banking Book, MDBs, Collateralized Exposure under the Simple Approach, by Collateral Provider, All Banks including covered bonds/Financials treated as Bank)
BA, Std, Banking Book, MDBs, Collateralized Exposure under the Simple Approach, by Collateral Provider, Total
BA, Std, Banking Book, MDBs, Exposure Not Guaranteed nor Collateralized (exposure to original obligor)
BA, Std, Banking Book, MDBs, RWA for Pre-CRM Exposure by Original Obligor
BA, Std, Banking Book, MDBs, RWA for Guaranteed Exposure, by Ultimate Guarantor, All Corporates (Large, Mid, SME, Financials)
BA, Std, Banking Book, MDBs, RWA for Guaranteed Exposure, by Ultimate Guarantor, Sovereign excluding PSE/MDB
BA, Std, Banking Book, MDBs, RWA for Guaranteed Exposure, by Ultimate Guarantor, All Banks including covered bonds/Financials)
BA, Std, Banking Book, MDBs, RWA for Guaranteed Exposure, by Ultimate Guarantor, Total
BA, Std, Banking Book, MDBs, RWA for collateralized Exposure under the Simple Approach, by Collateral Provider (Not Applicable under IRB Approach), All Corporates (Large, Mid, SME, Financials)
BA, Std, Banking Book, MDBs, RWA for collateralized Exposure under the Simple Approach, by Collateral Provider (Not Applicable under IRB Approach), Sovereign excluding PSE/MDB
BA, Std, Banking Book, MDBs, RWA for collateralized Exposure under the Simple Approach, by Collateral Provider (Not Applicable under IRB Approach), All Banks including covered bonds/Financials)
BA, Std, Banking Book, MDBs, RWA for collateralized Exposure under the Simple Approach, by Collateral Provider (Not Applicable under IRB Approach), Total
BA, Std, Banking Book, MDBs, RWA for Exposure Not Guaranteed nor Collateralized (RWA associated with exposure to original obligor)
BA, Std, Banking Book, Bank excluding covered bonds, Pre-CRM Exposure by Original Obligor
BA, Std, Banking Book, Bank excluding covered bonds, Guaranteed Exposure, by Ultimate Guarantor, All Corporates (Large, Mid, SME, Financials)
BA, Std, Banking Book, Bank excluding covered bonds, Guaranteed Exposure, by Ultimate Guarantor, Sovereign including PSE/MDB
BA, Std, Banking Book, Bank excluding covered bonds, Guaranteed Exposure, by Ultimate Guarantor, All Banks including covered bonds/Financials treated as Bank)
BA, Std, Banking Book, Bank excluding covered bonds, Guaranteed Exposure, by Ultimate Guarantor, Total
BA, Std, Banking Book, Bank excluding covered bonds, Collateralized Exposure under the Simple Approach, by Collateral Provider, All Corporates (Large, Mid, SME, Financials)
BA, Std, Banking Book, Bank excluding covered bonds, Collateralized Exposure under the Simple Approach, by Collateral Provider, Sovereign excluding PSE/MDB
BA, Std, Banking Book, Bank excluding covered bonds, Collateralized Exposure under the Simple Approach, by Collateral Provider, All Banks including covered bonds/Financials treated as Bank)
BA, Std, Banking Book, Bank excluding covered bonds, Collateralized Exposure under the Simple Approach, by Collateral Provider, Total
BA, Std, Banking Book, Bank excluding covered bonds, Exposure Not Guaranteed nor Collateralized (exposure to original obligor)
BA, Std, Banking Book, Bank excluding covered bonds, RWA for Pre-CRM Exposure by Original Obligor
BA, Std, Banking Book, Bank excluding covered bonds, RWA for Guaranteed Exposure, by Ultimate Guarantor, All Corporates (Large, Mid, SME, Financials)
BA, Std, Banking Book, Bank excluding covered bonds, RWA for Guaranteed Exposure, by Ultimate Guarantor, Sovereign excluding PSE/MDB
BA, Std, Banking Book, Bank excluding covered bonds, RWA for Guaranteed Exposure, by Ultimate Guarantor, All Banks including covered bonds/Financials)
BA, Std, Banking Book, Bank excluding covered bonds, RWA for Guaranteed Exposure, by Ultimate Guarantor, Total
BA, Std, Banking Book, Bank excluding covered bonds, RWA for collateralized Exposure under the Simple Approach, by Collateral Provider (Not Applicable under IRB Approach), All Corporates (Large, Mid, SME, Financials)
BA, Std, Banking Book, Bank excluding covered bonds, RWA for collateralized Exposure under the Simple Approach, by Collateral Provider (Not Applicable under IRB Approach), Sovereign excluding PSE/MDB
BA, Std, Banking Book, Bank excluding covered bonds, RWA for collateralized Exposure under the Simple Approach, by Collateral Provider (Not Applicable under IRB Approach), All Banks including covered bonds/Financials)
BA, Std, Banking Book, Bank excluding covered bonds, RWA for collateralized Exposure under the Simple Approach, by Collateral Provider (Not Applicable under IRB Approach), Total
BA, Std, Banking Book, Bank excluding covered bonds, RWA for Exposure Not Guaranteed nor Collateralized (RWA associated with exposure to original obligor)
BA, Std, Banking Book, Covered Bonds, Pre-CRM Exposure by Original Obligor
BA, Std, Banking Book, Covered Bonds, Guaranteed Exposure, by Ultimate Guarantor, All Corporates (Large, Mid, SME, Financials)
BA, Std, Banking Book, Covered Bonds, Guaranteed Exposure, by Ultimate Guarantor, Sovereign including PSE/MDB
BA, Std, Banking Book, Covered Bonds, Guaranteed Exposure, by Ultimate Guarantor, All Banks including covered bonds/Financials treated as Bank)
BA, Std, Banking Book, Covered Bonds, Guaranteed Exposure, by Ultimate Guarantor, Total
BA, Std, Banking Book, Covered Bonds, Collateralized Exposure under the Simple Approach, by Collateral Provider, All Corporates (Large, Mid, SME, Financials)
BA, Std, Banking Book, Covered Bonds, Collateralized Exposure under the Simple Approach, by Collateral Provider, Sovereign excluding PSE/MDB
BA, Std, Banking Book, Covered Bonds, Collateralized Exposure under the Simple Approach, by Collateral Provider, All Banks including covered bonds/Financials treated as Bank)
BA, Std, Banking Book, Covered Bonds, Exposure Not Guaranteed nor Collateralized (exposure to original obligor)
BA, Std, Banking Book, Covered Bonds, Collateralized Exposure under the Simple Approach, by Collateral Provider, Total
BA, Std, Banking Book, Covered Bonds, RWA for Pre-CRM Exposure by Original Obligor
BA, Std, Banking Book, Covered Bonds, RWA for Guaranteed Exposure, by Ultimate Guarantor, All Corporates (Large, Mid, SME, Financials)
BA, Std, Banking Book, Covered Bonds, RWA for Guaranteed Exposure, by Ultimate Guarantor, Sovereign excluding PSE/MDB
BA, Std, Banking Book, Covered Bonds, RWA for Guaranteed Exposure, by Ultimate Guarantor, All Banks including covered bonds/Financials)
BA, Std, Banking Book, Covered Bonds, RWA for Guaranteed Exposure, by Ultimate Guarantor, Total
BA, Std, Banking Book, Covered Bonds, RWA for collateralized Exposure under the Simple Approach, by Collateral Provider (Not Applicable under IRB Approach), All Corporates (Large, Mid, SME, Financials)
BA, Std, Banking Book, Covered Bonds, RWA for collateralized Exposure under the Simple Approach, by Collateral Provider (Not Applicable under IRB Approach), Sovereign excluding PSE/MDB
BA, Std, Banking Book, Covered Bonds, RWA for collateralized Exposure under the Simple Approach, by Collateral Provider (Not Applicable under IRB Approach), All Banks including covered bonds/Financials)
BA, Std, Banking Book, Covered Bonds, RWA for collateralized Exposure under the Simple Approach, by Collateral Provider (Not Applicable under IRB Approach), Total
BA, Std, Banking Book, Covered Bonds, RWA for Exposure Not Guaranteed nor Collateralized (RWA associated with exposure to original obligor)
BA, Std, Banking Book, Securities Firms and Other Financial Institutions treated as Bank, Pre-CRM Exposure by Original Obligor
BA, Std, Banking Book, Securities Firms and Other Financial Institutions treated as Bank, Guaranteed Exposure, by Ultimate Guarantor, All Corporates (Large, Mid, SME, Financials)
BA, Std, Banking Book, Securities Firms and Other Financial Institutions treated as Bank, Guaranteed Exposure, by Ultimate Guarantor, Sovereign including PSE/MDB
BA, Std, Banking Book, Securities Firms and Other Financial Institutions treated as Bank, Guaranteed Exposure, by Ultimate Guarantor, All Banks including covered bonds/Financials treated as Bank)
BA, Std, Banking Book, Securities Firms and Other Financial Institutions treated as Bank, Guaranteed Exposure, by Ultimate Guarantor, Total
BA, Std, Banking Book, Securities Firms and Other Financial Institutions treated as Bank, Collateralized Exposure under the Simple Approach, by Collateral Provider, All Corporates (Large, Mid, SME, Financials)
BA, Std, Banking Book, Securities Firms and Other Financial Institutions treated as Bank, Collateralized Exposure under the Simple Approach, by Collateral Provider, Sovereign excluding PSE/MDB
BA, Std, Banking Book, Securities Firms and Other Financial Institutions treated as Bank, Collateralized Exposure under the Simple Approach, by Collateral Provider, All Banks including covered bonds/Financials treated as Bank)
BA, Std, Banking Book, Securities Firms and Other Financial Institutions treated as Bank, Collateralized Exposure under the Simple Approach, by Collateral Provider, Total
BA, Std, Banking Book, Securities Firms and Other Financial Institutions treated as Bank, Exposure Not Guaranteed nor Collateralized (exposure to original obligor)
BA, Std, Banking Book, Securities Firms and Other Financial Institutions treated as Bank, RWA for Pre-CRM Exposure by Original Obligor
BA, Std, Banking Book, Securities Firms and Other Financial Institutions treated as Bank, RWA for Guaranteed Exposure, by Ultimate Guarantor, All Corporates (Large, Mid, SME, Financials)
BA, Std, Banking Book, Securities Firms and Other Financial Institutions treated as Bank, RWA for Guaranteed Exposure, by Ultimate Guarantor, Sovereign excluding PSE/MDB
BA, Std, Banking Book, Securities Firms and Other Financial Institutions treated as Bank, RWA for Guaranteed Exposure, by Ultimate Guarantor, All Banks including covered bonds/Financials)
BA, Std, Banking Book, Securities Firms and Other Financial Institutions treated as Bank, RWA for Guaranteed Exposure, by Ultimate Guarantor, Total
BA, Std, Banking Book, Securities Firms and Other Financial Institutions treated as Bank, RWA for collateralized Exposure under the Simple Approach, by Collateral Provider (Not Applicable under IRB Approach), All Corporates (Large, Mid, SME, Financials)
BA, Std, Banking Book, Securities Firms and Other Financial Institutions treated as Bank, RWA for collateralized Exposure under the Simple Approach, by Collateral Provider (Not Applicable under IRB Approach), Sovereign excluding PSE/MDB
BA, Std, Banking Book, Securities Firms and Other Financial Institutions treated as Bank, RWA for collateralized Exposure under the Simple Approach, by Collateral Provider (Not Applicable under IRB Approach), All Banks including covered bonds/Financials)
BA, Std, Banking Book, Securities Firms and Other Financial Institutions treated as Bank, RWA for collateralized Exposure under the Simple Approach, by Collateral Provider (Not Applicable under IRB Approach), Total
BA, Std, Banking Book, Securities Firms and Other Financial Institutions treated as Bank, RWA for Exposure Not Guaranteed nor Collateralized (RWA associated with exposure to original obligor)
BA, Std, Banking Book, Large Corporate, Pre-CRM Exposure by Original Obligor
BA, Std, Banking Book, Large Corporate, Guaranteed Exposure, by Ultimate Guarantor, All Corporates (Large, Mid, SME, Financials)
BA, Std, Banking Book, Large Corporate, Guaranteed Exposure, by Ultimate Guarantor, Sovereign including PSE/MDB
BA, Std, Banking Book, Large Corporate, Guaranteed Exposure, by Ultimate Guarantor, All Banks including covered bonds/Financials treated as Bank)
BA, Std, Banking Book, Large Corporate, Guaranteed Exposure, by Ultimate Guarantor, Total
BA, Std, Banking Book, Large Corporate, Collateralized Exposure under the Simple Approach, by Collateral Provider, All Corporates (Large, Mid, SME, Financials)
BA, Std, Banking Book, Large Corporate, Collateralized Exposure under the Simple Approach, by Collateral Provider, Sovereign excluding PSE/MDB
BA, Std, Banking Book, Large Corporate, Collateralized Exposure under the Simple Approach, by Collateral Provider, All Banks including covered bonds/Financials treated as Bank)
BA, Std, Banking Book, Large Corporate, Collateralized Exposure under the Simple Approach, by Collateral Provider, Total
BA, Std, Banking Book, Large Corporate, Exposure Not Guaranteed nor Collateralized (exposure to original obligor)
BA, Std, Banking Book, Large Corporate, RWA for Pre-CRM Exposure by Original Obligor
BA, Std, Banking Book, Large Corporate, RWA for Guaranteed Exposure, by Ultimate Guarantor, All Corporates (Large, Mid, SME, Financials)
BA, Std, Banking Book, Large Corporate, RWA for Guaranteed Exposure, by Ultimate Guarantor, Sovereign excluding PSE/MDB
BA, Std, Banking Book, Large Corporate, RWA for Guaranteed Exposure, by Ultimate Guarantor, All Banks including covered bonds/Financials)
BA, Std, Banking Book, Large Corporate, RWA for Guaranteed Exposure, by Ultimate Guarantor, Total
BA, Std, Banking Book, Large Corporate, RWA for collateralized Exposure under the Simple Approach, by Collateral Provider (Not Applicable under IRB Approach), All Corporates (Large, Mid, SME, Financials)
BA, Std, Banking Book, Large Corporate, RWA for collateralized Exposure under the Simple Approach, by Collateral Provider (Not Applicable under IRB Approach), Sovereign excluding PSE/MDB
BA, Std, Banking Book, Large Corporate, RWA for collateralized Exposure under the Simple Approach, by Collateral Provider (Not Applicable under IRB Approach), All Banks including covered bonds/Financials)
BA, Std, Banking Book, Large Corporate, RWA for collateralized Exposure under the Simple Approach, by Collateral Provider (Not Applicable under IRB Approach), Total
BA, Std, Banking Book, Large Corporate, RWA for Exposure Not Guaranteed nor Collateralized (RWA associated with exposure to original obligor)
BA, Std, Banking Book, Mid-sized Corporate, Pre-CRM Exposure by Original Obligor
BA, Std, Banking Book, Mid-sized Corporate, Guaranteed Exposure, by Ultimate Guarantor, All Corporates (Large, Mid, SME, Financials)
BA, Std, Banking Book, Mid-sized Corporate, Guaranteed Exposure, by Ultimate Guarantor, Sovereign including PSE/MDB
BA, Std, Banking Book, Mid-sized Corporate, Guaranteed Exposure, by Ultimate Guarantor, All Banks including covered bonds/Financials treated as Bank)
BA, Std, Banking Book, Mid-sized Corporate, Guaranteed Exposure, by Ultimate Guarantor, Total
BA, Std, Banking Book, Mid-sized Corporate, Collateralized Exposure under the Simple Approach, by Collateral Provider, All Corporates (Large, Mid, SME, Financials)
BA, Std, Banking Book, Mid-sized Corporate, Collateralized Exposure under the Simple Approach, by Collateral Provider, Sovereign excluding PSE/MDB
BA, Std, Banking Book, Mid-sized Corporate, Collateralized Exposure under the Simple Approach, by Collateral Provider, All Banks including covered bonds/Financials treated as Bank)
BA, Std, Banking Book, Mid-sized Corporate, Collateralized Exposure under the Simple Approach, by Collateral Provider, Total
BA, Std, Banking Book, Mid-sized Corporate, Exposure Not Guaranteed nor Collateralized (exposure to original obligor)
BA, Std, Banking Book, Mid-sized Corporate, RWA for Pre-CRM Exposure by Original Obligor
BA, Std, Banking Book, Mid-sized Corporate, RWA for Guaranteed Exposure, by Ultimate Guarantor, All Corporates (Large, Mid, SME, Financials)
BA, Std, Banking Book, Mid-sized Corporate, RWA for Guaranteed Exposure, by Ultimate Guarantor, Sovereign excluding PSE/MDB
BA, Std, Banking Book, Mid-sized Corporate, RWA for Guaranteed Exposure, by Ultimate Guarantor, All Banks including covered bonds/Financials)
BA, Std, Banking Book, Mid-sized Corporate, RWA for Guaranteed Exposure, by Ultimate Guarantor, Total
BA, Std, Banking Book, Mid-sized Corporate, RWA for collateralized Exposure under the Simple Approach, by Collateral Provider (Not Applicable under IRB Approach), All Corporates (Large, Mid, SME, Financials)
BA, Std, Banking Book, Mid-sized Corporate, RWA for collateralized Exposure under the Simple Approach, by Collateral Provider (Not Applicable under IRB Approach), Sovereign excluding PSE/MDB
BA, Std, Banking Book, Mid-sized Corporate, RWA for collateralized Exposure under the Simple Approach, by Collateral Provider (Not Applicable under IRB Approach), All Banks including covered bonds/Financials)
BA, Std, Banking Book, Mid-sized Corporate, RWA for collateralized Exposure under the Simple Approach, by Collateral Provider (Not Applicable under IRB Approach), Total
BA, Std, Banking Book, Mid-sized Corporate, RWA for Exposure Not Guaranteed nor Collateralized (RWA associated with exposure to original obligor)
BA, Std, Banking Book, SMEs Treated as Corporate, Pre-CRM Exposure by Original Obligor
BA, Std, Banking Book, SMEs Treated as Corporate, Guaranteed Exposure, by Ultimate Guarantor, All Corporates (Large, Mid, SME, Financials)
BA, Std, Banking Book, SMEs Treated as Corporate, Guaranteed Exposure, by Ultimate Guarantor, Sovereign including PSE/MDB
BA, Std, Banking Book, SMEs Treated as Corporate, Guaranteed Exposure, by Ultimate Guarantor, All Banks including covered bonds/Financials treated as Bank)
BA, Std, Banking Book, SMEs Treated as Corporate, Guaranteed Exposure, by Ultimate Guarantor, Total
BA, Std, Banking Book, SMEs Treated as Corporate, Collateralized Exposure under the Simple Approach, by Collateral Provider, All Corporates (Large, Mid, SME, Financials)
BA, Std, Banking Book, SMEs Treated as Corporate, Collateralized Exposure under the Simple Approach, by Collateral Provider, Sovereign excluding PSE/MDB
BA, Std, Banking Book, SMEs Treated as Corporate, Collateralized Exposure under the Simple Approach, by Collateral Provider, All Banks including covered bonds/Financials treated as Bank)
BA, Std, Banking Book, SMEs Treated as Corporate, Collateralized Exposure under the Simple Approach, by Collateral Provider, Total
BA, Std, Banking Book, SMEs Treated as Corporate, Exposure Not Guaranteed nor Collateralized (exposure to original obligor)
BA, Std, Banking Book, SMEs Treated as Corporate, RWA for Pre-CRM Exposure by Original Obligor
BA, Std, Banking Book, SMEs Treated as Corporate, RWA for Guaranteed Exposure, by Ultimate Guarantor, All Corporates (Large, Mid, SME, Financials)
BA, Std, Banking Book, SMEs Treated as Corporate, RWA for Guaranteed Exposure, by Ultimate Guarantor, Sovereign excluding PSE/MDB
BA, Std, Banking Book, SMEs Treated as Corporate, RWA for Guaranteed Exposure, by Ultimate Guarantor, All Banks including covered bonds/Financials)
BA, Std, Banking Book, SMEs Treated as Corporate, RWA for Guaranteed Exposure, by Ultimate Guarantor, Total
BA, Std, Banking Book, SMEs Treated as Corporate, RWA for collateralized Exposure under the Simple Approach, by Collateral Provider (Not Applicable under IRB Approach), All Corporates (Large, Mid, SME, Financials)
BA, Std, Banking Book, SMEs Treated as Corporate, RWA for collateralized Exposure under the Simple Approach, by Collateral Provider (Not Applicable under IRB Approach), Sovereign excluding PSE/MDB
BA, Std, Banking Book, SMEs Treated as Corporate, RWA for collateralized Exposure under the Simple Approach, by Collateral Provider (Not Applicable under IRB Approach), All Banks including covered bonds/Financials)
BA, Std, Banking Book, SMEs Treated as Corporate, RWA for collateralized Exposure under the Simple Approach, by Collateral Provider (Not Applicable under IRB Approach), Total
BA, Std, Banking Book, SMEs Treated as Corporate, RWA for Exposure Not Guaranteed nor Collateralized (RWA associated with exposure to original obligor)
BA, Std, Banking Book, Securities Firms and Other Financial Institutions treated as Corporate, Pre-CRM Exposure by Original Obligor
BA, Std, Banking Book, Securities Firms and Other Financial Institutions treated as Corporate, Guaranteed Exposure, by Ultimate Guarantor, All Corporates (Large, Mid, SME, Financials)
BA, Std, Banking Book, Securities Firms and Other Financial Institutions treated as Corporate, Guaranteed Exposure, by Ultimate Guarantor, Sovereign including PSE/MDB
BA, Std, Banking Book, Securities Firms and Other Financial Institutions treated as Corporate, Guaranteed Exposure, by Ultimate Guarantor, All Banks including covered bonds/Financials treated as Bank)
BA, Std, Banking Book, Securities Firms and Other Financial Institutions treated as Corporate, Guaranteed Exposure, by Ultimate Guarantor, Total
BA, Std, Banking Book, Securities Firms and Other Financial Institutions treated as Corporate, Collateralized Exposure under the Simple Approach, by Collateral Provider, All Corporates (Large, Mid, SME, Financials)
BA, Std, Banking Book, Securities Firms and Other Financial Institutions treated as Corporate, Collateralized Exposure under the Simple Approach, by Collateral Provider, Sovereign excluding PSE/MDB
BA, Std, Banking Book, Securities Firms and Other Financial Institutions treated as Corporate, Collateralized Exposure under the Simple Approach, by Collateral Provider, All Banks including covered bonds/Financials treated as Bank)
BA, Std, Banking Book, Securities Firms and Other Financial Institutions treated as Corporate, Collateralized Exposure under the Simple Approach, by Collateral Provider, Total
BA, Std, Banking Book, Securities Firms and Other Financial Institutions treated as Corporate, Exposure Not Guaranteed nor Collateralized (exposure to original obligor)
BA, Std, Banking Book, Securities Firms and Other Financial Institutions treated as Corporate, RWA for Pre-CRM Exposure by Original Obligor
BA, Std, Banking Book, Securities Firms and Other Financial Institutions treated as Corporate, RWA for Guaranteed Exposure, by Ultimate Guarantor, All Corporates (Large, Mid, SME, Financials)
BA, Std, Banking Book, Securities Firms and Other Financial Institutions treated as Corporate, RWA for Guaranteed Exposure, by Ultimate Guarantor, Sovereign excluding PSE/MDB
BA, Std, Banking Book, Securities Firms and Other Financial Institutions treated as Corporate, RWA for Guaranteed Exposure, by Ultimate Guarantor, All Banks including covered bonds/Financials)
BA, Std, Banking Book, Securities Firms and Other Financial Institutions treated as Corporate, RWA for Guaranteed Exposure, by Ultimate Guarantor, Total
BA, Std, Banking Book, Securities Firms and Other Financial Institutions treated as Corporate, RWA for collateralized Exposure under the Simple Approach, by Collateral Provider (Not Applicable under IRB Approach), All Corporates (Large, Mid, SME, Financials)
BA, Std, Banking Book, Securities Firms and Other Financial Institutions treated as Corporate, RWA for collateralized Exposure under the Simple Approach, by Collateral Provider (Not Applicable under IRB Approach), Sovereign excluding PSE/MDB
BA, Std, Banking Book, Securities Firms and Other Financial Institutions treated as Corporate, RWA for collateralized Exposure under the Simple Approach, by Collateral Provider (Not Applicable under IRB Approach), All Banks including covered bonds/Financials)
BA, Std, Banking Book, Securities Firms and Other Financial Institutions treated as Corporate, RWA for collateralized Exposure under the Simple Approach, by Collateral Provider (Not Applicable under IRB Approach), Total
BA, Std, Banking Book, Securities Firms and Other Financial Institutions treated as Corporate, RWA for Exposure Not Guaranteed nor Collateralized (RWA associated with exposure to original obligor)
BA, Std, Banking Book, Specialized Lending, Pre-CRM Exposure by Original Obligor
BA, Std, Banking Book, Specialized Lending, Guaranteed Exposure, by Ultimate Guarantor, All Corporates (Large, Mid, SME, Financials)
BA, Std, Banking Book, Specialized Lending, Guaranteed Exposure, by Ultimate Guarantor, Sovereign including PSE/MDB
BA, Std, Banking Book, Specialized Lending, Guaranteed Exposure, by Ultimate Guarantor, All Banks including covered bonds/Financials treated as Bank)
BA, Std, Banking Book, Specialized Lending, Guaranteed Exposure, by Ultimate Guarantor, Total
BA, Std, Banking Book, Specialized Lending, Collateralized Exposure under the Simple Approach, by Collateral Provider, All Corporates (Large, Mid, SME, Financials)
BA, Std, Banking Book, Specialized Lending, Collateralized Exposure under the Simple Approach, by Collateral Provider, Sovereign excluding PSE/MDB
BA, Std, Banking Book, Specialized Lending, Collateralized Exposure under the Simple Approach, by Collateral Provider, All Banks including covered bonds/Financials treated as Bank)
BA, Std, Banking Book, Specialized Lending, Collateralized Exposure under the Simple Approach, by Collateral Provider, Total
BA, Std, Banking Book, Specialized Lending, Exposure Not Guaranteed nor Collateralized (exposure to original obligor)
BA, Std, Banking Book, Specialized Lending, RWA for Pre-CRM Exposure by Original Obligor
BA, Std, Banking Book, Specialized Lending, RWA for Guaranteed Exposure, by Ultimate Guarantor, All Corporates (Large, Mid, SME, Financials)
BA, Std, Banking Book, Specialized Lending, RWA for Guaranteed Exposure, by Ultimate Guarantor, Sovereign excluding PSE/MDB
BA, Std, Banking Book, Specialized Lending, RWA for Guaranteed Exposure, by Ultimate Guarantor, All Banks including covered bonds/Financials)
BA, Std, Banking Book, Specialized Lending, RWA for Guaranteed Exposure, by Ultimate Guarantor, Total
BA, Std, Banking Book, Specialized Lending, RWA for collateralized Exposure under the Simple Approach, by Collateral Provider (Not Applicable under IRB Approach), All Corporates (Large, Mid, SME, Financials)
BA, Std, Banking Book, Specialized Lending, RWA for collateralized Exposure under the Simple Approach, by Collateral Provider (Not Applicable under IRB Approach), Sovereign excluding PSE/MDB
BA, Std, Banking Book, Specialized Lending, RWA for collateralized Exposure under the Simple Approach, by Collateral Provider (Not Applicable under IRB Approach), All Banks including covered bonds/Financials)
BA, Std, Banking Book, Specialized Lending, RWA for collateralized Exposure under the Simple Approach, by Collateral Provider (Not Applicable under IRB Approach), Total
BA, Std, Banking Book, Specialized Lending, RWA for Exposure Not Guaranteed nor Collateralized (RWA associated with exposure to original obligor)
BA, Std, Banking Book, Regulatory Retail - Transactors, Pre-CRM Exposure by Original Obligor
BA, Std, Banking Book, Regulatory Retail - Transactors, Guaranteed Exposure, by Ultimate Guarantor, All Corporates (Large, Mid, SME, Financials)
BA, Std, Banking Book, Regulatory Retail - Transactors, Guaranteed Exposure, by Ultimate Guarantor, Sovereign including PSE/MDB
BA, Std, Banking Book, Regulatory Retail - Transactors, Guaranteed Exposure, by Ultimate Guarantor, All Banks including covered bonds/Financials treated as Bank)
BA, Std, Banking Book, Regulatory Retail - Transactors, Guaranteed Exposure, by Ultimate Guarantor, Total
BA, Std, Banking Book, Regulatory Retail - Transactors, Collateralized Exposure under the Simple Approach, by Collateral Provider, All Corporates (Large, Mid, SME, Financials)
BA, Std, Banking Book, Regulatory Retail - Transactors, Collateralized Exposure under the Simple Approach, by Collateral Provider, Sovereign excluding PSE/MDB
BA, Std, Banking Book, Regulatory Retail - Transactors, Collateralized Exposure under the Simple Approach, by Collateral Provider, All Banks including covered bonds/Financials treated as Bank)
BA, Std, Banking Book, Regulatory Retail - Transactors, Collateralized Exposure under the Simple Approach, by Collateral Provider, Total
BA, Std, Banking Book, Regulatory Retail - Transactors, Exposure Not Guaranteed nor Collateralized (exposure to original obligor)
BA, Std, Banking Book, Regulatory Retail - Transactors, RWA for Pre-CRM Exposure by Original Obligor
BA, Std, Banking Book, Regulatory Retail - Transactors, RWA for Guaranteed Exposure, by Ultimate Guarantor, All Corporates (Large, Mid, SME, Financials)
BA, Std, Banking Book, Regulatory Retail - Transactors, RWA for Guaranteed Exposure, by Ultimate Guarantor, Sovereign excluding PSE/MDB
BA, Std, Banking Book, Regulatory Retail - Transactors, RWA for Guaranteed Exposure, by Ultimate Guarantor, All Banks including covered bonds/Financials)
BA, Std, Banking Book, Regulatory Retail - Transactors, RWA for Guaranteed Exposure, by Ultimate Guarantor, Total
BA, Std, Banking Book, Regulatory Retail - Transactors, RWA for collateralized Exposure under the Simple Approach, by Collateral Provider (Not Applicable under IRB Approach), All Corporates (Large, Mid, SME, Financials)
BA, Std, Banking Book, Regulatory Retail - Transactors, RWA for collateralized Exposure under the Simple Approach, by Collateral Provider (Not Applicable under IRB Approach), Sovereign excluding PSE/MDB
BA, Std, Banking Book, Regulatory Retail - Transactors, RWA for collateralized Exposure under the Simple Approach, by Collateral Provider (Not Applicable under IRB Approach), All Banks including covered bonds/Financials)
BA, Std, Banking Book, Regulatory Retail - Transactors, RWA for collateralized Exposure under the Simple Approach, by Collateral Provider (Not Applicable under IRB Approach), Total
BA, Std, Banking Book, Regulatory Retail - Transactors, RWA for Exposure Not Guaranteed nor Collateralized (RWA associated with exposure to original obligor)
BA, Std, Banking Book, Regulatory Retail - Revolvers, Pre-CRM Exposure by Original Obligor
BA, Std, Banking Book, Regulatory Retail - Revolvers, Guaranteed Exposure, by Ultimate Guarantor, All Corporates (Large, Mid, SME, Financials)
BA, Std, Banking Book, Regulatory Retail - Revolvers, Guaranteed Exposure, by Ultimate Guarantor, Sovereign including PSE/MDB
BA, Std, Banking Book, Regulatory Retail - Revolvers, Guaranteed Exposure, by Ultimate Guarantor, All Banks including covered bonds/Financials treated as Bank)
BA, Std, Banking Book, Regulatory Retail - Revolvers, Guaranteed Exposure, by Ultimate Guarantor, Total
BA, Std, Banking Book, Regulatory Retail - Revolvers, Collateralized Exposure under the Simple Approach, by Collateral Provider, All Corporates (Large, Mid, SME, Financials)
BA, Std, Banking Book, Regulatory Retail - Revolvers, Collateralized Exposure under the Simple Approach, by Collateral Provider, Sovereign excluding PSE/MDB
BA, Std, Banking Book, Regulatory Retail - Revolvers, Collateralized Exposure under the Simple Approach, by Collateral Provider, All Banks including covered bonds/Financials treated as Bank)
BA, Std, Banking Book, Regulatory Retail - Revolvers, Collateralized Exposure under the Simple Approach, by Collateral Provider, Total
BA, Std, Banking Book, Regulatory Retail - Revolvers, Exposure Not Guaranteed nor Collateralized (exposure to original obligor)
BA, Std, Banking Book, Regulatory Retail - Revolvers, RWA for Pre-CRM Exposure by Original Obligor
BA, Std, Banking Book, Regulatory Retail - Revolvers, RWA for Guaranteed Exposure, by Ultimate Guarantor, All Corporates (Large, Mid, SME, Financials)
BA, Std, Banking Book, Regulatory Retail - Revolvers, RWA for Guaranteed Exposure, by Ultimate Guarantor, Sovereign excluding PSE/MDB
BA, Std, Banking Book, Regulatory Retail - Revolvers, RWA for Guaranteed Exposure, by Ultimate Guarantor, All Banks including covered bonds/Financials)
BA, Std, Banking Book, Regulatory Retail - Revolvers, RWA for Guaranteed Exposure, by Ultimate Guarantor, Total
BA, Std, Banking Book, Regulatory Retail - Revolvers, RWA for collateralized Exposure under the Simple Approach, by Collateral Provider (Not Applicable under IRB Approach), All Corporates (Large, Mid, SME, Financials)
BA, Std, Banking Book, Regulatory Retail - Revolvers, RWA for collateralized Exposure under the Simple Approach, by Collateral Provider (Not Applicable under IRB Approach), Sovereign excluding PSE/MDB
BA, Std, Banking Book, Regulatory Retail - Revolvers, RWA for collateralized Exposure under the Simple Approach, by Collateral Provider (Not Applicable under IRB Approach), All Banks including covered bonds/Financials)
BA, Std, Banking Book, Regulatory Retail - Revolvers, RWA for collateralized Exposure under the Simple Approach, by Collateral Provider (Not Applicable under IRB Approach), Total
BA, Std, Banking Book, Regulatory Retail - Revolvers, RWA for Exposure Not Guaranteed nor Collateralized (RWA associated with exposure to original obligor)
BA, Std, Banking Book, Regulatory Retail - Indirect Auto, Pre-CRM Exposure by Original Obligor
BA, Std, Banking Book, Regulatory Retail - Indirect Auto, Guaranteed Exposure, by Ultimate Guarantor, All Corporates (Large, Mid, SME, Financials)
BA, Std, Banking Book, Regulatory Retail - Indirect Auto, Guaranteed Exposure, by Ultimate Guarantor, Sovereign including PSE/MDB
BA, Std, Banking Book, Regulatory Retail - Indirect Auto, Guaranteed Exposure, by Ultimate Guarantor, All Banks including covered bonds/Financials treated as Bank)
BA, Std, Banking Book, Regulatory Retail - Indirect Auto, Guaranteed Exposure, by Ultimate Guarantor, Total
BA, Std, Banking Book, Regulatory Retail - Indirect Auto, Collateralized Exposure under the Simple Approach, by Collateral Provider, All Corporates (Large, Mid, SME, Financials)
BA, Std, Banking Book, Regulatory Retail - Indirect Auto, Collateralized Exposure under the Simple Approach, by Collateral Provider, Sovereign excluding PSE/MDB
BA, Std, Banking Book, Regulatory Retail - Indirect Auto, Collateralized Exposure under the Simple Approach, by Collateral Provider, All Banks including covered bonds/Financials treated as Bank)
BA, Std, Banking Book, Regulatory Retail - Indirect Auto, Collateralized Exposure under the Simple Approach, by Collateral Provider, Total
BA, Std, Banking Book, Regulatory Retail - Indirect Auto, Exposure Not Guaranteed nor Collateralized (exposure to original obligor)
BA, Std, Banking Book, Regulatory Retail - Indirect Auto, RWA for Pre-CRM Exposure by Original Obligor
BA, Std, Banking Book, Regulatory Retail - Indirect Auto, RWA for Guaranteed Exposure, by Ultimate Guarantor, All Corporates (Large, Mid, SME, Financials)
BA, Std, Banking Book, Regulatory Retail - Indirect Auto, RWA for Guaranteed Exposure, by Ultimate Guarantor, Sovereign excluding PSE/MDB
BA, Std, Banking Book, Regulatory Retail - Indirect Auto, RWA for Guaranteed Exposure, by Ultimate Guarantor, All Banks including covered bonds/Financials)
BA, Std, Banking Book, Regulatory Retail - Indirect Auto, RWA for Guaranteed Exposure, by Ultimate Guarantor, Total
BA, Std, Banking Book, Regulatory Retail - Indirect Auto, RWA for collateralized Exposure under the Simple Approach, by Collateral Provider (Not Applicable under IRB Approach), All Corporates (Large, Mid, SME, Financials)
BA, Std, Banking Book, Regulatory Retail - Indirect Auto, RWA for collateralized Exposure under the Simple Approach, by Collateral Provider (Not Applicable under IRB Approach), Sovereign excluding PSE/MDB
BA, Std, Banking Book, Regulatory Retail - Indirect Auto, RWA for collateralized Exposure under the Simple Approach, by Collateral Provider (Not Applicable under IRB Approach), All Banks including covered bonds/Financials)
BA, Std, Banking Book, Regulatory Retail - Indirect Auto, RWA for collateralized Exposure under the Simple Approach, by Collateral Provider (Not Applicable under IRB Approach), Total
BA, Std, Banking Book, Regulatory Retail - Indirect Auto, RWA for Exposure Not Guaranteed nor Collateralized (RWA associated with exposure to original obligor)
BA, Std, Banking Book, SBEs treated as Regulatory Retail, Pre-CRM Exposure by Original Obligor
BA, Std, Banking Book, SBEs treated as Regulatory Retail, Guaranteed Exposure, by Ultimate Guarantor, All Corporates (Large, Mid, SME, Financials)
BA, Std, Banking Book, SBEs treated as Regulatory Retail, Guaranteed Exposure, by Ultimate Guarantor, Sovereign including PSE/MDB
BA, Std, Banking Book, SBEs treated as Regulatory Retail, Guaranteed Exposure, by Ultimate Guarantor, All Banks including covered bonds/Financials treated as Bank)
BA, Std, Banking Book, SBEs treated as Regulatory Retail, Guaranteed Exposure, by Ultimate Guarantor, Total
BA, Std, Banking Book, SBEs treated as Regulatory Retail, Collateralized Exposure under the Simple Approach, by Collateral Provider, All Corporates (Large, Mid, SME, Financials)
BA, Std, Banking Book, SBEs treated as Regulatory Retail, Collateralized Exposure under the Simple Approach, by Collateral Provider, Sovereign excluding PSE/MDB
BA, Std, Banking Book, SBEs treated as Regulatory Retail, Collateralized Exposure under the Simple Approach, by Collateral Provider, All Banks including covered bonds/Financials treated as Bank)
BA, Std, Banking Book, SBEs treated as Regulatory Retail, Collateralized Exposure under the Simple Approach, by Collateral Provider, Total
BA, Std, Banking Book, SBEs treated as Regulatory Retail, Exposure Not Guaranteed nor Collateralized (exposure to original obligor)
BA, Std, Banking Book, SBEs treated as Regulatory Retail, RWA for Pre-CRM Exposure by Original Obligor
BA, Std, Banking Book, SBEs treated as Regulatory Retail, RWA for Guaranteed Exposure, by Ultimate Guarantor, All Corporates (Large, Mid, SME, Financials)
BA, Std, Banking Book, SBEs treated as Regulatory Retail, RWA for Guaranteed Exposure, by Ultimate Guarantor, Sovereign excluding PSE/MDB
BA, Std, Banking Book, SBEs treated as Regulatory Retail, RWA for Guaranteed Exposure, by Ultimate Guarantor, All Banks including covered bonds/Financials)
BA, Std, Banking Book, SBEs treated as Regulatory Retail, RWA for Guaranteed Exposure, by Ultimate Guarantor, Total
BA, Std, Banking Book, SBEs treated as Regulatory Retail, RWA for collateralized Exposure under the Simple Approach, by Collateral Provider (Not Applicable under IRB Approach), All Corporates (Large, Mid, SME, Financials)
BA, Std, Banking Book, SBEs treated as Regulatory Retail, RWA for collateralized Exposure under the Simple Approach, by Collateral Provider (Not Applicable under IRB Approach), Sovereign excluding PSE/MDB
BA, Std, Banking Book, SBEs treated as Regulatory Retail, RWA for collateralized Exposure under the Simple Approach, by Collateral Provider (Not Applicable under IRB Approach), All Banks including covered bonds/Financials)
BA, Std, Banking Book, SBEs treated as Regulatory Retail, RWA for collateralized Exposure under the Simple Approach, by Collateral Provider (Not Applicable under IRB Approach), Total
BA, Std, Banking Book, SBEs treated as Regulatory Retail, RWA for Exposure Not Guaranteed nor Collateralized (RWA associated with exposure to original obligor)
BA, Std, Banking Book, Regulatory Retail - All Other Exposures, Pre-CRM Exposure by Original Obligor
BA, Std, Banking Book, Regulatory Retail - All Other Exposures, Guaranteed Exposure, by Ultimate Guarantor, All Corporates (Large, Mid, SME, Financials)
BA, Std, Banking Book, Regulatory Retail - All Other Exposures, Guaranteed Exposure, by Ultimate Guarantor, Sovereign including PSE/MDB
BA, Std, Banking Book, Regulatory Retail - All Other Exposures, Guaranteed Exposure, by Ultimate Guarantor, All Banks including covered bonds/Financials treated as Bank)
BA, Std, Banking Book, Regulatory Retail - All Other Exposures, Guaranteed Exposure, by Ultimate Guarantor, Total
BA, Std, Banking Book, Regulatory Retail - All Other Exposures, Collateralized Exposure under the Simple Approach, by Collateral Provider, All Corporates (Large, Mid, SME, Financials)
BA, Std, Banking Book, Regulatory Retail - All Other Exposures, Collateralized Exposure under the Simple Approach, by Collateral Provider, Sovereign excluding PSE/MDB
BA, Std, Banking Book, Regulatory Retail - All Other Exposures, Collateralized Exposure under the Simple Approach, by Collateral Provider, All Banks including covered bonds/Financials treated as Bank)
BA, Std, Banking Book, Regulatory Retail - All Other Exposures, Collateralized Exposure under the Simple Approach, by Collateral Provider, Total
BA, Std, Banking Book, Regulatory Retail - All Other Exposures, Exposure Not Guaranteed nor Collateralized (exposure to original obligor)
BA, Std, Banking Book, Regulatory Retail - All Other Exposures, RWA for Pre-CRM Exposure by Original Obligor
BA, Std, Banking Book, Regulatory Retail - All Other Exposures, RWA for Guaranteed Exposure, by Ultimate Guarantor, All Corporates (Large, Mid, SME, Financials)
BA, Std, Banking Book, Regulatory Retail - All Other Exposures, RWA for Guaranteed Exposure, by Ultimate Guarantor, Sovereign excluding PSE/MDB
BA, Std, Banking Book, Regulatory Retail - All Other Exposures, RWA for Guaranteed Exposure, by Ultimate Guarantor, All Banks including covered bonds/Financials)
BA, Std, Banking Book, Regulatory Retail - All Other Exposures, RWA for Guaranteed Exposure, by Ultimate Guarantor, Total
BA, Std, Banking Book, Regulatory Retail - All Other Exposures, RWA for collateralized Exposure under the Simple Approach, by Collateral Provider (Not Applicable under IRB Approach), All Corporates (Large, Mid, SME, Financials)
BA, Std, Banking Book, Regulatory Retail - All Other Exposures, RWA for collateralized Exposure under the Simple Approach, by Collateral Provider (Not Applicable under IRB Approach), Sovereign excluding PSE/MDB
BA, Std, Banking Book, Regulatory Retail - All Other Exposures, RWA for collateralized Exposure under the Simple Approach, by Collateral Provider (Not Applicable under IRB Approach), All Banks including covered bonds/Financials)
BA, Std, Banking Book, Regulatory Retail - All Other Exposures, RWA for collateralized Exposure under the Simple Approach, by Collateral Provider (Not Applicable under IRB Approach), Total
BA, Std, Banking Book, Regulatory Retail - All Other Exposures, RWA for Exposure Not Guaranteed nor Collateralized (RWA associated with exposure to original obligor)
BA, Std, Banking Book, Non-regulatory Retail, Pre-CRM Exposure by Original Obligor
BA, Std, Banking Book, Non-regulatory Retail, Guaranteed Exposure, by Ultimate Guarantor, All Corporates (Large, Mid, SME, Financials)
BA, Std, Banking Book, Non-regulatory Retail, Guaranteed Exposure, by Ultimate Guarantor, Sovereign including PSE/MDB
BA, Std, Banking Book, Non-regulatory Retail, Guaranteed Exposure, by Ultimate Guarantor, All Banks including covered bonds/Financials treated as Bank)
BA, Std, Banking Book, Non-regulatory Retail, Guaranteed Exposure, by Ultimate Guarantor, Total
BA, Std, Banking Book, Non-regulatory Retail, Collateralized Exposure under the Simple Approach, by Collateral Provider, All Corporates (Large, Mid, SME, Financials)
BA, Std, Banking Book, Non-regulatory Retail, Collateralized Exposure under the Simple Approach, by Collateral Provider, Sovereign excluding PSE/MDB
BA, Std, Banking Book, Non-regulatory Retail, Collateralized Exposure under the Simple Approach, by Collateral Provider, All Banks including covered bonds/Financials treated as Bank)
BA, Std, Banking Book, Non-regulatory Retail, Collateralized Exposure under the Simple Approach, by Collateral Provider, Total
BA, Std, Banking Book, Non-regulatory Retail, Exposure Not Guaranteed nor Collateralized (exposure to original obligor)
BA, Std, Banking Book, Non-regulatory Retail, RWA for Pre-CRM Exposure by Original Obligor
BA, Std, Banking Book, Non-regulatory Retail, RWA for Guaranteed Exposure, by Ultimate Guarantor, All Corporates (Large, Mid, SME, Financials)
BA, Std, Banking Book, Non-regulatory Retail, RWA for Guaranteed Exposure, by Ultimate Guarantor, Sovereign excluding PSE/MDB
BA, Std, Banking Book, Non-regulatory Retail, RWA for Guaranteed Exposure, by Ultimate Guarantor, All Banks including covered bonds/Financials)
BA, Std, Banking Book, Non-regulatory Retail, RWA for Guaranteed Exposure, by Ultimate Guarantor, Total
BA, Std, Banking Book, Non-regulatory Retail, RWA for collateralized Exposure under the Simple Approach, by Collateral Provider (Not Applicable under IRB Approach), All Corporates (Large, Mid, SME, Financials)
BA, Std, Banking Book, Non-regulatory Retail, RWA for collateralized Exposure under the Simple Approach, by Collateral Provider (Not Applicable under IRB Approach), Sovereign excluding PSE/MDB
BA, Std, Banking Book, Non-regulatory Retail, RWA for collateralized Exposure under the Simple Approach, by Collateral Provider (Not Applicable under IRB Approach), All Banks including covered bonds/Financials)
BA, Std, Banking Book, Non-regulatory Retail, RWA for collateralized Exposure under the Simple Approach, by Collateral Provider (Not Applicable under IRB Approach), Total
BA, Std, Banking Book, Non-regulatory Retail, RWA for Exposure Not Guaranteed nor Collateralized (RWA associated with exposure to original obligor)
BA, Std, Banking Book, General Residential Real Estate excl. HELOCs, Pre-CRM Exposure by Original Obligor
BA, Std, Banking Book, General Residential Real Estate excl. HELOCs, Guaranteed Exposure, by Ultimate Guarantor, All Corporates (Large, Mid, SME, Financials)
BA, Std, Banking Book, General Residential Real Estate excl. HELOCs, Guaranteed Exposure, by Ultimate Guarantor, Sovereign including PSE/MDB
BA, Std, Banking Book, General Residential Real Estate excl. HELOCs, Guaranteed Exposure, by Ultimate Guarantor, All Banks including covered bonds/Financials treated as Bank)
BA, Std, Banking Book, General Residential Real Estate excl. HELOCs, Guaranteed Exposure, by Ultimate Guarantor, Total
BA, Std, Banking Book, General Residential Real Estate excl. HELOCs, Collateralized Exposure under the Simple Approach, by Collateral Provider, All Corporates (Large, Mid, SME, Financials)
BA, Std, Banking Book, General Residential Real Estate excl. HELOCs, Collateralized Exposure under the Simple Approach, by Collateral Provider, Sovereign excluding PSE/MDB
BA, Std, Banking Book, General Residential Real Estate excl. HELOCs, Collateralized Exposure under the Simple Approach, by Collateral Provider, All Banks including covered bonds/Financials treated as Bank)
BA, Std, Banking Book, General Residential Real Estate excl. HELOCs, Collateralized Exposure under the Simple Approach, by Collateral Provider, Total
BA, Std, Banking Book, General Residential Real Estate excl. HELOCs, Exposure Not Guaranteed nor Collateralized (exposure to original obligor)
BA, Std, Banking Book, General Residential Real Estate excl. HELOCs, RWA for Pre-CRM Exposure by Original Obligor
BA, Std, Banking Book, General Residential Real Estate excl. HELOCs, RWA for Guaranteed Exposure, by Ultimate Guarantor, All Corporates (Large, Mid, SME, Financials)
BA, Std, Banking Book, General Residential Real Estate excl. HELOCs, RWA for Guaranteed Exposure, by Ultimate Guarantor, Sovereign excluding PSE/MDB
BA, Std, Banking Book, General Residential Real Estate excl. HELOCs, RWA for Guaranteed Exposure, by Ultimate Guarantor, All Banks including covered bonds/Financials)
BA, Std, Banking Book, General Residential Real Estate excl. HELOCs, RWA for Guaranteed Exposure, by Ultimate Guarantor, Total
BA, Std, Banking Book, General Residential Real Estate excl. HELOCs, RWA for collateralized Exposure under the Simple Approach, by Collateral Provider (Not Applicable under IRB Approach), All Corporates (Large, Mid, SME, Financials)
BA, Std, Banking Book, General Residential Real Estate excl. HELOCs, RWA for collateralized Exposure under the Simple Approach, by Collateral Provider (Not Applicable under IRB Approach), Sovereign excluding PSE/MDB
BA, Std, Banking Book, General Residential Real Estate excl. HELOCs, RWA for collateralized Exposure under the Simple Approach, by Collateral Provider (Not Applicable under IRB Approach), All Banks including covered bonds/Financials)
BA, Std, Banking Book, General Residential Real Estate excl. HELOCs, RWA for collateralized Exposure under the Simple Approach, by Collateral Provider (Not Applicable under IRB Approach), Total
BA, Std, Banking Book, General Residential Real Estate excl. HELOCs, RWA for Exposure Not Guaranteed nor Collateralized (RWA associated with exposure to original obligor)
BA, Std, Banking Book, General HELOCs, Pre-CRM Exposure by Original Obligor
BA, Std, Banking Book, General HELOCs, Guaranteed Exposure, by Ultimate Guarantor, All Corporates (Large, Mid, SME, Financials)
BA, Std, Banking Book, General HELOCs, Guaranteed Exposure, by Ultimate Guarantor, Sovereign including PSE/MDB
BA, Std, Banking Book, General HELOCs, Guaranteed Exposure, by Ultimate Guarantor, All Banks including covered bonds/Financials treated as Bank)
BA, Std, Banking Book, General HELOCs, Guaranteed Exposure, by Ultimate Guarantor, Total
BA, Std, Banking Book, General HELOCs, Collateralized Exposure under the Simple Approach, by Collateral Provider, All Corporates (Large, Mid, SME, Financials)
BA, Std, Banking Book, General HELOCs, Collateralized Exposure under the Simple Approach, by Collateral Provider, Sovereign excluding PSE/MDB
BA, Std, Banking Book, General HELOCs, Collateralized Exposure under the Simple Approach, by Collateral Provider, All Banks including covered bonds/Financials treated as Bank)
BA, Std, Banking Book, General HELOCs, Collateralized Exposure under the Simple Approach, by Collateral Provider, Total
BA, Std, Banking Book, General HELOCs, Exposure Not Guaranteed nor Collateralized (exposure to original obligor)
BA, Std, Banking Book, General HELOCs, RWA for Pre-CRM Exposure by Original Obligor
BA, Std, Banking Book, General HELOCs, RWA for Guaranteed Exposure, by Ultimate Guarantor, All Corporates (Large, Mid, SME, Financials)
BA, Std, Banking Book, General HELOCs, RWA for Guaranteed Exposure, by Ultimate Guarantor, Sovereign excluding PSE/MDB
BA, Std, Banking Book, General HELOCs, RWA for Guaranteed Exposure, by Ultimate Guarantor, All Banks including covered bonds/Financials)
BA, Std, Banking Book, General HELOCs, RWA for Guaranteed Exposure, by Ultimate Guarantor, Total
BA, Std, Banking Book, General HELOCs, RWA for collateralized Exposure under the Simple Approach, by Collateral Provider (Not Applicable under IRB Approach), All Corporates (Large, Mid, SME, Financials)
BA, Std, Banking Book, General HELOCs, RWA for collateralized Exposure under the Simple Approach, by Collateral Provider (Not Applicable under IRB Approach), Sovereign excluding PSE/MDB
BA, Std, Banking Book, General HELOCs, RWA for collateralized Exposure under the Simple Approach, by Collateral Provider (Not Applicable under IRB Approach), All Banks including covered bonds/Financials)
BA, Std, Banking Book, General HELOCs, RWA for collateralized Exposure under the Simple Approach, by Collateral Provider (Not Applicable under IRB Approach), Total
BA, Std, Banking Book, General HELOCs, RWA for Exposure Not Guaranteed nor Collateralized (RWA associated with exposure to original obligor)
BA, Std, Banking Book, Income-Producing Residential Real Estate excl. HELOCs, Pre-CRM Exposure by Original Obligor
BA, Std, Banking Book, Income-Producing Residential Real Estate excl. HELOCs, Guaranteed Exposure, by Ultimate Guarantor, All Corporates (Large, Mid, SME, Financials)
BA, Std, Banking Book, Income-Producing Residential Real Estate excl. HELOCs, Guaranteed Exposure, by Ultimate Guarantor, Sovereign including PSE/MDB
BA, Std, Banking Book, Income-Producing Residential Real Estate excl. HELOCs, Guaranteed Exposure, by Ultimate Guarantor, All Banks including covered bonds/Financials treated as Bank)
BA, Std, Banking Book, Income-Producing Residential Real Estate excl. HELOCs, Guaranteed Exposure, by Ultimate Guarantor, Total
BA, Std, Banking Book, Income-Producing Residential Real Estate excl. HELOCs, Collateralized Exposure under the Simple Approach, by Collateral Provider, All Corporates (Large, Mid, SME, Financials)
BA, Std, Banking Book, Income-Producing Residential Real Estate excl. HELOCs, Collateralized Exposure under the Simple Approach, by Collateral Provider, Sovereign excluding PSE/MDB
BA, Std, Banking Book, Income-Producing Residential Real Estate excl. HELOCs, Collateralized Exposure under the Simple Approach, by Collateral Provider, All Banks including covered bonds/Financials treated as Bank)
BA, Std, Banking Book, Income-Producing Residential Real Estate excl. HELOCs, Collateralized Exposure under the Simple Approach, by Collateral Provider, Total
BA, Std, Banking Book, Income-Producing Residential Real Estate excl. HELOCs, Exposure Not Guaranteed nor Collateralized (exposure to original obligor)
BA, Std, Banking Book, Income-Producing Residential Real Estate excl. HELOCs, RWA for Pre-CRM Exposure by Original Obligor
BA, Std, Banking Book, Income-Producing Residential Real Estate excl. HELOCs, RWA for Guaranteed Exposure, by Ultimate Guarantor, All Corporates (Large, Mid, SME, Financials)
BA, Std, Banking Book, Income-Producing Residential Real Estate excl. HELOCs, RWA for Guaranteed Exposure, by Ultimate Guarantor, Sovereign excluding PSE/MDB
BA, Std, Banking Book, Income-Producing Residential Real Estate excl. HELOCs, RWA for Guaranteed Exposure, by Ultimate Guarantor, All Banks including covered bonds/Financials)
BA, Std, Banking Book, Income-Producing Residential Real Estate excl. HELOCs, RWA for Guaranteed Exposure, by Ultimate Guarantor, Total
BA, Std, Banking Book, Income-Producing Residential Real Estate excl. HELOCs, RWA for collateralized Exposure under the Simple Approach, by Collateral Provider (Not Applicable under IRB Approach), All Corporates (Large, Mid, SME, Financials)
BA, Std, Banking Book, Income-Producing Residential Real Estate excl. HELOCs, RWA for collateralized Exposure under the Simple Approach, by Collateral Provider (Not Applicable under IRB Approach), Sovereign excluding PSE/MDB
BA, Std, Banking Book, Income-Producing Residential Real Estate excl. HELOCs, RWA for collateralized Exposure under the Simple Approach, by Collateral Provider (Not Applicable under IRB Approach), All Banks including covered bonds/Financials)
BA, Std, Banking Book, Income-Producing Residential Real Estate excl. HELOCs, RWA for collateralized Exposure under the Simple Approach, by Collateral Provider (Not Applicable under IRB Approach), Total
BA, Std, Banking Book, Income-Producing Residential Real Estate excl. HELOCs, RWA for Exposure Not Guaranteed nor Collateralized (RWA associated with exposure to original obligor)
BA, Std, Banking Book, Income-Producing HELOCs, Pre-CRM Exposure by Original Obligor
BA, Std, Banking Book, Income-Producing HELOCs, Guaranteed Exposure, by Ultimate Guarantor, All Corporates (Large, Mid, SME, Financials)
BA, Std, Banking Book, Income-Producing HELOCs, Guaranteed Exposure, by Ultimate Guarantor, Sovereign including PSE/MDB
BA, Std, Banking Book, Income-Producing HELOCs, Guaranteed Exposure, by Ultimate Guarantor, All Banks including covered bonds/Financials treated as Bank)
BA, Std, Banking Book, Income-Producing HELOCs, Guaranteed Exposure, by Ultimate Guarantor, Total
BA, Std, Banking Book, Income-Producing HELOCs, Collateralized Exposure under the Simple Approach, by Collateral Provider, All Corporates (Large, Mid, SME, Financials)
BA, Std, Banking Book, Income-Producing HELOCs, Collateralized Exposure under the Simple Approach, by Collateral Provider, Sovereign excluding PSE/MDB
BA, Std, Banking Book, Income-Producing HELOCs, Collateralized Exposure under the Simple Approach, by Collateral Provider, All Banks including covered bonds/Financials treated as Bank)
BA, Std, Banking Book, Income-Producing HELOCs, Collateralized Exposure under the Simple Approach, by Collateral Provider, Total
BA, Std, Banking Book, Income-Producing HELOCs, Exposure Not Guaranteed nor Collateralized (exposure to original obligor)
BA, Std, Banking Book, Income-Producing HELOCs, RWA for Pre-CRM Exposure by Original Obligor
BA, Std, Banking Book, Income-Producing HELOCs, RWA for Guaranteed Exposure, by Ultimate Guarantor, All Corporates (Large, Mid, SME, Financials)
BA, Std, Banking Book, Income-Producing HELOCs, RWA for Guaranteed Exposure, by Ultimate Guarantor, Sovereign excluding PSE/MDB
BA, Std, Banking Book, Income-Producing HELOCs, RWA for Guaranteed Exposure, by Ultimate Guarantor, All Banks including covered bonds/Financials)
BA, Std, Banking Book, Income-Producing HELOCs, RWA for Guaranteed Exposure, by Ultimate Guarantor, Total
BA, Std, Banking Book, Income-Producing HELOCs, RWA for collateralized Exposure under the Simple Approach, by Collateral Provider (Not Applicable under IRB Approach), All Corporates (Large, Mid, SME, Financials)
BA, Std, Banking Book, Income-Producing HELOCs, RWA for collateralized Exposure under the Simple Approach, by Collateral Provider (Not Applicable under IRB Approach), Sovereign excluding PSE/MDB
BA, Std, Banking Book, Income-Producing HELOCs, RWA for collateralized Exposure under the Simple Approach, by Collateral Provider (Not Applicable under IRB Approach), All Banks including covered bonds/Financials)
BA, Std, Banking Book, Income-Producing HELOCs, RWA for collateralized Exposure under the Simple Approach, by Collateral Provider (Not Applicable under IRB Approach), Total
BA, Std, Banking Book, Income-Producing HELOCs, RWA for Exposure Not Guaranteed nor Collateralized (RWA associated with exposure to original obligor)
BA, Std, Banking Book, Residential Real Estate Exposures that do not meet expectations related to B-20 (Mortgages), Pre-CRM Exposure by Original Obligor
BA, Std, Banking Book, Residential Real Estate Exposures that do not meet expectations related to B-20 (Mortgages), Guaranteed Exposure, by Ultimate Guarantor, All Corporates (Large, Mid, SME, Financials)
BA, Std, Banking Book, Residential Real Estate Exposures that do not meet expectations related to B-20 (Mortgages), Guaranteed Exposure, by Ultimate Guarantor, Sovereign including PSE/MDB
BA, Std, Banking Book, Residential Real Estate Exposures that do not meet expectations related to B-20 (Mortgages), Guaranteed Exposure, by Ultimate Guarantor, All Banks including covered bonds/Financials treated as Bank)
BA, Std, Banking Book, Residential Real Estate Exposures that do not meet expectations related to B-20 (Mortgages), Guaranteed Exposure, by Ultimate Guarantor, Total
BA, Std, Banking Book, Residential Real Estate Exposures that do not meet expectations related to B-20 (Mortgages), Collateralized Exposure under the Simple Approach, by Collateral Provider, All Corporates (Large, Mid, SME, Financials)
BA, Std, Banking Book, Residential Real Estate Exposures that do not meet expectations related to B-20 (Mortgages), Collateralized Exposure under the Simple Approach, by Collateral Provider, Sovereign excluding PSE/MDB
BA, Std, Banking Book, Residential Real Estate Exposures that do not meet expectations related to B-20 (Mortgages), Collateralized Exposure under the Simple Approach, by Collateral Provider, All Banks including covered bonds/Financials treated as Bank)
BA, Std, Banking Book, Residential Real Estate Exposures that do not meet expectations related to B-20 (Mortgages), Collateralized Exposure under the Simple Approach, by Collateral Provider, Total
BA, Std, Banking Book, Residential Real Estate Exposures that do not meet expectations related to B-20 (Mortgages), Exposure Not Guaranteed nor Collateralized (exposure to original obligor)
BA, Std, Banking Book, Residential Real Estate Exposures that do not meet expectations related to B-20 (Mortgages), RWA for Pre-CRM Exposure by Original Obligor
BA, Std, Banking Book, Residential Real Estate Exposures that do not meet expectations related to B-20 (Mortgages), RWA for Guaranteed Exposure, by Ultimate Guarantor, All Corporates (Large, Mid, SME, Financials)
BA, Std, Banking Book, Residential Real Estate Exposures that do not meet expectations related to B-20 (Mortgages), RWA for Guaranteed Exposure, by Ultimate Guarantor, Sovereign excluding PSE/MDB
BA, Std, Banking Book, Residential Real Estate Exposures that do not meet expectations related to B-20 (Mortgages), RWA for Guaranteed Exposure, by Ultimate Guarantor, All Banks including covered bonds/Financials)
BA, Std, Banking Book, Residential Real Estate Exposures that do not meet expectations related to B-20 (Mortgages), RWA for Guaranteed Exposure, by Ultimate Guarantor, Total
BA, Std, Banking Book, Residential Real Estate Exposures that do not meet expectations related to B-20 (Mortgages), RWA for collateralized Exposure under the Simple Approach, by Collateral Provider (Not Applicable under IRB Approach), All Corporates (Large, Mid, SME, Financials)
BA, Std, Banking Book, Residential Real Estate Exposures that do not meet expectations related to B-20 (Mortgages), RWA for collateralized Exposure under the Simple Approach, by Collateral Provider (Not Applicable under IRB Approach), Sovereign excluding PSE/MDB
BA, Std, Banking Book, Residential Real Estate Exposures that do not meet expectations related to B-20 (Mortgages), RWA for collateralized Exposure under the Simple Approach, by Collateral Provider (Not Applicable under IRB Approach), All Banks including covered bonds/Financials)
BA, Std, Banking Book, Residential Real Estate Exposures that do not meet expectations related to B-20 (Mortgages), RWA for collateralized Exposure under the Simple Approach, by Collateral Provider (Not Applicable under IRB Approach), Total
BA, Std, Banking Book, Residential Real Estate Exposures that do not meet expectations related to B-20 (Mortgages), RWA for Exposure Not Guaranteed nor Collateralized (RWA associated with exposure to original obligor)
BA, Std, Banking Book, Residential Real Estate Exposures that do not meet expectations related to B-20 (HELOCs), Pre-CRM Exposure by Original Obligor
BA, Std, Banking Book, Residential Real Estate Exposures that do not meet expectations related to B-20 (HELOCs), Guaranteed Exposure, by Ultimate Guarantor, All Corporates (Large, Mid, SME, Financials)
BA, Std, Banking Book, Residential Real Estate Exposures that do not meet expectations related to B-20 (HELOCs), Guaranteed Exposure, by Ultimate Guarantor, Sovereign including PSE/MDB
BA, Std, Banking Book, Residential Real Estate Exposures that do not meet expectations related to B-20 (HELOCs), Guaranteed Exposure, by Ultimate Guarantor, All Banks including covered bonds/Financials treated as Bank)
BA, Std, Banking Book, Residential Real Estate Exposures that do not meet expectations related to B-20 (HELOCs), Guaranteed Exposure, by Ultimate Guarantor, Total
BA, Std, Banking Book, Residential Real Estate Exposures that do not meet expectations related to B-20 (HELOCs), Collateralized Exposure under the Simple Approach, by Collateral Provider, All Corporates (Large, Mid, SME, Financials)
BA, Std, Banking Book, Residential Real Estate Exposures that do not meet expectations related to B-20 (HELOCs), Collateralized Exposure under the Simple Approach, by Collateral Provider, Sovereign excluding PSE/MDB
BA, Std, Banking Book, Residential Real Estate Exposures that do not meet expectations related to B-20 (HELOCs), Collateralized Exposure under the Simple Approach, by Collateral Provider, All Banks including covered bonds/Financials treated as Bank)
BA, Std, Banking Book, Residential Real Estate Exposures that do not meet expectations related to B-20 (HELOCs), Collateralized Exposure under the Simple Approach, by Collateral Provider, Total
BA, Std, Banking Book, Residential Real Estate Exposures that do not meet expectations related to B-20 (HELOCs), Exposure Not Guaranteed nor Collateralized (exposure to original obligor)
BA, Std, Banking Book, Residential Real Estate Exposures that do not meet expectations related to B-20 (HELOCs), RWA for Pre-CRM Exposure by Original Obligor
BA, Std, Banking Book, Residential Real Estate Exposures that do not meet expectations related to B-20 (HELOCs), RWA for Guaranteed Exposure, by Ultimate Guarantor, All Corporates (Large, Mid, SME, Financials)
BA, Std, Banking Book, Residential Real Estate Exposures that do not meet expectations related to B-20 (HELOCs), RWA for Guaranteed Exposure, by Ultimate Guarantor, Sovereign excluding PSE/MDB
BA, Std, Banking Book, Residential Real Estate Exposures that do not meet expectations related to B-20 (HELOCs), RWA for Guaranteed Exposure, by Ultimate Guarantor, All Banks including covered bonds/Financials)
BA, Std, Banking Book, Residential Real Estate Exposures that do not meet expectations related to B-20 (HELOCs), RWA for Guaranteed Exposure, by Ultimate Guarantor, Total
BA, Std, Banking Book, Residential Real Estate Exposures that do not meet expectations related to B-20 (HELOCs), RWA for collateralized Exposure under the Simple Approach, by Collateral Provider (Not Applicable under IRB Approach), All Corporates (Large, Mid, SME, Financials)
BA, Std, Banking Book, Residential Real Estate Exposures that do not meet expectations related to B-20 (HELOCs), RWA for collateralized Exposure under the Simple Approach, by Collateral Provider (Not Applicable under IRB Approach), Sovereign excluding PSE/MDB
BA, Std, Banking Book, Residential Real Estate Exposures that do not meet expectations related to B-20 (HELOCs), RWA for collateralized Exposure under the Simple Approach, by Collateral Provider (Not Applicable under IRB Approach), All Banks including covered bonds/Financials)
BA, Std, Banking Book, Residential Real Estate Exposures that do not meet expectations related to B-20 (HELOCs), RWA for collateralized Exposure under the Simple Approach, by Collateral Provider (Not Applicable under IRB Approach), Total
BA, Std, Banking Book, Residential Real Estate Exposures that do not meet expectations related to B-20 (HELOCs), RWA for Exposure Not Guaranteed nor Collateralized (RWA associated with exposure to original obligor)
BA, Std, Banking Book, General CRE, Pre-CRM Exposure by Original Obligor
BA, Std, Banking Book, General CRE, Guaranteed Exposure, by Ultimate Guarantor, All Corporates (Large, Mid, SME, Financials)
BA, Std, Banking Book, General CRE, Guaranteed Exposure, by Ultimate Guarantor, Sovereign including PSE/MDB
BA, Std, Banking Book, General CRE, Guaranteed Exposure, by Ultimate Guarantor, All Banks including covered bonds/Financials treated as Bank)
BA, Std, Banking Book, General CRE, Guaranteed Exposure, by Ultimate Guarantor, Total
BA, Std, Banking Book, General CRE, Collateralized Exposure under the Simple Approach, by Collateral Provider, All Corporates (Large, Mid, SME, Financials)
BA, Std, Banking Book, General CRE, Collateralized Exposure under the Simple Approach, by Collateral Provider, Sovereign excluding PSE/MDB
BA, Std, Banking Book, General CRE, Collateralized Exposure under the Simple Approach, by Collateral Provider, All Banks including covered bonds/Financials treated as Bank)
BA, Std, Banking Book, General CRE, Collateralized Exposure under the Simple Approach, by Collateral Provider, Total
BA, Std, Banking Book, General CRE, Exposure Not Guaranteed nor Collateralized (exposure to original obligor)
BA, Std, Banking Book, General CRE, RWA for Pre-CRM Exposure by Original Obligor
BA, Std, Banking Book, General CRE, RWA for Guaranteed Exposure, by Ultimate Guarantor, All Corporates (Large, Mid, SME, Financials)
BA, Std, Banking Book, General CRE, RWA for Guaranteed Exposure, by Ultimate Guarantor, Sovereign excluding PSE/MDB
BA, Std, Banking Book, General CRE, RWA for Guaranteed Exposure, by Ultimate Guarantor, All Banks including covered bonds/Financials)
BA, Std, Banking Book, General CRE, RWA for Guaranteed Exposure, by Ultimate Guarantor, Total
BA, Std, Banking Book, General CRE, RWA for collateralized Exposure under the Simple Approach, by Collateral Provider (Not Applicable under IRB Approach), All Corporates (Large, Mid, SME, Financials)
BA, Std, Banking Book, General CRE, RWA for collateralized Exposure under the Simple Approach, by Collateral Provider (Not Applicable under IRB Approach), Sovereign excluding PSE/MDB
BA, Std, Banking Book, General CRE, RWA for collateralized Exposure under the Simple Approach, by Collateral Provider (Not Applicable under IRB Approach), All Banks including covered bonds/Financials)
BA, Std, Banking Book, General CRE, RWA for collateralized Exposure under the Simple Approach, by Collateral Provider (Not Applicable under IRB Approach), Total
BA, Std, Banking Book, General CRE, RWA for Exposure Not Guaranteed nor Collateralized (RWA associated with exposure to original obligor)
BA, Std, Banking Book, Income-Producing CRE, Pre-CRM Exposure by Original Obligor
BA, Std, Banking Book, Income-Producing CRE, Guaranteed Exposure, by Ultimate Guarantor, All Corporates (Large, Mid, SME, Financials)
BA, Std, Banking Book, Income-Producing CRE, Guaranteed Exposure, by Ultimate Guarantor, Sovereign including PSE/MDB
BA, Std, Banking Book, Income-Producing CRE, Guaranteed Exposure, by Ultimate Guarantor, All Banks including covered bonds/Financials treated as Bank)
BA, Std, Banking Book, Income-Producing CRE, Guaranteed Exposure, by Ultimate Guarantor, Total
BA, Std, Banking Book, Income-Producing CRE, Collateralized Exposure under the Simple Approach, by Collateral Provider, All Corporates (Large, Mid, SME, Financials)
BA, Std, Banking Book, Income-Producing CRE, Collateralized Exposure under the Simple Approach, by Collateral Provider, Sovereign excluding PSE/MDB
BA, Std, Banking Book, Income-Producing CRE, Collateralized Exposure under the Simple Approach, by Collateral Provider, All Banks including covered bonds/Financials treated as Bank)
BA, Std, Banking Book, Income-Producing CRE, Collateralized Exposure under the Simple Approach, by Collateral Provider, Total
BA, Std, Banking Book, Income-Producing CRE, Exposure Not Guaranteed nor Collateralized (exposure to original obligor)
BA, Std, Banking Book, Income-Producing CRE, RWA for Pre-CRM Exposure by Original Obligor
BA, Std, Banking Book, Income-Producing CRE, RWA for Guaranteed Exposure, by Ultimate Guarantor, All Corporates (Large, Mid, SME, Financials)
BA, Std, Banking Book, Income-Producing CRE, RWA for Guaranteed Exposure, by Ultimate Guarantor, Sovereign excluding PSE/MDB
BA, Std, Banking Book, Income-Producing CRE, RWA for Guaranteed Exposure, by Ultimate Guarantor, All Banks including covered bonds/Financials)
BA, Std, Banking Book, Income-Producing CRE, RWA for Guaranteed Exposure, by Ultimate Guarantor, Total
BA, Std, Banking Book, Income-Producing CRE, RWA for collateralized Exposure under the Simple Approach, by Collateral Provider (Not Applicable under IRB Approach), All Corporates (Large, Mid, SME, Financials)
BA, Std, Banking Book, Income-Producing CRE, RWA for collateralized Exposure under the Simple Approach, by Collateral Provider (Not Applicable under IRB Approach), Sovereign excluding PSE/MDB
BA, Std, Banking Book, Income-Producing CRE, RWA for collateralized Exposure under the Simple Approach, by Collateral Provider (Not Applicable under IRB Approach), All Banks including covered bonds/Financials)
BA, Std, Banking Book, Income-Producing CRE, RWA for collateralized Exposure under the Simple Approach, by Collateral Provider (Not Applicable under IRB Approach), Total
BA, Std, Banking Book, Income-Producing CRE, RWA for Exposure Not Guaranteed nor Collateralized (RWA associated with exposure to original obligor)
BA, Std, Banking Book, Land acquisition, development and construction, Pre-CRM Exposure by Original Obligor
BA, Std, Banking Book, Land acquisition, development and construction, Guaranteed Exposure, by Ultimate Guarantor, All Corporates (Large, Mid, SME, Financials)
BA, Std, Banking Book, Land acquisition, development and construction, Guaranteed Exposure, by Ultimate Guarantor, Sovereign including PSE/MDB
BA, Std, Banking Book, Land acquisition, development and construction, Guaranteed Exposure, by Ultimate Guarantor, All Banks including covered bonds/Financials treated as Bank)
BA, Std, Banking Book, Land acquisition, development and construction, Guaranteed Exposure, by Ultimate Guarantor, Total
BA, Std, Banking Book, Land acquisition, development and construction, Collateralized Exposure under the Simple Approach, by Collateral Provider, All Corporates (Large, Mid, SME, Financials)
BA, Std, Banking Book, Land acquisition, development and construction, Collateralized Exposure under the Simple Approach, by Collateral Provider, Sovereign excluding PSE/MDB
BA, Std, Banking Book, Land acquisition, development and construction, Collateralized Exposure under the Simple Approach, by Collateral Provider, All Banks including covered bonds/Financials treated as Bank)
BA, Std, Banking Book, Land acquisition, development and construction, Collateralized Exposure under the Simple Approach, by Collateral Provider, Total
BA, Std, Banking Book, Land acquisition, development and construction, Exposure Not Guaranteed nor Collateralized (exposure to original obligor)
BA, Std, Banking Book, Land acquisition, development and construction, RWA for Pre-CRM Exposure by Original Obligor
BA, Std, Banking Book, Land acquisition, development and construction, RWA for Guaranteed Exposure, by Ultimate Guarantor, All Corporates (Large, Mid, SME, Financials)
BA, Std, Banking Book, Land acquisition, development and construction, RWA for Guaranteed Exposure, by Ultimate Guarantor, Sovereign excluding PSE/MDB
BA, Std, Banking Book, Land acquisition, development and construction, RWA for Guaranteed Exposure, by Ultimate Guarantor, All Banks including covered bonds/Financials)
BA, Std, Banking Book, Land acquisition, development and construction, RWA for Guaranteed Exposure, by Ultimate Guarantor, Total
BA, Std, Banking Book, Land acquisition, development and construction, RWA for collateralized Exposure under the Simple Approach, by Collateral Provider (Not Applicable under IRB Approach), All Corporates (Large, Mid, SME, Financials)
BA, Std, Banking Book, Land acquisition, development and construction, RWA for collateralized Exposure under the Simple Approach, by Collateral Provider (Not Applicable under IRB Approach), Sovereign excluding PSE/MDB
BA, Std, Banking Book, Land acquisition, development and construction, RWA for collateralized Exposure under the Simple Approach, by Collateral Provider (Not Applicable under IRB Approach), All Banks including covered bonds/Financials)
BA, Std, Banking Book, Land acquisition, development and construction, RWA for collateralized Exposure under the Simple Approach, by Collateral Provider (Not Applicable under IRB Approach), Total
BA, Std, Banking Book, Land acquisition, development and construction, RWA for Exposure Not Guaranteed nor Collateralized (RWA associated with exposure to original obligor)
BA, Std, Banking Book, Reverse Mortgages, Pre-CRM Exposure by Original Obligor
BA, Std, Banking Book, Reverse Mortgages, Guaranteed Exposure, by Ultimate Guarantor, All Corporates (Large, Mid, SME, Financials)
BA, Std, Banking Book, Reverse Mortgages, Guaranteed Exposure, by Ultimate Guarantor, Sovereign including PSE/MDB
BA, Std, Banking Book, Reverse Mortgages, Guaranteed Exposure, by Ultimate Guarantor, All Banks including covered bonds/Financials treated as Bank)
BA, Std, Banking Book, Reverse Mortgages, Guaranteed Exposure, by Ultimate Guarantor, Total
BA, Std, Banking Book, Reverse Mortgages, Collateralized Exposure under the Simple Approach, by Collateral Provider, All Corporates (Large, Mid, SME, Financials)
BA, Std, Banking Book, Reverse Mortgages, Collateralized Exposure under the Simple Approach, by Collateral Provider, Sovereign excluding PSE/MDB
BA, Std, Banking Book, Reverse Mortgages, Collateralized Exposure under the Simple Approach, by Collateral Provider, All Banks including covered bonds/Financials treated as Bank)
BA, Std, Banking Book, Reverse Mortgages, Collateralized Exposure under the Simple Approach, by Collateral Provider, Total
BA, Std, Banking Book, Reverse Mortgages, Exposure Not Guaranteed nor Collateralized (exposure to original obligor)
BA, Std, Banking Book, Reverse Mortgages, RWA for Pre-CRM Exposure by Original Obligor
BA, Std, Banking Book, Reverse Mortgages, RWA for Guaranteed Exposure, by Ultimate Guarantor, All Corporates (Large, Mid, SME, Financials)
BA, Std, Banking Book, Reverse Mortgages, RWA for Guaranteed Exposure, by Ultimate Guarantor, Sovereign excluding PSE/MDB
BA, Std, Banking Book, Reverse Mortgages, RWA for Guaranteed Exposure, by Ultimate Guarantor, All Banks including covered bonds/Financials)
BA, Std, Banking Book, Reverse Mortgages, RWA for Guaranteed Exposure, by Ultimate Guarantor, Total
BA, Std, Banking Book, Reverse Mortgages, RWA for collateralized Exposure under the Simple Approach, by Collateral Provider (Not Applicable under IRB Approach), All Corporates (Large, Mid, SME, Financials)
BA, Std, Banking Book, Reverse Mortgages, RWA for collateralized Exposure under the Simple Approach, by Collateral Provider (Not Applicable under IRB Approach), Sovereign excluding PSE/MDB
BA, Std, Banking Book, Reverse Mortgages, RWA for collateralized Exposure under the Simple Approach, by Collateral Provider (Not Applicable under IRB Approach), All Banks including covered bonds/Financials)
BA, Std, Banking Book, Reverse Mortgages, RWA for collateralized Exposure under the Simple Approach, by Collateral Provider (Not Applicable under IRB Approach), Total
BA, Std, Banking Book, Reverse Mortgages, RWA for Exposure Not Guaranteed nor Collateralized (RWA associated with exposure to original obligor)
BA, Std, Banking Book, MBS, Pre-CRM Exposure by Original Obligor
BA, Std, Banking Book, MBS, Guaranteed Exposure, by Ultimate Guarantor, All Corporates (Large, Mid, SME, Financials)
BA, Std, Banking Book, MBS, Guaranteed Exposure, by Ultimate Guarantor, Sovereign including PSE/MDB
BA, Std, Banking Book, MBS, Guaranteed Exposure, by Ultimate Guarantor, All Banks including covered bonds/Financials treated as Bank)
BA, Std, Banking Book, MBS, Guaranteed Exposure, by Ultimate Guarantor, Total
BA, Std, Banking Book, MBS, Collateralized Exposure under the Simple Approach, by Collateral Provider, All Corporates (Large, Mid, SME, Financials)
BA, Std, Banking Book, MBS, Collateralized Exposure under the Simple Approach, by Collateral Provider, Sovereign excluding PSE/MDB
BA, Std, Banking Book, MBS, Collateralized Exposure under the Simple Approach, by Collateral Provider, All Banks including covered bonds/Financials treated as Bank)
BA, Std, Banking Book, MBS, Collateralized Exposure under the Simple Approach, by Collateral Provider, Total
BA, Std, Banking Book, MBS, Exposure Not Guaranteed nor Collateralized (exposure to original obligor)
BA, Std, Banking Book, MBS, RWA for Pre-CRM Exposure by Original Obligor
BA, Std, Banking Book, MBS, RWA for Guaranteed Exposure, by Ultimate Guarantor, All Corporates (Large, Mid, SME, Financials)
BA, Std, Banking Book, MBS, RWA for Guaranteed Exposure, by Ultimate Guarantor, Sovereign excluding PSE/MDB
BA, Std, Banking Book, MBS, RWA for Guaranteed Exposure, by Ultimate Guarantor, All Banks including covered bonds/Financials)
BA, Std, Banking Book, MBS, RWA for Guaranteed Exposure, by Ultimate Guarantor, Total
BA, Std, Banking Book, MBS, RWA for collateralized Exposure under the Simple Approach, by Collateral Provider (Not Applicable under IRB Approach), All Corporates (Large, Mid, SME, Financials)
BA, Std, Banking Book, MBS, RWA for collateralized Exposure under the Simple Approach, by Collateral Provider (Not Applicable under IRB Approach), Sovereign excluding PSE/MDB
BA, Std, Banking Book, MBS, RWA for collateralized Exposure under the Simple Approach, by Collateral Provider (Not Applicable under IRB Approach), All Banks including covered bonds/Financials)
BA, Std, Banking Book, MBS, RWA for collateralized Exposure under the Simple Approach, by Collateral Provider (Not Applicable under IRB Approach), Total
BA, Std, Banking Book, MBS, RWA for Exposure Not Guaranteed nor Collateralized (RWA associated with exposure to original obligor)
BA, Std, Counterparty Credit Risk of Trading Book Exposures , Pre-CRM Exposure by Original Obligor
BA, Std, Counterparty Credit Risk of Trading Book Exposures , Guaranteed Exposure, by Ultimate Guarantor, All Corporates (Large, Mid, SME, Financials)
BA, Std, Counterparty Credit Risk of Trading Book Exposures , Guaranteed Exposure, by Ultimate Guarantor, Sovereign including PSE/MDB
BA, Std, Counterparty Credit Risk of Trading Book Exposures , Guaranteed Exposure, by Ultimate Guarantor, All Banks including covered bonds/Financials treated as Bank)
BA, Std, Counterparty Credit Risk of Trading Book Exposures , Guaranteed Exposure, by Ultimate Guarantor, Total
BA, Std, Counterparty Credit Risk of Trading Book Exposures , Collateralized Exposure under the Simple Approach, by Collateral Provider, All Corporates (Large, Mid, SME, Financials)
BA, Std, Counterparty Credit Risk of Trading Book Exposures , Collateralized Exposure under the Simple Approach, by Collateral Provider, Sovereign excluding PSE/MDB
BA, Std, Counterparty Credit Risk of Trading Book Exposures , Collateralized Exposure under the Simple Approach, by Collateral Provider, All Banks including covered bonds/Financials treated as Bank)
BA, Std, Counterparty Credit Risk of Trading Book Exposures , Collateralized Exposure under the Simple Approach, by Collateral Provider, Total
BA, Std, Counterparty Credit Risk of Trading Book Exposures , Exposure Not Guaranteed nor Collateralized (exposure to original obligor)
BA, Std, Counterparty Credit Risk of Trading Book Exposures , RWA for Pre-CRM Exposure by Original Obligor
BA, Std, Counterparty Credit Risk of Trading Book Exposures , RWA for Guaranteed Exposure, by Ultimate Guarantor, All Corporates (Large, Mid, SME, Financials)
BA, Std, Counterparty Credit Risk of Trading Book Exposures , RWA for Guaranteed Exposure, by Ultimate Guarantor, Sovereign excluding PSE/MDB
BA, Std, Counterparty Credit Risk of Trading Book Exposures , RWA for Guaranteed Exposure, by Ultimate Guarantor, All Banks including covered bonds/Financials)
BA, Std, Counterparty Credit Risk of Trading Book Exposures , RWA for Guaranteed Exposure, by Ultimate Guarantor, Total
BA, Std, Counterparty Credit Risk of Trading Book Exposures , RWA for collateralized Exposure under the Simple Approach, by Collateral Provider (Not Applicable under IRB Approach), All Corporates (Large, Mid, SME, Financials)
BA, Std, Counterparty Credit Risk of Trading Book Exposures , RWA for collateralized Exposure under the Simple Approach, by Collateral Provider (Not Applicable under IRB Approach), Sovereign excluding PSE/MDB
BA, Std, Counterparty Credit Risk of Trading Book Exposures , RWA for collateralized Exposure under the Simple Approach, by Collateral Provider (Not Applicable under IRB Approach), All Banks including covered bonds/Financials)
BA, Std, Counterparty Credit Risk of Trading Book Exposures , RWA for collateralized Exposure under the Simple Approach, by Collateral Provider (Not Applicable under IRB Approach), Total
BA, Std, Counterparty Credit Risk of Trading Book Exposures , RWA for Exposure Not Guaranteed nor Collateralized (RWA associated with exposure to original obligor)
BA, Std, Standardized total, Pre-CRM Exposure by Original Obligor
BA, Std, Standardized total, Guaranteed Exposure, by Ultimate Guarantor, All Corporates (Large, Mid, SME, Financials)
BA, Std, Standardized total, Guaranteed Exposure, by Ultimate Guarantor, Sovereign including PSE/MDB
BA, Std, Standardized total, Guaranteed Exposure, by Ultimate Guarantor, All Banks including covered bonds/Financials treated as Bank)
BA, Std, Standardized total, Guaranteed Exposure, by Ultimate Guarantor, Total
BA, Std, Standardized total, Collateralized Exposure under the Simple Approach, by Collateral Provider, All Corporates (Large, Mid, SME, Financials)
BA, Std, Standardized total, Collateralized Exposure under the Simple Approach, by Collateral Provider, Sovereign excluding PSE/MDB
BA, Std, Standardized total, Collateralized Exposure under the Simple Approach, by Collateral Provider, All Banks including covered bonds/Financials treated as Bank)
BA, Std, Standardized total, Collateralized Exposure under the Simple Approach, by Collateral Provider, Total
BA, Std, Standardized total, Exposure Not Guaranteed nor Collateralized (exposure to original obligor)
BA, Std, Standardized total, RWA for Pre-CRM Exposure by Original Obligor
BA, Std, Standardized total, RWA for Guaranteed Exposure, by Ultimate Guarantor, All Corporates (Large, Mid, SME, Financials)
BA, Std, Standardized total, RWA for Guaranteed Exposure, by Ultimate Guarantor, Sovereign excluding PSE/MDB
BA, Std, Standardized total, RWA for Guaranteed Exposure, by Ultimate Guarantor, All Banks including covered bonds/Financials)
BA, Std, Standardized total, RWA for Guaranteed Exposure, by Ultimate Guarantor, Total
BA, Std, Standardized total, RWA for collateralized Exposure under the Simple Approach, by Collateral Provider (Not Applicable under IRB Approach), All Corporates (Large, Mid, SME, Financials)
BA, Std, Standardized total, RWA for collateralized Exposure under the Simple Approach, by Collateral Provider (Not Applicable under IRB Approach), Sovereign excluding PSE/MDB
BA, Std, Standardized total, RWA for collateralized Exposure under the Simple Approach, by Collateral Provider (Not Applicable under IRB Approach), All Banks including covered bonds/Financials)
BA, Std, Standardized total, RWA for collateralized Exposure under the Simple Approach, by Collateral Provider (Not Applicable under IRB Approach), Total
BA, Std, Standardized total, RWA for Exposure Not Guaranteed nor Collateralized (RWA associated with exposure to original obligor)
BA, IRB, Banking Book, Sovereign, Pre-CRM Exposure by Original Obligor
BA, IRB, Banking Book, Sovereign, Guaranteed Exposure, by Ultimate Guarantor, All Corporates (Large, Mid, SME, Financials)
BA, IRB, Banking Book, Sovereign, Guaranteed Exposure, by Ultimate Guarantor, Sovereign including PSE/MDB
BA, IRB, Banking Book, Sovereign, Guaranteed Exposure, by Ultimate Guarantor, All Banks including covered bonds/Financials treated as Bank)
BA, IRB, Banking Book, Sovereign, Guaranteed Exposure, by Ultimate Guarantor, Total
BA, IRB, Banking Book, Sovereign, Exposure Not Guaranteed nor Collateralized (exposure to original obligor)
BA, IRB, Banking Book, Sovereign, RWA for Pre-CRM Exposure by Original Obligor
BA, IRB, Banking Book, Sovereign, RWA for Guaranteed Exposure, by Ultimate Guarantor, All Corporates (Large, Mid, SME, Financials)
BA, IRB, Banking Book, Sovereign, RWA for Guaranteed Exposure, by Ultimate Guarantor, Sovereign excluding PSE/MDB
BA, IRB, Banking Book, Sovereign, RWA for Guaranteed Exposure, by Ultimate Guarantor, All Banks including covered bonds/Financials)
BA, IRB, Banking Book, Sovereign, RWA for Guaranteed Exposure, by Ultimate Guarantor, Total
BA, IRB, Banking Book, Sovereign, RWA for Exposure Not Guaranteed nor Collateralized (RWA associated with exposure to original obligor)
BA, IRB, Banking Book, PSEs, Pre-CRM Exposure by Original Obligor
BA, IRB, Banking Book, PSEs, Guaranteed Exposure, by Ultimate Guarantor, All Corporates (Large, Mid, SME, Financials)
BA, IRB, Banking Book, PSEs, Guaranteed Exposure, by Ultimate Guarantor, Sovereign including PSE/MDB
BA, IRB, Banking Book, PSEs, Guaranteed Exposure, by Ultimate Guarantor, All Banks including covered bonds/Financials treated as Bank)
BA, IRB, Banking Book, PSEs, Guaranteed Exposure, by Ultimate Guarantor, Total
BA, IRB, Banking Book, PSEs, Exposure Not Guaranteed nor Collateralized (exposure to original obligor)
BA, IRB, Banking Book, PSEs, RWA for Pre-CRM Exposure by Original Obligor
BA, IRB, Banking Book, PSEs, RWA for Guaranteed Exposure, by Ultimate Guarantor, All Corporates (Large, Mid, SME, Financials)
BA, IRB, Banking Book, PSEs, RWA for Guaranteed Exposure, by Ultimate Guarantor, Sovereign excluding PSE/MDB
BA, IRB, Banking Book, PSEs, RWA for Guaranteed Exposure, by Ultimate Guarantor, All Banks including covered bonds/Financials)
BA, IRB, Banking Book, PSEs, RWA for Guaranteed Exposure, by Ultimate Guarantor, Total
BA, IRB, Banking Book, PSEs, RWA for Exposure Not Guaranteed nor Collateralized (RWA associated with exposure to original obligor)
BA, IRB, Banking Book, MDBs, Pre-CRM Exposure by Original Obligor
BA, IRB, Banking Book, MDBs, Guaranteed Exposure, by Ultimate Guarantor, All Corporates (Large, Mid, SME, Financials)
BA, IRB, Banking Book, MDBs, Guaranteed Exposure, by Ultimate Guarantor, Sovereign including PSE/MDB
BA, IRB, Banking Book, MDBs, Guaranteed Exposure, by Ultimate Guarantor, All Banks including covered bonds/Financials treated as Bank)
BA, IRB, Banking Book, MDBs, Guaranteed Exposure, by Ultimate Guarantor, Total
BA, IRB, Banking Book, MDBs, Exposure Not Guaranteed nor Collateralized (exposure to original obligor)
BA, IRB, Banking Book, MDBs, RWA for Pre-CRM Exposure by Original Obligor
BA, IRB, Banking Book, MDBs, RWA for Guaranteed Exposure, by Ultimate Guarantor, All Corporates (Large, Mid, SME, Financials)
BA, IRB, Banking Book, MDBs, RWA for Guaranteed Exposure, by Ultimate Guarantor, Sovereign excluding PSE/MDB
BA, IRB, Banking Book, MDBs, RWA for Guaranteed Exposure, by Ultimate Guarantor, All Banks including covered bonds/Financials)
BA, IRB, Banking Book, MDBs, RWA for Guaranteed Exposure, by Ultimate Guarantor, Total
BA, IRB, Banking Book, MDBs, RWA for Exposure Not Guaranteed nor Collateralized (RWA associated with exposure to original obligor)
BA, IRB, Banking Book, Bank excluding covered bonds, Pre-CRM Exposure by Original Obligor
BA, IRB, Banking Book, Bank excluding covered bonds, Guaranteed Exposure, by Ultimate Guarantor, All Corporates (Large, Mid, SME, Financials)
BA, IRB, Banking Book, Bank excluding covered bonds, Guaranteed Exposure, by Ultimate Guarantor, Sovereign including PSE/MDB
BA, IRB, Banking Book, Bank excluding covered bonds, Guaranteed Exposure, by Ultimate Guarantor, All Banks including covered bonds/Financials treated as Bank)
BA, IRB, Banking Book, Bank excluding covered bonds, Guaranteed Exposure, by Ultimate Guarantor, Total
BA, IRB, Banking Book, Bank excluding covered bonds, Exposure Not Guaranteed nor Collateralized (exposure to original obligor)
BA, IRB, Banking Book, Bank excluding covered bonds, RWA for Pre-CRM Exposure by Original Obligor
BA, IRB, Banking Book, Bank excluding covered bonds, RWA for Guaranteed Exposure, by Ultimate Guarantor, All Corporates (Large, Mid, SME, Financials)
BA, IRB, Banking Book, Bank excluding covered bonds, RWA for Guaranteed Exposure, by Ultimate Guarantor, Sovereign excluding PSE/MDB
BA, IRB, Banking Book, Bank excluding covered bonds, RWA for Guaranteed Exposure, by Ultimate Guarantor, All Banks including covered bonds/Financials)
BA, IRB, Banking Book, Bank excluding covered bonds, RWA for Guaranteed Exposure, by Ultimate Guarantor, Total
BA, IRB, Banking Book, Bank excluding covered bonds, RWA for Exposure Not Guaranteed nor Collateralized (RWA associated with exposure to original obligor)
BA, IRB, Banking Book, Covered Bonds, Pre-CRM Exposure by Original Obligor
BA, IRB, Banking Book, Covered Bonds, Guaranteed Exposure, by Ultimate Guarantor, All Corporates (Large, Mid, SME, Financials)
BA, IRB, Banking Book, Covered Bonds, Guaranteed Exposure, by Ultimate Guarantor, Sovereign including PSE/MDB
BA, IRB, Banking Book, Covered Bonds, Guaranteed Exposure, by Ultimate Guarantor, All Banks including covered bonds/Financials treated as Bank)
BA, IRB, Banking Book, Covered Bonds, Guaranteed Exposure, by Ultimate Guarantor, Total
BA, IRB, Banking Book, Covered Bonds, Exposure Not Guaranteed nor Collateralized (exposure to original obligor)