Date YYYYMMDD Date YYYYMMDD Dollar Amount Montants Real data type with percision of 2. Values are bounded from 0.00 to 1000.00 Type de données réelles avec précision de 2. Les valeurs sont limitées de 0,00 à 1 000,00 String Chaîne BCAR Data Point Point de donnée du RNFPB BCAR Negative DPA RNFPB - APD négatif BCAR Positive DPA RNFPB - APD positif Positive Dollar Amount Montant positif Negative Dollar Amount Montant negative Strictly Negative Dollar Amount Montant negative Borrower Internal Risk Rating Notation interne du risque de l'emprunteur Key '0100' = Label 'Total BIRR'Key '0101' = Label '1st BIRR'Key '0102' = Label '2nd BIRR'Key '0103' = Label '3rd BIRR'Key '0104' = Label '4th BIRR'Key '0105' = Label '5th BIRR'Key '0106' = Label '6th BIRR'Key '0107' = Label '7th BIRR'Key '0108' = Label '8th BIRR'Key '0109' = Label '9th BIRR'Key '0110' = Label '10th BIRR'Key '0111' = Label '11th BIRR'Key '0112' = Label '12th BIRR'Key '0113' = Label '13th BIRR'Key '0114' = Label '14th BIRR'Key '0115' = Label '15th BIRR'Key '0116' = Label '16th BIRR'Key '0117' = Label '17th BIRR'Key '0118' = Label '18th BIRR'Key '0119' = Label '19th BIRR'Key '0120' = Label '20th BIRR'Key '0121' = Label '21th BIRR'Key '0122' = Label '22th BIRR'Key '0123' = Label '23th BIRR'Key '0124' = Label '24th BIRR'Key '0125' = Label '25th BIRR'Key '0126' = Label '26th BIRR'Key '0127' = Label '27th BIRR'Key '0128' = Label '28th BIRR'Key '0129' = Label '29th BIRR'Key '0130' = Label '30th BIRR'Key '0131' = Label '31st BIRR'Key '0132' = Label '32nd BIRR'Key '0133' = Label '33rd BIRR'Key '0134' = Label '34th BIRR'Key '0135' = Label '35th BIRR'Key '0136' = Label '36th BIRR'Key '0137' = Label '37th BIRR'Key '0138' = Label '38th BIRR'Key '0139' = Label '39th BIRR'Key '0140' = Label '40th BIRR'Key '0141' = Label '41th BIRR'Key '0142' = Label '42th BIRR'Key '0143' = Label '43th BIRR'Key '0144' = Label '44th BIRR'Key '0145' = Label '45th BIRR'Key '0146' = Label '46th BIRR'Key '0147' = Label '47th BIRR'Key '0148' = Label '48th BIRR'Key '0149' = Label '49th BIRR'Key '0150' = Label '50th BIRR'Key '0151' = Label '51th BIRR'Key '0152' = Label '52th BIRR'Key '0153' = Label '53th BIRR'Key '0154' = Label '54th BIRR'Key '0155' = Label '55th BIRR'Key '0156' = Label '56th BIRR'Key '0157' = Label '57th BIRR'Key '0158' = Label '58th BIRR'Key '0159' = Label '59th BIRR'Key '0160' = Label '60th BIRR'Key '0161' = Label '61st BIRR'Key '0162' = Label '62nd BIRR'Key '0163' = Label '63rd BIRR'Key '0164' = Label '64th BIRR'Key '0165' = Label '65th BIRR'Key '0166' = Label '66th BIRR'Key '0167' = Label '67th BIRR'Key '0168' = Label '68th BIRR'Key '0169' = Label '69th BIRR'Key '0170' = Label '70th BIRR'Key '0171' = Label '71st BIRR'Key '0172' = Label '72nd BIRR'Key '0173' = Label '73rd BIRR'Key '0174' = Label '74th BIRR'Key '0175' = Label '75th BIRR'Key '0176' = Label '76th BIRR'Key '0177' = Label '77th BIRR'Key '0178' = Label '78th BIRR'Key '0179' = Label '79th BIRR'Key '0180' = Label '80th BIRR'Key '0181' = Label '81st BIRR'Key '0182' = Label '82nd BIRR'Key '0183' = Label '83rd BIRR'Key '0184' = Label '84th BIRR'Key '0185' = Label '85th BIRR'Key '0186' = Label '86th BIRR'Key '0187' = Label '87th BIRR'Key '0188' = Label '88th BIRR'Key '0189' = Label '89th BIRR'Key '0190' = Label '90th BIRR'Key '0191' = Label '91st BIRR'Key '0192' = Label '92nd BIRR'Key '0193' = Label '93rd BIRR'Key '0194' = Label '94th BIRR'Key '0195' = Label '95th BIRR'Key '0196' = Label '96th BIRR'Key '0197' = Label 'Borrower no longer rated'Key '0198' = Label 'Unknown'Key '0199' = Label 'Not Applicable' Risk Rating System Système de notation du risque Key '0200' = Label 'Total Risk Ratings System'Key '0201' = Label '1st Risk Rating System'Key '0202' = Label '2nd Risk Rating System'Key '0203' = Label '3rd Risk Rating System'Key '0204' = Label '4th Risk Rating System'Key '0205' = Label '5th Risk Rating System'Key '0206' = Label '6th Risk Rating System'Key '0207' = Label '7th Risk Rating System'Key '0208' = Label '8th Risk Rating System'Key '0209' = Label '9th Risk Rating System'Key '0210' = Label '10th Risk Rating System'Key '0211' = Label '11th Risk Rating System'Key '0212' = Label '12th Risk Rating System'Key '0213' = Label '13th Risk Rating System'Key '0214' = Label '14th Risk Rating System'Key '0215' = Label '15th Risk Rating System'Key '0216' = Label '16th Risk Rating System'Key '0217' = Label '17th Risk Rating System'Key '0218' = Label '18th Risk Rating System'Key '0219' = Label '19th Risk Rating System'Key '0220' = Label '20th Risk Rating System'Key '0221' = Label '21st Risk Rating System'Key '0222' = Label '22nd Risk Rating System'Key '0223' = Label '23rd Risk Rating System'Key '0224' = Label '24th Risk Rating System'Key '0225' = Label '25th Risk Rating System'Key '0226' = Label '26th Risk Rating System'Key '0227' = Label '27th Risk Rating System'Key '0228' = Label '28th Risk Rating System'Key '0229' = Label '29th Risk Rating System'Key '0230' = Label '30th Risk Rating System'Key '0231' = Label '31st Risk Rating System'Key '0232' = Label '32nd Risk Rating System'Key '0233' = Label '33rd Risk Rating System'Key '0234' = Label '34th Risk Rating System'Key '0235' = Label '35th Risk Rating System'Key '0236' = Label '36th Risk Rating System'Key '0237' = Label '37th Risk Rating System'Key '0238' = Label '38th Risk Rating System'Key '0239' = Label '39th Risk Rating System'Key '0240' = Label '40th Risk Rating System'Key '0241' = Label '41th Risk Rating System'Key '0242' = Label '42nd Risk Rating System'Key '0243' = Label '43rd Risk Rating System'Key '0244' = Label '44th Risk Rating System'Key '0245' = Label '45th Risk Rating System'Key '0246' = Label '46th Risk Rating System'Key '0247' = Label '47th Risk Rating System'Key '0248' = Label '48th Risk Rating System'Key '0249' = Label '49th Risk Rating System'Key '0250' = Label '50th Risk Rating System'Key '0251' = Label '51st Risk Rating System'Key '0252' = Label '52nd Risk Rating System'Key '0253' = Label '53rd Risk Rating System'Key '0254' = Label '54th Risk Rating System'Key '0255' = Label '55th Risk Rating System'Key '0256' = Label '56th Risk Rating System'Key '0257' = Label '57th Risk Rating System'Key '0258' = Label '58th Risk Rating System'Key '0259' = Label '59th Risk Rating System'Key '0260' = Label '60th Risk Rating System'Key '0261' = Label '61st Risk Rating System'Key '0262' = Label '62nd Risk Rating System'Key '0263' = Label '63rd Risk Rating System'Key '0264' = Label '64th Risk Rating System'Key '0265' = Label '65th Risk Rating System'Key '0266' = Label '66th Risk Rating System'Key '0267' = Label '67th Risk Rating System'Key '0268' = Label '68th Risk Rating System'Key '0269' = Label '69th Risk Rating System'Key '0270' = Label '70th Risk Rating System'Key '0271' = Label '71th Risk Rating System'Key '0272' = Label '72nd Risk Rating System'Key '0273' = Label '73rd Risk Rating System'Key '0274' = Label '74th Risk Rating System'Key '0275' = Label '75th Risk Rating System'Key '0276' = Label '76th Risk Rating System'Key '0277' = Label '77th Risk Rating System'Key '0278' = Label '78th Risk Rating System'Key '0279' = Label '79th Risk Rating System'Key '0280' = Label '80th Risk Rating System'Key '0281' = Label '81st Risk Rating System'Key '0282' = Label '82nd Risk Rating System'Key '0283' = Label '83rd Risk Rating System'Key '0284' = Label '84th Risk Rating System'Key '0285' = Label '85th Risk Rating System'Key '0286' = Label '86th Risk Rating System'Key '0287' = Label '87th Risk Rating System'Key '0288' = Label '88th Risk Rating System'Key '0289' = Label '89th Risk Rating System'Key '0290' = Label '90th Risk Rating System'Key '0291' = Label '91st Risk Rating System'Key '0292' = Label '92nd Risk Rating System'Key '0293' = Label '93rd Risk Rating System'Key '0294' = Label '94th Risk Rating System'Key '0295' = Label '95th Risk Rating System'Key '0296' = Label '96th Risk Rating System'Key '0297' = Label '97th Risk Rating System'Key '0298' = Label 'Unknown RRS'Key '0299' = Label 'Not Applicable' Geography Région géographique Key '0300' = Label 'Total Geography'Key '0301' = Label 'Total Canada'Key '0302' = Label 'Alberta'Key '0303' = Label 'British Columbia'Key '0304' = Label 'Manitoba'Key '0305' = Label 'New Brunswick'Key '0306' = Label 'Newfoundland and Labrador'Key '0307' = Label 'Northwest Territories'Key '0308' = Label 'Nova Scotia'Key '0309' = Label 'Nunavut'Key '0310' = Label 'Ontario'Key '0311' = Label 'Prince Edward Island'Key '0312' = Label 'Quebec'Key '0313' = Label 'Saskatchewan'Key '0314' = Label 'Yukon Territories'Key '0315' = Label 'United States'Key '0316' = Label 'Mexico'Key '0317' = Label 'Other Latin America and Caribbean'Key '0318' = Label 'Europe'Key '0319' = Label 'All Other'Key '0398' = Label 'Unknown'Key '0399' = Label 'Not Applicable' LTV Ratio prêt/valeur Key '0400' = Label 'Total LTVs'Key '0401' = Label '<60% LTV'Key '0402' = Label '60% to less than 80% LTV'Key '0403' = Label '80% to less than 90% LTV'Key '0404' = Label '90% and over LTV'Key '0405' = Label 'Unclassified LTV'Key '0498' = Label 'Unknown'Key '0499' = Label 'Not Applicable' IRB Retail Exposure Classes Catégorie d'exposition du portefeuille de la clientèle Key '0500' = Label 'Total Retail'Key '0501' = Label 'Total Mortgage and HELOC Retail'Key '0502' = Label 'Mortgage Retail'Key '0510' = Label 'Residential Mortgage - CMHC Insured'Key '0511' = Label 'Residential Mortgage - Other Insured'Key '0512' = Label 'Residential Mortgage - Non-Insured'Key '0503' = Label 'HELOC Retail'Key '0504' = Label 'Total QRRE Retail'Key '0505' = Label 'Credit Card Retail'Key '0506' = Label 'LOC Retail'Key '0507' = Label 'Other Retail'Key '0598' = Label 'Unknown Retail Exposure Class'Key '0599' = Label 'Not Applicable Retail Exposure Class' Securitization Titrisation Key '0600' = Label 'Before securitization'Key '0601' = Label 'After securitization'Key '0698' = Label 'Unknown securitization'Key '0699' = Label 'Not Applicable' Rates Taux Key '0700' = Label 'Total Rate'Key '0701' = Label 'Fixed Rate'Key '0702' = Label 'Variable Rate'Key '0798' = Label 'Unknown Rate'Key '0799' = Label 'No Rate' Delinquency Buckets Catégories de retard Key '0800' = Label 'Total delinquency bucket'Key '0801' = Label 'Current'Key '0802' = Label '1-30 days'Key '0803' = Label '31-60 days'Key '0804' = Label '61-90 days'Key '0805' = Label '91 days and over'Key '0898' = Label 'Unknown delinquency bucket'Key '0899' = Label 'Not Applicable' Segment Name Nom du segment Key '0900' = Label 'Total PD Segments'Key '0901' = Label '1st Segment'Key '0902' = Label '2nd Segment'Key '0903' = Label '3rd Segment'Key '0904' = Label '4th Segment'Key '0905' = Label '5th Segment'Key '0906' = Label '6th Segment'Key '0907' = Label '7th Segment'Key '0908' = Label '8th Segment'Key '0909' = Label '9th Segment'Key '0910' = Label '10th Segment'Key '0911' = Label '11th Segment'Key '0912' = Label '12th Segment'Key '0913' = Label '13th Segment'Key '0914' = Label '14th Segment'Key '0915' = Label '15th Segment'Key '0916' = Label '16th Segment'Key '0917' = Label '17th Segment'Key '0918' = Label '18th Segment'Key '0919' = Label '19th Segment'Key '0920' = Label '20th Segment'Key '0921' = Label '21st Segment'Key '0922' = Label '22nd Segment'Key '0923' = Label '23rd Segment'Key '0924' = Label '24th Segment'Key '0925' = Label '25th Segment'Key '0926' = Label '26th Segment'Key '0927' = Label '27th Segment'Key '0928' = Label '28th Segment'Key '0929' = Label '29th Segment'Key '0930' = Label '30th Segment'Key '0931' = Label '31th Segment'Key '0932' = Label '32th Segment'Key '0933' = Label '33th Segment'Key '0934' = Label '34th Segment'Key '0935' = Label '35th Segment'Key '0936' = Label '36th Segment'Key '0937' = Label '37th Segment'Key '0938' = Label '38th Segment'Key '0939' = Label '39th Segment'Key '0940' = Label '40th Segment'Key '0941' = Label '41th Segment'Key '0942' = Label '42th Segment'Key '0943' = Label '43th Segment'Key '0944' = Label '44th Segment'Key '0945' = Label '45th Segment'Key '0946' = Label '46th Segment'Key '0947' = Label '47th Segment'Key '0948' = Label '48th Segment'Key '0949' = Label '49th Segment'Key '0950' = Label '50th Segment'Key '0951' = Label '51th Segment'Key '0952' = Label '52th Segment'Key '0953' = Label '53th Segment'Key '0954' = Label '54th Segment'Key '0955' = Label '55th Segment'Key '0956' = Label '56th Segment'Key '0957' = Label '57th Segment'Key '0958' = Label '58th Segment'Key '0959' = Label '59th Segment'Key '0960' = Label '60th Segment'Key '0961' = Label '61th Segment'Key '0962' = Label '62th Segment'Key '0963' = Label '63th Segment'Key '0964' = Label '64th Segment'Key '0965' = Label '65th Segment'Key '0966' = Label '66th Segment'Key '0967' = Label '67th Segment'Key '0968' = Label '68th Segment'Key '0969' = Label '69th Segment'Key '0970' = Label '70th Segment'Key '0971' = Label '71th Segment'Key '0972' = Label '72th Segment'Key '0973' = Label '73th Segment'Key '0974' = Label '74th Segment'Key '0975' = Label '75th Segment'Key '0976' = Label '76th Segment'Key '0977' = Label '77th Segment'Key '0978' = Label '78th Segment'Key '0979' = Label '79th Segment'Key '0980' = Label '80th Segment'Key '0981' = Label '81th Segment'Key '0982' = Label '82th Segment'Key '0983' = Label '83th Segment'Key '0984' = Label '84th Segment'Key '0985' = Label '85th Segment'Key '0986' = Label '86th Segment'Key '0987' = Label '87th Segment'Key '0988' = Label '88th Segment'Key '0989' = Label '89th Segment'Key '0990' = Label '90th Segment'Key '0991' = Label '91th Segment'Key '0992' = Label '92th Segment'Key '0993' = Label '93th Segment'Key '0994' = Label '94th Segment'Key '0995' = Label '95th Segment'Key '0996' = Label '96th Segment'Key '0997' = Label '97th Segment'Key '0998' = Label 'Unknown Segment'Key '1000' = Label '98th Segment'Key '1001' = Label '99th Segment'Key '1002' = Label '100th Segment'Key '1003' = Label '101th Segment'Key '1004' = Label '102nd Segment'Key '1005' = Label '103rd Segment'Key '1006' = Label '104th Segment'Key '1007' = Label '105th Segment'Key '1008' = Label '106th Segment'Key '1009' = Label '107th Segment'Key '1010' = Label '108th Segment'Key '1011' = Label '109th Segment'Key '1012' = Label '110th Segment'Key '1013' = Label '111th Segment'Key '1014' = Label '112th Segment'Key '1015' = Label '113th Segment'Key '1016' = Label '114th Segment'Key '1017' = Label '115th Segment'Key '1018' = Label '116th Segment'Key '1019' = Label '117th Segment'Key '1020' = Label '118th Segment'Key '1021' = Label '119th Segment'Key '1022' = Label '120th Segment'Key '1023' = Label '121nd Segment'Key '1024' = Label '122nd Segment'Key '1025' = Label '123rd Segment'Key '1026' = Label '124th Segment'Key '1027' = Label '125th Segment'Key '0999' = Label 'Not Applicable' Horizon Horizon Key '1000' = Label 'Total Horizon'Key '1001' = Label '1 Year Horizon'Key '1002' = Label '3 Year Horizon'Key '1098' = Label 'Unknown Horizon'Key '1099' = Label 'Not Applicable' Industry Industrie Key '1200' = Label 'Total Industry Segment'Key '1201' = Label 'Agriculture'Key '1202' = Label 'Construction'Key '1203' = Label 'Defence'Key '1204' = Label 'Industry and Heavy Equipment'Key '1205' = Label 'Cable'Key '1206' = Label 'Media'Key '1207' = Label 'Telecom'Key '1208' = Label 'Oil & Gas'Key '1209' = Label 'Utilities'Key '1210' = Label 'Banks & Trusts'Key '1211' = Label 'Funds'Key '1212' = Label 'Insurance'Key '1213' = Label 'Pension Funds'Key '1214' = Label 'Securities, Brokerage, and Other'Key '1215' = Label 'Securitization'Key '1216' = Label 'Multilateral Development Banks'Key '1217' = Label 'Provincial / Municipal / Regional Government'Key '1218' = Label 'Sovereign and Central Banks'Key '1219' = Label 'Healthcare Providers'Key '1220' = Label 'Medical Equipment'Key '1221' = Label 'Pharmaceuticals / Drugs & Research'Key '1222' = Label 'Business Products Manufacturing'Key '1223' = Label 'Consumer Products Manufacturing'Key '1224' = Label 'Food / Beverage / Tobacco Manufacturing'Key '1225' = Label 'Textiles / Clothing Manufacturing'Key '1226' = Label 'Precious Metals & Diamonds'Key '1227' = Label 'Steel & Iron'Key '1228' = Label 'Other Mining'Key '1229' = Label 'Commercial Market Real Estate'Key '1230' = Label 'Residential Market Real Estate'Key '1231' = Label 'Chemicals'Key '1232' = Label 'Forestry'Key '1233' = Label 'Rubbers & Plastics'Key '1234' = Label 'Retail & Wholesale'Key '1235' = Label 'Education & Training'Key '1236' = Label 'Food Services'Key '1237' = Label 'Gaming / Equipment'Key '1238' = Label 'Lodging'Key '1239' = Label 'Professional & Other Services'Key '1240' = Label 'Computer Equipment'Key '1241' = Label 'Electronics'Key '1242' = Label 'Software'Key '1243' = Label 'Automotive'Key '1244' = Label 'Aviation/Aerospace'Key '1245' = Label 'Rail Roads'Key '1246' = Label 'Shipping – Water Transport'Key '1247' = Label 'Trucking and Courier'Key '1248' = Label 'Primary Metals & Aluminum'Key '1298' = Label 'Unknown'Key '1249' = Label 'Insurance - Other'Key '1250' = Label 'REITS'Key '1251' = Label 'Other Transportation'Key '1252' = Label 'Other Life Sciences'Key '1253' = Label 'Provincial/State Government'Key '1254' = Label 'Aboriginal Government'Key '1255' = Label 'Central Banks'Key '1256' = Label 'Insurance - Life/Medical/Accident'Key '1257' = Label 'Internet'Key '1258' = Label 'Retail/Wholesale'Key '1299' = Label 'Not applicable'Probability of Default Band Fourchette de probabilité de défautKey '1401' = Label 'PD Band 01'Key '1402' = Label 'PD Band 02'Key '1403' = Label 'PD Band 03'Key '1404' = Label 'PD Band 04'Key '1405' = Label 'PD Band 05'Key '1406' = Label 'PD Band 06'Key '1407' = Label 'PD Band 07'Key '1408' = Label 'PD Band 08'Key '1409' = Label 'PD Band 09'Key '1410' = Label 'PD Band 10'Key '1411' = Label 'PD Band 11'Key '1412' = Label 'PD Band 12'Key '1413' = Label 'PD Band 13'Key '1414' = Label 'PD Band 14'Key '1415' = Label 'PD Band 15'Key '1416' = Label 'PD Band 16'Key '1417' = Label 'PD Band 17'Key '1418' = Label 'PD Band 18'Key '1419' = Label 'PD Band 19'Key '1420' = Label 'PD Band 20'Key '1421' = Label 'PD Band 21'Key '1422' = Label 'PD Band 22'Key '1423' = Label 'PD Band 23'Key '1424' = Label 'PD Band 24'Key '1425' = Label 'PD Band 25'Key '1426' = Label 'Default 100%'Key '1498' = Label 'Unknown PD Band'Key '1499' = Label 'Not Applicable'Key '1400' = Label 'Total PD Band' Exposure Size Importance de l'exposition Key '1500' = Label 'Less than $5K'Key '1501' = Label '$5K to less than $10K'Key '1502' = Label '$10K to less than $15K'Key '1503' = Label '$15K to less than $20K'Key '1504' = Label '$20K to less than $50K'Key '1505' = Label '$50K and over'Key '1506' = Label 'Less than $50K'Key '1507' = Label '$50K to less than $100K'Key '1508' = Label '$100K to less than $250K'Key '1509' = Label '$250K to less than $500K'Key '1510' = Label '$500K and over'Key '1598' = Label 'Unknown Exposure Size'Key '1599' = Label 'Not Applicable' Facility Internal Risk Rating Notation interne du risque de l'emprunteur Key '1600' = Label 'Total FRR'Key '1601' = Label '1st FRR'Key '1602' = Label '2nd FRR'Key '1603' = Label '3rd FRR'Key '1604' = Label '4th FRR'Key '1605' = Label '5th FRR'Key '1606' = Label '6th FRR'Key '1607' = Label '7th FRR'Key '1608' = Label '8th FRR'Key '1609' = Label '9th FRR'Key '1610' = Label '10th FRR'Key '1611' = Label '11th FRR'Key '1612' = Label '12th FRR'Key '1613' = Label '13th FRR'Key '1614' = Label '14th FRR'Key '1615' = Label '15th FRR'Key '1616' = Label '16th FRR'Key '1617' = Label '17th FRR'Key '1618' = Label '18th FRR'Key '1619' = Label '19th FRR'Key '1620' = Label '20th FRR'Key '1621' = Label '21st FRR'Key '1622' = Label '22nd FRR'Key '1623' = Label '23rd FRR'Key '1624' = Label '24th FRR'Key '1625' = Label '25th FRR'Key '1626' = Label '26th FRR'Key '1627' = Label '27th FRR'Key '1628' = Label '28th FRR'Key '1629' = Label '29th FRR'Key '1630' = Label '30th FRR'Key '1631' = Label '31st FRR'Key '1632' = Label '32nd FRR'Key '1633' = Label '33rd FRR'Key '1634' = Label '34th FRR'Key '1635' = Label '35th FRR'Key '1636' = Label '36th FRR'Key '1637' = Label '37th FRR'Key '1638' = Label '38th FRR'Key '1639' = Label '39th FRR'Key '1640' = Label '40th FRR'Key '1641' = Label '41st FRR'Key '1642' = Label '42st FRR'Key '1643' = Label '43rd FRR'Key '1644' = Label '44th FRR'Key '1645' = Label '45th FRR'Key '1646' = Label '46th FRR'Key '1647' = Label '47th FRR'Key '1648' = Label '48th FRR'Key '1649' = Label '49th FRR'Key '1650' = Label '50th FRR'Key '1651' = Label '51st FRR'Key '1652' = Label '52nd FRR'Key '1653' = Label '53rd FRR'Key '1654' = Label '54th FRR'Key '1655' = Label '55th FRR'Key '1656' = Label '56th FRR'Key '1657' = Label '57th FRR'Key '1658' = Label '58th FRR'Key '1659' = Label '59th FRR'Key '1660' = Label '60th FRR'Key '1661' = Label '61st FRR'Key '1662' = Label '62nd FRR'Key '1663' = Label '63rd FRR'Key '1664' = Label '64th FRR'Key '1665' = Label '65th FRR'Key '1666' = Label '66th FRR'Key '1667' = Label '67th FRR'Key '1668' = Label '68th FRR'Key '1669' = Label '69th FRR'Key '1670' = Label '70th FRR'Key '1671' = Label '71th FRR'Key '1672' = Label '72th FRR'Key '1673' = Label '73th FRR'Key '1674' = Label '74th FRR'Key '1675' = Label '75th FRR'Key '1676' = Label '76th FRR'Key '1677' = Label '77th FRR'Key '1678' = Label '78th FRR'Key '1679' = Label '79th FRR'Key '1680' = Label '80th FRR'Key '1681' = Label '81st FRR'Key '1682' = Label '82nd FRR'Key '1683' = Label '83rd FRR'Key '1684' = Label '84th FRR'Key '1685' = Label '85th FRR'Key '1686' = Label '86th FRR'Key '1687' = Label '87th FRR'Key '1688' = Label '88th FRR'Key '1689' = Label '89th FRR'Key '1690' = Label '90th FRR'Key '1691' = Label '91st FRR'Key '1692' = Label '92nd FRR'Key '1693' = Label '93rd FRR'Key '1694' = Label '94th FRR'Key '1695' = Label '95th FRR'Key '1696' = Label '96th FRR'Key '1697' = Label '97th FRR'Key '1698' = Label 'Unknown FRR'Key '1699' = Label 'Not Applicable' IRB Wholesale Exposure Classes Catégorie d'exposition du portefeuille de la clientèle de gros Key '1800' = Label 'Total Wholesale Exposure Class'Key '1801' = Label 'Total Corporate Wholesale'Key '1804' = Label 'Project Finance Wholesale'Key '1805' = Label 'Object Finance Wholesale'Key '1806' = Label 'Commodities Finance Wholesale'Key '1807' = Label 'Income-Producing Real Estate Wholesale'Key '1825' = Label 'Rev. Gen. Multi-Unit - Income Producing Real Estate Wholesale'Key '1826' = Label 'Rev. Gen. Other Income Producing Real Estate Wholesale'Key '1808' = Label 'High-Volatility Real Estate Wholesale'Key '1823' = Label 'Total Land-Banking - High Volatility Real Estate Wholesale'Key '1824' = Label 'Interim Finance - High Volatility Real Estate Wholesale'Key '1809' = Label 'SMEs Treated as Corporate Wholesale'Key '1810' = Label 'Other Corporate Wholesale'Key '1802' = Label 'Bank Wholesale'Key '1803' = Label 'Sovereign Wholesale'Key '1898' = Label 'Unknown Wholesale Exposure Class'Key '1827' = Label 'Corporate excluding SME, IPRE & Constructions'Key '1828' = Label 'Income-producing Real Estate and Construction'Key '1899' = Label 'Not Applicable Wholesale Exposure Class'Approach Type Type d'approcheKey '299' = Label 'No Approach Type'Key '200' = Label 'Total Approach Type'Key '201' = Label 'Standardized'Key '202' = Label 'Total IRB'Key '203' = Label 'Foundation IRB'Key '204' = Label 'Advanced IRB'Double Default Framework Régime de double défautKey '301' = Label 'No Double Default'Key '302' = Label 'Double Default'Key '300' = Label 'Total DD and non-DD'BCAR Exposure Classes BCAR Exposure ClassesKey '199' = Label 'No Exposure Class'Key '100' = Label 'Total - All Exposure Classes'Key '101' = Label 'Large Corporate'Key '102' = Label 'Corporate (excl. SMEs treated as Corporate & Specialized Lending)'Key '103' = Label 'Specialized Lending - High-Volatility Commercial Real Estate (HVCRE)'Key '104' = Label 'Specialized Lending non-HVCRE'Key '105' = Label 'SMEs treated as Corporate'Key '106' = Label 'Sovereign'Key '107' = Label 'Bank (excluding Covered Bonds)'Key '108' = Label 'General Residential Real Estate, excl. HELOCs'Key '109' = Label 'General Residential Real Estate excl. HELOCs (109)'Key '110' = Label 'General HELOCs'Key '111' = Label 'Total Other retail (excl. SBEs treated as Other retail)'Key '112' = Label 'Non-regulatory Retail'Key '113' = Label 'Qualifying Revolving Retail'Key '114' = Label 'SBEs treated as Regulatory Retail'Key '115' = Label 'Equity'Key '116' = Label 'Counterparty Credit Risk For Trading Book Exposures'Key '117' = Label 'Securitization'Key '120' = Label 'Public Sector Entities (PSEs)'Key '121' = Label 'Multilateral Development Banks (MDBs)'Key '122' = Label 'Covered Bonds'Key '123' = Label 'Securities Firms and Other Financial Institutions treated as Bank'Key '124' = Label 'Mid-sized Corporate'Key '125' = Label 'Mortgage-Backed Securities'Key '126' = Label 'Securities Firms and Other Financial Institutions treated as Corporate'Key '127' = Label 'Specialized Lending'Key '128' = Label 'Reverse Mortgages 'Key '129' = Label 'Regulatory Retail - Transactors (for qualifying revolving retail)'Key '130' = Label ''Regulatory Retail - Revolvers'Key '131' = Label 'Regulatory Retail - Indirect Auto'Key '132' = Label 'Regulatory Retail - All Other Exposures'Key '133' = Label 'Residential Real Estate Exposures that do not meet expectations related to B-20 (Mortgages)'Key '134' = Label 'Residential Real Estate Exposures that do not meet expectations related to B-20 (HELOCs)'Key '135' = Label 'Income-Producing Residential Real Estate excl. HELOCs'Key '136' = Label 'Income-Producing HELOCs'Key '137' = Label 'General Commercial Real Estate'Key '138' = Label 'Income-Producing Commercial Real Estate'Key '139' = Label 'Land Acquisition, Development and Construction (ADC) excluding HVCRE'Key '141' = Label 'Morgtage-Backed Securities'Key '145' = Label 'Specialized Lending - Project Financing'Key '146' = Label 'Specialized Lending - Object Financing'Key '147' = Label 'Specialized Lending - Commodities Financing'Key '148' = Label 'Specialized Lending - Income Producing Real Estate'Risk Weight Pondération des risquesKey '700' = Label 'Total Risk Weight'Key '701' = Label '0%'Key '702' = Label '10%'Key '703' = Label '20%'Key '704' = Label '35%'Key '705' = Label '50%'Key '706' = Label '70% Slotting HVCRE Strong, Preferential'Key '707' = Label '70% Slotting non-HVCRE Strong'Key '708' = Label '75%'Key '709' = Label '90% Slotting non-HVCRE Good'Key '710' = Label '95% Slotting HVCRE Strong'Key '711' = Label '95% Slotting HVCRE Good, Preferential'Key '712' = Label '100%'Key '713' = Label '115% Slotting Non-HVCRE Satisfactory'Key '714' = Label '120% Slotting HVCRE Good'Key '715' = Label '140% Slotting HVCRE Satisfactory'Key '716' = Label '150%'Key '717' = Label '250% Slotting HVCRE & Non-HVCRE Weak'Key '718' = Label '0% Slotting HVCRE and Non-HVCRE Default'Key '730' = Label '15% Unrated'Key '731' = Label '20% Simplified'Key '732' = Label '25%'Key '733' = Label '30% Rated'Key '734' = Label '40%'Key '735' = Label '45%'Key '736' = Label '60%'Key '737' = Label '65%'Key '738' = Label '70%'Key '739' = Label '75% (Requirements not met)'Key '740' = Label '85%'Key '741' = Label '85% (Requirements not met)'Key '742' = Label 'Others (Requirements not met)'Key '743' = Label '90%'Key '744' = Label '100% Simplified'Key '745' = Label '100% Base rated'Key '746' = Label '105%'Key '747' = Label '110%'Key '748' = Label '150% (requirements not met)'Key '749' = Label '150% Non-qualifying'Key '750' = Label '20% Unrated'Key '751' = Label '30% Unrated'Key '752' = Label '40% Base unrated'Key '753' = Label '40% Simplified'Key '754' = Label '50% Unrated'Key '755' = Label '65% Unrated'Key '756' = Label '75% Base unrated'Key '757' = Label '75% Simplified'Key '758' = Label '80% Unrated, Project finance'Key '759' = Label '85% Unrated'Key '760' = Label '100% Unrated'Key '761' = Label '100% Unrated, Project finance'Key '762' = Label '100% Unrated, Object finance'Key '763' = Label '100% Unrated, Commodities finance'Key '764' = Label '130% Unrated, Project finance'Key '765' = Label '150% Base unrated'Key '766' = Label '20% Short-term rated'Key '767' = Label '50% Short-term rated'Key '768' = Label '150% Short-term rated'Key '769' = Label '20% Short-term unrated'Key '770' = Label '50% Short-term unrated'Key '771' = Label '150% Short-term unrated'Key '772' = Label '100% Defaulted'Key '773' = Label '150% Defaulted'Key '780' = Label '100% Rated 'Key '781' = Label '100% Base unrated'Key '784' = Label '150% Base rated'Key '785' = Label '150% Unrated'Key '786' = Label '20% Base rated'Key '787' = Label '220% PMI Backstop'Key '788' = Label '30%'Key '789' = Label '30% Base rated'Key '790' = Label '30% Base unrated'Key '791' = Label '330% PMI Backstop'Key '793' = Label '35% Simplified'Key '794' = Label '40% Unrated'Key '795' = Label '44% PMI Backstop'Key '796' = Label '50% Base rated'Key '797' = Label '50% Rated'Key '798' = Label '66% PMI Backstop'Key '799' = Label '15%'Key '800' = Label '75% Unrated'Key '801' = Label '0% Rated'Key '802' = Label '10% Base rated'Key '803' = Label '10% Rated'Key '806' = Label '150% Rated'Key '807' = Label '110% PMI Backstop'Key '804' = Label '20% Rated'Key '808' = Label '75% Rated'Key '809' = Label '50% Slotting HVCRE Strong, Preferential'Key '810' = Label '70% Slotting HVCRE Good'Exposure Type Type d'expositionKey '599' = Label 'No Exposure Type'Key '500' = Label 'Total Exposure Type'Key '501' = Label 'Drawn'Key '502' = Label 'Undrawn commitment'Key '503' = Label 'Repo-style transaction'Key '504' = Label 'OTC Derivatives'Key '505' = Label 'Other off-balance sheet'Key '506' = Label 'Model risk add-on RWA' Equity Characteristics Caractéristiques des titres Key '1000' = Label 'Total Equity Characteristics'Key '1001' = Label 'No Captial Gains Expected - Publicly Traded'Key '1002' = Label 'No Captial Gains Expected - Other Equities'Key '1003' = Label 'Held for Captial Gain - Publicly Traded'Key '1004' = Label 'Held for Captial Gain - Other Equities'Key '1099' = Label 'Not Applicable' Default / Dilution Risk Risque de défaut / dilution Key '1100' = Label 'Total Default / Dilution Risk'Key '1101' = Label 'Default Risk'Key '1102' = Label 'Dilution Risk'Key '1199' = Label 'Not Applicable'Industry Group Type [fr]Industry Group TypeKey '0001' = Label 'Total Industry Group'Key '0014' = Label 'Agriculture'Key '0023' = Label 'Capital Goods'Key '0010' = Label 'Communications'Key '0015' = Label 'Energy'Key '0016' = Label 'Financial Services'Key '0017' = Label 'Government & sovereign'Key '0018' = Label 'Life Sciences'Key '0020' = Label 'Manufacturing'Key '0011' = Label 'Metals and Mining'Key '0019' = Label 'Real Estate'Key '0012' = Label 'Resources and Basic Materials'Key '0024' = Label 'Retail'Key '0022' = Label 'Technology'Key '0013' = Label 'Transportation'Key '0021' = Label 'Services'Key '0025' = Label 'Other Industry Group'Key '0099' = Label 'Not applicable' Sensitivity Stress Risk Factor [fr]Sensitivity Stress Risk Factor Key '2001' = Label 'Interest Rates'Key '2002' = Label 'Credit Spread'Key '2003' = Label 'Migration and Default'Key '2004' = Label 'Equities'Key '2005' = Label 'Foreign Exchange'Key '2006' = Label 'Commodity'Key '2099' = Label 'Stress Risk Factor Dimension Not Applicable' CS01 Rating [fr]CS01 Rating Key '2101' = Label 'CS01 AAA'Key '2102' = Label 'CS01 AA'Key '2103' = Label 'CS01 A'Key '2104' = Label 'CS01 BBB'Key '2105' = Label 'CS01 BB'Key '2106' = Label 'CS01 B'Key '2107' = Label 'CS01 CCC'Key '2198' = Label 'CS01 NR'Key '2199' = Label 'CS01 Rating Dimension Not Applicable' Tenor [fr]Tenor Key '2201' = Label '3m'Key '2202' = Label '6m'Key '2203' = Label '1y'Key '2204' = Label '2y'Key '2205' = Label '3y'Key '2206' = Label '4y'Key '2207' = Label '5y'Key '2208' = Label '7y'Key '2209' = Label '10y'Key '2210' = Label '15y'Key '2211' = Label '20y'Key '2212' = Label 'More'Key '2299' = Label 'TENOR Dimension Not Applicable' Length of Time Outstanding [fr]Length of Time Outstanding Key '2400' = Label 'Total Outstandings'Key '2401' = Label 'Greater Than 30 Days and Less Than or Equal to 90 Days'Key '2402' = Label 'Greater Than 90 Days'Key '2499' = Label 'Length of Time Outstanding Dimension Not Applicable' VaR Risk Factor [fr]VaR Risk Factor Key '2500' = Label 'Total Bank'Key '2501' = Label 'Total Equity'Key '2502' = Label 'Equity General Risk'Key '2503' = Label 'Equity Specific Risk'Key '2504' = Label 'Total Interest Rate'Key '2505' = Label 'Interest Rate General Risk'Key '2506' = Label 'Interest Rate Specific Risk'Key '2507' = Label 'Foreign Exchange'Key '2508' = Label 'Commodity'Key '2599' = Label 'VAR Risk Factor Dimension Not Applicable' Exposure [fr]Exposure Key '2701' = Label 'Long'Key '2702' = Label 'Short'Key '2799' = Label 'Exposure Dimension Not Applicable' Rank [fr]Rank Key '2801' = Label 'Rank 1'Key '2802' = Label 'Rank 2'Key '2803' = Label 'Rank 3'Key '2804' = Label 'Rank 4'Key '2805' = Label 'Rank 5'Key '2806' = Label 'Rank 6'Key '2807' = Label 'Rank 7'Key '2808' = Label 'Rank 8'Key '2809' = Label 'Rank 9'Key '2810' = Label 'Rank 10'Key '2811' = Label 'Rank 11'Key '2812' = Label 'Rank 12'Key '2813' = Label 'Rank 13'Key '2814' = Label 'Rank 14'Key '2815' = Label 'Rank 15'Key '2816' = Label 'Rank 16'Key '2817' = Label 'Rank 17'Key '2818' = Label 'Rank 18'Key '2819' = Label 'Rank 19'Key '2820' = Label 'Rank 20'Key '2821' = Label 'Rank 21'Key '2822' = Label 'Rank 22'Key '2823' = Label 'Rank 23'Key '2824' = Label 'Rank 24'Key '2825' = Label 'Rank 25'Key '2826' = Label 'Rank 26'Key '2827' = Label 'Rank 27'Key '2828' = Label 'Rank 28'Key '2829' = Label 'Rank 29'Key '2830' = Label 'Rank 30'Key '2831' = Label 'Rank 31'Key '2832' = Label 'Rank 32'Key '2833' = Label 'Rank 33'Key '2834' = Label 'Rank 34'Key '2835' = Label 'Rank 35'Key '2836' = Label 'Rank 36'Key '2837' = Label 'Rank 37'Key '2838' = Label 'Rank 38'Key '2839' = Label 'Rank 39'Key '2840' = Label 'Rank 40'Key '2841' = Label 'Rank 41'Key '2842' = Label 'Rank 42'Key '2843' = Label 'Rank 43'Key '2844' = Label 'Rank 44'Key '2845' = Label 'Rank 45'Key '2846' = Label 'Rank 46'Key '2847' = Label 'Rank 47'Key '2848' = Label 'Rank 48'Key '2849' = Label 'Rank 49'Key '2850' = Label 'Rank 50'Key '2851' = Label 'Rank 51'Key '2852' = Label 'Rank 52'Key '2853' = Label 'Rank 53'Key '2854' = Label 'Rank 54'Key '2855' = Label 'Rank 55'Key '2856' = Label 'Rank 56'Key '2857' = Label 'Rank 57'Key '2858' = Label 'Rank 58'Key '2859' = Label 'Rank 59'Key '2860' = Label 'Rank 60'Key '2861' = Label 'Rank 61'Key '2862' = Label 'Rank 62'Key '2863' = Label 'Rank 63'Key '2864' = Label 'Rank 64'Key '2865' = Label 'Rank 65'Key '2866' = Label 'Rank 66'Key '2867' = Label 'Rank 67'Key '2868' = Label 'Rank 68'Key '2869' = Label 'Rank 69'Key '2870' = Label 'Rank 70'Key '2871' = Label 'Rank 71'Key '2872' = Label 'Rank 72'Key '2873' = Label 'Rank 73'Key '2874' = Label 'Rank 74'Key '2875' = Label 'Rank 75'Key '2876' = Label 'Rank 76'Key '2877' = Label 'Rank 77'Key '2878' = Label 'Rank 78'Key '2879' = Label 'Rank 79'Key '2880' = Label 'Rank 80'Key '2881' = Label 'Rank 81'Key '2882' = Label 'Rank 82'Key '2883' = Label 'Rank 83'Key '2884' = Label 'Rank 84'Key '2885' = Label 'Rank 85'Key '2886' = Label 'Rank 86'Key '2887' = Label 'Rank 87'Key '2888' = Label 'Rank 88'Key '2889' = Label 'Rank 89'Key '2890' = Label 'Rank 90'Key '2891' = Label 'Rank 91'Key '2892' = Label 'Rank 92'Key '2893' = Label 'Rank 93'Key '2894' = Label 'Rank 94'Key '2895' = Label 'Rank 95'Key '2896' = Label 'Rank 96'Key '2897' = Label 'Rank 97'Key '2898' = Label 'Rank 98'Key '2899' = Label 'Rank 99'Key '2900' = Label 'Rank 100'Key '2999' = Label 'Rank Dimension Not Applicable' Day [fr]Day Key '3001' = Label 'Day 1'Key '3002' = Label 'Day 2'Key '3003' = Label 'Day 3'Key '3004' = Label 'Day 4'Key '3005' = Label 'Day 5'Key '3006' = Label 'Day 6'Key '3007' = Label 'Day 7'Key '3008' = Label 'Day 8'Key '3009' = Label 'Day 9'Key '3010' = Label 'Day 10'Key '3011' = Label 'Day 11'Key '3012' = Label 'Day 12'Key '3013' = Label 'Day 13'Key '3014' = Label 'Day 14'Key '3015' = Label 'Day 15'Key '3016' = Label 'Day 16'Key '3017' = Label 'Day 17'Key '3018' = Label 'Day 18'Key '3019' = Label 'Day 19'Key '3020' = Label 'Day 20'Key '3021' = Label 'Day 21'Key '3022' = Label 'Day 22'Key '3023' = Label 'Day 23'Key '3024' = Label 'Day 24'Key '3025' = Label 'Day 25'Key '3026' = Label 'Day 26'Key '3027' = Label 'Day 27'Key '3028' = Label 'Day 28'Key '3029' = Label 'Day 29'Key '3030' = Label 'Day 30'Key '3031' = Label 'Day 31'Key '3032' = Label 'Day 32'Key '3033' = Label 'Day 33'Key '3034' = Label 'Day 34'Key '3035' = Label 'Day 35'Key '3036' = Label 'Day 36'Key '3037' = Label 'Day 37'Key '3038' = Label 'Day 38'Key '3039' = Label 'Day 39'Key '3040' = Label 'Day 40'Key '3041' = Label 'Day 41'Key '3042' = Label 'Day 42'Key '3043' = Label 'Day 43'Key '3044' = Label 'Day 44'Key '3045' = Label 'Day 45'Key '3046' = Label 'Day 46'Key '3047' = Label 'Day 47'Key '3048' = Label 'Day 48'Key '3049' = Label 'Day 49'Key '3050' = Label 'Day 50'Key '3051' = Label 'Day 51'Key '3052' = Label 'Day 52'Key '3053' = Label 'Day 53'Key '3054' = Label 'Day 54'Key '3055' = Label 'Day 55'Key '3056' = Label 'Day 56'Key '3057' = Label 'Day 57'Key '3058' = Label 'Day 58'Key '3059' = Label 'Day 59'Key '3060' = Label 'Day 60'Key '3061' = Label 'Day 61'Key '3062' = Label 'Day 62'Key '3063' = Label 'Day 63'Key '3064' = Label 'Day 64'Key '3065' = Label 'Day 65'Key '3066' = Label 'Day 66'Key '3067' = Label 'Day 67'Key '3068' = Label 'Day 68'Key '3069' = Label 'Day 69'Key '3070' = Label 'Day 70'Key '3071' = Label 'Day 71'Key '3072' = Label 'Day 72'Key '3073' = Label 'Day 73'Key '3074' = Label 'Day 74'Key '3075' = Label 'Day 75'Key '3076' = Label 'Day 76'Key '3077' = Label 'Day 77'Key '3078' = Label 'Day 78'Key '3079' = Label 'Day 79'Key '3080' = Label 'Day 80'Key '3081' = Label 'Day 81'Key '3082' = Label 'Day 82'Key '3083' = Label 'Day 83'Key '3084' = Label 'Day 84'Key '3085' = Label 'Day 85'Key '3086' = Label 'Day 86'Key '3087' = Label 'Day 87'Key '3088' = Label 'Day 88'Key '3089' = Label 'Day 89'Key '3090' = Label 'Day 90'Key '3091' = Label 'Day 91'Key '3092' = Label 'Day 92'Key '3099' = Label 'No Day' Derivative Category [fr]Derivative Category Key '3101' = Label 'Equity Derivatives'Key '3102' = Label 'Interest Rate Derivatives'Key '3103' = Label 'Foreign Exchange Derivatives'Key '3104' = Label 'Commodity Derivatives'Key '3105' = Label 'Credit Derivatives'Key '3106' = Label 'Other Derivatives'Key '3199' = Label 'Derivative Category Dimension Not Applicable' EADF Segment Primary Key [fr]EADF Segment Primary Key Key '3300' = Label 'Total EADF Segments'Key '3301' = Label '1st EADF Segment'Key '3302' = Label '2nd EADF Segment'Key '3303' = Label '3rd EADF Segment'Key '3304' = Label '4th EADF Segment'Key '3305' = Label '5th EADF Segment'Key '3306' = Label '6th EADF Segment'Key '3307' = Label '7th EADF Segment'Key '3308' = Label '8th EADF Segment'Key '3309' = Label '9th EADF Segment'Key '3310' = Label '10th EADF Segment'Key '3311' = Label '11th EADF Segment'Key '3312' = Label '12th EADF Segment'Key '3313' = Label '13th EADF Segment'Key '3314' = Label '14th EADF Segment'Key '3315' = Label '15th EADF Segment'Key '3316' = Label '16th EADF Segment'Key '3317' = Label '17th EADF Segment'Key '3318' = Label '18th EADF Segment'Key '3319' = Label '19th EADF Segment'Key '3320' = Label '20th EADF Segment'Key '3321' = Label '21st EADF Segment'Key '3322' = Label '22nd EADF Segment'Key '3323' = Label '23rd EADF Segment'Key '3324' = Label '24th EADF Segment'Key '3325' = Label '25th EADF Segment'Key '3326' = Label '26th EADF Segment'Key '3327' = Label '27th EADF Segment'Key '3328' = Label '28th EADF Segment'Key '3329' = Label '29th EADF Segment'Key '3330' = Label '30th EADF Segment'Key '3331' = Label '31st EADF Segment'Key '3332' = Label '32nd EADF Segment'Key '3333' = Label '33rd EADF Segment'Key '3334' = Label '34th EADF Segment'Key '3335' = Label '35th EADF Segment'Key '3336' = Label '36th EADF Segment'Key '3337' = Label '37th EADF Segment'Key '3338' = Label '38th EADF Segment'Key '3339' = Label '39th EADF Segment'Key '3340' = Label '40th EADF Segment'Key '3341' = Label '41st EADF Segment'Key '3342' = Label '42nd EADF Segment'Key '3343' = Label '43rd EADF Segment'Key '3344' = Label '44th EADF Segment'Key '3345' = Label '45th EADF Segment'Key '3346' = Label '46th EADF Segment'Key '3347' = Label '47th EADF Segment'Key '3348' = Label '48th EADF Segment'Key '3349' = Label '49th EADF Segment'Key '3350' = Label '50th EADF Segment'Key '3351' = Label '51st EADF Segment'Key '3352' = Label '52nd EADF Segment'Key '3353' = Label '53rd EADF Segment'Key '3354' = Label '54th EADF Segment'Key '3355' = Label '55th EADF Segment'Key '3356' = Label '56th EADF Segment'Key '3357' = Label '57th EADF Segment'Key '3358' = Label '58th EADF Segment'Key '3359' = Label '59th EADF Segment'Key '3360' = Label '60th EADF Segment'Key '3361' = Label '61st EADF Segment'Key '3362' = Label '62nd EADF Segment'Key '3363' = Label '63rd EADF Segment'Key '3364' = Label '64th EADF Segment'Key '3365' = Label '65th EADF Segment'Key '3366' = Label '66th EADF Segment'Key '3367' = Label '67th EADF Segment'Key '3368' = Label '68th EADF Segment'Key '3369' = Label '69th EADF Segment'Key '3370' = Label '70th EADF Segment'Key '3371' = Label '71st EADF Segment'Key '3372' = Label '72th EADF Segment'Key '3373' = Label '73rd EADF Segment'Key '3374' = Label '74th EADF Segment'Key '3375' = Label '75th EADF Segment'Key '3376' = Label '76th EADF Segment'Key '3377' = Label '77th EADF Segment'Key '3378' = Label '78th EADF Segment'Key '3379' = Label '79th EADF Segment'Key '3380' = Label '80th EADF Segment'Key '3381' = Label '81st EADF Segment'Key '3382' = Label '82nd EADF Segment'Key '3383' = Label '83rd EADF Segment'Key '3384' = Label '84th EADF Segment'Key '3385' = Label '85th EADF Segment'Key '3386' = Label '86th EADF Segment'Key '3387' = Label '87th EADF Segment'Key '3388' = Label '88th EADF Segment'Key '3389' = Label '89th EADF Segment'Key '3390' = Label '90th EADF Segment'Key '3391' = Label '91st EADF Segment'Key '3392' = Label '92nd EADF Segment'Key '3393' = Label '93rd EADF Segment'Key '3394' = Label '94th EADF Segment'Key '3395' = Label '95th EADF Segment'Key '3396' = Label '96th EADF Segment'Key '3397' = Label '97th EADF Segment'Key '3398' = Label 'Unknown EADF'Key '3400' = Label '98th EADF Segment'Key '3401' = Label '99th EADF Segment'Key '3402' = Label '100th EADF Segment'Key '3403' = Label '101st EADF Segment'Key '3404' = Label '102nd EADF Segment'Key '3405' = Label '103rd EADF Segment'Key '3406' = Label '104th EADF Segment'Key '3407' = Label '105th EADF Segment'Key '3408' = Label '106th EADF Segment'Key '3409' = Label '107th EADF Segment'Key '3410' = Label '108th EADF Segment'Key '3411' = Label '109th EADF Segment'Key '3412' = Label '110th EADF Segment'Key '3413' = Label '111th EADF Segment'Key '3414' = Label '112th EADF Segment'Key '3415' = Label '113th EADF Segment'Key '3416' = Label '114th EADF Segment'Key '3417' = Label '115th EADF Segment'Key '3418' = Label '116th EADF Segment'Key '3419' = Label '117th EADF Segment'Key '3420' = Label '118th EADF Segment'Key '3421' = Label '119th EADF Segment'Key '3422' = Label '120th EADF Segment'Key '3423' = Label '121th EADF Segment'Key '3424' = Label '122th EADF Segment'Key '3425' = Label '123th EADF Segment'Key '3426' = Label '124th EADF Segment'Key '3427' = Label '125th EADF Segment'Key '3399' = Label 'Not Applicable' LGD Segment Segment LGD Key '3200' = Label 'Total LGD Segments'Key '3201' = Label '1st LGD Segment'Key '3202' = Label '2nd LGD Segment'Key '3203' = Label '3rd LGD Segment'Key '3204' = Label '4th LGD Segment'Key '3205' = Label '5th LGD Segment'Key '3206' = Label '6th LGD Segment'Key '3207' = Label '7th LGD Segment'Key '3208' = Label '8th LGD Segment'Key '3209' = Label '9th LGD Segment'Key '3210' = Label '10th LGD Segment'Key '3211' = Label '11th LGD Segment'Key '3212' = Label '12th LGD Segment'Key '3213' = Label '13th LGD Segment'Key '3214' = Label '14th LGD Segment'Key '3215' = Label '15th LGD Segment'Key '3216' = Label '16th LGD Segment'Key '3217' = Label '17th LGD Segment'Key '3218' = Label '18th LGD Segment'Key '3219' = Label '19th LGD Segment'Key '3220' = Label '20th LGD Segment'Key '3221' = Label '21st LGD Segment'Key '3222' = Label '22nd LGD Segment'Key '3223' = Label '23rd LGD Segment'Key '3224' = Label '24th LGD Segment'Key '3225' = Label '25th LGD Segment'Key '3226' = Label '26th LGD Segment'Key '3227' = Label '27th LGD Segment'Key '3228' = Label '28th LGD Segment'Key '3229' = Label '29th LGD Segment'Key '3230' = Label '30th LGD Segment'Key '3231' = Label '31st LGD Segment'Key '3232' = Label '32nd LGD Segment'Key '3233' = Label '33rd LGD Segment'Key '3234' = Label '34th LGD Segment'Key '3235' = Label '35th LGD Segment'Key '3236' = Label '36th LGD Segment'Key '3237' = Label '37th LGD Segment'Key '3238' = Label '38th LGD Segment'Key '3239' = Label '39th LGD Segment'Key '3240' = Label '40th LGD Segment'Key '3241' = Label '41st LGD Segment'Key '3242' = Label '42nd LGD Segment'Key '3243' = Label '43rd LGD Segment'Key '3244' = Label '44th LGD Segment'Key '3245' = Label '45th LGD Segment'Key '3246' = Label '46th LGD Segment'Key '3247' = Label '47th LGD Segment'Key '3248' = Label '48th LGD Segment'Key '3249' = Label '49th LGD Segment'Key '3250' = Label '50th LGD Segment'Key '3251' = Label '51st LGD Segment'Key '3252' = Label '52nd LGD Segment'Key '3253' = Label '53rd LGD Segment'Key '3254' = Label '54th LGD Segment'Key '3255' = Label '55th LGD Segment'Key '3256' = Label '56th LGD Segment'Key '3257' = Label '57th LGD Segment'Key '3258' = Label '58th LGD Segment'Key '3259' = Label '59th LGD Segment'Key '3260' = Label '60th LGD Segment'Key '3261' = Label '61st LGD Segment'Key '3262' = Label '62th LGD Segment'Key '3263' = Label '63rd LGD Segment'Key '3264' = Label '64th LGD Segment'Key '3265' = Label '65th LGD Segment'Key '3266' = Label '66th LGD Segment'Key '3267' = Label '67th LGD Segment'Key '3268' = Label '68th LGD Segment'Key '3269' = Label '69th LGD Segment'Key '3270' = Label '70th LGD Segment'Key '3271' = Label '71st LGD Segment'Key '3272' = Label '72nd LGD Segment'Key '3273' = Label '73rd LGD Segment'Key '3274' = Label '74th LGD Segment'Key '3275' = Label '75th LGD Segment'Key '3276' = Label '76th LGD Segment'Key '3277' = Label '77th LGD Segment'Key '3278' = Label '78th LGD Segment'Key '3279' = Label '79th LGD Segment'Key '3280' = Label '80th LGD Segment'Key '3281' = Label '81st LGD Segment'Key '3282' = Label '82nd LGD Segment'Key '3283' = Label '83rd LGD Segment'Key '3284' = Label '84th LGD Segment'Key '3285' = Label '85th LGD Segment'Key '3286' = Label '86th LGD Segment'Key '3287' = Label '87th LGD Segment'Key '3288' = Label '88th LGD Segment'Key '3289' = Label '89th LGD Segment'Key '3290' = Label '90th LGD Segment'Key '3291' = Label '91st LGD Segment'Key '3292' = Label '92nd LGD Segment'Key '3293' = Label '93rd LGD Segment'Key '3294' = Label '94th LGD Segment'Key '3295' = Label '95th LGD Segment'Key '3296' = Label '96th LGD Segment'Key '3297' = Label '97th LGD Segment'Key '3298' = Label 'Unknown LGD'Key '3300' = Label '98th LGD Segment'Key '3301' = Label '99th LGD Segment'Key '3302' = Label '100th LGD Segment'Key '3303' = Label '101st LGD Segment'Key '3304' = Label '102nd LGD Segment'Key '3305' = Label '103rd LGD Segment'Key '3306' = Label '104th LGD Segment'Key '3307' = Label '105th LGD Segment'Key '3308' = Label '106th LGD Segment'Key '3309' = Label '107th LGD Segment'Key '3310' = Label '108th LGD Segment'Key '3311' = Label '109th LGD Segment'Key '3312' = Label '110th LGD Segment'Key '3313' = Label '111th LGD Segment'Key '3314' = Label '112nd LGD Segment'Key '3315' = Label '113th LGD Segment'Key '3316' = Label '114th LGD Segment'Key '3317' = Label '115th LGD Segment'Key '3318' = Label '116th LGD Segment'Key '3319' = Label '117th LGD Segment'Key '3320' = Label '118th LGD Segment'Key '3321' = Label '119th LGD Segment'Key '3322' = Label '120th LGD Segment'Key '3323' = Label '121st LGD Segment'Key '3324' = Label '122nd LGD Segment'Key '3325' = Label '123rd LGD Segment'Key '3326' = Label '124th LGD Segment'Key '3327' = Label '125th LGD Segment'Key '3299' = Label 'Not Applicable'Retail Exposure Class Catégorie d’exposition sur clientèle de détailKey '0500' = Label 'Total Retail'Key '0501' = Label 'Total Mortgage and HELOC Retail'Key '0502' = Label 'Mortgage Retail'Key '0510' = Label 'Residential Mortgage - CMHC Insured'Key '0511' = Label 'Residential Mortgage - Other Insured'Key '0512' = Label 'Residential Mortgage - Non-Insured'Key '0503' = Label 'HELOC Retail'Key '0504' = Label 'Total QRRE Retail'Key '0505' = Label 'Credit Card Retail'Key '0506' = Label 'LOC Retail'Key '0507' = Label 'Other Retail'Key '0508' = Label 'SME Treated as Retail'Key '0514' = Label 'CRE - SME Retail'Key '0515' = Label 'Total Land-Banking - SME Retail'Key '0516' = Label 'Interim Finance - SME Retail'Key '0517' = Label 'Rev. Gen. Multi-Unit Residential - SME Retail'Key '0518' = Label 'Rev. Gen. - Other - SME Retail'Key '0513' = Label 'Non-CRE - SME Retail'Key '0509' = Label 'Other Retail Excluding SME'Key '0598' = Label 'Unknown Retail Exposure Class'Key '0599' = Label 'Not Applicable Retail Exposure Class'Wholesale Exposure Class [fr]Wholesale Exposure ClassKey '1800' = Label 'Total Wholesale Exposure Class'Key '1801' = Label 'Total Corporate Wholesale'Key '1809' = Label 'SMEs Treated as Corporate Wholesale'Key '1812' = Label 'CRE - SME Corporate'Key '1811' = Label 'Non-CRE - SME Corporate'Key '1813' = Label 'Total Land-Banking - SME Corporate'Key '1814' = Label 'Interim Finance - SME Corporate'Key '1815' = Label 'Rev. Gen. Multi-Unit Residential - SME Corporate'Key '1816' = Label 'Rev. Gen. - Other - SME Corporate'Key '1810' = Label 'Other Corporate Wholesale'Key '1818' = Label 'CRE - Corporate Excluding SME'Key '1817' = Label 'Non CRE - Corporate Excluding SME'Key '1819' = Label 'Total Land-Banking - Corporate Excluding SME'Key '1820' = Label 'Interim Finance - Corporate Excluding SME'Key '1821' = Label 'Rev. Gen. Multi-Unit Residential - Corporate Excluding SME'Key '1822' = Label 'Rev. Gen. - Other - Corporate Excluding SME'Key '1803' = Label 'Sovereign Wholesale'Key '1802' = Label 'Bank Wholesale'Key '1899' = Label 'Not Applicable Wholesale Exposure Class' Integer Nombre entier Integer Nombre entier Integer Nombre entier Integer Nombre entier Integer Nombre entier Integer Nombre entier Integer Nombre entier Dollar Amount Montants Dollar Amount Montants Integer Nombre entier Country Pays Key '110' = Label 'United States'Key '124' = Label 'United Kingdom'Key '135' = Label 'Japan'Key '146' = Label 'Canada'Key '202' = Label 'Puerto Rico'Key '205' = Label 'U.S. Virgin Islands'Key '207' = Label 'Antigua and Barbuda'Key '208' = Label 'Aruba'Key '209' = Label 'Bahamas'Key '212' = Label 'Barbados'Key '215' = Label 'Bermuda'Key '218' = Label 'British Virgin Islands'Key '221' = Label 'Cayman Islands'Key '224' = Label 'Cuba'Key '227' = Label 'Dominica'Key '230' = Label 'Dominican Republic'Key '233' = Label 'Falkland Islands'Key '236' = Label 'Grenada'Key '239' = Label 'Guadeloupe'Key '242' = Label 'Haiti'Key '248' = Label 'Jamaica'Key '257' = Label 'Martinique'Key '260' = Label 'Montserrat'Key '263' = Label 'Netherlands Antilles'Key '266' = Label 'Curacao'Key '268' = Label 'Sint Maarten'Key '270' = Label 'Bonaire, St-Eustatius and Saba'Key '272' = Label 'St. Kitts-Nevia'Key '274' = Label 'Anguilla'Key '275' = Label 'St. Lucia'Key '276' = Label 'Saint Barthelemy'Key '278' = Label 'St. Pierre And Miquelon'Key '279' = Label 'Saint Martin'Key '281' = Label 'St. Vincent'Key '287' = Label 'Trinidad and Tobago'Key '290' = Label 'Turks And Caicos Islands'Key '293' = Label 'Caribbean Development Bank'Key '303' = Label 'Argentina'Key '307' = Label 'Belize'Key '311' = Label 'Bolivia'Key '315' = Label 'Brazil'Key '319' = Label 'Chile'Key '323' = Label 'Colombia'Key '327' = Label 'Costa Rica'Key '331' = Label 'Ecuador'Key '335' = Label 'El Salvador'Key '339' = Label 'French Guiana'Key '343' = Label 'Guatemala'Key '347' = Label 'Guyana'Key '351' = Label 'Honduras'Key '355' = Label 'Mexico'Key '359' = Label 'Nicaragua'Key '363' = Label 'Panama'Key '367' = Label 'Panama Canal Zone'Key '371' = Label 'Paraguay'Key '375' = Label 'Peru'Key '379' = Label 'Surinam'Key '383' = Label 'Uruguay'Key '387' = Label 'Venezuela'Key '391' = Label 'Inter-American Develop Bank'Key '403' = Label 'Andorra'Key '406' = Label 'Belgium'Key '409' = Label 'Denmark'Key '412' = Label 'France'Key '415' = Label 'Germany'Key '418' = Label 'Ireland'Key '421' = Label 'Italy'Key '424' = Label 'Luxembourg'Key '427' = Label 'Monaco'Key '430' = Label 'Netherlands'Key '433' = Label 'Vatican'Key '437' = Label 'Austria'Key '441' = Label 'Finland'Key '445' = Label 'Greece'Key '449' = Label 'Iceland'Key '453' = Label 'Liechtenstein'Key '457' = Label 'Norway'Key '461' = Label 'Portugal'Key '465' = Label 'Spain'Key '469' = Label 'Sweden'Key '473' = Label 'Switzerland'Key '477' = Label 'Turkey'Key '479' = Label 'Faroe Islands'Key '480' = Label 'Greenland'Key '481' = Label 'Cyprus'Key '485' = Label 'Gibraltar'Key '486' = Label 'Guernsey'Key '487' = Label 'Isle of Man'Key '488' = Label 'Jersey'Key '489' = Label 'Malta'Key '491' = Label 'San Marino'Key '511' = Label 'U.S.S.R.'Key '515' = Label 'Albania'Key '517' = Label 'Belarus'Key '519' = Label 'Bosnia-Hercegovina'Key '521' = Label 'Bulgaria'Key '525' = Label 'Croatia'Key '526' = Label 'Czech Republic'Key '527' = Label 'Czechoslovakia'Key '529' = Label 'Estonia'Key '533' = Label 'Germany, Democratic Republic'Key '539' = Label 'Hungary'Key '540' = Label 'Latvia'Key '541' = Label 'Lithuania'Key '542' = Label 'Macedonia'Key '543' = Label 'Moldova'Key '545' = Label 'Poland'Key '551' = Label 'Romania'Key '552' = Label 'Slovak Republic'Key '553' = Label 'Russian Federation'Key '554' = Label 'Serbia and Montenegro'Key '555' = Label 'Slovenia'Key '556' = Label 'Ukraine'Key '557' = Label 'Yugoslavia'Key '558' = Label 'Serbia'Key '559' = Label 'Montenegro'Key '602' = Label 'Abu Dhabi'Key '604' = Label 'Bahrain'Key '606' = Label 'Dubai'Key '608' = Label 'Egypt'Key '610' = Label 'Iran'Key '612' = Label 'Iraq'Key '614' = Label 'Israel'Key '616' = Label 'Jordan, Hashemite Kingdom Of'Key '618' = Label 'Kuwait, State Of'Key '620' = Label 'Lebanon'Key '622' = Label 'Libya, Arab Republic Of'Key '624' = Label 'Neutral Zone'Key '626' = Label 'Oman'Key '627' = Label 'Palestinian Autonomy'Key '628' = Label 'Qatar'Key '630' = Label 'Saudi Arabia'Key '632' = Label 'Syria'Key '634' = Label 'United Arab Emirates'Key '636' = Label 'Republic Of Yemen'Key '638' = Label 'Yeman, People's Democratic Rep'Key '640' = Label 'China, People'S Republic Of'Key '642' = Label 'Korea, Democratic People'S Rep'Key '644' = Label 'Mongolian People'S Republic'Key '646' = Label 'Vietnam'Key '647' = Label 'Armenia'Key '648' = Label 'Afghanistan'Key '649' = Label 'Azerbaijan'Key '650' = Label 'Bangladesh'Key '652' = Label 'Bhutan, Kingdom Of'Key '654' = Label 'Brunei'Key '656' = Label 'Myanmar (formerly Burma)'Key '657' = Label 'Georgia'Key '658' = Label 'Hong Kong'Key '660' = Label 'India'Key '662' = Label 'Indonesia'Key '664' = Label 'Cambodia (formerly Kampuchea)'Key '665' = Label 'Kazakhstan'Key '666' = Label 'Korea, Republic Of (South)'Key '667' = Label 'Kyrghyzstan'Key '668' = Label 'Laos'Key '670' = Label 'Macau'Key '672' = Label 'Malaysia'Key '674' = Label 'Maldives, Republic Of'Key '676' = Label 'Nepal, Kingdom Of'Key '678' = Label 'Pakistan'Key '680' = Label 'Philippines'Key '682' = Label 'Timor Leste (formerly Portuguese Timor)'Key '684' = Label 'Sikkim'Key '686' = Label 'Singapore'Key '688' = Label 'Sri Lanka'Key '690' = Label 'Chinese Taipei'Key '691' = Label 'Tajikistan'Key '692' = Label 'Thailand'Key '693' = Label 'Turkmenistan'Key '694' = Label 'Asian Development Bank'Key '695' = Label 'Uzbekistan'Key '701' = Label 'Republic Of South Africa'Key '702' = Label 'Algeria'Key '704' = Label 'Angola'Key '706' = Label 'Botswana'Key '708' = Label 'Burundi'Key '710' = Label 'British Indian Ocean Territory'Key '712' = Label 'Cameroon Republic'Key '714' = Label 'Cape Verde Islands'Key '716' = Label 'Central African Republic'Key '718' = Label 'Chad'Key '720' = Label 'Comoros Islands'Key '722' = Label 'Congo, People's Republic Of'Key '724' = Label 'Benin (formerly Dahomey)'Key '726' = Label 'Equatorial Guinea'Key '727' = Label 'Eritrea'Key '728' = Label 'Ethiopia'Key '730' = Label 'Djibouti'Key '732' = Label 'Gabon'Key '734' = Label 'Gambia'Key '736' = Label 'Ghana'Key '738' = Label 'Guinae'Key '740' = Label 'Guinea-Bisseau'Key '742' = Label 'Côte D'Ivoire'Key '744' = Label 'Kenya'Key '746' = Label 'Lesotho'Key '748' = Label 'Liberia'Key '750' = Label 'Madagascar (Malagasy Republic)'Key '752' = Label 'Malawi'Key '754' = Label 'Mali'Key '756' = Label 'Mauritania'Key '758' = Label 'Mauritius'Key '760' = Label 'Morocco'Key '762' = Label 'Mozambique'Key '764' = Label 'Namibia'Key '766' = Label 'Niger'Key '768' = Label 'Nigeria'Key '770' = Label 'Reunion Islands'Key '772' = Label 'Zimbabwe (formerly Rhodesia)'Key '774' = Label 'Rwanda'Key '776' = Label 'St. Helena'Key '778' = Label 'Sao Tome And Principe'Key '780' = Label 'Senegal'Key '782' = Label 'Seychelles'Key '784' = Label 'Sierra Leone'Key '786' = Label 'Somalia'Key '788' = Label 'Western Sahara'Key '790' = Label 'Sudan'Key '791' = Label 'South Sudan'Key '792' = Label 'Swaziland'Key '794' = Label 'Tanzania'Key '796' = Label 'Togo'Key '798' = Label 'Tunisia'Key '800' = Label 'Uganda'Key '802' = Label 'Burkina Faso (forrmerly Upper Volta)'Key '804' = Label 'Congo, Democratic Republic of (formerly Zaire)'Key '806' = Label 'Zambia'Key '808' = Label 'African Development Bank'Key '810' = Label 'East Africa Development Bank'Key '812' = Label 'Australia'Key '814' = Label 'Cocos (Keeling) Islands'Key '816' = Label 'Heard and Macdonald Islands'Key '818' = Label 'Nauru'Key '820' = Label 'Norfolk Island'Key '822' = Label 'Papua New Guinea'Key '824' = Label 'New Zealand'Key '826' = Label 'Cook Islands'Key '828' = Label 'Niue Islands'Key '830' = Label 'Tokelau or Union Islands'Key '832' = Label 'American Samoa'Key '834' = Label 'Antarctica'Key '836' = Label 'British Solomon Islands'Key '838' = Label 'Tuvalu (formerly Ellice Islands)'Key '840' = Label 'Christmas Island'Key '842' = Label 'Fiji'Key '844' = Label 'French Polynesia'Key '846' = Label 'Kiribati (Canton,Enderbury,Gilbert,Phoenix & Line Ills)'Key '848' = Label 'Guam'Key '850' = Label 'Johnston Island'Key '852' = Label 'Midway Island'Key '854' = Label 'New Caledonia'Key '856' = Label 'Vanuatu (formerly New Hebridges)'Key '858' = Label 'Pacific Islands (Trust Territ)'Key '860' = Label 'Pitcairn Islands'Key '862' = Label 'Tonga'Key '864' = Label 'U.S. Miscellaneous'Key '866' = Label 'Wake Island'Key '868' = Label 'Wallis And Futuna Islands'Key '870' = Label 'Samoa'Key '872' = Label 'Marshall Islands'Key '874' = Label 'Micronesia'Key '876' = Label 'Palau'Key '900' = Label 'International Organizations 'Key '905' = Label 'Int'L Financial Agencies'Key '910' = Label 'Other Financial Agencies'Key '915' = Label 'Bank Of International Settleme'Key '920' = Label 'U.N. Agencies'Key '922' = Label 'European Economic Community'Key '923' = Label 'European Central Bank'Key '924' = Label 'Multilateral Banks 'Key '925' = Label 'Unallocated'Key '930' = Label 'Shipping Loans'Key '935' = Label 'Other Unallocated'Key '999' = Label 'Total' Currency Devises Key '1' = Label 'Canadian Dollar'Key '2' = Label 'U.S. Dollar'Key '3' = Label 'British Pound'Key '4' = Label 'EURO (Deutsch Mark prior to 1999)'Key '5' = Label 'Swiss Franc'Key '6' = Label 'All other foreign currencies'Key '7' = Label 'Japanese Yen' Market Risk Component Values Market Risk Component Values[F] Key '4401' = Label 'var_amt'Key '4402' = Label 'stressed_var_amt'Key '4403' = Label 'incremental_risk_charge_amt'Key '4404' = Label 'crm_amt'Key '4499' = Label 'NA'Year data type, no thousands separator, 4 digits Common Risk Number N° de la mise en commun des risques Borrower Number N° d'emprunteur Facility Number N° de la facilité Key '3' = Label 'Branch Mailing Address'Key '1' = Label 'Business Mailing Address'Key '5' = Label 'Head Office Address'Key '6' = Label 'Location of Books and Records(CRA)'Key '4' = Label 'Residence Address'Key 'AB' = Label 'Alberta'Key 'BC' = Label 'British Columbia'Key 'MB' = Label 'Manitoba'Key 'NB' = Label 'New Brunswick'Key 'NL' = Label 'Newfoundland and Labrador'Key 'NT' = Label 'Northwest Territories'Key 'NS' = Label 'Nova Scotia'Key 'NU' = Label 'Nunavut'Key 'ON' = Label 'Ontario'Key 'PE' = Label 'Prince Edward Island'Key 'QC' = Label 'Quebec'Key 'SK' = Label 'Saskatchewan'Key 'YT' = Label 'Yukon'Key 'AL' = Label 'Alabama'Key 'AK' = Label 'Alaska'Key 'AZ' = Label 'Arizona'Key 'AR' = Label 'Arkansas'Key 'AE' = Label 'Armed Forces Africa, Canada, Europe, Middle East'Key 'AA' = Label 'Armed Forces Americas (Except Canada)'Key 'AP' = Label 'Armed Forces Pacific'Key 'CA' = Label 'California'Key 'CO' = Label 'Colorado'Key 'CT' = Label 'Connecticut'Key 'DE' = Label 'Delaware'Key 'DC' = Label 'District Of Columbia'Key 'FL' = Label 'Florida'Key 'GA' = Label 'Georgia'Key 'GU' = Label 'Guam'Key 'HI' = Label 'Hawaii'Key 'ID' = Label 'Idaho'Key 'IL' = Label 'Illinois'Key 'IN' = Label 'Indiana'Key 'IA' = Label 'Iowa'Key 'KS' = Label 'Kansas'Key 'KY' = Label 'Kentucky'Key 'LA' = Label 'Louisiana'Key 'ME' = Label 'Maine'Key 'MH' = Label 'Marshall Islands'Key 'MD' = Label 'Maryland'Key 'MA' = Label 'Massachusetts'Key 'MI' = Label 'Michigan'Key 'MN' = Label 'Minnesota'Key 'UM' = Label 'Minor Outlying Islands'Key 'MS' = Label 'Mississippi'Key 'MO' = Label 'Missouri'Key 'MT' = Label 'Montana'Key 'NE' = Label 'Nebraska'Key 'NV' = Label 'Nevada'Key 'NH' = Label 'New Hampshire'Key 'NJ' = Label 'New Jersey'Key 'NM' = Label 'New Mexico'Key 'NY' = Label 'New York'Key 'NC' = Label 'North Carolina'Key 'ND' = Label 'North Dakota'Key 'MP' = Label 'North Mariana Islands'Key 'OH' = Label 'Ohio'Key 'OK' = Label 'Oklahoma'Key 'OR' = Label 'Oregon'Key 'PA' = Label 'Pennsylvania'Key 'PR' = Label 'Puerto Rico'Key 'RI' = Label 'Rhode Island'Key 'SC' = Label 'South Carolina'Key 'SD' = Label 'South Dakota'Key 'TN' = Label 'Tennessee'Key 'TX' = Label 'Texas'Key 'UT' = Label 'Utah'Key 'VT' = Label 'Vermont'Key 'VI' = Label 'Virgin Islands'Key 'VA' = Label 'Virginia'Key 'WA' = Label 'Washington'Key 'WV' = Label 'West Virginia'Key 'WI' = Label 'Wisconsin'Key 'WY' = Label 'Wyoming'Key 'ENG' = Label 'English'Key 'FRE' = Label 'French'Key 'AD' = Label 'AD - ANDORRA'Key 'AE' = Label 'AE - UNITED ARAB EMIRATES'Key 'AF' = Label 'AF - AFGHANISTAN'Key 'AG' = Label 'AG - ANTIGUA AND BARBUDA'Key 'AI' = Label 'AI - ANGUILLA'Key 'AL' = Label 'AL - ALBANIA'Key 'AM' = Label 'AM - ARMENIA'Key 'AN' = Label 'AN - NETHERLANDS ANTILLES'Key 'AO' = Label 'AO - ANGOLA'Key 'AQ' = Label 'AQ - ANTARCTICA'Key 'AR' = Label 'AR - ARGENTINA'Key 'AS' = Label 'AS - AMERICAN SAMOA'Key 'AT' = Label 'AT - AUSTRIA'Key 'AU' = Label 'AU - AUSTRALIA'Key 'AW' = Label 'AW - ARUBA'Key 'AX' = Label 'AX - ÅLAND ISLANDS'Key 'AZ' = Label 'AZ - AZERBAIJAN'Key 'BA' = Label 'BA - BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA'Key 'BB' = Label 'BB - BARBADOS'Key 'BD' = Label 'BD - BANGLADESH'Key 'BE' = Label 'BE - BELGIUM'Key 'BF' = Label 'BF - BURKINA FASO'Key 'BG' = Label 'BG - BULGARIA'Key 'BH' = Label 'BH - BAHRAIN'Key 'BI' = Label 'BI - BURUNDI'Key 'BJ' = Label 'BJ - BENIN'Key 'BL' = Label 'BL - SAINT BARTHÉLEMY'Key 'BM' = Label 'BM - BERMUDA'Key 'BN' = Label 'BN - BRUNEI DARUSSALAM'Key 'BO' = Label 'BO - BOLIVIA'Key 'BQ' = Label 'BQ - BONAIRE, SINT EUSTATIUS AND SABA'Key 'BR' = Label 'BR - BRAZIL'Key 'BS' = Label 'BS - BAHAMAS'Key 'BT' = Label 'BT - BHUTAN'Key 'BV' = Label 'BV - BOUVET ISLAND'Key 'BW' = Label 'BW - BOTSWANA'Key 'BY' = Label 'BY - BELARUS'Key 'BZ' = Label 'BZ - BELIZE'Key 'CA' = Label 'CA - CANADA'Key 'CC' = Label 'CC - COCOS (KEELING) ISLANDS'Key 'CD' = Label 'CD - CONGO, THE DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC OF THE'Key 'CF' = Label 'CF - CENTRAL AFRICAN REPUBLIC'Key 'CG' = Label 'CG - CONGO'Key 'CH' = Label 'CH - SWITZERLAND'Key 'CI' = Label 'CI - CÔTE D'IVOIRE'Key 'CK' = Label 'CK - COOK ISLANDS'Key 'CL' = Label 'CL - CHILE'Key 'CM' = Label 'CM - CAMEROON'Key 'CN' = Label 'CN - CHINA'Key 'CO' = Label 'CO - COLOMBIA'Key 'CR' = Label 'CR - COSTA RICA'Key 'CS' = Label 'CS - SERBIA AND MONTENEGRO'Key 'CU' = Label 'CU - CUBA'Key 'CV' = Label 'CV - CAPE VERDE'Key 'CW' = Label 'CW - CURACAO'Key 'CX' = Label 'CX - CHRISTMAS ISLAND'Key 'CY' = Label 'CYPRUS'Key 'CZ' = Label 'CZ - CZECH REPUBLIC'Key 'DE' = Label 'DE - GERMANY'Key 'DJ' = Label 'DJ - DJIBOUTI'Key 'DK' = Label 'DK - DENMARK'Key 'DM' = Label 'DM - DOMINICA'Key 'DO' = Label 'DO - DOMINICAN REPUBLIC'Key 'DZ' = Label 'DZ - ALGERIA'Key 'EC' = Label 'EC - ECUADOR'Key 'EE' = Label 'EE - ESTONIA'Key 'EG' = Label 'EG - EGYPT'Key 'EH' = Label 'EH - WESTERN SAHARA'Key 'ER' = Label 'ER - ERITREA'Key 'ES' = Label 'ES - SPAIN'Key 'ET' = Label 'ET - ETHIOPIA'Key 'FI' = Label 'FI - FINLAND'Key 'FJ' = Label 'FJ - FIJI'Key 'FK' = Label 'FK - FALKLAND ISLANDS (MALVINAS)'Key 'FM' = Label 'FM - MICRONESIA, FEDERATED STATES OF'Key 'FO' = Label 'FO - FAROE ISLANDS'Key 'FR' = Label 'FR - FRANCE'Key 'GA' = Label 'GA - GABON'Key 'GB' = Label 'GB - UNITED KINGDOM'Key 'GD' = Label 'GD - GRENADA'Key 'GE' = Label 'GE - GEORGIA'Key 'GF' = Label 'GF - FRENCH GUIANA'Key 'GG' = Label 'GG - GUERNSEY'Key 'GH' = Label 'GH - GHANA'Key 'GI' = Label 'GI - GIBRALTAR'Key 'GL' = Label 'GL - GREENLAND'Key 'GM' = Label 'GM - GAMBIA'Key 'GN' = Label 'GN - GUINEA'Key 'GP' = Label 'GP - GUADELOUPE'Key 'GQ' = Label 'GQ - EQUATORIAL GUINEA'Key 'GR' = Label 'GR - GREECE'Key 'GS' = Label 'GS - SOUTH GEORGIA AND THE SOUTH SANDWICH ISLANDS'Key 'GT' = Label 'GT - GUATEMALA'Key 'GU' = Label 'GU - GUAM'Key 'GW' = Label 'GW - GUINEA-BISSAU'Key 'GY' = Label 'GY - GUYANA'Key 'HK' = Label 'HK - HONG KONG'Key 'HM' = Label 'HM - HEARD ISLAND AND MCDONALD ISLANDS'Key 'HN' = Label 'HN - HONDURAS'Key 'HR' = Label 'HR - CROATIA'Key 'HT' = Label 'HT - HAITI'Key 'HU' = Label 'HU - HUNGARY'Key 'ID' = Label 'ID - INDONESIA'Key 'IE' = Label 'IE - IRELAND'Key 'IL' = Label 'IL - ISRAEL'Key 'IM' = Label 'IM - ISLE OF MAN'Key 'IN' = Label 'IN - INDIA'Key 'IO' = Label 'IO - BRITISH INDIAN OCEAN TERRITORY'Key 'IQ' = Label 'IQ - IRAQ'Key 'IR' = Label 'IR - IRAN, ISLAMIC REPUBLIC OF'Key 'IS' = Label 'IS - ICELAND'Key 'IT' = Label 'IT - ITALY'Key 'JE' = Label 'JE - JERSEY'Key 'JM' = Label 'JM - JAMAICA'Key 'JO' = Label 'JO - JORDAN'Key 'JP' = Label 'JP - JAPAN'Key 'KE' = Label 'KE - KENYA'Key 'KG' = Label 'KG - KYRGYZSTAN'Key 'KH' = Label 'KH - CAMBODIA'Key 'KI' = Label 'KI - KIRIBATI'Key 'KM' = Label 'KM - COMOROS'Key 'KN' = Label 'KN - SAINT KITTS AND NEVIS'Key 'KP' = Label 'KP - KOREA, DEMOCRATIC PEOPLE'S REPUBLIC OF'Key 'KR' = Label 'KR - KOREA, REPUBLIC OF'Key 'KW' = Label 'KW - KUWAIT'Key 'KY' = Label 'KY - CAYMAN ISLANDS'Key 'KZ' = Label 'KZ - KAZAKHSTAN'Key 'LA' = Label 'LA - LAO PEOPLE'S DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC'Key 'LB' = Label 'LB - LEBANON'Key 'LC' = Label 'LC - SAINT LUCIA'Key 'LI' = Label 'LI - LIECHTENSTEIN'Key 'LK' = Label 'LK - SRI LANKA'Key 'LR' = Label 'LR - LIBERIA'Key 'LS' = Label 'LS - LESOTHO'Key 'LT' = Label 'LT - LITHUANIA'Key 'LU' = Label 'LU - LUXEMBOURG'Key 'LV' = Label 'LV - LATVIA'Key 'LY' = Label 'LY - LIBYAN ARAB JAMAHIRIYA'Key 'MA' = Label 'MA - MOROCCO'Key 'MC' = Label 'MC - MONACO'Key 'MD' = Label 'MD - MOLDOVA, REPUBLIC OF'Key 'ME' = Label 'ME - MONTENEGRO'Key 'MG' = Label 'MG - MADAGASCAR'Key 'MF' = Label 'MF - SAINT MARTIN (FRENCH PART)'Key 'MH' = Label 'MH - MARSHALL ISLANDS'Key 'MK' = Label 'MK - MACEDONIA, THE FORMER YUGOSLAV REPUBLIC OF'Key 'ML' = Label 'ML - MALI'Key 'MM' = Label 'MM - MYANMAR'Key 'MN' = Label 'MN - MONGOLIA'Key 'MO' = Label 'MO - MACAO'Key 'MP' = Label 'MP - NORTHERN MARIANA ISLANDS'Key 'MQ' = Label 'MQ - MARTINIQUE'Key 'MR' = Label 'MR - MAURITANIA'Key 'MS' = Label 'MS - MONTSERRAT'Key 'MT' = Label 'MT - MALTA'Key 'MU' = Label 'MU - MAURITIUS'Key 'MV' = Label 'MV - MALDIVES'Key 'MW' = Label 'MW - MALAWI'Key 'MX' = Label 'MX - MEXICO'Key 'MY' = Label 'MY - MALAYSIA'Key 'MZ' = Label 'MZ - MOZAMBIQUE'Key 'NA' = Label 'NA - NAMIBIA'Key 'NC' = Label 'NC - NEW CALEDONIA'Key 'NE' = Label 'NE - NIGER'Key 'NF' = Label 'NF - NORFOLK ISLAND'Key 'NG' = Label 'NG - NIGERIA'Key 'NI' = Label 'NI - NICARAGUA'Key 'NL' = Label 'NL - NETHERLANDS'Key 'NO' = Label 'NO - NORWAY'Key 'NP' = Label 'NP - NEPAL'Key 'NR' = Label 'NR - NAURU'Key 'NU' = Label 'NU - NIUE'Key 'NZ' = Label 'NZ - NEW ZEALAND'Key 'OM' = Label 'OM - OMAN'Key 'PA' = Label 'PA - PANAMA'Key 'PE' = Label 'PE - PERU'Key 'PF' = Label 'PF - FRENCH POLYNESIA'Key 'PG' = Label 'PG - PAPUA NEW GUINEA'Key 'PH' = Label 'PH - PHILIPPINES'Key 'PK' = Label 'PK - PAKISTAN'Key 'PL' = Label 'PL - POLAND'Key 'PM' = Label 'PM - SAINT PIERRE AND MIQUELON'Key 'PN' = Label 'PN - PITCAIRN'Key 'PR' = Label 'PR - PUERTO RICO'Key 'PS' = Label 'PS - PALESTINIAN TERRITORY, OCCUPIED'Key 'PT' = Label 'PT - PORTUGAL'Key 'PW' = Label 'PW - PALAU'Key 'PY' = Label 'PY - PARAGUAY'Key 'QA' = Label 'QA - QATAR'Key 'RE' = Label 'RE - RÉUNION'Key 'RO' = Label 'RO - ROMANIA'Key 'RU' = Label 'RU - RUSSIAN FEDERATION'Key 'RW' = Label 'RW - RWANDA'Key 'SA' = Label 'SA - SAUDI ARABIA'Key 'SB' = Label 'SB - SOLOMON ISLANDS'Key 'SC' = Label 'SC - SEYCHELLES'Key 'SD' = Label 'SD - SUDAN'Key 'SE' = Label 'SE - SWEDEN'Key 'SG' = Label 'SG - SINGAPORE'Key 'SH' = Label 'SH - SAINT HELENA'Key 'SI' = Label 'SI - SLOVENIA'Key 'SJ' = Label 'SJ - SVALBARD AND JAN MAYEN'Key 'SK' = Label 'SK - SLOVAKIA'Key 'SL' = Label 'SL - SIERRA LEONE'Key 'SM' = Label 'SM - SAN MARINO'Key 'SN' = Label 'SN - SENEGAL'Key 'SO' = Label 'SO - SOMALIA'Key 'SR' = Label 'SR - SURINAME'Key 'SS' = Label 'SS - SOUTH SUDAN'Key 'ST' = Label 'ST - SAO TOME AND PRINCIPE'Key 'SV' = Label 'SV - EL SALVADOR'Key 'SX' = Label 'SX - SINT MAARTEEN (Dutch Part)'Key 'SY' = Label 'SY - SYRIAN ARAB REPUBLIC'Key 'SZ' = Label 'SZ - SWAZILAND'Key 'TC' = Label 'TC - TURKS AND CAICOS ISLANDS'Key 'TD' = Label 'TD - CHAD'Key 'TF' = Label 'TF - FRENCH SOUTHERN TERRITORIES'Key 'TG' = Label 'TG - TOGO'Key 'TH' = Label 'TH - THAILAND'Key 'TJ' = Label 'TJ - TAJIKISTAN'Key 'TK' = Label 'TK - TOKELAU'Key 'TL' = Label 'TL - TIMOR-LESTE'Key 'TM' = Label 'TM - TURKMENISTAN'Key 'TN' = Label 'TN - TUNISIA'Key 'TO' = Label 'TO - TONGA'Key 'TR' = Label 'TR - TURKEY'Key 'TT' = Label 'TT - TRINIDAD AND TOBAGO'Key 'TV' = Label 'TV - TUVALU'Key 'TW' = Label 'TW - TAIWAN, PROVINCE OF CHINA'Key 'TZ' = Label 'TZ - TANZANIA, UNITED REPUBLIC OF'Key 'UA' = Label 'UA - UKRAINE'Key 'UG' = Label 'UG - UGANDA'Key 'UM' = Label 'UM - UNITED STATES MINOR OUTLYING ISLANDS'Key 'US' = Label 'US - UNITED STATES'Key 'UY' = Label 'UY - URUGUAY'Key 'UZ' = Label 'UZ - UZBEKISTAN'Key 'VA' = Label 'VA - HOLY SEE (VATICAN CITY STATE)'Key 'VC' = Label 'VC - SAINT VINCENT AND THE GRENADINES'Key 'VE' = Label 'VE - VENEZUELA'Key 'VG' = Label 'VG - VIRGIN ISLANDS, BRITISH'Key 'VI' = Label 'VI - VIRGIN ISLANDS, U.S.'Key 'VN' = Label 'VN - VIET NAM'Key 'VU' = Label 'VU - VANUATU'Key 'WF' = Label 'WF - WALLIS AND FUTUNA'Key 'WS' = Label 'WS - SAMOA'Key 'YE' = Label 'YE - YEMEN'Key 'YT' = Label 'YT - MAYOTTE'Key 'YU' = Label 'YU - YUGOSLAVIA'Key 'ZA' = Label 'ZA - SOUTH AFRICA'Key 'ZM' = Label 'ZM - ZAMBIA'Key 'ZW' = Label 'ZW - ZIMBABWE'Key '1' = Label 'Canadian Owned'Key '2' = Label 'Foreign Owned'Key '1' = Label 'FI Incorporation'Key '6' = Label 'FI CDIC Start'Key '7' = Label 'FI CDIC End'Key '8' = Label 'FI Mutualization Start'Key '9' = Label 'FI Mutualization Completed'Key '5' = Label 'FI In Liquidation'Key '10' = Label 'FI Limited To Servicing Existing Policies'Key '4' = Label 'FI Supervisory Inactive'Key '11' = Label 'Plan Registration'Key '12' = Label 'Plan Effective'Key '15' = Label 'Plan Delegated'Key '16' = Label 'Plan Step A'Key '18' = Label 'Plan Terminated Underfunded'Key '19' = Label 'Plan Transferred'Key '20' = Label 'Plan Asset Distribution'Key '21' = Label 'Plan Termination Effective'Key '99' = Label 'Re-Activate Organization'Key '1' = Label 'Active'Key '4' = Label 'Delegated'Key '2' = Label 'Inactive'Key '6' = Label 'Step A'Key '7' = Label 'Step B'Key '8' = Label 'Terminated Underfunded'Key '5' = Label 'Transferred'Key '9' = Label 'Undetermined'Key '1' = Label 'Schedule I'Key '2' = Label 'Schedule II'Key '4' = Label 'Schedule III'Key '1' = Label 'Amalgamated / Merged With Another Organization'Key '7' = Label 'Bankruptcy'Key '3' = Label 'Branch Withdrawal'Key '4' = Label 'Discontinuance (CBCA)'Key '2' = Label 'Dissolution of Company'Key '6' = Label 'Employees request'Key '13' = Label 'Employer request'Key '10' = Label 'Financial/administrative considerations'Key '8' = Label 'No members left in Plan'Key '9' = Label 'Non-approval by Canada and Customs and Revenue Agency'Key '12' = Label 'Non-compliance'Key '5' = Label 'Other'Key '11' = Label 'Replaced by RRSPs'Key '14' = Label 'Application Withdrawn'Key '15' = Label 'Deregistration of a Representative Office'Key '1' = Label 'accident and sickness'Key '2' = Label 'accident'Key '3' = Label 'aircraft'Key '4' = Label 'automobile'Key '5' = Label 'boiler and machinery'Key '6' = Label 'boiler'Key '7' = Label 'civil commotion'Key '8' = Label 'credit'Key '9' = Label 'earthquake'Key '10' = Label 'employers' liability'Key '11' = Label 'explosion'Key '12' = Label 'falling aircraft'Key '13' = Label 'fidelity'Key '14' = Label 'fire'Key '15' = Label 'forgery'Key '16' = Label 'guarantee'Key '17' = Label 'hail'Key '18' = Label 'impact by vehicles'Key '19' = Label 'inland transportation'Key '20' = Label 'legal expense'Key '21' = Label 'liability'Key '22' = Label 'life'Key '23' = Label 'limited hail'Key '24' = Label 'limited or inherent explosion'Key '25' = Label 'livestock'Key '26' = Label 'machinery'Key '27' = Label 'marine'Key '28' = Label 'mortgage'Key '29' = Label 'personal accident'Key '30' = Label 'personal property'Key '31' = Label 'plate glass'Key '32' = Label 'property'Key '33' = Label 'public liability'Key '34' = Label 'windstorm'Key '35' = Label 'personal accident and sickness'Key '36' = Label 'surety'Key '37' = Label 'water damage'Key '38' = Label 'theft'Key '39' = Label 'sprinkler leakage'Key '40' = Label 'sickness'Key '41' = Label 'real property'Key '42' = Label 'title'Key '43' = Label 'loss of employment'Key '44' = Label 'aircraft.'Key '45' = Label 'health'Key '46' = Label 'dental'Key '47' = Label 'pharmaceutical'Key '48' = Label 'fidelity.'Key '49' = Label 'disability and Sickness'Key '50' = Label 'and additional classes 1 to 10 (See Note (B))'Key '51' = Label 'disability'Key '53' = Label 'legal'Key '54' = Label 'aircraft..'Key '55' = Label 'boiler and machinery.'Key '56' = Label 'credit protection'Key '57' = Label 'life.'Key '58' = Label 'marine.'Key '59' = Label 'other approved products'Key '60' = Label 'legal expenses'Key '2' = Label 'Authorized Asset To Capital Multiple'Key '4' = Label 'Authorized BIS Risk Weighted Capital Ratio - Tier 1'Key '5' = Label 'Authorized BIS Risk Weighted Capital Ratio - Total'Key '6' = Label 'Eligible General Allowance - Tier 2A'Key '7' = Label 'Authorized Leverage Ratio'Key '3(a)' = Label '3(a) is an officer or employee of the company or of an affiliate company'Key '3(b)' = Label '3(b) see instructions for definition'Key '3(c)' = Label '3(c) see instructions for definition'Key '3(d)' = Label '3(d) see instructions for definition'Key '3(e)' = Label '3(e) see instructions for definition'Key '3(f)' = Label '3(f) see instructions for definition'Key '3(g)' = Label '3(g) see instructions for definition'Key '3(h)' = Label '3(h) see instructions for definition'Key '3(i)' = Label '3(i) see instructions for definition'Key '1' = Label 'Member'Key '2' = Label 'Chair Person'Key '1' = Label 'Mr.'Key '2' = Label 'Ms.'Key '3' = Label 'Mrs.'Key '4' = Label 'Dr.'Key '5' = Label 'Hon.'Key '6' = Label 'Very Reverend'Key '7' = Label 'Reverend'Key '8' = Label 'Senator'Key '9' = Label 'Sir'Key '1' = Label 'Conglomerate'Key '2' = Label 'FIG'Key '3' = Label 'DTI'Key '1' = Label 'Life'Key '2' = Label 'P & C'Key '6' = Label 'Pension Plan'Key '51' = Label 'Central Bank Regulated Institution'Key '52' = Label 'Federal Dept./Agency'Key '33' = Label 'Federal Financial Institution Regulator'Key '47' = Label 'Federally Regulated Financial Institution'Key '48' = Label 'Pension Plan'Key '34' = Label 'Financial Industry Association'Key '35' = Label 'Other Organization'Key '30' = Label 'Provincial Financial Institution Superintendent'Key '31' = Label 'Provincial Securities Commission'Key '32' = Label 'Provincial T&L Regulator'Key '49' = Label 'Provincially Regulated Financial Institution'Key '4' = Label 'Actuarial Firm Contact'Key '7' = Label 'Bankruptcy Receiver / Monitor Contact'Key '44' = Label 'Board Chairman'Key '8' = Label 'Books & Records Contact'Key '43' = Label 'Business Continuity/Disaster Recovery Officer'Key '53' = Label 'Chief Agent'Key '42' = Label 'Chief Anti-Money Laundering Officer'Key '41' = Label 'Chief Compliance Officer'Key '39' = Label 'Chief Executive Officer'Key '40' = Label 'Chief Financial Officer'Key '61' = Label 'Chief Internal Auditor'Key '55' = Label 'Chief Representative'Key '60' = Label 'Chief Risk Officer (or equivalent)'Key '10' = Label 'Consulting Firm Contact'Key '38' = Label 'Director'Key '2' = Label 'External Actuary'Key '11' = Label 'External Auditor'Key '14' = Label 'First Nation Co-Manager Contact'Key '16' = Label 'First Nation Funding Organization Contact'Key '50' = Label 'General Contact Person'Key '62' = Label 'Head of the Actuarial Function (if different from the AA) 'Key '19' = Label 'Individual Trustee'Key '1' = Label 'Internal Actuary'Key '18' = Label 'Investment Manager Contact'Key '20' = Label 'Lawyer'Key '27' = Label 'Pension Fund Custodian Contact'Key '28' = Label 'Pension Fund Custodian Individual'Key '24' = Label 'Plan administrator'Key '23' = Label 'Plan Administrator Operational Contact'Key '63' = Label 'President (where applicable) 'Key '54' = Label 'Principal Officer'Key '36' = Label 'Third Party Administrator Contact'Key '64' = Label 'Treasurer (where applicable) 'Key '-2' = Label 'Not Applicable'Key '3' = Label 'Actuarial Firm'Key '12' = Label 'Audit Firm'Key '6' = Label 'Bankruptcy Receiver / Monitor Company'Key '5' = Label 'Bargaining Agent'Key '9' = Label 'Consulting Firm'Key '13' = Label 'First Nation Co-Manager Company'Key '15' = Label 'First Nation Funding Organization'Key '17' = Label 'Investment Manager Company'Key '21' = Label 'Lawyer Firm'Key '25' = Label 'Participating Employer'Key '26' = Label 'Pension Fund Custodian'Key '22' = Label 'Plan Sponsor'Key '37' = Label 'Third Party Company'Key '29' = Label 'Provincial Pension Plan Regulator'Key '-2' = Label 'Not Applicable'Key '45' = Label 'Shareholder'Key '46' = Label 'Policyholder'Key 'IND' = Label 'Individual'Key 'ORG' = Label 'Organization'Key 'CMB' = Label 'Combo (CMB)'Key 'DB' = Label 'Defined Benefit (DB)'Key 'DC' = Label 'Defined Contribution (DC)'Key 'MEPP' = Label 'Multi-Employer Pension Plan (MEPP)'Key 'NCP' = Label 'Negotiated Contribution Plan (NCP)'Key 'NMEPP' = Label 'More than One Employer, not Multi-Employer (NMEPP)'Key 'Simplified' = Label 'Simplified Pension Plan'Key 'Single' = Label 'Single Employer Plan'Key 'PRPP' = Label 'Pooled Registered Pension Plan (PRPP)'Key 'InsuranceCompanyContract FG' = Label 'Insurance Company Contract - fully guaranteed'Key 'InsuranceCompanyContract NOTFG' = Label 'Insurance Company Contract - not fully guaranteed'Key 'SingleTrustCo-OUTSIDE' = Label 'Single Trust Company - outside pooled funds'Key 'SingleTrustCo-POOLED' = Label 'Single Trust Company - Pooled Funds'Key 'CrownCorp' = Label 'Crown Corporation'Key 'Private Corporation' = Label 'Incorporated Company Privately Held'Key 'Public Corporation' = Label 'Incorporated Company Publicly Traded'Key 'Sole Proprietorship' = Label 'Sole Proprietorship or Partnership'Key 'TradeAssoc' = Label 'Trade or Employee Association'Key '1' = Label 'Plan Provisions'Key '2' = Label 'Pension Plan Text Or By-laws'Key '3' = Label 'Employee Booklet'Key '4' = Label 'Insurance Contract / Trust Agreement (Individual Trustees of Corporate Trustee) or Other Custodial Instrument'Key '5' = Label 'Relevant Sections of Collective Agreement (if Pension Plan established Pursuant To A Collective Agreement)'Key '6' = Label 'Reciprocal Transfer Agreement'Key '7' = Label 'Assessment'Record 020 - Declared Aggregation YearKey 'ACC_YEAR' = Label 'Accident Year'Key 'UW_YEAR' = Label 'U/W Year'Key '01' = Label 'Insurer-Property-Personal'Key '02' = Label 'Insurer-Property-Commercial'Key '04' = Label 'Insurer-Aviation'Key '23' = Label 'Insurer-Automobile-Liability-Private Passenger'Key '24' = Label 'Insurer-Automobile-Personal Accident-Private Passenger'Key '25' = Label 'Insurer-Automobile-Other-Private Passenger'Key '26' = Label 'Insurer-Automobile-Liability-Other than Private Passenger'Key '27' = Label 'Insurer-Automobile-Personal Accident-Other than Private Passenger'Key '28' = Label 'Insurer-Automobile-Other-Other than Private Passenger'Key '10' = Label 'Insurer-Boiler and machinery'Key '11' = Label 'Insurer-Credit'Key '12' = Label 'Insurer-Credit Protection'Key '13' = Label 'Insurer-Fidelity'Key '14' = Label 'Insurer-Hail'Key '15' = Label 'Insurer-Legal expense'Key '16' = Label 'Insurer-Liability'Key '17' = Label 'Insurer-Mortgage'Key '18' = Label 'Insurer-Other Approved Products'Key '19' = Label 'Insurer-Surety'Key '20' = Label 'Insurer-Title'Key '21' = Label 'Insurer-Marine'Key '22' = Label 'Insurer-Accident and sickness'Key '31' = Label 'Proportional Reinsurance-Property-Personal'Key '32' = Label 'Proportional Reinsurance-Property-Commercial'Key '34' = Label 'Proportional Reinsurance-Aviation'Key '53' = Label 'Proportional Reinsurance-Automobile-Liability-Private Passenger'Key '54' = Label 'Proportional Reinsurance-Automobile-Personal Accident-Private Passenger'Key '55' = Label 'Proportional Reinsurance-Automobile-Other-Private Passenger'Key '56' = Label 'Proportional Reinsurance-Automobile-Liability-Other than Private Passenger'Key '57' = Label 'Proportional Reinsurance-Automobile-Personal Accident-Other than Private Passenger'Key '58' = Label 'Proportional Reinsurance-Automobile-Other-Other than Private Passenger'Key '40' = Label 'Proportional Reinsurance-Boiler and machinery'Key '41' = Label 'Proportional Reinsurance-Credit'Key '42' = Label 'Proportional Reinsurance-Credit Protection'Key '43' = Label 'Proportional Reinsurance-Fidelity'Key '44' = Label 'Proportional Reinsurance-Hail'Key '45' = Label 'Proportional Reinsurance-Legal expense'Key '46' = Label 'Proportional Reinsurance-Liability'Key '47' = Label 'Proportional Reinsurance-Mortgage'Key '48' = Label 'Proportional Reinsurance-Other Approved Products'Key '49' = Label 'Proportional Reinsurance-Surety'Key '50' = Label 'Proportional Reinsurance-Title'Key '51' = Label 'Proportional Reinsurance-Marine'Key '52' = Label 'Proportional Reinsurance-Accident and sickness'Key '61' = Label 'Excess Reinsurance-Property-Personal'Key '62' = Label 'Excess Reinsurance-Property-Commercial'Key '64' = Label 'Excess Reinsurance-Aviation'Key '83' = Label 'Excess Reinsurance-Automobile-Liability-Private Passenger'Key '84' = Label 'Excess Reinsurance-Automobile-Personal Accident-Private Passenger'Key '85' = Label 'Excess Reinsurance-Automobile-Other-Private Passenger'Key '86' = Label 'Excess Reinsurance-Automobile-Liability-Other than Private Passenger'Key '87' = Label 'Excess Reinsurance-Automobile-Personal Accident-Other than Private Passenger'Key '88' = Label 'Excess Reinsurance-Automobile-Other-Other than Private Passenger'Key '70' = Label 'Excess Reinsurance-Boiler and machinery'Key '71' = Label 'Excess Reinsurance-Credit'Key '72' = Label 'Excess Reinsurance-Credit Protection'Key '73' = Label 'Excess Reinsurance-Fidelity'Key '74' = Label 'Excess Reinsurance-Hail'Key '75' = Label 'Excess Reinsurance-Legal expense'Key '76' = Label 'Excess Reinsurance-Liability'Key '77' = Label 'Excess Reinsurance-Mortgage'Key '78' = Label 'Excess Reinsurance-Other Approved Products'Key '79' = Label 'Excess Reinsurance-Surety'Key '80' = Label 'Excess Reinsurance-Title'Key '81' = Label 'Excess Reinsurance-Marine'Key '82' = Label 'Excess Reinsurance-Accident and sickness'Key '99' = Label 'Total'Record 010 - Declared Actuary's Category and Aggregation by Exhibit Key '01' = Label '1st actuary's category for the specified Exhibit Category'Key '02' = Label '2nd actuary's category for the specified Exhibit Category'Key '03' = Label '3rd actuary's category for the specified Exhibit Category'Key '04' = Label '4th actuary's category for the specified Exhibit Category'Key '05' = Label '5th actuary's category for the specified Exhibit Category'Key '06' = Label '6th actuary's category for the specified Exhibit Category'Key '07' = Label '7th actuary's category for the specified Exhibit Category'Key '08' = Label '8th actuary's category for the specified Exhibit Category'Key '09' = Label '9th actuary's category for the specified Exhibit Category'Key '10' = Label '10th actuary's category for the specified Exhibit Category'Key '11' = Label '11th actuary's category for the specified Exhibit Category'Key '12' = Label '12th actuary's category for the specified Exhibit Category'Key '13' = Label '13th actuary's category for the specified Exhibit Category'Key '14' = Label '14th actuary's category for the specified Exhibit Category'Key '15' = Label '15th actuary's category for the specified Exhibit Category'Key '16' = Label '16th actuary's category for the specified Exhibit Category'Key '17' = Label '17th actuary's category for the specified Exhibit Category'Key '18' = Label '18th actuary's category for the specified Exhibit Category'Key '19' = Label '19th actuary's category for the specified Exhibit Category'Key '20' = Label '20th actuary's category for the specified Exhibit Category'Key '21' = Label '21st actuary's category for the specified Exhibit Category'Key '22' = Label '22th actuary's category for the specified Exhibit Category'Key '23' = Label '23th actuary's category for the specified Exhibit Category'Key '24' = Label '24th actuary's category for the specified Exhibit Category'Key '25' = Label '25th actuary's category for the specified Exhibit Category'Key '26' = Label '26th actuary's category for the specified Exhibit Category'Key '27' = Label '27th actuary's category for the specified Exhibit Category'Key '28' = Label '28th actuary's category for the specified Exhibit Category'Key '29' = Label '29th actuary's category for the specified Exhibit Category'Key '30' = Label '30th actuary's category for the specified Exhibit Category'Key '31' = Label '31st actuary's category for the specified Exhibit Category'Key '32' = Label '32th actuary's category for the specified Exhibit Category'Key '33' = Label '33th actuary's category for the specified Exhibit Category'Key '34' = Label '34th actuary's category for the specified Exhibit Category'Key '35' = Label '35th actuary's category for the specified Exhibit Category'Key '36' = Label '36th actuary's category for the specified Exhibit Category'Key '37' = Label '37th actuary's category for the specified Exhibit Category'Key '38' = Label '38th actuary's category for the specified Exhibit Category'Key '39' = Label '39th actuary's category for the specified Exhibit Category'Key '40' = Label '40th actuary's category for the specified Exhibit Category'Key '41' = Label '41st actuary's category for the specified Exhibit Category'Key '42' = Label '42th actuary's category for the specified Exhibit Category'Key '43' = Label '43th actuary's category for the specified Exhibit Category'Key '44' = Label '44th actuary's category for the specified Exhibit Category'Key '45' = Label '45th actuary's category for the specified Exhibit Category'Key '46' = Label '46th actuary's category for the specified Exhibit Category'Key '47' = Label '47th actuary's category for the specified Exhibit Category'Key '48' = Label '48th actuary's category for the specified Exhibit Category'Key '49' = Label '49th actuary's category for the specified Exhibit Category'Key '50' = Label '50th actuary's category for the specified Exhibit Category'Key '51' = Label '51st actuary's category for the specified Exhibit Category'Key '52' = Label '52th actuary's category for the specified Exhibit Category'Key '53' = Label '53th actuary's category for the specified Exhibit Category'Key '54' = Label '54th actuary's category for the specified Exhibit Category'Key '55' = Label '55th actuary's category for the specified Exhibit Category'Key '56' = Label '56th actuary's category for the specified Exhibit Category'Key '57' = Label '57th actuary's category for the specified Exhibit Category'Key '58' = Label '58th actuary's category for the specified Exhibit Category'Key '59' = Label '59th actuary's category for the specified Exhibit Category'Key '60' = Label '60th actuary's category for the specified Exhibit Category'Key '61' = Label '61st actuary's category for the specified Exhibit Category'Key '62' = Label '62th actuary's category for the specified Exhibit Category'Key '63' = Label '63th actuary's category for the specified Exhibit Category'Key '64' = Label '64th actuary's category for the specified Exhibit Category'Key '65' = Label '65th actuary's category for the specified Exhibit Category'Key '66' = Label '66th actuary's category for the specified Exhibit Category'Key '67' = Label '67th actuary's category for the specified Exhibit Category'Key '68' = Label '68th actuary's category for the specified Exhibit Category'Key '69' = Label '69th actuary's category for the specified Exhibit Category'Key '70' = Label '70th actuary's category for the specified Exhibit Category'Key '71' = Label '71st actuary's category for the specified Exhibit Category'Key '72' = Label '72th actuary's category for the specified Exhibit Category'Key '73' = Label '73th actuary's category for the specified Exhibit Category'Key '74' = Label '74th actuary's category for the specified Exhibit Category'Key '75' = Label '75th actuary's category for the specified Exhibit Category'Key '76' = Label '76th actuary's category for the specified Exhibit Category'Key '77' = Label '77th actuary's category for the specified Exhibit Category'Key '78' = Label '78th actuary's category for the specified Exhibit Category'Key '79' = Label '79th actuary's category for the specified Exhibit Category'Key '80' = Label '80th actuary's category for the specified Exhibit Category'Key '81' = Label '81st actuary's category for the specified Exhibit Category'Key '82' = Label '82th actuary's category for the specified Exhibit Category'Key '83' = Label '83th actuary's category for the specified Exhibit Category'Key '84' = Label '84th actuary's category for the specified Exhibit Category'Key '85' = Label '85th actuary's category for the specified Exhibit Category'Key '86' = Label '86th actuary's category for the specified Exhibit Category'Key '87' = Label '87th actuary's category for the specified Exhibit Category'Key '88' = Label '88th actuary's category for the specified Exhibit Category'Key '89' = Label '89th actuary's category for the specified Exhibit Category'Key '90' = Label '90th actuary's category for the specified Exhibit Category'Key '91' = Label '91st actuary's category for the specified Exhibit Category'Key '92' = Label '92th actuary's category for the specified Exhibit Category'Key '93' = Label '93th actuary's category for the specified Exhibit Category'Key '94' = Label '94th actuary's category for the specified Exhibit Category'Key '95' = Label '95th actuary's category for the specified Exhibit Category'Key '96' = Label '96th actuary's category for the specified Exhibit Category'Key '97' = Label '97th actuary's category for the specified Exhibit Category'Key '98' = Label '98th actuary's category for the specified Exhibit Category'Key '99' = Label 'Total'Public Disclosure Datatype (fr)-Public Disclosure DatatypeIndustry Classification Code du système de classification des industriesKey '0' = Label 'Entity Industry'Key '1' = Label 'Canadian SIC Codes [Stats Can]'Key '2' = Label 'US SIC Codes'Key '3' = Label 'Canadian NAICS Codes'Key '4' = Label 'US NAICS Codes'Country Code du paysKey 'AD' = Label 'ANDORRA'Key 'AE' = Label 'UNITED ARAB EMIRATES'Key 'AF' = Label 'AFGHANISTAN'Key 'AG' = Label 'ANTIGUA AND BARBUDA'Key 'AI' = Label 'ANGUILLA'Key 'AL' = Label 'ALBANIA'Key 'AM' = Label 'ARMENIA'Key 'AN' = Label 'NETHERLANDS ANTILLES'Key 'AO' = Label 'ANGOLA'Key 'AQ' = Label 'ANTARCTICA'Key 'AR' = Label 'ARGENTINA'Key 'AS' = Label 'AMERICAN SAMOA'Key 'AT' = Label 'AUSTRIA'Key 'AU' = Label 'AUSTRALIA'Key 'AW' = Label 'ARUBA'Key 'AX' = Label 'ÅLAND ISLANDS'Key 'AZ' = Label 'AZERBAIJAN'Key 'BA' = Label 'BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA'Key 'BB' = Label 'BARBADOS'Key 'BD' = Label 'BANGLADESH'Key 'BE' = Label 'BELGIUM'Key 'BF' = Label 'BURKINA FASO'Key 'BG' = Label 'BULGARIA'Key 'BH' = Label 'BAHRAIN'Key 'BI' = Label 'BURUNDI'Key 'BJ' = Label 'BENIN'Key 'BL' = Label 'SAINT BARTHÉLEMY 'Key 'BM' = Label 'BERMUDA'Key 'BN' = Label 'BRUNEI DARUSSALAM'Key 'BO' = Label 'BOLIVIA'Key 'BQ' = Label 'BONAIRE, SINT EUSTATIUS AND SABA 'Key 'BR' = Label 'BRAZIL'Key 'BS' = Label 'BAHAMAS'Key 'BT' = Label 'BHUTAN'Key 'BV' = Label 'BOUVET ISLAND'Key 'BW' = Label 'BOTSWANA'Key 'BY' = Label 'BELARUS'Key 'BZ' = Label 'BELIZE'Key 'CA' = Label 'CANADA'Key 'CC' = Label 'COCOS (KEELING) ISLANDS'Key 'CD' = Label 'CONGO, THE DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC OF THE'Key 'CF' = Label 'CENTRAL AFRICAN REPUBLIC'Key 'CG' = Label 'CONGO'Key 'CH' = Label 'SWITZERLAND'Key 'CI' = Label 'CÔTE D'IVOIRE'Key 'CK' = Label 'COOK ISLANDS'Key 'CL' = Label 'CHILE'Key 'CM' = Label 'CAMEROON'Key 'CN' = Label 'CHINA'Key 'CO' = Label 'COLOMBIA'Key 'CR' = Label 'COSTA RICA'Key 'CS' = Label 'SERBIA AND MONTENEGRO'Key 'CU' = Label 'CUBA'Key 'CV' = Label 'CAPE VERDE'Key 'CW' = Label 'CURACAO'Key 'CX' = Label 'CHRISTMAS ISLAND'Key 'CY' = Label 'CYPRUS'Key 'CZ' = Label 'CZECH REPUBLIC'Key 'DE' = Label 'GERMANY'Key 'DJ' = Label 'DJIBOUTI'Key 'DK' = Label 'DENMARK'Key 'DM' = Label 'DOMINICA'Key 'DO' = Label 'DOMINICAN REPUBLIC'Key 'DZ' = Label 'ALGERIA'Key 'EC' = Label 'ECUADOR'Key 'EE' = Label 'ESTONIA'Key 'EG' = Label 'EGYPT'Key 'EH' = Label 'WESTERN SAHARA'Key 'ER' = Label 'ERITREA'Key 'ES' = Label 'SPAIN'Key 'ET' = Label 'ETHIOPIA'Key 'FI' = Label 'FINLAND'Key 'FJ' = Label 'FIJI'Key 'FK' = Label 'FALKLAND ISLANDS (MALVINAS)'Key 'FM' = Label 'MICRONESIA, FEDERATED STATES OF'Key 'FO' = Label 'FAROE ISLANDS'Key 'FR' = Label 'FRANCE'Key 'GA' = Label 'GABON'Key 'GB' = Label 'UNITED KINGDOM'Key 'GD' = Label 'GRENADA'Key 'GE' = Label 'GEORGIA'Key 'GF' = Label 'FRENCH GUIANA'Key 'GG' = Label 'GUERNSEY'Key 'GH' = Label 'GHANA'Key 'GI' = Label 'GIBRALTAR'Key 'GL' = Label 'GREENLAND'Key 'GM' = Label 'GAMBIA'Key 'GN' = Label 'GUINEA'Key 'GP' = Label 'GUADELOUPE'Key 'GQ' = Label 'EQUATORIAL GUINEA'Key 'GR' = Label 'GREECE'Key 'GS' = Label 'SOUTH GEORGIA AND THE SOUTH SANDWICH ISLANDS'Key 'GT' = Label 'GUATEMALA'Key 'GU' = Label 'GUAM'Key 'GW' = Label 'GUINEA-BISSAU'Key 'GY' = Label 'GUYANA'Key 'HK' = Label 'HONG KONG'Key 'HM' = Label 'HEARD ISLAND AND MCDONALD ISLANDS'Key 'HN' = Label 'HONDURAS'Key 'HR' = Label 'CROATIA'Key 'HT' = Label 'HAITI'Key 'HU' = Label 'HUNGARY'Key 'ID' = Label 'INDONESIA'Key 'IE' = Label 'IRELAND'Key 'IL' = Label 'ISRAEL'Key 'IM' = Label 'ISLE OF MAN'Key 'IN' = Label 'INDIA'Key 'IO' = Label 'BRITISH INDIAN OCEAN TERRITORY'Key 'IQ' = Label 'IRAQ'Key 'IR' = Label 'IRAN, ISLAMIC REPUBLIC OF'Key 'IS' = Label 'ICELAND'Key 'IT' = Label 'ITALY'Key 'JE' = Label 'JERSEY'Key 'JM' = Label 'JAMAICA'Key 'JO' = Label 'JORDAN'Key 'JP' = Label 'JAPAN'Key 'KE' = Label 'KENYA'Key 'KG' = Label 'KYRGYZSTAN'Key 'KH' = Label 'CAMBODIA'Key 'KI' = Label 'KIRIBATI'Key 'KM' = Label 'COMOROS'Key 'KN' = Label 'SAINT KITTS AND NEVIS'Key 'KP' = Label 'KOREA, DEMOCRATIC PEOPLE'S REPUBLIC OF'Key 'KR' = Label 'KOREA, REPUBLIC OF'Key 'KW' = Label 'KUWAIT'Key 'KY' = Label 'CAYMAN ISLANDS'Key 'KZ' = Label 'KAZAKHSTAN'Key 'LA' = Label 'LAO PEOPLE'S DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC'Key 'LB' = Label 'LEBANON'Key 'LC' = Label 'SAINT LUCIA'Key 'LI' = Label 'LIECHTENSTEIN'Key 'LK' = Label 'SRI LANKA'Key 'LR' = Label 'LIBERIA'Key 'LS' = Label 'LESOTHO'Key 'LT' = Label 'LITHUANIA'Key 'LU' = Label 'LUXEMBOURG'Key 'LV' = Label 'LATVIA'Key 'LY' = Label 'LIBYAN ARAB JAMAHIRIYA'Key 'MA' = Label 'MOROCCO'Key 'MC' = Label 'MONACO'Key 'MD' = Label 'MOLDOVA, REPUBLIC OF'Key 'ME' = Label 'MONTENEGRO'Key 'MF' = Label 'SAINT MARTIN (FRENCH PART) 'Key 'MG' = Label 'MADAGASCAR'Key 'MH' = Label 'MARSHALL ISLANDS'Key 'MK' = Label 'MACEDONIA, THE FORMER YUGOSLAV REPUBLIC OF'Key 'ML' = Label 'MALI'Key 'MM' = Label 'MYANMAR'Key 'MN' = Label 'MONGOLIA'Key 'MO' = Label 'MACAO'Key 'MP' = Label 'NORTHERN MARIANA ISLANDS'Key 'MQ' = Label 'MARTINIQUE'Key 'MR' = Label 'MAURITANIA'Key 'MS' = Label 'MONTSERRAT'Key 'MT' = Label 'MALTA'Key 'MU' = Label 'MAURITIUS'Key 'MV' = Label 'MALDIVES'Key 'MW' = Label 'MALAWI'Key 'MX' = Label 'MEXICO'Key 'MY' = Label 'MALAYSIA'Key 'MZ' = Label 'MOZAMBIQUE'Key 'NA' = Label 'NAMIBIA'Key 'NC' = Label 'NEW CALEDONIA'Key 'NE' = Label 'NIGER'Key 'NF' = Label 'NORFOLK ISLAND'Key 'NG' = Label 'NIGERIA'Key 'NI' = Label 'NICARAGUA'Key 'NL' = Label 'NETHERLANDS'Key 'NO' = Label 'NORWAY'Key 'NP' = Label 'NEPAL'Key 'NR' = Label 'NAURU'Key 'NU' = Label 'NIUE'Key 'NZ' = Label 'NEW ZEALAND'Key 'OM' = Label 'OMAN'Key 'PA' = Label 'PANAMA'Key 'PE' = Label 'PERU'Key 'PF' = Label 'FRENCH POLYNESIA'Key 'PG' = Label 'PAPUA NEW GUINEA'Key 'PH' = Label 'PHILIPPINES'Key 'PK' = Label 'PAKISTAN'Key 'PL' = Label 'POLAND'Key 'PM' = Label 'SAINT PIERRE AND MIQUELON'Key 'PN' = Label 'PITCAIRN'Key 'PR' = Label 'PUERTO RICO'Key 'PS' = Label 'PALESTINIAN TERRITORY, OCCUPIED'Key 'PT' = Label 'PORTUGAL'Key 'PW' = Label 'PALAU'Key 'PY' = Label 'PARAGUAY'Key 'QA' = Label 'QATAR'Key 'RE' = Label 'RÉUNION'Key 'RO' = Label 'ROMANIA'Key 'RU' = Label 'RUSSIAN FEDERATION'Key 'RS' = Label 'SERBIA'Key 'RW' = Label 'RWANDA'Key 'SA' = Label 'SAUDI ARABIA'Key 'SB' = Label 'SOLOMON ISLANDS'Key 'SC' = Label 'SEYCHELLES'Key 'SD' = Label 'SUDAN'Key 'SE' = Label 'SWEDEN'Key 'SG' = Label 'SINGAPORE'Key 'SH' = Label 'SAINT HELENA'Key 'SI' = Label 'SLOVENIA'Key 'SJ' = Label 'SVALBARD AND JAN MAYEN'Key 'SK' = Label 'SLOVAKIA'Key 'SL' = Label 'SIERRA LEONE'Key 'SM' = Label 'SAN MARINO'Key 'SN' = Label 'SENEGAL'Key 'SO' = Label 'SOMALIA'Key 'SR' = Label 'SURINAME'Key 'SS' = Label 'SOUTH SUDAN 'Key 'ST' = Label 'SAO TOME AND PRINCIPE'Key 'SV' = Label 'EL SALVADOR'Key 'SX' = Label 'SAINT-MARTIN (PAYS-BAS)'Key 'SY' = Label 'SYRIAN ARAB REPUBLIC'Key 'SZ' = Label 'SWAZILAND'Key 'TC' = Label 'TURKS AND CAICOS ISLANDS'Key 'TD' = Label 'CHAD'Key 'TF' = Label 'FRENCH SOUTHERN TERRITORIES'Key 'TG' = Label 'TOGO'Key 'TH' = Label 'THAILAND'Key 'TJ' = Label 'TAJIKISTAN'Key 'TK' = Label 'TOKELAU'Key 'TL' = Label 'TIMOR-LESTE'Key 'TM' = Label 'TURKMENISTAN'Key 'TN' = Label 'TUNISIA'Key 'TO' = Label 'TONGA'Key 'TR' = Label 'TURKEY'Key 'TT' = Label 'TRINIDAD AND TOBAGO'Key 'TV' = Label 'TUVALU'Key 'TW' = Label 'TAIWAN, PROVINCE OF CHINA'Key 'TZ' = Label 'TANZANIA, UNITED REPUBLIC OF'Key 'UA' = Label 'UKRAINE'Key 'UG' = Label 'UGANDA'Key 'UM' = Label 'UNITED STATES MINOR OUTLYING ISLANDS'Key 'US' = Label 'UNITED STATES'Key 'UY' = Label 'URUGUAY'Key 'UZ' = Label 'UZBEKISTAN'Key 'VA' = Label 'HOLY SEE (VATICAN CITY STATE)'Key 'VC' = Label 'SAINT VINCENT AND THE GRENADINES'Key 'VE' = Label 'VENEZUELA'Key 'VG' = Label 'VIRGIN ISLANDS, BRITISH'Key 'VI' = Label 'VIRGIN ISLANDS, U.S.'Key 'VN' = Label 'VIET NAM'Key 'VU' = Label 'VANUATU'Key 'WF' = Label 'WALLIS AND FUTUNA'Key 'WS' = Label 'SAMOA'Key 'YE' = Label 'YEMEN'Key 'YT' = Label 'MAYOTTE'Key 'YU' = Label 'YUGOSLAVIA'Key 'ZA' = Label 'SOUTH AFRICA'Key 'ZM' = Label 'ZAMBIA'Key 'ZW' = Label 'ZIMBABWE'Key '99' = Label 'Unknown'Key '98' = Label 'OTHER COUNTRIES'Key '97' = Label 'TOTAL FOR ALL COUNTRIES/JURISDICTIONS'Province, or State Code Code de la province ou de l'État de résidence de l'emprunteurKey 'AB' = Label 'Alberta'Key 'BC' = Label 'British Columbia'Key 'MB' = Label 'Manitoba'Key 'NB' = Label 'New Brunswick'Key 'NL' = Label 'Newfoundland and Labrador'Key 'NS' = Label 'Nova Scotia'Key 'NT' = Label 'Northwest Territories'Key 'NU' = Label 'Nunavut'Key 'ON' = Label 'Ontario'Key 'PE' = Label 'Prince Edward Island'Key 'QC' = Label 'Quebec'Key 'SK' = Label 'Saskatchewan'Key 'YT' = Label 'Yukon'Key 'AK' = Label 'Alaska'Key 'AL' = Label 'Alabama'Key 'AR' = Label 'Arkansas'Key 'AS' = Label 'AMERICAN SAMOA'Key 'AZ' = Label 'Arizona'Key 'CA' = Label 'California'Key 'CO' = Label 'Colorado'Key 'CT' = Label 'Connecticut'Key 'DC' = Label 'District Of Columbia'Key 'DE' = Label 'Delaware'Key 'FL' = Label 'Florida'Key 'GA' = Label 'Georgia'Key 'GU' = Label 'Guam'Key 'HI' = Label 'Hawaii'Key 'IA' = Label 'Iowa'Key 'ID' = Label 'Idaho'Key 'IL' = Label 'Illinois'Key 'IN' = Label 'Indiana'Key 'KS' = Label 'Kansas'Key 'KY' = Label 'Kentucky'Key 'LA' = Label 'Louisiana'Key 'MA' = Label 'Massachusetts'Key 'MD' = Label 'Maryland'Key 'ME' = Label 'Maine'Key 'MI' = Label 'Michigan'Key 'MN' = Label 'Minnesota'Key 'MO' = Label 'Missouri'Key 'MP' = Label 'North Mariana Islands'Key 'MS' = Label 'Mississippi'Key 'MT' = Label 'Montana'Key 'NC' = Label 'North Carolina'Key 'ND' = Label 'North Dakota'Key 'NE' = Label 'Nebraska'Key 'NH' = Label 'New Hampshire'Key 'NJ' = Label 'New Jersey'Key 'NM' = Label 'New Mexico'Key 'NV' = Label 'Nevada'Key 'NY' = Label 'New York'Key 'OH' = Label 'Ohio'Key 'OK' = Label 'Oklahoma'Key 'OR' = Label 'Oregon'Key 'PA' = Label 'Pennsylvania'Key 'PR' = Label 'Puerto Rico'Key 'RI' = Label 'Rhode Island'Key 'SC' = Label 'South Carolina'Key 'SD' = Label 'South Dakota'Key 'TN' = Label 'Tennessee'Key 'TX' = Label 'Texas'Key 'UM' = Label 'Minor Outlying Islands'Key 'UT' = Label 'Utah'Key 'VA' = Label 'Virginia'Key 'VI' = Label 'Virgin Islands'Key 'VT' = Label 'Vermont'Key 'WA' = Label 'Washington'Key 'WI' = Label 'Wisconsin'Key 'WV' = Label 'West Virginia'Key 'WY' = Label 'Wyoming'Key '99' = Label 'Unknown'Key 'NA' = Label 'Not applicable'Watch List Liste de surveillanceKey '1' = Label 'yes'Key '2' = Label 'no'Key '9' = Label 'unknown'Borrower Portfolio Portefeuille de l'emprunteurKey '1' = Label 'Bank'Key '2' = Label 'Sovereign'Key '3' = Label 'Project Finance'Key '4' = Label 'Object Finance'Key '5' = Label 'Commodities Finance'Key '6' = Label 'Income Producing Real Estate'Key '7' = Label 'High Volatility Real Estate'Key '8' = Label 'SMEs Treated as Corporate'Key '9' = Label 'Other Corporate'RAPCORP Borrower Portfolio RAPCORP Portefeuille de l'emprunteurKey '1' = Label 'SME'Key '2' = Label 'Corporate'Key '3' = Label 'Commercial'Key '4' = Label 'FI'Key '5' = Label 'Government'Key '9' = Label 'Unknown'Exposure Classes Catégories d'expositionKey '01' = Label 'Project Finance'Key '02' = Label 'Object Finance'Key '03' = Label 'Commodities Finance'Key '04' = Label 'Income Producing Real Estate'Key '05' = Label 'High Volatility Real Estate'Key '06' = Label 'SMEs Treated as Corporate'Key '07' = Label 'Other Corporate'Key '08' = Label 'Bank'Key '09' = Label 'Sovereign'Key '10' = Label 'Equity'Key '11' = Label 'Purchased Receivables'Facility Type Type de facilitéKey '01' = Label 'Revolver Loan'Key '02' = Label 'Term Loan - Bullet'Key '03' = Label 'Term Loan - Amortizing'Key '04' = Label 'Bridge Loan'Key '05' = Label 'Demand Loan'Key '06' = Label 'Overdraft'Key '08' = Label 'Derivative - FX, Futures, Interest/Cross Currency Swap'Key '09' = Label 'Derivative - Credit'Key '10' = Label 'Derivative - Other'Key '11' = Label 'Letter of Credit/Letter of Guarantee'Key '12' = Label 'Guarantees'Key '13' = Label 'Other off-balance sheet facilities'Key '14' = Label 'Asset Based Securitizations'Key '15' = Label 'Project Finance facility'Key '16' = Label 'Receivable Financing facility'Key '17' = Label 'Debtor in Possession facility'Key '18' = Label 'Other Trading facility'Key '19' = Label 'Securities Finance Transactions'Key '97' = Label 'Other loan facility'Key '98' = Label 'Other non-loan facility'Key '99' = Label 'Unknown'Currency MonnaieKey 'AED' = Label 'United Arab Emirates, Dirhams'Key 'AFA' = Label 'Afghanistan, Afghanis'Key 'ALL' = Label 'Albania, Leke'Key 'AMD' = Label 'Armenia, Drams'Key 'ANG' = Label 'Netherlands Antilles, Guilders'Key 'AOA' = Label 'Angola, Kwanza'Key 'ARS' = Label 'Argentina, Pesos'Key 'AUD' = Label 'Australia, Dollars'Key 'AWG' = Label 'Aruba, Guilders'Key 'AZM' = Label 'Azerbaijan, Manats'Key 'BAM' = Label 'Bosnia and Herzegovina, Convertible Marka'Key 'BBD' = Label 'Barbados, Dollars'Key 'INR' = Label 'India, Rupees'Key 'JPY' = Label 'Japan, Yen'Key 'BDT' = Label 'Bangladesh, Taka'Key 'BGL' = Label 'Bulgaria, Leva'Key 'BHD' = Label 'Bahrain, Dinars'Key 'BIF' = Label 'Burundi, Francs'Key 'BMD' = Label 'Bermuda, Dollars'Key 'BND' = Label 'Brunei Darussalam, Dollars'Key 'BOB' = Label 'Bolivia, Bolivianos'Key 'BOV' = Label 'Mvdol'Key 'BRL' = Label 'Brazil, Brazil Real'Key 'BSD' = Label 'Bahamas, Dollars'Key 'BTN' = Label 'Bhutan, Ngultrum'Key 'BWP' = Label 'Botswana, Pulas'Key 'BYR' = Label 'Belarus, Rubles'Key 'BZD' = Label 'Belize, Dollars'Key 'CAD' = Label 'Canada Dollars'Key 'CDF' = Label 'Congo/Kinshasa, Congolese Francs'Key 'CHE' = Label 'WIR Euro'Key 'CHF' = Label 'Switzerland, Francs'Key 'CHW' = Label 'WIR Franc'Key 'CLP' = Label 'Chile, Pesos'Key 'CNY' = Label 'China, Yuan Renminbi'Key 'COP' = Label 'Colombia, Pesos'Key 'COU' = Label 'Unidad de Valor Real'Key 'CRC' = Label 'Costa Rica, Colones'Key 'CUP' = Label 'Cuba, Pesos'Key 'CVE' = Label 'Cape Verde, Escudos'Key 'CYP' = Label 'Cyprus, Pounds'Key 'CZK' = Label 'Czech Republic, Koruny'Key 'DJF' = Label 'Djibouti, Francs'Key 'DKK' = Label 'Denmark, Kroner'Key 'DOP' = Label 'Dominican Republic, Pesos'Key 'DZD' = Label 'Algeria, Algeria Dinars'Key 'EEK' = Label 'Estonia, Krooni'Key 'EGP' = Label 'Egypt, Pounds'Key 'ERN' = Label 'Eritrea, Nakfa'Key 'ETB' = Label 'Ethiopia, Birr'Key 'EUR' = Label 'Euro Member Countries, Euro'Key 'FJD' = Label 'Fiji, Dollars'Key 'FKP' = Label 'Falkland Islands (Malvinas), Pounds'Key 'GBP' = Label 'United Kingdom, Pounds'Key 'GEL' = Label 'Georgia, Lari'Key 'GHC' = Label 'Ghana, Cedis (GHC)'Key 'GIP' = Label 'Gibraltar, Pounds'Key 'GMD' = Label 'Gambia, Dalasi'Key 'GNF' = Label 'Guinea, Francs'Key 'GTQ' = Label 'Guatemala, Quetzales'Key 'GYD' = Label 'Guyana, Dollars'Key 'HKD' = Label 'Hong Kong, Dollars'Key 'HNL' = Label 'Honduras, Lempiras'Key 'HRK' = Label 'Croatia, Kuna'Key 'HTG' = Label 'Haiti, Gourdes'Key 'HUF' = Label 'Hungary, Forint'Key 'IDR' = Label 'Indonesia, Rupiahs'Key 'ILS' = Label 'Israel, New Shekels'Key 'IQD' = Label 'Iraq, Dinars'Key 'IRR' = Label 'Iran, Rials'Key 'ISK' = Label 'Iceland, Kronur'Key 'JMD' = Label 'Jamaica, Dollars'Key 'JOD' = Label 'Jordan, Dinars'Key 'KES' = Label 'Kenya, Shillings'Key 'KGS' = Label 'Kyrgyzstan, Soms'Key 'KHR' = Label 'Cambodia, Riels'Key 'KMF' = Label 'Comoros, Francs'Key 'KPW' = Label 'Korea (North), Won'Key 'KRW' = Label 'Korea (South), Won'Key 'KWD' = Label 'Kuwait, Dinars'Key 'KYD' = Label 'Cayman Islands, Dollars'Key 'KZT' = Label 'Kazakstan, Tenge'Key 'LAK' = Label 'Laos, Kips'Key 'LBP' = Label 'Lebanon, Pounds'Key 'LKR' = Label 'Sri Lanka, Rupees'Key 'LRD' = Label 'Liberia, Dollars'Key 'LSL' = Label 'Lesotho, Maloti'Key 'LTL' = Label 'Lithuania, Litai'Key 'LVL' = Label 'Latvia, Lati'Key 'LYD' = Label 'Libya, Dinars'Key 'MAD' = Label 'Morocco, Dirhams'Key 'MDL' = Label 'Moldova, Lei'Key 'MGF' = Label 'Madagascar, Malagasy Francs'Key 'MKD' = Label 'Macedonia, Denars'Key 'MMK' = Label 'Myanmar (Burma), Kyats'Key 'MNT' = Label 'Mongolia, Tugriks'Key 'MOP' = Label 'Macau, Patacas'Key 'MRO' = Label 'Mauritania, Ouguiyas'Key 'MTL' = Label 'Malta, Liri'Key 'MUR' = Label 'Mauritius, Rupees'Key 'MVR' = Label 'Maldives (Maldive Islands), Rufiyaa'Key 'MWK' = Label 'Malawi, Kwachas'Key 'MXN' = Label 'Mexico, Pesos'Key 'MXV' = Label 'Mexican Unidad de Inversion (UDI)'Key 'MYR' = Label 'Malaysia, Ringgits'Key 'MZM' = Label 'Mozambique, Meticais'Key 'NAD' = Label 'Namibia, Dollars'Key 'NGN' = Label 'Nigeria, Nairas'Key 'NIO' = Label 'Nicaragua, Gold Cordobas'Key 'NOK' = Label 'Norway, Krone'Key 'NPR' = Label 'Nepal, Nepal Rupees'Key 'NZD' = Label 'New Zealand, Dollars'Key 'OMR' = Label 'Oman, Rials'Key 'PAB' = Label 'Panama, Balboa'Key 'PEN' = Label 'Peru, Nuevos Soles'Key 'PGK' = Label 'Papua New Guinea, Kina'Key 'PHP' = Label 'Philippines, Pesos'Key 'PKR' = Label 'Pakistan, Rupees'Key 'PLN' = Label 'Poland, Zlotych'Key 'PYG' = Label 'Paraguay, Guarani'Key 'QAR' = Label 'Qatar, Rials'Key 'ROL' = Label 'Romania, Lei'Key 'RUR' = Label 'Russia, Rubles'Key 'RWF' = Label 'Rwanda, Rwanda Francs'Key 'SAR' = Label 'Saudi Arabia, Riyals'Key 'SBD' = Label 'Solomon Islands, Dollars'Key 'SCR' = Label 'Seychelles, Rupees'Key 'SDD' = Label 'Sudan, Dinars'Key 'SEK' = Label 'Sweden, Kronor'Key 'SGD' = Label 'Singapore, Dollars'Key 'SHP' = Label 'Saint Helena, Pounds'Key 'SIT' = Label 'Slovenia, Tolars'Key 'SKK' = Label 'Slovakia, Koruny'Key 'SLL' = Label 'Sierra Leone, Leones'Key 'SOS' = Label 'Somalia, Shillings'Key 'SRG' = Label 'Suriname, Guilders'Key 'STD' = Label 'São Tome and Principe, Dobras'Key 'SVC' = Label 'El Salvador, Colones'Key 'SYP' = Label 'Syria, Pounds'Key 'SZL' = Label 'Swaziland, Emalangeni'Key 'THB' = Label 'Thailand, Baht'Key 'TMM' = Label 'Turkmenistan, Manats'Key 'TND' = Label 'Tunisia, Dinars'Key 'TOP' = Label 'Tonga, Pa'anga'Key 'TRL' = Label 'Turkey, Liras'Key 'TTD' = Label 'Trinidad and Tobago, Dollars'Key 'TWD' = Label 'Taiwan, New Dollars'Key 'TZS' = Label 'Tanzania, Shillings'Key 'UAH' = Label 'Ukraine, Hryvnia'Key 'UGX' = Label 'Uganda, Shillings'Key 'USD' = Label 'United States of America, Dollars'Key 'USN' = Label 'US Dollar (Next day)'Key 'UYI' = Label 'Uruguay Peso en Unidades Indexadas (URUIURUI)'Key 'UYU' = Label 'Uruguay, Pesos'Key 'UYW' = Label 'Unidad Previsional'Key 'UZS' = Label 'Uzbekistan, Sums'Key 'VEB' = Label 'Venezuela, Bolivares'Key 'VND' = Label 'Viet Nam, Dong'Key 'VUV' = Label 'Vanuatu, Vatu'Key 'WST' = Label 'Samoa, Tala'Key 'XAF' = Label 'Communauté Financière Africaine, Francs (XAF)'Key 'XAG' = Label 'Silver, Ounces'Key 'XAU' = Label 'Gold, Ounces'Key 'XCD' = Label 'East Caribbean Dollars'Key 'XDR' = Label 'International Monetary Fund (IMF) Special Drawing Rights'Key 'XOF' = Label 'Communauté Financière Africaine, Francs (XOF)'Key 'XPD' = Label 'Palladium Ounces'Key 'XPF' = Label 'Comptoirs Français du Pacifique Francs'Key 'XPT' = Label 'Platinum, Ounces'Key 'YER' = Label 'Yemen, Rials'Key 'YUM' = Label 'Yugoslavia, New Dinars'Key 'ZAR' = Label 'South Africa, Rand'Key 'ZMK' = Label 'Zambia, Kwacha'Key 'ZWD' = Label 'Zimbabwe, Zimbabwe Dollars'Key 'ADP' = Label 'Andorran Peseta'Key 'ATS' = Label 'Austria Schilling'Key 'BEF' = Label 'Belgian Franc'Key 'BGN' = Label 'Bulgarian Lev'Key 'DEM' = Label 'Deutsche Mark'Key 'ESP' = Label 'Spanish Peseta'Key 'FIM' = Label 'Finland Markka'Key 'FRF' = Label 'French Franc'Key 'GRD' = Label 'Greece Drachma'Key 'GWP' = Label 'Guinea-Bissau Peso'Key 'IEP' = Label 'Irish Pound'Key 'ITL' = Label 'Italian Lira'Key 'LUF' = Label 'Luxembourg Franc'Key 'NLG' = Label 'Netherlands Guilder'Key 'PTE' = Label 'Portuguese Escudo'Key 'TJS' = Label 'Tajikistan Somoni'Key 'TPE' = Label 'Timor Escudo'Key 'CLF' = Label 'Chilean Unidades de Fomento'Key 'TRY' = Label 'Turkish New Lira'Key 'VEF' = Label 'Venezuelan Bolivar Fuerte'Key 'RUB' = Label 'Russia, Ruble'Key 'GHS' = Label 'Ghana, Cedis (GHS)'Key 'CA1' = Label 'All Currencies Consolidated in Canadian Dollars'Key 'CA2' = Label 'Other Currencies Consolidated In Canadian Dollars'Exposure Type Type d'expositionKey '1' = Label 'Committed'Key '2' = Label 'Uncommitted'Key '3' = Label 'Unadvised'Key '9' = Label 'Unknown'Facility Status État de la facilitéKey '01' = Label 'Non-default'Key '02' = Label 'Default (Bankruptcy filing)'Key '03' = Label 'Default (90 days past due)'Key '04' = Label 'Default (Distressed restructuring)'Key '05' = Label 'Default (Write-off/Specific Provision)'Key '06' = Label 'Default (Unlikely to pay)'Key '07' = Label 'Default (Distressed Sale)'Key '08' = Label 'Default (Other)'Key '99' = Label 'Unknown'Performing Product [fr]Performing ProductKey '1' = Label 'Performing'Key '2' = Label 'Non-performing'Key '9' = Label 'Unknown'Hedging Status État de la couvertureKey '1' = Label 'Yes, completely'Key '2' = Label 'Yes, partially'Key '3' = Label 'No'Key '9' = Label 'Unknown'Cash and/or Marketable Security Liquidités et (ou) titres négociablesKey '1' = Label 'Yes'Key '2' = Label 'No'Key '0' = Label 'Not applicable'Key '9' = Label 'Unknown'Primary Collateral Sûreté principaleKey '01' = Label 'Non-marketable Securities'Key '02' = Label 'Accounts Receivable'Key '03' = Label 'Inventory'Key '04' = Label 'Fixed Assets and/or Equipment'Key '05' = Label 'Commercial Real Estate'Key '06' = Label 'Residential Real Estate'Key '07' = Label 'Other Real Property'Key '08' = Label 'Intangibles/Franchise Value'Key '09' = Label 'Express-written Guarantee'Key '10' = Label 'Secured - other'Key '11' = Label 'GSA - General Security Agreement'Key '12' = Label 'Accounts Receivable and Inventory'Key '13' = Label 'Unsecured'Key '14' = Label 'Cash'Key '15' = Label 'Marketable Securities'Key '99' = Label 'Unknown'Seniority Profile Profil de subordinationKey '01' = Label 'Senior'Key '02' = Label 'Mezzanine'Key '03' = Label 'Senior Subordinated'Key '04' = Label 'Junior Subordinated'Key '05' = Label 'Super Priority'Key '06' = Label 'Pari Passu'Key '99' = Label 'Unknown'Syndicated Facilities Facilité consortialeKey '1' = Label 'Yes'Key '2' = Label 'No'Key '9' = Label 'Unknown'Syndicate Role Rôle consortialKey '1' = Label 'Agent or Co-agent'Key '2' = Label 'Participant'Key '3' = Label 'Not syndicated'Key '9' = Label 'Unknown'Guarantee Type Type de garantieKey '1' = Label 'Guarantee'Key '2' = Label 'Standby Letter of Credit'Key '3' = Label 'No Guarantee'Whether facility is in banking book or trading book Facilité de portefeuille bancaire ou de portefeuille de négociationKey '1' = Label 'Banking Book'Key '2' = Label 'Trading Facilities / Products'Accrual or Non Accrual Account Compte à intérêts comptabilisés ou non comptabilisésKey '1' = Label 'Accrual'Key '2' = Label 'Non-Accrual'Whether the facility is a SNC credit Crédit SNCKey '1' = Label 'Yes'Key '2' = Label 'No'SNC Rating Notation SNCKey '1' = Label 'Pass'Key '2' = Label 'Special Mention'Key '3' = Label 'Substandard'Key '4' = Label 'Doubtful'Key '5' = Label 'Loss and Blank'Impairment Status Statut de la dépréciationKey '1' = Label 'Performing'Key '2' = Label 'Impaired'Key '9' = Label 'Unknown'Participated Facilities Facilités participativesKey '1' = Label 'Yes'Key '2' = Label 'No'Key '9' = Label 'Unknown'Whether the Facility is Secured or Unsecured Facilité avec ou sans sûretéKey '1' = Label 'Secured'Key '2' = Label 'Unsecured'Shared and/or Linked Facility Facilité partagée et (ou) liéeKey '1' = Label 'Shared'Key '2' = Label 'Linked'Key '3' = Label 'Shared/Linked'Key '4' = Label 'not a shared/linked facility'Key '9' = Label 'Unknown'Canadian Industry Classification fr-Canadian Industry ClassificationKey '01' = Label 'Agricultural Industries'Key '011' = Label 'Livestock Farms (Except Animal Specialties)'Key '0111' = Label 'Dairy Farms'Key '0112' = Label 'Cattle Farms'Key '0113' = Label 'Hog Farms'Key '0114' = Label 'Poultry and Egg Farms'Key '0115' = Label 'Sheep and Goat Farms'Key '0119' = Label 'Livestock Combination Farms'Key '012' = Label 'Other Animal Specialty Farms'Key '0121' = Label 'Honey and Other Apiary Product Farms'Key '0122' = Label 'Horse and Other Equine Farms'Key '0123' = Label 'Furs and Skins, Ranch'Key '0129' = Label 'Other Animal Specialty Farms n.e.c.'Key '013' = Label 'Field Crop Farms'Key '0131' = Label 'Wheat Farms'Key '0132' = Label 'Small-Grain Farms (Except Wheat)'Key '0133' = Label 'Oilseed Farms (Except Corn)'Key '0134' = Label 'Grain Corn Farms'Key '0135' = Label 'Forage, Seed and Hay Farms'Key '0136' = Label 'Dry Field Pea and Bean Farms'Key '0137' = Label 'Tobacco Farms'Key '0138' = Label 'Potato Farms'Key '0139' = Label 'Other Field Crop Farms'Key '014' = Label 'Field Crop Combination Farms'Key '0141' = Label 'Field Crop Combination Farms'Key '015' = Label 'Fruit and Other Vegetable Farms'Key '0151' = Label 'Fruit Farms'Key '0152' = Label 'Other Vegetable Farms'Key '0159' = Label 'Fruit and Vegetable Combination Farms'Key '016' = Label 'Horticultural Specialties'Key '0161' = Label 'Mushrooms'Key '0162' = Label 'Greenhouse Products'Key '0163' = Label 'Nursery Products'Key '0169' = Label 'Other Horticultural Specialties'Key '017' = Label 'Livestock, Field Crop and Horticultural Combination Farms'Key '0171' = Label 'Livestock, Field Crop and Horticultural Combination Farms'Key '02' = Label 'Service Inds Incidental to Agriculture'Key '021' = Label 'Services Incidental to Livestock and Animal Specialties'Key '0211' = Label 'Veterinary Services'Key '0212' = Label 'Farm Animal Breeding Services (Except Poultry)'Key '0213' = Label 'Poultry Services'Key '0219' = Label 'Other Services Incidental to Livestock and Animal Specialties'Key '022' = Label 'Services Incidental to Agricultural Crops'Key '0221' = Label 'Soil Preparation, Planting and Cultivating Services'Key '0222' = Label 'Crop Dusting and Spraying Services'Key '0223' = Label 'Harvesting, Baling and Threshing Services'Key '0229' = Label 'Other Services Incidental to Agricultural Crops'Key '023' = Label 'Other Services Incidental to Agriculture'Key '0231' = Label 'Agricultural Management and Consulting Services'Key '0239' = Label 'Other Services Incidental to Agriculture n.e.c.'Key '03' = Label 'Fishing & Trapping Industries'Key '031' = Label 'Fishing Industries'Key '0311' = Label 'Salt Water Fishing Industry'Key '0312' = Label 'Inland Fishing Industry'Key '032' = Label 'Services Incidental to Fishing'Key '0321' = Label 'Services Incidental to Fishing'Key '033' = Label 'Trapping'Key '0331' = Label 'Furs and Skins, Wild'Key '0339' = Label 'Other Trapping'Key '04' = Label 'Logging Industry'Key '041' = Label 'Logging Industry'Key '0411' = Label 'Logging Industry (Except Contract Logging)'Key '0412' = Label 'Contract Logging Industry'Key '05' = Label 'Forestry Services Industry'Key '051' = Label 'Forestry Services Industry'Key '0511' = Label 'Forestry Services Industry'Key '06' = Label 'Mining Industries'Key '061' = Label 'Metal Mines'Key '0611' = Label 'Gold Mines'Key '0612' = Label 'Copper and Copper-Zinc Mines'Key '0613' = Label 'Nickel-Copper Mines'Key '0614' = Label 'Silver-Lead-Zinc Mines'Key '0615' = Label 'Molybdenum Mines'Key '0616' = Label 'Uranium Mines'Key '0617' = Label 'Iron Mines'Key '0619' = Label 'Other Metal Mines'Key '062' = Label 'Non-Metal Mines (Except Coal)'Key '0621' = Label 'Asbestos Mines'Key '0622' = Label 'Peat Industry'Key '0623' = Label 'Gypsum Mines'Key '0624' = Label 'Potash Mines'Key '0625' = Label 'Salt Mines'Key '0629' = Label 'Other Non-Metal Mines (Except Coal)'Key '063' = Label 'Coal Mines'Key '0631' = Label 'Bituminous Coal Mines'Key '0632' = Label 'Subbituminous Coal Mines'Key '0633' = Label 'Lignite Mines'Key '07' = Label 'Crude Petroleum & Natural Gas Industries'Key '071' = Label 'Crude Petroleum and Natural Gas Industries'Key '0711' = Label 'Conventional Crude Oil and Natural Gas Industry'Key '0712' = Label 'Non-Conventional Crude Oil Industry'Key '08' = Label 'Quarry and Sand Pit Industries'Key '081' = Label 'Stone Quarries'Key '0811' = Label 'Granite Quarries'Key '0812' = Label 'Limestone Quarries'Key '0813' = Label 'Marble Quarries'Key '0814' = Label 'Sandstone Quarries'Key '0815' = Label 'Shale Quarries'Key '082' = Label 'Sand and Gravel Pits'Key '0821' = Label 'Sand and Gravel Pits'Key '09' = Label 'Services Related to Mineral Extraction'Key '091' = Label 'Service Industries Incidental to Crude Petroleum and Natural Gas'Key '0911' = Label 'Contract Drilling, Oil and Gas Industry'Key '0919' = Label 'Other Service Industries Incidental to Crude Petroleum and Natural Gas'Key '092' = Label 'Service Industries Incidental to Mining'Key '0921' = Label 'Contract Drilling Industry (Except Oil and Gas)'Key '0929' = Label 'Other Service Industries Incidental to Mining'Key '10' = Label 'Food Industries'Key '101' = Label 'Meat and Poultry Products Industries'Key '1011' = Label 'Meat and Meat Products Industry (Except Poultry)'Key '1012' = Label 'Poultry Products Industry'Key '102' = Label 'Fish Products Industry'Key '1021' = Label 'Fish Products Industry'Key '103' = Label 'Fruit and Vegetable Industries'Key '1031' = Label 'Canned and Preserved Fruit and Vegetable Industry'Key '1032' = Label 'Frozen Fruit and Vegetable Industry'Key '104' = Label 'Dairy Products Industries'Key '1041' = Label 'Fluid Milk Industry'Key '1049' = Label 'Other Dairy Products Industries'Key '105' = Label 'Flour, Prepared Cereal Food and Feed Industries'Key '1051' = Label 'Cereal Grain Flour Industry'Key '1052' = Label 'Prepared Flour Mixes and Prepared Cereal Foods Industry'Key '1053' = Label 'Feed Industry'Key '106' = Label 'Vegetable Oil Mills (Except Corn Oil)'Key '1061' = Label 'Vegetable Oil Mills (Except Corn Oil)'Key '107' = Label 'Bakery Products Industries'Key '1071' = Label 'Biscuit Industry'Key '1072' = Label 'Bread and Other Bakery Products Industry'Key '108' = Label 'Sugar and Sugar Confectionery Industries'Key '1081' = Label 'Cane and Beet Sugar Industry'Key '1082' = Label 'Chewing Gum Industry'Key '1083' = Label 'Sugar and Chocolate Confectionery Industry'Key '109' = Label 'Other Food Products Industries'Key '1091' = Label 'Tea and Coffee Industry'Key '1092' = Label 'Dry Pasta Products Industry'Key '1093' = Label 'Potato Chip, Pretzel and Popcorn Industry'Key '1094' = Label 'Malt and Malt Flour Industry'Key '1099' = Label 'Other Food Products Industries n.e.c.'Key '11' = Label 'Beverage Industries'Key '111' = Label 'Soft Drink Industry'Key '1111' = Label 'Soft Drink Industry'Key '112' = Label 'Distillery Products Industry'Key '1121' = Label 'Distillery Products Industry'Key '113' = Label 'Brewery Products Industry'Key '1131' = Label 'Brewery Products Industry'Key '114' = Label 'Wine Industry'Key '1141' = Label 'Wine Industry'Key '12' = Label 'Tobacco Products Industries'Key '121' = Label 'Leaf Tobacco Industry'Key '1211' = Label 'Leaf Tobacco Industry'Key '122' = Label 'Tobacco Products Industry'Key '1221' = Label 'Tobacco Products Industry'Key '15' = Label 'Rubber Products Industries'Key '151' = Label 'Tire and Tube Industry'Key '1511' = Label 'Tire and Tube Industry'Key '152' = Label 'Rubber Hose and Belting Industry'Key '1521' = Label 'Rubber Hose and Belting Industry'Key '159' = Label 'Other Rubber Products Industries'Key '1599' = Label 'Other Rubber Products Industries'Key '16' = Label 'Plastic Products Industries'Key '161' = Label 'Foamed and Expanded Plastic Products Industry'Key '1611' = Label 'Foamed and Expanded Plastic Products Industry'Key '162' = Label 'Plastic Pipe and Pipe Fittings Industry'Key '1621' = Label 'Plastic Pipe and Pipe Fittings Industry'Key '163' = Label 'Plastic Film and Sheeting Industry'Key '1631' = Label 'Plastic Film and Sheeting Industry'Key '169' = Label 'Other Plastic Products Industries'Key '1691' = Label 'Plastic Bag Industry'Key '1699' = Label 'Other Plastic Products Industries n.e.c.'Key '17' = Label 'Leather and Allied Products Industries'Key '171' = Label 'Leather and Allied Products Industries'Key '1711' = Label 'Leather Tanneries'Key '1712' = Label 'Footwear Industry'Key '1713' = Label 'Luggage, Purse and Handbag Industry'Key '1719' = Label 'Other Leather and Allied Products Industries'Key '18' = Label 'Primary Textile Industries'Key '181' = Label 'Man-Made Fibre and Filament Yarn Industry'Key '1811' = Label 'Man-Made Fibre and Filament Yarn Industry'Key '182' = Label 'Spun Yarn and Woven Cloth Industries'Key '1821' = Label 'Wool Yarn and Woven Cloth Industry'Key '1829' = Label 'Other Spun Yarn and Woven Cloth Industries'Key '183' = Label 'Broad Knitted Fabric Industry'Key '1831' = Label 'Broad Knitted Fabric Industry'Key '19' = Label 'Textile Products Industries'Key '191' = Label 'Natural Fibres Processing and Felt Products Industry'Key '1911' = Label 'Natural Fibres Processing and Felt Products Industry'Key '192' = Label 'Carpet, Mat and Rug Industry'Key '1921' = Label 'Carpet, Mat and Rug Industry'Key '193' = Label 'Canvas and Related Products Industry'Key '1931' = Label 'Canvas and Related Products Industry'Key '199' = Label 'Other Textile Products Industries'Key '1991' = Label 'Narrow Fabric Industry'Key '1992' = Label 'Contract Textile Dyeing and Finishing Industry'Key '1993' = Label 'Household Products of Textile Materials Industry'Key '1994' = Label 'Hygiene Products of Textile Materials Industry'Key '1995' = Label 'Tire Cord Fabric Industry'Key '1999' = Label 'Other Textile Products Industries n.e.c.'Key '24' = Label 'Clothing Industries'Key '243' = Label 'Men's and Boys' Clothing Industries'Key '2431' = Label 'Men's and Boys' Coat Industry'Key '2432' = Label 'Men's and Boys' Suit and Jacket Industry'Key '2433' = Label 'Men's and Boys' Pants Industry'Key '2434' = Label 'Men's and Boys' Shirt and Underwear Industry'Key '2435' = Label 'Men's and Boys' Clothing Contractors'Key '244' = Label 'Women's Clothing Industries'Key '2441' = Label 'Women's Coat and Jacket Industry'Key '2442' = Label 'Women's Sportswear Industry'Key '2443' = Label 'Women's Dress Industry'Key '2444' = Label 'Women's Blouse and Shirt Industry'Key '2445' = Label 'Women's Clothing Contractors'Key '245' = Label 'Children's Clothing Industry'Key '2451' = Label 'Children's Clothing Industry'Key '249' = Label 'Other Clothing and Apparel Industries'Key '2491' = Label 'Sweater Industry'Key '2492' = Label 'Occupational Clothing Industry'Key '2493' = Label 'Glove Industry'Key '2494' = Label 'Hosiery Industry'Key '2495' = Label 'Fur Goods Industry'Key '2496' = Label 'Foundation Garment Industry'Key '2499' = Label 'Other Clothing and Apparel Industries n.e.c.'Key '25' = Label 'Wood Industries'Key '251' = Label 'Sawmill, Planing Mill and Shingle Mill Products Industries'Key '2511' = Label 'Shingle and Shake Industry'Key '2512' = Label 'Sawmill and Planing Mill Products Industry (Except Shingles and Shakes)'Key '252' = Label 'Veneer and Plywood Industries'Key '2521' = Label 'Hardwood Veneer and Plywood Industry'Key '2522' = Label 'Softwood Veneer and Plywood Industry'Key '254' = Label 'Sash, Door and Other Millwork Industries'Key '2541' = Label 'Prefabricated Wooden Buildings Industry'Key '2542' = Label 'Wooden Kitchen Cabinet and Bathroom Vanity Industry'Key '2543' = Label 'Wooden Door and Window Industry'Key '2549' = Label 'Other Millwork Industries'Key '256' = Label 'Wooden Box and Pallet Industry'Key '2561' = Label 'Wooden Box and Pallet Industry'Key '258' = Label 'Coffin and Casket Industry'Key '2581' = Label 'Coffin and Casket Industry'Key '259' = Label 'Other Wood Industries'Key '2591' = Label 'Wood Preservation Industry'Key '2592' = Label 'Particle Board Industry'Key '2593' = Label 'Wafer Board Industry'Key '2599' = Label 'Other Wood Industries n.e.c.'Key '26' = Label 'Furniture and Fixture Industries'Key '261' = Label 'Household Furniture Industries'Key '2611' = Label 'Wooden Household Furniture Industry'Key '2612' = Label 'Upholstered Household Furniture Industry'Key '2619' = Label 'Other Household Furniture Industries'Key '264' = Label 'Office Furniture Industries'Key '2641' = Label 'Metal Office Furniture Industry'Key '2649' = Label 'Other Office Furniture Industries'Key '269' = Label 'Other Furniture and Fixture Industries'Key '2691' = Label 'Bed Spring and Mattress Industry'Key '2692' = Label 'Hotel, Restaurant and Institutional Furniture and Fixture Industry'Key '2699' = Label 'Other Furniture and Fixture Industries n.e.c.'Key '27' = Label 'Paper and Allied Products Industries'Key '271' = Label 'Pulp and Paper Industries'Key '2711' = Label 'Pulp Industry'Key '2712' = Label 'Newsprint Industry'Key '2713' = Label 'Paperboard Industry'Key '2714' = Label 'Building Board Industry'Key '2719' = Label 'Other Paper Industries'Key '272' = Label 'Asphalt Roofing Industry'Key '2721' = Label 'Asphalt Roofing Industry'Key '273' = Label 'Paper Box and Bag Industries'Key '2731' = Label 'Folding Carton and Set-Up Box Industry'Key '2732' = Label 'Corrugated Box Industry'Key '2733' = Label 'Paper Bag Industry'Key '279' = Label 'Other Converted Paper Products Industries'Key '2791' = Label 'Coated and Treated Paper Industry'Key '2792' = Label 'Stationery Paper Products Industry'Key '2793' = Label 'Paper Consumer Products Industry'Key '2799' = Label 'Other Converted Paper Products Industries n.e.c.'Key '28' = Label 'Printing, Publishing & Allied Industries'Key '281' = Label 'Commercial Printing Industries'Key '2811' = Label 'Business Forms Printing Industry'Key '2819' = Label 'Other Commercial Printing Industries'Key '282' = Label 'Platemaking, Typesetting and Bindery Industry'Key '2821' = Label 'Platemaking, Typesetting and Bindery Industry'Key '283' = Label 'Publishing Industries'Key '2831' = Label 'Book Publishing Industry'Key '2839' = Label 'Other Publishing Industries'Key '284' = Label 'Combined Publishing and Printing Industries'Key '2841' = Label 'Newspaper, Magazine and Periodical (Combined Publishing and Printing) Industry'Key '2849' = Label 'Other Combined Publishing and Printing Industries'Key '29' = Label 'Primary Metal Industries'Key '291' = Label 'Primary Steel Industries'Key '2911' = Label 'Ferro-Alloys Industry'Key '2912' = Label 'Steel Foundries'Key '2919' = Label 'Other Primary Steel Industries'Key '292' = Label 'Steel Pipe and Tube Industry'Key '2921' = Label 'Steel Pipe and Tube Industry'Key '294' = Label 'Iron Foundries'Key '2941' = Label 'Iron Foundries'Key '295' = Label 'Non-Ferrous Metal Smelting and Refining Industries'Key '2951' = Label 'Primary Production of Aluminum Industry'Key '2959' = Label 'Other Primary Smelting and Refining of Non-Ferrous Metal Industries'Key '296' = Label 'Aluminum Rolling, Casting and Extruding Industry'Key '2961' = Label 'Aluminum Rolling, Casting and Extruding Industry'Key '297' = Label 'Copper and Copper Alloy Rolling, Casting and Extruding Industry'Key '2971' = Label 'Copper and Copper Alloy Rolling, Casting and Extruding Industry'Key '299' = Label 'Other Rolled, Cast and Extruded Non-Ferrous Metal Products Industries'Key '2999' = Label 'Other Rolled, Cast and Extruded Non-Ferrous Metal Products Industries'Key '30' = Label 'Fabricated Metal Products Industries'Key '301' = Label 'Power Boiler and Heat Exchanger Industry'Key '3011' = Label 'Power Boiler and Heat Exchanger Industry'Key '302' = Label 'Fabricated Structural Metal Products Industries'Key '3021' = Label 'Metal Tanks (Heavy Gauge) Industry'Key '3022' = Label 'Plate Work Industry'Key '3023' = Label 'Pre-Engineered Metal Buildings Industry (Except Portable)'Key '3029' = Label 'Other Fabricated Structural Metal Products Industries'Key '303' = Label 'Ornamental and Architectural Metal Products Industries'Key '3031' = Label 'Metal Door and Window Industry'Key '3032' = Label 'Prefabricated Portable Metal Buildings Industry'Key '3039' = Label 'Other Ornamental and Architectural Metal Products Industries'Key '304' = Label 'Stamped, Pressed and Coated Metal Products Industries'Key '3041' = Label 'Custom Coating of Metal Products Industry'Key '3042' = Label 'Metal Closure and Container Industry'Key '3049' = Label 'Other Stamped and Pressed Metal Products Industries'Key '305' = Label 'Wire and Wire Products Industries'Key '3051' = Label 'Upholstery and Coil Spring Industry'Key '3052' = Label 'Wire and Wire Rope Industry'Key '3053' = Label 'Industrial Fastener Industry'Key '3059' = Label 'Other Wire Products Industries'Key '306' = Label 'Hardware, Tool and Cutlery Industries'Key '3061' = Label 'Basic Hardware Industry'Key '3062' = Label 'Metal Dies, Moulds and Patterns Industry'Key '3063' = Label 'Hand Tool and Implement Industry'Key '3069' = Label 'Other Hardware and Cutlery Industries'Key '307' = Label 'Heating Equipment Industry'Key '3071' = Label 'Heating Equipment Industry'Key '308' = Label 'Machine Shop Industry'Key '3081' = Label 'Machine Shop Industry'Key '309' = Label 'Other Metal Fabricating Industries'Key '3091' = Label 'Metal Plumbing Fixtures and Fittings Industry'Key '3092' = Label 'Metal Valve Industry'Key '3099' = Label 'Other Metal Fabricating Industries n.e.c.'Key '31' = Label 'Machinery Industries'Key '311' = Label 'Agricultural Implement Industry'Key '3111' = Label 'Agricultural Implement Industry'Key '312' = Label 'Commercial Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Equipment Industry'Key '3121' = Label 'Commercial Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Equipment Industry'Key '319' = Label 'Other Machinery and Equipment Industries'Key '3191' = Label 'Compressor, Pump and Industrial Fan Industry'Key '3192' = Label 'Construction and Mining Machinery and Materials Handling Equipment Industry'Key '3193' = Label 'Sawmill and Woodworking Machinery Industry'Key '3194' = Label 'Turbine and Mechanical Power Transmission Equipment Industry'Key '3199' = Label 'Other Machinery and Equipment Industries n.e.c.'Key '32' = Label 'Transportation Equipment Industries'Key '321' = Label 'Aircraft and Aircraft Parts Industry'Key '3211' = Label 'Aircraft and Aircraft Parts Industry'Key '323' = Label 'Motor Vehicle Industry'Key '3231' = Label 'Motor Vehicle Industry'Key '324' = Label 'Truck and Bus Body and Trailer Industries'Key '3241' = Label 'Truck and Bus Body Industry'Key '3242' = Label 'Commercial Trailer Industry'Key '3243' = Label 'Non-Commercial Trailer Industry'Key '3244' = Label 'Mobile Home Industry'Key '325' = Label 'Motor Vehicle Parts and Accessories Industries'Key '3251' = Label 'Motor Vehicle Engine and Engine Parts Industry'Key '3252' = Label 'Motor Vehicle Wiring Assemblies Industry'Key '3253' = Label 'Motor Vehicle Stampings Industry'Key '3254' = Label 'Motor Vehicle Steering and Suspension Parts Industry'Key '3255' = Label 'Motor Vehicle Wheel and Brake Industry'Key '3256' = Label 'Plastic Parts and Accessories for Motor Vehicles Industry'Key '3257' = Label 'Motor Vehicle Fabric Accessories Industry'Key '3259' = Label 'Other Motor Vehicle Accessories, Parts and Assemblies Industries'Key '326' = Label 'Railroad Rolling Stock Industry'Key '3261' = Label 'Railroad Rolling Stock Industry'Key '327' = Label 'Shipbuilding and Repair Industry'Key '3271' = Label 'Shipbuilding and Repair Industry'Key '328' = Label 'Boatbuilding and Repair Industry'Key '3281' = Label 'Boatbuilding and Repair Industry'Key '329' = Label 'Other Transportation Equipment Industries'Key '3299' = Label 'Other Transportation Equipment Industries'Key '33' = Label 'Electrical and Electronic Products Inds.'Key '331' = Label 'Small Electrical Appliance Industry'Key '3311' = Label 'Small Electrical Appliance Industry'Key '332' = Label 'Major Appliance Industry (Electric and Non-Electric)'Key '3321' = Label 'Major Appliance Industry (Electric and Non-Electric)'Key '333' = Label 'Electric Lighting Industries'Key '3331' = Label 'Lighting Fixture Industry'Key '3332' = Label 'Electric Lamp and Shade Industry (Except Bulb and Tube)'Key '3333' = Label 'Electric Lamp (Bulb and Tube) Industry'Key '334' = Label 'Record Player, Radio and Television Receiver Industry'Key '3341' = Label 'Record Player, Radio and Television Receiver Industry'Key '335' = Label 'Communication and Other Electronic Equipment Industries'Key '3351' = Label 'Telecommunication Equipment Industry'Key '3352' = Label 'Electronic Parts and Components Industry'Key '3359' = Label 'Other Communication and Electronic Equipment Industries'Key '336' = Label 'Office, Store and Business Machine Industries'Key '3361' = Label 'Electronic Computing and Peripheral Equipment Industry'Key '3362' = Label 'Electronic Office, Store and Business Machine Industry'Key '3369' = Label 'Other Office, Store and Business Machine Industries'Key '337' = Label 'Electrical Industrial Equipment Industries'Key '3371' = Label 'Electrical Transformer Industry'Key '3372' = Label 'Electrical Switchgear and Protective Equipment Industry'Key '3379' = Label 'Other Electrical Industrial Equipment Industries'Key '338' = Label 'Communications and Energy Wire and Cable Industry'Key '3381' = Label 'Communications and Energy Wire and Cable Industry'Key '339' = Label 'Other Electrical Products Industries'Key '3391' = Label 'Battery Industry'Key '3392' = Label 'Non-Current Carrying Wiring Devices Industry'Key '3399' = Label 'Other Electrical Products Industries n.e.c.'Key '35' = Label 'Non-metallic Mineral Products Industries'Key '351' = Label 'Clay Products Industries'Key '3511' = Label 'Clay Products Industry (From Domestic Clay)'Key '3512' = Label 'Clay Products Industry (From Imported Clay)'Key '352' = Label 'Hydraulic Cement Industry'Key '3521' = Label 'Hydraulic Cement Industry'Key '354' = Label 'Concrete Products Industries'Key '3541' = Label 'Concrete Pipe Industry'Key '3542' = Label 'Structural Concrete Products Industry'Key '3549' = Label 'Other Concrete Products Industries'Key '355' = Label 'Ready-Mix Concrete Industry'Key '3551' = Label 'Ready-Mix Concrete Industry'Key '356' = Label 'Glass and Glass Products Industries'Key '3561' = Label 'Primary Glass and Glass Containers Industry'Key '3562' = Label 'Glass Products Industry (Except Glass Containers)'Key '357' = Label 'Abrasives Industry'Key '3571' = Label 'Abrasives Industry'Key '358' = Label 'Lime Industry'Key '3581' = Label 'Lime Industry'Key '359' = Label 'Other Non-Metallic Mineral Products Industries'Key '3591' = Label 'Refractories Industry'Key '3592' = Label 'Asbestos Products Industry'Key '3593' = Label 'Gypsum Products Industry'Key '3594' = Label 'Non-Metallic Mineral Insulating Materials Industry'Key '3599' = Label 'Other Non-Metallic Mineral Products Industries n.e.c.'Key '36' = Label 'Refined Petroleum & Coal Products Inds.'Key '361' = Label 'Refined Petroleum Products Industries'Key '3611' = Label 'Refined Petroleum Products Industry (Except Lubricating Oil and Grease)'Key '3612' = Label 'Lubricating Oil and Grease Industry'Key '369' = Label 'Other Petroleum and Coal Products Industries'Key '3699' = Label 'Other Petroleum and Coal Products Industries'Key '37' = Label 'Chemical & Chemical Products Industries'Key '371' = Label 'Industrial Chemicals Industries n.e.c.'Key '3711' = Label 'Industrial Inorganic Chemical Industries n.e.c.'Key '3712' = Label 'Industrial Organic Chemical Industries n.e.c.'Key '372' = Label 'Agricultural Chemical Industries'Key '3721' = Label 'Chemical Fertilizer and Fertilizer Materials Industry'Key '3722' = Label 'Mixed Fertilizer Industry'Key '3729' = Label 'Other Agricultural Chemical Industries'Key '373' = Label 'Plastic and Synthetic Resin Industry'Key '3731' = Label 'Plastic and Synthetic Resin Industry'Key '374' = Label 'Pharmaceutical and Medicine Industry'Key '3741' = Label 'Pharmaceutical and Medicine Industry'Key '375' = Label 'Paint and Varnish Industry'Key '3751' = Label 'Paint and Varnish Industry'Key '376' = Label 'Soap and Cleaning Compounds Industry'Key '3761' = Label 'Soap and Cleaning Compounds Industry'Key '377' = Label 'Toilet Preparations Industry'Key '3771' = Label 'Toilet Preparations Industry'Key '379' = Label 'Other Chemical Products Industries'Key '3791' = Label 'Printing Ink Industry'Key '3792' = Label 'Adhesives Industry'Key '3799' = Label 'Other Chemical Products Industries n.e.c.'Key '39' = Label 'Other Manufacturing Industries'Key '391' = Label 'Scientific and Professional Equipment Industries'Key '3911' = Label 'Indicating, Recording and Controlling Instruments Industry'Key '3912' = Label 'Other Instruments and Related Products Industry'Key '3913' = Label 'Clock and Watch Industry'Key '3914' = Label 'Ophthalmic Goods Industry'Key '392' = Label 'Jewellery and Precious Metal Industries'Key '3921' = Label 'Jewellery and Silverware Industry'Key '3922' = Label 'Precious Metal Secondary Refining Industry'Key '393' = Label 'Sporting Goods and Toy Industries'Key '3931' = Label 'Sporting Goods Industry'Key '3932' = Label 'Toys and Games Industry'Key '397' = Label 'Sign and Display Industry'Key '3971' = Label 'Sign and Display Industry'Key '399' = Label 'Other Manufactured Products Industries'Key '3991' = Label 'Broom, Brush and Mop Industry'Key '3992' = Label 'Button, Buckle and Clothes Fastener Industry'Key '3993' = Label 'Floor Tile, Linoleum and Coated Fabric Industry'Key '3994' = Label 'Musical Instrument and Sound Recording Industry'Key '3999' = Label 'Other Manufactured Products Industries n.e.c.'Key '40' = Label 'Building, Developing & General Const'Key '401' = Label 'Residential Building and Development'Key '4011' = Label 'Single Family Housing'Key '4012' = Label 'Apartment and Other Multiple Housing'Key '4013' = Label 'Residential Renovation'Key '402' = Label 'Non-Residential Building and Development'Key '4021' = Label 'Manufacturing and Light Industrial Building'Key '4022' = Label 'Commercial Building'Key '4023' = Label 'Institutional Building'Key '41' = Label 'Industrial & Heavy (Engineering) Constr'Key '411' = Label 'Industrial Construction (Other Than Buildings)'Key '4111' = Label 'Power Plants (Except Hydroelectric)'Key '4112' = Label 'Gas, Oil and Other Energy Related Structures (Except Pipelines)'Key '4113' = Label 'Gas and Oil Pipelines'Key '4119' = Label 'Other Industrial Construction'Key '412' = Label 'Highway and Heavy Construction'Key '4121' = Label 'Highways, Streets and Bridges'Key '4122' = Label 'Waterworks and Sewage Systems'Key '4123' = Label 'Hydroelectric Power Plants and Related Structures (Except Transmission Lines)'Key '4124' = Label 'Power and Telecommunication Transmission Lines'Key '4129' = Label 'Other Heavy Construction'Key '42' = Label 'Trade Contracting Industries'Key '421' = Label 'Site Work'Key '4211' = Label 'Wrecking and Demolition'Key '4212' = Label 'Water Well Drilling'Key '4213' = Label 'Septic System Installation'Key '4214' = Label 'Excavating and Grading'Key '4215' = Label 'Equipment Rental (With Operator)'Key '4216' = Label 'Asphalt Paving'Key '4217' = Label 'Fencing Installation'Key '4219' = Label 'Other Site Work'Key '422' = Label 'Structural and Related Work'Key '4221' = Label 'Piledriving Work'Key '4222' = Label 'Form Work'Key '4223' = Label 'Steel Reinforcing'Key '4224' = Label 'Concrete Pouring and Finishing'Key '4225' = Label 'Precast Concrete Installation'Key '4226' = Label 'Rough and Framing Carpentry'Key '4227' = Label 'Structural Steel Erection'Key '4229' = Label 'Other Structural and Related Work'Key '423' = Label 'Exterior Close-In Work'Key '4231' = Label 'Masonry Work'Key '4232' = Label 'Siding Work'Key '4233' = Label 'Glass and Glazing Work'Key '4234' = Label 'Insulation Work'Key '4235' = Label 'Roof Shingling'Key '4236' = Label 'Sheet Metal and Built-Up Roofing'Key '4239' = Label 'Other Exterior Close-In Work'Key '424' = Label 'Plumbing, Heating and Air Conditioning, Mechanical Work'Key '4241' = Label 'Plumbing'Key '4242' = Label 'Dry Heating and Gas Piping Work'Key '4243' = Label 'Wet Heating and Air Conditioning Work'Key '4244' = Label 'Sheet Metal and Other Duct Work'Key '425' = Label 'Mechanical Specialty Work'Key '4251' = Label 'Process Piping Work'Key '4252' = Label 'Automatic Sprinkler System Installation'Key '4253' = Label 'Commercial Refrigeration Work'Key '4254' = Label 'Environmental Control Work'Key '4255' = Label 'Millwright and Rigging Work'Key '4256' = Label 'Thermal Insulation Work'Key '4259' = Label 'Other Mechanical Specialty Work'Key '426' = Label 'Electrical Work'Key '4261' = Label 'Electrical Work'Key '427' = Label 'Interior and Finishing Work'Key '4271' = Label 'Plastering and Stucco Work'Key '4272' = Label 'Drywall Work'Key '4273' = Label 'Acoustical Work'Key '4274' = Label 'Finish Carpentry'Key '4275' = Label 'Painting and Decorating Work'Key '4276' = Label 'Terrazzo and Tile Work'Key '4277' = Label 'Hardwood Flooring Installation'Key '4278' = Label 'Resilient Flooring and Carpet Work'Key '4279' = Label 'Other Interior and Finishing Work'Key '429' = Label 'Other Trade Work'Key '4291' = Label 'Elevator and Escalator Installation'Key '4292' = Label 'Ornamental and Miscellaneous Fabricated Metal Installation'Key '4293' = Label 'Residential Swimming Pool Installation'Key '4299' = Label 'Other Trade Work n.e.c.'Key '44' = Label 'Service Inds Inc. to Construction'Key '441' = Label 'Project Management, Construction'Key '4411' = Label 'Project Management, Construction'Key '449' = Label 'Other Services Incidental to Construction'Key '4491' = Label 'Land Developers'Key '4499' = Label 'Other Services Incidental to Construction n.e.c.'Key '45' = Label 'Transportation Industries'Key '451' = Label 'Air Transport Industries'Key '4511' = Label 'Scheduled Air Transport Industry'Key '4512' = Label 'Non-Scheduled Air Transport, Chartered, Industry'Key '4513' = Label 'Non-Scheduled Air Transport, Specialty, Industry'Key '452' = Label 'Service Industries Incidental to Air Transport'Key '4521' = Label 'Airport Operations Industry'Key '4522' = Label 'Aircraft Rental Industry'Key '4523' = Label 'Aircraft Servicing Industry'Key '4529' = Label 'Other Service Industries Incidental to Air Transport'Key '453' = Label 'Railway Transport and Related Service Industries'Key '4531' = Label 'Railway Transport Industry'Key '4532' = Label 'Service Industry Incidental to Railway Transport'Key '454' = Label 'Water Transport Industries'Key '4541' = Label 'Freight and Passenger Water Transport Industry'Key '4542' = Label 'Ferry Industry'Key '4543' = Label 'Marine Towing Industry'Key '4544' = Label 'Ship Chartering Industry'Key '4549' = Label 'Other Water Transport Industries'Key '455' = Label 'Service Industries Incidental to Water Transport'Key '4551' = Label 'Marine Cargo Handling Industry'Key '4552' = Label 'Harbour and Port Operation Industry'Key '4553' = Label 'Marine Salvage Industry'Key '4554' = Label 'Piloting Service, Water Transport Industry'Key '4555' = Label 'Marine Shipping Agencies Industry'Key '4559' = Label 'Other Service Industries Incidental to Water Transport'Key '456' = Label 'Truck Transport Industries'Key '4561' = Label 'General Freight Trucking Industry'Key '4562' = Label 'Used Goods Moving and Storage Industry'Key '4563' = Label 'Bulk Liquids Trucking Industry'Key '4564' = Label 'Dry Bulk Materials Trucking Industry'Key '4565' = Label 'Forest Products Trucking Industry'Key '4569' = Label 'Other Truck Transport Industries'Key '457' = Label 'Public Passenger Transit Systems Industries'Key '4571' = Label 'Urban Transit Systems Industry'Key '4572' = Label 'Interurban and Rural Transit Systems Industry'Key '4573' = Label 'School Bus Operations Industry'Key '4574' = Label 'Charter and Sightseeing Bus Services Industry'Key '4575' = Label 'Limousine Service to Airports and Stations Industry'Key '458' = Label 'Other Transportation Industries'Key '4581' = Label 'Taxicab Industry'Key '4589' = Label 'Other Transportation Industries n.e.c.'Key '459' = Label 'Other Service Industries Incidental to Transportation'Key '4591' = Label 'Highway, Street and Bridge Maintenance Industry'Key '4592' = Label 'Freight Forwarding Industry'Key '4599' = Label 'Other Service Industries Incidental to Transportation n.e.c.'Key '46' = Label 'Pipeline Transport Industries'Key '461' = Label 'Pipeline Transport Industries'Key '4611' = Label 'Natural Gas Pipeline Transport Industry'Key '4612' = Label 'Crude Oil Pipeline Transport Industry'Key '4619' = Label 'Other Pipeline Transport Industries'Key '47' = Label 'Storage & Warehousing Industries'Key '471' = Label 'Grain Elevator Industry'Key '4711' = Label 'Grain Elevator Industry'Key '479' = Label 'Other Storage and Warehousing Industries'Key '4791' = Label 'Refrigerated Warehousing Industry'Key '4799' = Label 'Other Storage and Warehousing Industries n.e.c.'Key '48' = Label 'Communication Industries'Key '481' = Label 'Telecommunication Broadcasting Industries'Key '4811' = Label 'Radio Broadcasting Industry'Key '4812' = Label 'Television Broadcasting Industry'Key '4813' = Label 'Combined Radio and Television Broadcasting Industry'Key '4814' = Label 'Cable Television Industry'Key '482' = Label 'Telecommunication Carriers Industry'Key '4821' = Label 'Telecommunication Carriers Industry'Key '483' = Label 'Other Telecommunication Industries'Key '4839' = Label 'Other Telecommunication Industries'Key '484' = Label 'Postal and Courier Service Industries'Key '4841' = Label 'Postal Service Industry'Key '4842' = Label 'Courier Service Industry'Key '49' = Label 'Other Utility Industries'Key '491' = Label 'Electric Power Systems Industry'Key '4911' = Label 'Electric Power Systems Industry'Key '492' = Label 'Gas Distribution Systems Industry'Key '4921' = Label 'Gas Distribution Systems Industry'Key '493' = Label 'Water Systems Industry'Key '4931' = Label 'Water Systems Industry'Key '499' = Label 'Other Utility Industries n.e.c.'Key '4999' = Label 'Other Utility Industries n.e.c.'Key '50' = Label 'Farm Products Industries, Wholesale'Key '501' = Label 'Farm Products, Wholesale'Key '5011' = Label 'Livestock, Wholesale'Key '5012' = Label 'Grain, Wholesale'Key '5019' = Label 'Other Farm Products, Wholesale'Key '51' = Label 'Petroleum Products Industries, Wholesale'Key '511' = Label 'Petroleum Products, Wholesale'Key '5111' = Label 'Petroleum Products, Wholesale'Key '52' = Label 'Food, Beverage, Drug & Tobacco, Whlse'Key '521' = Label 'Food, Wholesale'Key '5211' = Label 'Confectionery, Wholesale'Key '5212' = Label 'Frozen Foods (Packaged), Wholesale'Key '5213' = Label 'Dairy Products, Wholesale'Key '5214' = Label 'Poultry and Eggs, Wholesale'Key '5215' = Label 'Fish and Seafood, Wholesale'Key '5216' = Label 'Fresh Fruit and Vegetables, Wholesale'Key '5217' = Label 'Meat and Meat Products, Wholesale'Key '5219' = Label 'Other Foods, Wholesale'Key '522' = Label 'Beverages, Wholesale'Key '5221' = Label 'Non-Alcoholic Beverages, Wholesale'Key '5222' = Label 'Alcoholic Beverages, Wholesale'Key '523' = Label 'Drugs and Toilet Preparations, Wholesale'Key '5231' = Label 'Drugs, Wholesale'Key '5232' = Label 'Toilet Soaps and Preparations, Wholesale'Key '5239' = Label 'Drug Sundries and Other Drugs and Toilet Preparations, Wholesale'Key '524' = Label 'Tobacco Products, Wholesale'Key '5241' = Label 'Tobacco Products, Wholesale'Key '53' = Label 'Apparel & Dry Goods Inds, Wholesale'Key '531' = Label 'Apparel, Wholesale'Key '5311' = Label 'Men's and Boys' Clothing and Furnishings, Wholesale'Key '5312' = Label 'Women's, Misses' and Children's Outerwear, Wholesale'Key '5313' = Label 'Women's, Misses' and Children's Hosiery, Underwear and Apparel Accessories, Wholesale'Key '5314' = Label 'Footwear, Wholesale'Key '5319' = Label 'Other Apparel, Wholesale'Key '532' = Label 'Dry Goods, Wholesale'Key '5321' = Label 'Piece Goods, Wholesale'Key '5329' = Label 'Notions and Other Dry Goods, Wholesale'Key '54' = Label 'Household Goods Industries, Wholesale'Key '541' = Label 'Electrical and Electronic Household Appliances and Parts, Wholesale'Key '5411' = Label 'Electrical Household Appliances, Wholesale'Key '5412' = Label 'Electronic Household Appliances, Wholesale'Key '542' = Label 'Household Furniture, Wholesale'Key '5421' = Label 'Household Furniture, Wholesale'Key '543' = Label 'Household Furnishings, Wholesale'Key '5431' = Label 'China, Glassware, Crockery and Pottery, Wholesale'Key '5432' = Label 'Floor Coverings, Wholesale'Key '5433' = Label 'Linens, Draperies and Other Textile Furnishings, Wholesale'Key '5439' = Label 'Other Household Furnishings, Wholesale'Key '55' = Label 'Motor Vehicle, Parts & Access., Whlse'Key '551' = Label 'Motor Vehicles, Wholesale'Key '5511' = Label 'Automobiles, Wholesale'Key '5512' = Label 'Trucks and Buses, Wholesale'Key '5519' = Label 'Other Motor Vehicles and Trailers, Wholesale'Key '552' = Label 'Motor Vehicle Parts and Accessories, Wholesale'Key '5521' = Label 'Tires and Tubes, Wholesale'Key '5529' = Label 'Other Motor Vehicle Parts and Accessories, Wholesale'Key '56' = Label 'Metals Hardware Plumbing Heating Bldg Mat, Whlse'Key '561' = Label 'Metal and Metal Products, Wholesale'Key '5611' = Label 'Iron and Steel Primary Forms and Structural Shapes, Wholesale'Key '5612' = Label 'Other Iron and Steel Products, Wholesale'Key '5613' = Label 'Non-Ferrous Metal and Metal Products, Wholesale'Key '5619' = Label 'Combination Metal and Metal Products, Wholesale'Key '562' = Label 'Hardware and Plumbing, Heating and Air Conditioning Equipment and Supplies, Wholesale'Key '5621' = Label 'Hardware, Wholesale'Key '5622' = Label 'Plumbing, Heating and Air Conditioning Equipment and Supplies, Wholesale'Key '563' = Label 'Lumber and Building Materials, Wholesale'Key '5631' = Label 'Lumber, Plywood and Millwork, Wholesale'Key '5632' = Label 'Paint, Glass and Wallpaper, Wholesale'Key '5639' = Label 'Other Building Materials, Wholesale'Key '57' = Label 'Machinery, Equip. & Supplies Inds, Whlse'Key '571' = Label 'Farm Machinery, Equipment and Supplies, Wholesale'Key '5711' = Label 'Farm Machinery, Equipment and Supplies, Wholesale'Key '572' = Label 'Construction, Forestry and Mining Machinery, Equipment and Supplies, Wholesale'Key '5721' = Label 'Construction and Forestry Machinery, Equipment and Supplies, Wholesale'Key '5722' = Label 'Mining Machinery, Equipment and Supplies, Wholesale'Key '573' = Label 'Industrial Machinery, Equipment and Supplies, Wholesale'Key '5731' = Label 'Industrial Machinery, Equipment and Supplies, Wholesale'Key '574' = Label 'Electrical and Electronic Machinery, Equipment and Supplies, Wholesale'Key '5741' = Label 'Electrical Wiring Supplies and Electrical Construction Material, Wholesale'Key '5742' = Label 'Electrical Generating and Transmission Equipment and Supplies, Wholesale'Key '5743' = Label 'Electronic Machinery, Equipment and Supplies (Except Computer and Related Equipment), Wholesale'Key '5744' = Label 'Computer and Related Machinery, Equipment and Packaged Software, Wholesale'Key '5749' = Label 'Other Electrical and Electronic Machinery, Equipment and Supplies, Wholesale'Key '579' = Label 'Other Machinery, Equipment and Supplies, Wholesale'Key '5791' = Label 'Office and Store Machinery, Equipment and Supplies, Wholesale'Key '5792' = Label 'Service Machinery, Equipment and Supplies, Wholesale'Key '5793' = Label 'Professional Machinery, Equipment and Supplies, Wholesale'Key '5799' = Label 'Other Machinery, Equipment and Supplies n.e.c., Wholesale'Key '59' = Label 'Other Products Industries, Wholesale'Key '591' = Label 'Waste Materials, Wholesale'Key '5911' = Label 'Automobile Wrecking'Key '5919' = Label 'Other Waste Materials, Wholesale'Key '592' = Label 'Paper and Paper Products, Wholesale'Key '5921' = Label 'Newsprint, Wholesale'Key '5922' = Label 'Stationery and Office Supplies, Wholesale'Key '5929' = Label 'Other Paper and Paper Products, Wholesale'Key '593' = Label 'Agricultural Supplies, Wholesale'Key '5931' = Label 'Agricultural Feeds, Wholesale'Key '5932' = Label 'Seeds and Seed Processing, Wholesale'Key '5939' = Label 'Agricultural Chemical and Other Farm Supplies, Wholesale'Key '594' = Label 'Toys, Amusement and Sporting Goods, Wholesale'Key '5941' = Label 'Toys, Novelties and Fireworks, Wholesale'Key '5942' = Label 'Amusement and Sporting Goods, Wholesale'Key '595' = Label 'Photographic Equipment and Musical Instruments and Supplies, Wholesale'Key '5951' = Label 'Photographic Equipment and Supplies, Wholesale'Key '5952' = Label 'Musical Instruments and Accessories, Wholesale'Key '596' = Label 'Jewellery and Watches, Wholesale'Key '5961' = Label 'Jewellery and Watches, Wholesale'Key '597' = Label 'Industrial and Household Chemicals, Wholesale'Key '5971' = Label 'Industrial and Household Chemicals, Wholesale'Key '598' = Label 'General Merchandise, Wholesale'Key '5981' = Label 'General Merchandise, Wholesale'Key '599' = Label 'Other Products n.e.c., Wholesale'Key '5991' = Label 'Books, Periodicals and Newspapers, Wholesale'Key '5992' = Label 'Second-Hand Goods, Wholesale (Except Machinery and Automotive)'Key '5993' = Label 'Forest Products, Wholesale'Key '5999' = Label 'Other Products n.e.c., Wholesale'Key '60' = Label 'Food, Beverage & Drug Industries, Retail'Key '601' = Label 'Food Stores'Key '6011' = Label 'Supermarket'Key '6012' = Label 'Grocery Stores (Exc. Supermarkets)'Key '6013' = Label 'Bakery Products Stores'Key '6014' = Label 'Candy and Nut Stores'Key '6015' = Label 'Fruit and Vegetable Stores'Key '6016' = Label 'Meat Markets'Key '6019' = Label 'Other Food (Specialty) Stores, n.e.c.'Key '602' = Label 'Liquor, Wine and Beer Stores'Key '6021' = Label 'Liquor Stores'Key '6022' = Label 'Wine Stores'Key '6023' = Label 'Beer Stores'Key '603' = Label 'Prescription Drugs and Patent Medicine Stores'Key '6031' = Label 'Pharmacies'Key '6032' = Label 'Patent Medicine and Toiletries Stores'Key '6033' = Label 'Drugstores'Key '61' = Label 'Shoe, Apparel, Fabric & Yarn, Retail'Key '611' = Label 'Shoe Stores'Key '6111' = Label 'Shoe Stores'Key '612' = Label 'Men's Clothing Stores'Key '6121' = Label 'Men's Clothing Stores'Key '613' = Label 'Women's Clothing Stores'Key '6131' = Label 'Women's Clothing Stores'Key '614' = Label 'Clothing Stores n.e.c.'Key '6141' = Label 'Children's Clothing Stores'Key '6142' = Label 'Fur Stores'Key '6149' = Label 'Other Clothing Stores, n.e.c.'Key '615' = Label 'Fabric and Yarn Stores'Key '6151' = Label 'Fabric and Yarn Stores'Key '62' = Label 'Household Furniture, Appliances, Retail'Key '621' = Label 'Household Furniture Stores'Key '6211' = Label 'Household Furniture Stores (With Appliances and Furnishings)'Key '6212' = Label 'Household Furniture Stores (Without Appliances and Furnishings)'Key '6213' = Label 'Furniture Refinishing and Repair Shops'Key '622' = Label 'Appliance, Television, Radio and Stereo Stores'Key '6221' = Label 'Appliance, Television, Radio and Stereo Stores'Key '6222' = Label 'Television, Radio and Stereo Stores'Key '6223' = Label 'Appliance, Television, Radio and Stereo Repair Shops'Key '623' = Label 'Household Furnishings Stores'Key '6231' = Label 'Floor Covering Stores'Key '6232' = Label 'Drapery Stores'Key '6239' = Label 'Other Household Furnishings Stores'Key '63' = Label 'Automotive Vehicles, Parts and Accessories, Sales and Service'Key '631' = Label 'Automobile Dealers'Key '6311' = Label 'Automobile (New) Dealers'Key '6312' = Label 'Automobile (Used) Dealers'Key '632' = Label 'Recreational Vehicle Dealers'Key '6321' = Label 'Motor Home and Travel Trailer Dealers'Key '6322' = Label 'Boats, Outboard Motors and Boating Accessories Dealers'Key '6323' = Label 'Motorcycle and Snowmobile Dealers'Key '6329' = Label 'Other Recreational Vehicle Dealers'Key '633' = Label 'Gasoline Service Stations'Key '6331' = Label 'Gasoline Service Stations'Key '634' = Label 'Automotive Parts and Accessories Stores'Key '6341' = Label 'Home and Auto Supply Stores'Key '6342' = Label 'Tire, Battery, Parts and Accessories Stores'Key '635' = Label 'Motor Vehicle Repair Shops'Key '6351' = Label 'Garages (General Repairs)'Key '6352' = Label 'Paint and Body Repair Shops'Key '6353' = Label 'Muffler Replacement Shops'Key '6354' = Label 'Motor Vehicle Glass Replacement Shops'Key '6355' = Label 'Motor Vehicle Transmission Repair and Replacement Shops'Key '6359' = Label 'Other Motor Vehicle Repair Shops'Key '639' = Label 'Other Motor Vehicle Services'Key '6391' = Label 'Car Washes'Key '6399' = Label 'Other Motor Vehicle Services n.e.c.'Key '64' = Label 'General Retail Merchandising Industries'Key '641' = Label 'General Merchandise Stores'Key '6411' = Label 'Department Stores'Key '6412' = Label 'General Stores'Key '6413' = Label 'Other General Merchandise Stores'Key '65' = Label 'Other Retail Store Industries'Key '651' = Label 'Book and Stationery Stores'Key '6511' = Label 'Book and Stationery Stores'Key '652' = Label 'Florists, Lawn and Garden Centres'Key '6521' = Label 'Florist Shops'Key '6522' = Label 'Lawn and Garden Centres'Key '653' = Label 'Hardware, Paint, Glass and Wallpaper Stores'Key '6531' = Label 'Hardware Stores'Key '6532' = Label 'Paint, Glass and Wallpaper Stores'Key '654' = Label 'Sporting Goods and Bicycle Shops'Key '6541' = Label 'Sporting Goods Stores'Key '6542' = Label 'Bicycle Shops'Key '655' = Label 'Musical Instrument and Record Stores'Key '6551' = Label 'Musical Instrument Stores'Key '6552' = Label 'Record and Tape Stores'Key '656' = Label 'Jewellery Stores and Watch and Jewellery Repair Shops'Key '6561' = Label 'Jewellery Stores'Key '6562' = Label 'Watch and Jewellery Repair Shops'Key '657' = Label 'Camera and Photographic Supply Stores'Key '6571' = Label 'Camera and Photographic Supply Stores'Key '658' = Label 'Toy, Hobby, Novelty and Souvenir Stores'Key '6581' = Label 'Toy and Hobby Stores'Key '6582' = Label 'Gift, Novelty and Souvenir Stores'Key '659' = Label 'Other Retail Stores'Key '6591' = Label 'Second-Hand Merchandise Stores n.e.c.'Key '6592' = Label 'Opticians' Shops'Key '6593' = Label 'Art Galleries and Artists' Supply Stores'Key '6594' = Label 'Luggage and Leather Goods Stores'Key '6595' = Label 'Monument and Tombstone Dealers'Key '6596' = Label 'Pet Stores'Key '6597' = Label 'Coin and Stamp Dealers'Key '6598' = Label 'Mobile Home Dealers'Key '6599' = Label 'Other Retail Stores n.e.c.'Key '69' = Label 'Non-store Retail Industries'Key '691' = Label 'Vending Machine Operators'Key '6911' = Label 'Vending Machine Operators'Key '692' = Label 'Direct Sellers'Key '6921' = Label 'Direct Sellers'Key '70' = Label 'Deposit Accepting Intermediary Inds'Key '701' = Label 'Central Bank'Key '7011' = Label 'Central Bank'Key '702' = Label 'Chartered Banks and Other Banking-Type Intermediaries'Key '7021' = Label 'Chartered Banks'Key '7029' = Label 'Other Banking-Type Intermediaries'Key '703' = Label 'Trust Companies'Key '7031' = Label 'Trust Companies'Key '704' = Label 'Deposit Accepting Mortgage Companies'Key '7041' = Label 'Deposit Accepting Mortgage Companies (Except Co-operatives)'Key '7042' = Label 'Co-operative Mortgage Companies'Key '705' = Label 'Credit Unions'Key '7051' = Label 'Local Credit Unions'Key '7052' = Label 'Central Credit Unions'Key '709' = Label 'Other Deposit Accepting Intermediaries'Key '7099' = Label 'Other Deposit Accepting Intermediaries'Key '71' = Label 'Consumer & Business Financing Intermed.'Key '711' = Label 'Consumer Loan Companies'Key '7111' = Label 'Consumer Loan Companies'Key '712' = Label 'Business Financing Companies'Key '7121' = Label 'Sales Finance Companies'Key '7122' = Label 'Credit Card Companies'Key '7123' = Label 'Factoring Companies'Key '7124' = Label 'Financial Leasing Companies'Key '7125' = Label 'Venture Capital Companies'Key '7128' = Label 'Asset Securitization'Key '7129' = Label 'Other Business Financing Companies'Key '72' = Label 'Investment Intermediary Industries'Key '721' = Label 'Portfolio Investment Intermediaries'Key '7211' = Label 'Investment (Mutual) Funds'Key '7212' = Label 'Retirement Savings Funds'Key '7213' = Label 'Segregated Funds'Key '7214' = Label 'Investment Companies'Key '7215' = Label 'Holding Companies'Key '722' = Label 'Mortgage Companies'Key '7221' = Label 'Mortgage Investment Companies'Key '7222' = Label 'Real Estate Investment Trusts'Key '7229' = Label 'Other Mortgage Companies'Key '729' = Label 'Other Investment Intermediaries'Key '7291' = Label 'Trusteed Pension Funds'Key '7292' = Label 'Estate, Trust and Agency Funds'Key '7299' = Label 'Other Investment Intermediaries n.e.c.'Key '73' = Label 'Insurance Industries'Key '731' = Label 'Life Insurers'Key '7311' = Label 'Life Insurers'Key '732' = Label 'Deposit Insurers'Key '7321' = Label 'Deposit Insurers'Key '733' = Label 'Property and Casualty Insurers'Key '7331' = Label 'Health Insurers'Key '7339' = Label 'Other Property and Casualty Insurers'Key '74' = Label 'Other Financial Intermediary Industries'Key '741' = Label 'Security Brokers and Dealers'Key '7411' = Label 'Investment Dealers'Key '7412' = Label 'Stock Brokers'Key '7413' = Label 'Commodity Brokers'Key '742' = Label 'Mortgage Brokers'Key '7421' = Label 'Mortgage Brokers'Key '743' = Label 'Security and Commodity Exchanges'Key '7431' = Label 'Stock Exchanges'Key '7432' = Label 'Commodity Exchanges'Key '749' = Label 'Other Financial Intermediaries n.e.c.'Key '7499' = Label 'Other Financial Intermediaries n.e.c.'Key '75' = Label 'Real Estate Operators (except Developers)'Key '751' = Label 'Operators of Buildings and Dwellings'Key '7511' = Label 'Operators of Residential Buildings and Dwellings'Key '7512' = Label 'Operators of Non-Residential Buildings'Key '759' = Label 'Other Real Estate Operators'Key '7599' = Label 'Other Real Estate Operators'Key '76' = Label 'Insurance & Real Estate Agent Industries'Key '761' = Label 'Insurance and Real Estate Agencies'Key '7611' = Label 'Insurance and Real Estate Agencies'Key '77' = Label 'Business Service Industries'Key '771' = Label 'Employment Agencies and Personnel Suppliers'Key '7711' = Label 'Employment Agencies'Key '7712' = Label 'Personnel Suppliers'Key '772' = Label 'Computer and Related Services'Key '7721' = Label 'Computer Services'Key '7722' = Label 'Computer Equipment Maintenance and Repair'Key '773' = Label 'Accounting and Bookkeeping Services'Key '7731' = Label 'Offices of Chartered and Certified Accountants'Key '7739' = Label 'Other Accounting and Bookkeeping Services'Key '774' = Label 'Advertising Services'Key '7741' = Label 'Advertising Agencies'Key '7742' = Label 'Media Representatives'Key '7743' = Label 'Outdoor Display and Billboard Advertising'Key '7749' = Label 'Other Advertising Services'Key '775' = Label 'Architectural, Engineering and Other Scientific and Technical Services'Key '7751' = Label 'Offices of Architects'Key '7752' = Label 'Offices of Engineers'Key '7759' = Label 'Other Scientific and Technical Services'Key '776' = Label 'Offices of Lawyers and Notaries'Key '7761' = Label 'Offices of Lawyers and Notaries'Key '777' = Label 'Management Consulting Services'Key '7771' = Label 'Management Consulting Services'Key '779' = Label 'Other Business Services'Key '7791' = Label 'Security and Investigation Services'Key '7792' = Label 'Credit Bureau Services'Key '7793' = Label 'Collection Agencies'Key '7794' = Label 'Customs Brokers'Key '7795' = Label 'Telephone Answering Services'Key '7796' = Label 'Duplicating Services'Key '7799' = Label 'Other Business Services n.e.c.'Key '81' = Label 'Federal Government Service Industries'Key '811' = Label 'Defence Services'Key '8111' = Label 'Defence Services'Key '812' = Label 'Protective Services'Key '8121' = Label 'Courts of Law'Key '8122' = Label 'Correctional Services'Key '8123' = Label 'Police Services'Key '8125' = Label 'Regulatory Services'Key '8129' = Label 'Other Protective Services'Key '813' = Label 'Labour, Employment and Immigration Services'Key '8131' = Label 'Labour and Employment Services'Key '8132' = Label 'Immigration Services'Key '8139' = Label 'Other Labour, Employment and Immigration Services'Key '814' = Label 'Foreign Affairs and International Assistance'Key '8141' = Label 'Foreign Affairs'Key '8142' = Label 'International Assistance'Key '815' = Label 'General Administrative Services'Key '8151' = Label 'Executive and Legislative Administration'Key '8152' = Label 'Finance and Economic Administration'Key '8153' = Label 'Taxation Administration'Key '8154' = Label 'Intergovernmental Affairs Administration'Key '8159' = Label 'Other General Administrative Services'Key '816' = Label 'Human Resource Administration'Key '8161' = Label 'Health Administration'Key '8162' = Label 'Social Service Administration'Key '8163' = Label 'Education Administration'Key '8164' = Label 'Recreation and Culture Administration'Key '817' = Label 'Economic Services Administration'Key '8171' = Label 'Transportation and Communication Administration'Key '8172' = Label 'Resource Conservation and Industrial Development Administration'Key '8173' = Label 'Environment Administration'Key '8174' = Label 'Housing Administration'Key '8175' = Label 'Regional Planning and Development Administration'Key '8176' = Label 'Research Administration'Key '82' = Label 'Provincial & Territorial Government Serv'Key '822' = Label 'Protective Services'Key '8221' = Label 'Courts of Law'Key '8222' = Label 'Correctional Services'Key '8223' = Label 'Police Services'Key '8224' = Label 'Firefighting Services'Key '8225' = Label 'Regulatory Services'Key '8229' = Label 'Other Protective Services'Key '823' = Label 'Labour and Employment Services'Key '8231' = Label 'Labour and Employment Services'Key '825' = Label 'General Administrative Services'Key '8251' = Label 'Executive and Legislative Administration'Key '8252' = Label 'Finance and Economic Administration'Key '8253' = Label 'Taxation Administration'Key '8254' = Label 'Intergovernmental Affairs Administration'Key '8259' = Label 'Other General Administrative Services'Key '826' = Label 'Human Resource Administration'Key '8261' = Label 'Health Administration'Key '8262' = Label 'Social Service Administration'Key '8263' = Label 'Education Administration'Key '8264' = Label 'Recreation and Culture Administration'Key '827' = Label 'Economic Services Administration'Key '8271' = Label 'Transportation and Communication Administration'Key '8272' = Label 'Resource Conservation and Industrial Development Administration'Key '8273' = Label 'Environment Administration'Key '8274' = Label 'Housing Administration'Key '8275' = Label 'Regional Planning and Development Administration'Key '8276' = Label 'Research Administration'Key '83' = Label 'Local Government Service Industries'Key '832' = Label 'Protective Services'Key '8321' = Label 'Courts of Law'Key '8322' = Label 'Correctional Services'Key '8323' = Label 'Police Services'Key '8324' = Label 'Firefighting Services'Key '8325' = Label 'Regulatory Services'Key '8329' = Label 'Other Protective Services'Key '835' = Label 'General Administrative Services'Key '8351' = Label 'Executive and Legislative Administration'Key '8352' = Label 'Finance and Economic Administration'Key '8353' = Label 'Taxation Administration'Key '8354' = Label 'Intergovernmental Affairs Administration'Key '8359' = Label 'Other General Administrative Services'Key '836' = Label 'Human Resource Administration'Key '8361' = Label 'Health Administration'Key '8362' = Label 'Social Service Administration'Key '8363' = Label 'Education Administration'Key '8364' = Label 'Recreation and Culture Administration'Key '837' = Label 'Economic Services Administration'Key '8371' = Label 'Transportation Administration'Key '8372' = Label 'Resource Conservation and Industrial Development Administration'Key '8373' = Label 'Environment Administration'Key '8374' = Label 'Housing Administration'Key '8375' = Label 'Regional Planning and Development Administration'Key '84' = Label 'International & Other Extra-Territorial Government Service'Key '841' = Label 'International and Other Extra-Territorial Agencies'Key '8411' = Label 'International and Other Extra-Territorial Agencies'Key '85' = Label 'Educational Service Industries'Key '851' = Label 'Elementary and Secondary Education'Key '8511' = Label 'Elementary and Secondary Education'Key '852' = Label 'Post-Secondary Non-University Education'Key '8521' = Label 'Post-Secondary Non-University Education'Key '853' = Label 'University Education'Key '8531' = Label 'University Education'Key '854' = Label 'Library Services'Key '8541' = Label 'Library Services'Key '855' = Label 'Museums and Archives'Key '8551' = Label 'Museums and Archives'Key '859' = Label 'Other Educational Services'Key '8599' = Label 'Other Educational Services'Key '86' = Label 'Health & Social Service Industries'Key '861' = Label 'Hospitals'Key '8611' = Label 'General Hospitals'Key '8612' = Label 'Rehabilitation Hospitals'Key '8613' = Label 'Extended Care Hospitals'Key '8614' = Label 'Mental (Psychiatric) Hospitals'Key '8615' = Label 'Addiction Hospitals'Key '8616' = Label 'Nursing Stations and Outpost Hospitals'Key '8617' = Label 'Children's (Paediatric) Hospitals'Key '8619' = Label 'Other Specialty Hospitals'Key '862' = Label 'Other Institutional Health and Social Services'Key '8621' = Label 'Homes for Personal and Nursing Care'Key '8622' = Label 'Homes for Physically Handicapped and/or Disabled'Key '8623' = Label 'Homes for Mentally Retarded'Key '8624' = Label 'Homes for Mentally Handicapped and/or Disabled'Key '8625' = Label 'Homes for Emotionally Disturbed Children'Key '8626' = Label 'Homes for Alcohol/Drug Addicts'Key '8627' = Label 'Homes for Children in Need of Protection'Key '8628' = Label 'Homes for Single Mothers'Key '8629' = Label 'Other Institutional Health and Social Services n.e.c.'Key '863' = Label 'Non-Institutional Health Services'Key '8631' = Label 'Ambulance Services'Key '8632' = Label 'Drug Addiction and Alcoholism Treatment Clinics'Key '8633' = Label 'Health Rehabilitation Clinics'Key '8634' = Label 'Home Care Services (Including Home Nursing)'Key '8635' = Label 'Public Health Clinics/Community Health Centres'Key '8639' = Label 'Other Non-Institutional Health Services'Key '864' = Label 'Non-Institutional Social Services'Key '8641' = Label 'Child Day-Care and Nursery School Services'Key '8642' = Label 'Child Welfare Services'Key '8643' = Label 'Family Planning Services'Key '8644' = Label 'Sheltered Workshops'Key '8645' = Label 'Home-Maker Services'Key '8646' = Label 'Meal Services (Non-Commercial)'Key '8647' = Label 'Social Rehabilitation Services'Key '8648' = Label 'Crisis Intervention'Key '8649' = Label 'Other Non-Institutional Social Services'Key '865' = Label 'Offices of Physicians, Surgeons and Dentists, Private Practice'Key '8651' = Label 'Offices of Physicians, General Practice'Key '8652' = Label 'Offices of Physicians and Surgeons, Specialists'Key '8653' = Label 'Offices of Dentists, General Practice'Key '8654' = Label 'Offices of Dentists, Specialists'Key '866' = Label 'Offices of Other Health Practitioners'Key '8661' = Label 'Offices of Chiropractors and Osteopaths'Key '8662' = Label 'Offices of Nurses, Registered'Key '8663' = Label 'Offices of Nurses, Practical'Key '8664' = Label 'Offices of Nutritionists/Dietitians'Key '8665' = Label 'Offices of Physiotherapists/Occupational Therapists'Key '8666' = Label 'Offices of Optometrists'Key '8667' = Label 'Offices of Podiatrists and Chiropodists'Key '8668' = Label 'Offices of Denturists'Key '8669' = Label 'Offices of Other Health Practitioners n.e.c.'Key '867' = Label 'Offices of Social Services Practitioners'Key '8671' = Label 'Offices of Psychologists'Key '8672' = Label 'Offices of Social Workers'Key '8679' = Label 'Offices of Other Social Service Practitioners'Key '868' = Label 'Medical and Other Health Laboratories'Key '8681' = Label 'Medical Laboratories'Key '8682' = Label 'Radiological Laboratories'Key '8683' = Label 'Combined Medical and Radiological Laboratories'Key '8684' = Label 'Public Health Laboratories'Key '8685' = Label 'Blood Bank Laboratories'Key '8689' = Label 'Other Health Laboratories'Key '869' = Label 'Health and Social Service Associations and Agencies'Key '8691' = Label 'Health Care and Public Safety Promotion Associations and Agencies'Key '8692' = Label 'Health Care Standards Agencies'Key '8693' = Label 'Health Care Research Agencies'Key '8694' = Label 'Social Service Planning and Advocacy Agencies'Key '8699' = Label 'Other Health and Social Service Associations and Agencies'Key '91' = Label 'Accommodation Service Industries'Key '911' = Label 'Hotels, Motels and Tourist Courts'Key '9111' = Label 'Hotels and Motor Hotels'Key '9112' = Label 'Motels'Key '9113' = Label 'Tourist Courts and Cabins'Key '9114' = Label 'Guest Houses and Tourist Homes'Key '912' = Label 'Lodging Houses and Residential Clubs'Key '9121' = Label 'Lodging Houses and Residential Clubs'Key '913' = Label 'Camping Grounds and Travel Trailer Parks'Key '9131' = Label 'Camping Grounds and Travel Trailer Parks'Key '914' = Label 'Recreation and Vacation Camps'Key '9141' = Label 'Outfitters (Hunting and Fishing Camps)'Key '9149' = Label 'Other Recreation and Vacation Camps'Key '92' = Label 'Food & Beverage Service Industries'Key '921' = Label 'Food Services'Key '9211' = Label 'Restaurants, Licensed'Key '9212' = Label 'Restaurants, Unlicensed (Including Drive-Ins)'Key '9213' = Label 'Take-Out Food Services'Key '9214' = Label 'Caterers'Key '922' = Label 'Taverns, Bars and Night Clubs'Key '9221' = Label 'Taverns, Bars and Night Clubs'Key '96' = Label 'Amusement & Recreational Service Inds'Key '961' = Label 'Motion Picture, Audio and Video Production and Distribution'Key '9611' = Label 'Motion Picture and Video Production'Key '9612' = Label 'Motion Picture and Video Distribution'Key '9613' = Label 'Motion Picture Laboratories and Video Production Facilities'Key '9614' = Label 'Sound Recording Services'Key '9619' = Label 'Other Motion Picture, Audio and Video Services'Key '962' = Label 'Motion Picture Exhibition'Key '9621' = Label 'Regular Motion Picture Theatres'Key '9622' = Label 'Outdoor Motion Picture Theatres'Key '9629' = Label 'Other Motion Picture Exhibition'Key '963' = Label 'Theatrical and Other Staged Entertainment Services'Key '9631' = Label 'Entertainment Production Companies and Artists'Key '9639' = Label 'Other Theatrical and Staged Entertainment Services'Key '964' = Label 'Commercial Spectator Sports'Key '9641' = Label 'Professional Sports Clubs'Key '9642' = Label 'Professional Athletes and Promoters on Own Account'Key '9643' = Label 'Horse Race Tracks'Key '9644' = Label 'Other Race Tracks'Key '965' = Label 'Sports and Recreation Clubs and Services'Key '9651' = Label 'Golf Courses'Key '9652' = Label 'Curling Clubs'Key '9653' = Label 'Skiing Facilities'Key '9654' = Label 'Boat Rentals and Marinas'Key '9659' = Label 'Other Sports and Recreation Clubs'Key '966' = Label 'Gambling Operations'Key '9661' = Label 'Gambling Operations'Key '969' = Label 'Other Amusement and Recreational Services'Key '9691' = Label 'Bowling Alleys and Billiard Parlours'Key '9692' = Label 'Amusement Park, Carnival and Circus Operations'Key '9693' = Label 'Dance Halls, Studios and Schools'Key '9694' = Label 'Coin-Operated Amusement Services'Key '9695' = Label 'Roller Skating Facilities'Key '9696' = Label 'Botanical and Zoological Gardens'Key '9699' = Label 'Other Amusement and Recreational Services n.e.c.'Key '97' = Label 'Personal & Household Service Industries'Key '971' = Label 'Barber and Beauty Shops'Key '9711' = Label 'Barber Shops'Key '9712' = Label 'Beauty Shops'Key '9713' = Label 'Combination Barber and Beauty Shops'Key '972' = Label 'Laundries and Cleaners'Key '9721' = Label 'Power Laundries and/or Dry Cleaners'Key '9722' = Label 'Distributors and/or Agents for Dry Cleaners'Key '9723' = Label 'Self-Serve Laundries and/or Dry Cleaners'Key '9724' = Label 'Valet Services, Pressing and/or Repair'Key '9725' = Label 'Linen Supply'Key '9726' = Label 'Carpet Cleaning'Key '9729' = Label 'Other Laundry and Dry Cleaning Services'Key '973' = Label 'Funeral Services'Key '9731' = Label 'Funeral Homes'Key '9732' = Label 'Cemeteries and Crematoria'Key '974' = Label 'Private Households'Key '9741' = Label 'Private Households'Key '979' = Label 'Other Personal and Household Services'Key '9791' = Label 'Shoe Repair'Key '9792' = Label 'Fur Cleaning, Repair and Storage'Key '9799' = Label 'Other Personal and Household Services n.e.c.'Key '98' = Label 'Membership Organization Industries'Key '981' = Label 'Religious Organizations'Key '9811' = Label 'Religious Organizations'Key '982' = Label 'Business Associations'Key '9821' = Label 'Business Associations'Key '983' = Label 'Professional Membership Associations'Key '9831' = Label 'Professional Health and Social Service Membership Associations'Key '9839' = Label 'Other Professional Membership Associations'Key '984' = Label 'Labour Organizations'Key '9841' = Label 'Labour Organizations'Key '985' = Label 'Political Organizations'Key '9851' = Label 'Political Organizations'Key '986' = Label 'Civic and Fraternal Organizations'Key '9861' = Label 'Civic and Fraternal Organizations'Key '99' = Label 'Other Service Industries'Key '991' = Label 'Machinery and Equipment Rental and Leasing Services'Key '9911' = Label 'Industrial Machinery and Equipment Rental and Leasing'Key '9912' = Label 'Audio-Visual Equipment Rental and Leasing'Key '9913' = Label 'Office Furniture and Machinery Rental and Leasing'Key '9919' = Label 'Other Machinery and Equipment Rental and Leasing'Key '992' = Label 'Automobile and Truck Rental and Leasing Services'Key '9921' = Label 'Automobile and Truck Rental and Leasing Services'Key '993' = Label 'Photographers'Key '9931' = Label 'Photographers'Key '994' = Label 'Other Repair Services'Key '9941' = Label 'Electric Motor Repair'Key '9942' = Label 'Welding'Key '9949' = Label 'Other Repair Services n.e.c.'Key '995' = Label 'Services to Buildings and Dwellings'Key '9951' = Label 'Disinfecting and Exterminating Services'Key '9952' = Label 'Window Cleaning Services'Key '9953' = Label 'Janitorial Services'Key '9959' = Label 'Other Services to Buildings and Dwellings'Key '996' = Label 'Travel Services'Key '9961' = Label 'Ticket and Travel Agencies'Key '9962' = Label 'Tour Wholesalers and Operators'Key '999' = Label 'Other Services n.e.c.'Key '9991' = Label 'Parking Lots and Parking Garages'Key '9999' = Label 'Other Services n.e.c.'Key 'A' = Label 'Agricultural & Related Service Inds'Key 'B' = Label 'Fishing & Trapping Industries (B)'Key 'C' = Label 'Logging and Forestry Industries'Key 'D' = Label 'Mining, Quarrying & Oil Well Industries'Key 'E' = Label 'Manufacturing Industries'Key 'F' = Label 'Construction Industries'Key 'G' = Label 'Transportation & Storage Industries'Key 'H' = Label 'Communication & Other Utility Industries'Key 'I' = Label 'Wholesale Trade Industries'Key 'J' = Label 'Retail Trade Industries'Key 'K' = Label 'Finance & Insurance Industries'Key 'L' = Label 'Real Estate Operators & Insurance Agents'Key 'M' = Label 'Business Service Industries (M)'Key 'N' = Label 'Government Service Industries'Key 'O' = Label 'Educational Service Industries (O)'Key 'P' = Label 'Health & Social Service Industries (P)'Key 'Q' = Label 'Accommodation, Food & Beverage Services'Key 'R' = Label 'Other Service Industries (R)'US Industry Classification fr-US Industry ClassificationKey '02' = Label 'Agricultural Production Livestock And Animal Specialties'Key '021' = Label 'Livestock, Except Dairy And Poultry edit'Key '0211' = Label 'Beef Cattle Feedlots'Key '0212' = Label 'Beef Cattle, Except Feedlots'Key '0213' = Label 'Hogs'Key '0214' = Label 'Sheep And Goats'Key '0219' = Label 'General Livestock, Except Dairy And Poultry'Key '024' = Label 'Dairy Farms'Key '0241' = Label 'Dairy Farms'Key '025' = Label 'Poultry And Eggs'Key '0251' = Label 'Broiler, Fryer, And Roaster Chickens'Key '0252' = Label 'Chicken Eggs'Key '0253' = Label 'Turkeys And Turkey Eggs'Key '0254' = Label 'Poultry Hatcheries'Key '0259' = Label 'Poultry And Eggs, Not Elsewhere Classified'Key '027' = Label 'Animal Specialties'Key '0271' = Label 'Fur-bearing Animals And Rabbits'Key '0272' = Label 'Horses And Other Equines'Key '0273' = Label 'Animal Aquaculture'Key '0279' = Label 'Animal Specialties, Not Elsewhere Classified'Key '029' = Label 'General Farms, Primarily Livestock And Animal'Key '0291' = Label 'General Farms, Primarily Livestock And Animal Specialties'Key '07' = Label 'Agricultural Services'Key '071' = Label 'Soil Preparation Services'Key '0711' = Label 'Soil Preparation Services'Key '072' = Label 'Crop Services'Key '0721' = Label 'Crop Planting, Cultivating, And Protecting'Key '0722' = Label 'Crop Harvesting, Primarily By Machine'Key '0723' = Label 'Crop Preparation Services For Market, Except Cotton Ginning'Key '0724' = Label 'Cotton Ginning'Key '074' = Label 'Veterinary Services'Key '0741' = Label 'Veterinary Services For Livestock'Key '0742' = Label 'Veterinary Services For Animal Specialties'Key '075' = Label 'Animal Services, Except Veterinary'Key '0751' = Label 'Livestock Services, Except Veterinary'Key '0752' = Label 'Animal Specialty Services, Except Veterinary'Key '076' = Label 'Farm Labor And Management Services'Key '0761' = Label 'Farm Labor Contractors And Crew Leaders'Key '0762' = Label 'Farm Management Services'Key '078' = Label 'Landscape And Horticultural Services'Key '0781' = Label 'Landscape Counseling And Planning'Key '0782' = Label 'Lawn And Garden Services'Key '0783' = Label 'Ornamental Shrub And Tree Services'Key '08' = Label 'Forestry'Key '081' = Label 'Timber Tracts'Key '0811' = Label 'Timber Tracts'Key '083' = Label 'Forest Nurseries And Gathering Of Forest'Key '0831' = Label 'Forest Nurseries And Gathering Of Forest Products'Key '085' = Label 'Forestry Services'Key '0851' = Label 'Forestry Services'Key '09' = Label 'Fishing, Hunting, And Trapping'Key '091' = Label 'Commercial Fishing'Key '0912' = Label 'Finfish'Key '0913' = Label 'Shellfish'Key '0919' = Label 'Miscellaneous Marine Products'Key '092' = Label 'Fish Hatcheries And Preserves'Key '0921' = Label 'Fish Hatcheries And Preserves'Key '097' = Label 'Hunting And Trapping, And Game Propagation'Key '0971' = Label 'Hunting And Trapping, And Game Propagation'Key '10' = Label 'Metal Mining'Key '101' = Label 'Iron Ores'Key '1011' = Label 'Iron Ores'Key '102' = Label 'Copper Ores'Key '1021' = Label 'Copper Ores'Key '103' = Label 'Lead And Zinc Ores'Key '1031' = Label 'Lead And Zinc Ores'Key '104' = Label 'Gold And Silver Ores'Key '1041' = Label 'Gold Ores'Key '1044' = Label 'Silver Ores'Key '106' = Label 'Ferroalloy Ores, Except Vanadium'Key '1061' = Label 'Ferroalloy Ores, Except Vanadium'Key '108' = Label 'Metal Mining Services'Key '1081' = Label 'Metal Mining Services'Key '109' = Label 'Miscellaneous Metal Ores'Key '1094' = Label 'Uranium-radium-vanadium Ores'Key '1099' = Label 'Miscellaneous Metal Ores, Not Elsewhere Classified'Key '12' = Label 'Coal Mining'Key '122' = Label 'Bituminous Coal And Lignite Mining'Key '1221' = Label 'Bituminous Coal And Lignite Surface Mining'Key '1222' = Label 'Bituminous Coal Underground Mining'Key '123' = Label 'Anthracite Mining'Key '1231' = Label 'Anthracite Mining'Key '124' = Label 'Coal Mining Services'Key '1241' = Label 'Coal Mining Services'Key '13' = Label 'Oil And Gas Extraction'Key '131' = Label 'Crude Petroleum And Natural Gas'Key '1311' = Label 'Crude Petroleum And Natural Gas'Key '132' = Label 'Natural Gas Liquids'Key '1321' = Label 'Natural Gas Liquids'Key '138' = Label 'Oil And Gas Field Services'Key '1381' = Label 'Drilling Oil And Gas Wells'Key '1382' = Label 'Oil And Gas Field Exploration Services'Key '1389' = Label 'Oil And Gas Field Services, Not Elsewhere Classified'Key '14' = Label 'Mining And Quarrying Of Nonmetallic Minerals, Except Fuels'Key '141' = Label 'Dimension Stone'Key '1411' = Label 'Dimension Stone'Key '142' = Label 'Crushed And Broken Stone, Including Riprap'Key '1422' = Label 'Crushed And Broken Limestone'Key '1423' = Label 'Crushed And Broken Granite'Key '1429' = Label 'Crushed And Broken Stone, Not Elsewhere Classified'Key '144' = Label 'Sand And Gravel'Key '1442' = Label 'Construction Sand And Gravel'Key '1446' = Label 'Industrial Sand'Key '145' = Label 'Clay, Ceramic, And Refractory Minerals'Key '1455' = Label 'Kaolin And Ball Clay'Key '1459' = Label 'Clay, Ceramic, And Refractory Minerals, Not Elsewhere Classified'Key '147' = Label 'Chemical And Fertilizer Mineral Mining'Key '1474' = Label 'Potash, Soda, And Borate Minerals'Key '1475' = Label 'Phosphate Rock'Key '1479' = Label 'Chemical And Fertilizer Mineral Mining, Not Elsewhere Classified'Key '148' = Label 'Nonmetallic Minerals Services, Except Fuels'Key '1481' = Label 'Nonmetallic Minerals Services, Except Fuels'Key '149' = Label 'Miscellaneous Nonmetallic Minerals, Except'Key '1499' = Label 'Miscellaneous Nonmetallic Minerals, Except Fuels'Key '15' = Label 'Building Construction General Contractors And Operative Builders'Key '152' = Label 'General Building Contractors-residential'Key '1521' = Label 'General Contractors-single-family Houses'Key '1522' = Label 'General Contractors-residential Buildings, Other Than Single-family'Key '153' = Label 'Operative Builders'Key '1531' = Label 'Operative Builders'Key '154' = Label 'General Building Contractors-nonresidential'Key '1541' = Label 'General Contractors-industrial Buildings And Warehouses'Key '1542' = Label 'General Contractors-nonresidential Buildings, Other Than Industrial'Key '16' = Label 'Heavy Construction Other Than Building Construction Contractors'Key '161' = Label 'Highway And Street Construction, Except'Key '1611' = Label 'Highway And Street Construction, Except Elevated Highways'Key '162' = Label 'Heavy Construction, Except Highway And Street'Key '1622' = Label 'Bridge, Tunnel, And Elevated Highway Construction'Key '1623' = Label 'Water, Sewer, Pipeline, And Communications And Power Line'Key '1629' = Label 'Heavy Construction, Not Elsewhere Classified'Key '17' = Label 'Construction Special Trade Contractors'Key '171' = Label 'Plumbing, Heating And Air-conditioning'Key '1711' = Label 'Plumbing, Heating And Air-conditioning'Key '172' = Label 'Painting And Paper Hanging'Key '1721' = Label 'Painting And Paper Hanging'Key '173' = Label 'Electrical Work'Key '1731' = Label 'Electrical Work'Key '174' = Label 'Masonry, Stonework, Tile Setting, And Plastering'Key '1741' = Label 'Masonry, Stone Setting, And Other Stone Work'Key '1742' = Label 'Plastering, Drywall, Acoustical, And Insulation Work'Key '1743' = Label 'Terrazzo, Tile, Marble, And Mosaic Work'Key '175' = Label 'Carpentry And Floor Work'Key '1751' = Label 'Carpentry Work'Key '1752' = Label 'Floor Laying And Other Floor Work, Not Elsewhere Classified'Key '176' = Label 'Roofing, Siding, And Sheet Metal Work'Key '1761' = Label 'Roofing, Siding, And Sheet Metal Work'Key '177' = Label 'Concrete Work'Key '1771' = Label 'Concrete Work'Key '178' = Label 'Water Well Drilling'Key '1781' = Label 'Water Well Drilling'Key '179' = Label 'Miscellaneous Special Trade Contractors'Key '1791' = Label 'Structural Steel Erection'Key '1793' = Label 'Glass And Glazing Work'Key '1794' = Label 'Excavation Work'Key '1795' = Label 'Wrecking And Demolition Work'Key '1796' = Label 'Installation Or Erection Of Building Equipment, Not Elsewhere'Key '1799' = Label 'Special Trade Contractors, Not Elsewhere Classified'Key '20' = Label 'Food And Kindred Products'Key '201' = Label 'Meat Products'Key '2011' = Label 'Meat Packing Plants'Key '2013' = Label 'Sausages And Other Prepared Meat Products'Key '2015' = Label 'Poultry Slaughtering And Processing'Key '202' = Label 'Dairy Products'Key '2021' = Label 'Creamery Butter'Key '2022' = Label 'Natural, Processed, And Imitation Cheese'Key '2023' = Label 'Dry, Condensed, And Evaporated Dairy Products'Key '2024' = Label 'Ice Cream And Frozen Desserts'Key '2026' = Label 'Fluid Milk'Key '203' = Label 'Canned, Frozen, And Preserved Fruits, Vegetables,'Key '2032' = Label 'Canned Specialties'Key '2033' = Label 'Canned Fruits, Vegetables, Preserves, Jams, And Jellies'Key '2034' = Label 'Dried And Dehydrated Fruits, Vegetables, And Soup Mixes'Key '2035' = Label 'Pickled Fruits And Vegetables, Vegetable Sauces And Seasonings, And'Key '2037' = Label 'Frozen Fruits, Fruit Juices, And Vegetables'Key '2038' = Label 'Frozen Specialties, Not Elsewhere Classified'Key '204' = Label 'Grain Mill Products'Key '2041' = Label 'Flour And Other Grain Mill Products'Key '2043' = Label 'Cereal Breakfast Foods'Key '2044' = Label 'Rice Milling'Key '2045' = Label 'Prepared Flour Mixes And Doughs'Key '2046' = Label 'Wet Corn Milling'Key '2047' = Label 'Dog And Cat Food'Key '2048' = Label 'Prepared Feeds And Feed Ingredients For Animals And Fowls, Except'Key '205' = Label 'Bakery Products'Key '2051' = Label 'Bread And Other Bakery Products, Except Cookies And Crackers'Key '2052' = Label 'Cookies And Crackers'Key '2053' = Label 'Frozen Bakery Products, Except Bread'Key '206' = Label 'Sugar And Confectionery Products'Key '2061' = Label 'Cane Sugar, Except Refining'Key '2062' = Label 'Cane Sugar Refining'Key '2063' = Label 'Beet Sugar'Key '2064' = Label 'Candy And Other Confectionery Products'Key '2066' = Label 'Chocolate And Cocoa Products'Key '2067' = Label 'Chewing Gum'Key '2068' = Label 'Salted And Roasted Nuts And Seeds'Key '207' = Label 'Fats And Oils'Key '2074' = Label 'Cottonseed Oil Mills'Key '2075' = Label 'Soybean Oil Mills'Key '2076' = Label 'Vegetable Oil Mills, Except Corn, Cottonseed, And Soybean'Key '2077' = Label 'Animal And Marine Fats And Oils'Key '2079' = Label 'Shortening, Table Oils, Margarine, And Other Edible Fats And Oils,'Key '208' = Label 'Beverages'Key '2082' = Label 'Malt Beverages'Key '2083' = Label 'Malt'Key '2084' = Label 'Wines, Brandy, And Brandy Spirits'Key '2085' = Label 'Distilled And Blended Liquors'Key '2086' = Label 'Bottled And Canned Soft Drinks And Carbonated Waters'Key '2087' = Label 'Flavoring Extracts And Flavoring Syrups, Not Elsewhere Classified'Key '209' = Label 'Miscellaneous Food Preparations And Kindred'Key '2091' = Label 'Canned And Cured Fish And Seafoods'Key '2092' = Label 'Prepared Fresh Or Frozen Fish And Seafoods'Key '2095' = Label 'Roasted Coffee'Key '2096' = Label 'Potato Chips, Corn Chips, And Similar Snacks'Key '2097' = Label 'Manufactured Ice'Key '2098' = Label 'Macaroni, Spaghetti, Vermicelli, And Noodles'Key '2099' = Label 'Food Preparations, Not Elsewhere Classified'Key '21' = Label 'Tobacco Products'Key '211' = Label 'Cigarettes'Key '2111' = Label 'Cigarettes'Key '212' = Label 'Cigars'Key '2121' = Label 'Cigars'Key '213' = Label 'Chewing And Smoking Tobacco And Snuff'Key '2131' = Label 'Chewing And Smoking Tobacco And Snuff'Key '214' = Label 'Tobacco Stemming And Redrying'Key '2141' = Label 'Tobacco Stemming And Redrying'Key '22' = Label 'Textile Mill Products'Key '221' = Label 'Broadwoven Fabric Mills, Cotton'Key '2211' = Label 'Broadwoven Fabric Mills, Cotton'Key '222' = Label 'Broadwoven Fabric Mills, Manmade Fiber And Silk'Key '2221' = Label 'Broadwoven Fabric Mills, Manmade Fiber And Silk'Key '223' = Label 'Broadwoven Fabric Mills, Wool (including Dyeing'Key '2231' = Label 'Broadwoven Fabric Mills, Wool (including Dyeing And Finishing)'Key '224' = Label 'Narrow Fabric And Other Smallwares Mills'Key '2241' = Label 'Narrow Fabric And Other Smallwares Mills Cotton, Wool, Silk, And'Key '225' = Label 'Knitting Mills'Key '2251' = Label 'Women's Full-length And Knee-length Hosiery, Except Socks'Key '2252' = Label 'Hosiery, Not Elsewhere Classified'Key '2253' = Label 'Knit Outerwear Mills'Key '2254' = Label 'Knit Underwear And Nightwear Mills'Key '2257' = Label 'Weft Knit Fabric Mills'Key '2258' = Label 'Lace And Warp Knit Fabric Mills'Key '2259' = Label 'Knitting Mills, Not Elsewhere Classified'Key '226' = Label 'Dyeing And Finishing Textiles, Except Wool Fabrics'Key '2261' = Label 'Finishers Of Broadwoven Fabrics Of Cotton'Key '2262' = Label 'Finishers Of Broadwoven Fabrics Of Manmade Fiber And Silk'Key '2269' = Label 'Finishers Of Textiles, Not Elsewhere Classified'Key '227' = Label 'Carpets And Rugs'Key '2273' = Label 'Carpets And Rugs'Key '228' = Label 'Yarn And Thread Mills'Key '2281' = Label 'Yarn Spinning Mills'Key '2282' = Label 'Yarn Texturizing, Throwing, Twisting, And Winding Mills'Key '2284' = Label 'Thread Mills'Key '229' = Label 'Miscellaneous Textile Goods'Key '2295' = Label 'Coated Fabrics, Not Rubberized'Key '2296' = Label 'Tire Cord And Fabrics'Key '2297' = Label 'Non-woven Fabrics'Key '2298' = Label 'Cordage And Twine'Key '2299' = Label 'Textile Goods, Not Elsewhere Classified'Key '23' = Label 'Apparel And Other Finished Products Made From Fabrics And Similar Materials'Key '231' = Label 'Men's And Boys' Suits, Coats, And Overcoats'Key '2311' = Label 'Men's And Boys' Suits, Coats, And Overcoats'Key '232' = Label 'Men's And Boys' Furnishings, Work Clothing, And'Key '2321' = Label 'Men's And Boys' Shirts, Except Work Shirts'Key '2322' = Label 'Men's And Boys' Underwear And Nightwear'Key '2323' = Label 'Men's And Boys' Neckwear'Key '2325' = Label 'Men's And Boys' Separate Trousers And Slacks'Key '2326' = Label 'Men's And Boys' Work Clothing'Key '2329' = Label 'Men's And Boys' Clothing, Not Elsewhere Classified'Key '233' = Label 'Women's, Misses', And Juniors' Outerwear'Key '2331' = Label 'Women's, Misses', And Juniors' Blouses And Shirts'Key '2335' = Label 'Women's, Misses', And Juniors' Dresses'Key '2337' = Label 'Women's, Misses', And Juniors' Suits, Skirts, And Coats'Key '2339' = Label 'Women's, Misses', And Juniors' Outerwear, Not Elsewhere Classified'Key '234' = Label 'Women's, Misses', Children's, And Infants''Key '2341' = Label 'Women's, Misses', Children's, And Infants' Underwear And'Key '2342' = Label 'Brassieres, Girdles, And Allied Garments'Key '235' = Label 'Hats, Caps, And Millinery'Key '2353' = Label 'Hats, Caps, And Millinery'Key '236' = Label 'Girls', Children's, And Infants' Outerwear'Key '2361' = Label 'Girls', Children's, And Infants' Dresses, Blouses, And Shirts'Key '2369' = Label 'Girls', Children's, And Infants' Outerwear, Not Elsewhere Classified'Key '237' = Label 'Fur Goods'Key '2371' = Label 'Fur Goods'Key '238' = Label 'Miscellaneous Apparel And Accessories'Key '2381' = Label 'Dress And Work Gloves, Except Knit And All-leather'Key '2384' = Label 'Robes And Dressing Gowns'Key '2385' = Label 'Waterproof Outerwear'Key '2386' = Label 'Leather And Sheep-lined Clothing'Key '2387' = Label 'Apparel Belts'Key '2389' = Label 'Apparel And Accessories, Not Elsewhere Classified'Key '239' = Label 'Miscellaneous Fabricated Textile Products'Key '2391' = Label 'Curtains And Draperies'Key '2392' = Label 'House Furnishing, Except Curtains And Draperies'Key '2393' = Label 'Textile Bags'Key '2394' = Label 'Canvas And Related Products'Key '2395' = Label 'Pleating, Decorative And Novelty Stitching, And Tucking For The Trade'Key '2396' = Label 'Automotive Trimmings, Apparel Findings, And Related Products'Key '2397' = Label 'Schiffli Machine Embroideries'Key '2399' = Label 'Fabricated Textile Products, Not Elsewhere Classified'Key '24' = Label 'Lumber And Wood Products, Except Furniture'Key '241' = Label 'Logging'Key '2411' = Label 'Logging'Key '242' = Label 'Sawmills And Planing Mills'Key '2421' = Label 'Sawmills And Planing Mills, General'Key '2426' = Label 'Hardwood Dimension And Flooring Mills'Key '2429' = Label 'Special Product Sawmills, Not Elsewhere Classified'Key '243' = Label 'Millwork, Veneer, Plywood, And Structural Wood'Key '2431' = Label 'Millwork'Key '2434' = Label 'Wood Kitchen Cabinets'Key '2435' = Label 'Hardwood Veneer And Plywood'Key '2436' = Label 'Softwood Veneer And Plywood'Key '2439' = Label 'Structural Wood Members, Not Elsewhere Classified'Key '244' = Label 'Wood Containers'Key '2441' = Label 'Nailed And Lock Corner Wood Boxes And Shook'Key '2448' = Label 'Wood Pallets And Skids'Key '2449' = Label 'Wood Containers, Not Elsewhere Classified'Key '245' = Label 'Wood Buildings And Mobile Homes'Key '2451' = Label 'Mobile Homes'Key '2452' = Label 'Prefabricated Wood Buildings And Components'Key '249' = Label 'Miscellaneous Wood Products'Key '2491' = Label 'Wood Preserving'Key '2493' = Label 'Reconstituted Wood Products'Key '2499' = Label 'Wood Products, Not Elsewhere Classified'Key '25' = Label 'Furniture And Fixtures'Key '251' = Label 'Household Furniture'Key '2511' = Label 'Wood Household Furniture, Except Upholstered'Key '2512' = Label 'Wood Household Furniture, Upholstered'Key '2514' = Label 'Metal Household Furniture'Key '2515' = Label 'Mattresses, Foundations, And Convertible Beds'Key '2517' = Label 'Wood Television, Radio, Phonograph, And Sewing Machine Cabinets'Key '2519' = Label 'Household Furniture, Not Elsewhere Classified'Key '252' = Label 'Office Furniture'Key '2521' = Label 'Wood Office Furniture'Key '2522' = Label 'Office Furniture, Except Wood'Key '253' = Label 'Public Building And Related Furniture'Key '2531' = Label 'Public Building And Related Furniture'Key '254' = Label 'Partitions, Shelving, Lockers, And Office And'Key '2541' = Label 'Wood Office And Store Fixtures, Partitions, Shelving, And Lockers'Key '2542' = Label 'Office And Store Fixtures, Partitions, Shelving, And Lockers,'Key '259' = Label 'Miscellaneous Furniture And Fixtures'Key '2591' = Label 'Drapery Hardware And Window Blinds And Shades'Key '2599' = Label 'Furniture And Fixtures, Not Elsewhere Classified'Key '26' = Label 'Paper And Allied Products'Key '261' = Label 'Pulp Mills'Key '2611' = Label 'Pulp Mills'Key '262' = Label 'Paper Mills'Key '2621' = Label 'Paper Mills'Key '263' = Label 'Paperboard Mills'Key '2631' = Label 'Paperboard Mills'Key '265' = Label 'Paperboard Containers And Boxes'Key '2652' = Label 'Setup Paperboard Boxes'Key '2653' = Label 'Corrugated And Solid Fiber Boxes'Key '2655' = Label 'Fiber Cans, Tubes, Drums, And Similar Products'Key '2656' = Label 'Sanitary Food Containers, Except Folding'Key '2657' = Label 'Folding Paperboard Boxes, Including Sanitary'Key '267' = Label 'Converted Paper And Paperboard Products, Except'Key '2671' = Label 'Packaging Paper And Plastics Film, Coated And Laminated'Key '2672' = Label 'Coated And Laminated Paper, Not Elsewhere Classified'Key '2673' = Label 'Plastics, Foil, And Coated Paper Bags'Key '2674' = Label 'Uncoated Paper And Multiwall Bags'Key '2675' = Label 'Die-cut Paper And Paperboard And Cardboard'Key '2676' = Label 'Sanitary Paper Products'Key '2677' = Label 'Envelopes'Key '2678' = Label 'Stationery, Tablets, And Related Products'Key '2679' = Label 'Converted Paper And Paperboard Products, Not Elsewhere Classified'Key '27' = Label 'Printing, Publishing, And Allied Industries'Key '271' = Label 'Newspapers Publishing, Or Publishing And Printing'Key '2711' = Label 'Newspapers Publishing, Or Publishing And Printing'Key '272' = Label 'Periodicals Publishing, Or Publishing And Printing'Key '2721' = Label 'Periodicals Publishing, Or Publishing And Printing'Key '273' = Label 'Books'Key '2731' = Label 'Books Publishing, Or Publishing And Printing'Key '2732' = Label 'Book Printing'Key '274' = Label 'Miscellaneous Publishing'Key '2741' = Label 'Miscellaneous Publishing'Key '275' = Label 'Commercial Printing'Key '2752' = Label 'Commercial Printing, Lithographic'Key '2754' = Label 'Commercial Printing, Gravure'Key '2759' = Label 'Commercial Printing, Not Elsewhere Classified'Key '276' = Label 'Manifold Business Forms'Key '2761' = Label 'Manifold Business Forms'Key '277' = Label 'Greeting Cards'Key '2771' = Label 'Greeting Cards'Key '278' = Label 'Blankbooks, Looseleaf Binders, And Bookbinding'Key '2782' = Label 'Blankbooks, Looseleaf Binders And Devices'Key '2789' = Label 'Bookbinding And Related Work'Key '279' = Label 'Service Industries For The Printing Trade'Key '2791' = Label 'Typesetting'Key '2796' = Label 'Platemaking And Related Services'Key '28' = Label 'Chemicals And Allied Products'Key '281' = Label 'If The Chemicals Are Inorganic And In 286 If They Are'Key '2812' = Label 'Alkalies And Chlorine'Key '2813' = Label 'Industrial Gases'Key '2816' = Label 'Inorganic Pigments'Key '2819' = Label 'Industrial Inorganic Chemicals, Not Elsewhere Classified'Key '282' = Label 'Plastics Materials And Synthetic Resins, Synthetic'Key '2821' = Label 'Plastics Materials, Synthetic Resins, And Nonvulcanizable Elastomers'Key '2822' = Label 'Synthetic Rubber (vulcanizable Elastomers)'Key '2823' = Label 'Cellulosic Manmade Fibers'Key '2824' = Label 'Manmade Organic Fibers, Except Cellulosic'Key '283' = Label 'Drugs'Key '2833' = Label 'Medicinal Chemicals And Botanical Products'Key '2834' = Label 'Pharmaceutical Preparations'Key '2835' = Label 'In Vitro And In Vivo Diagnostic Substances'Key '2836' = Label 'Biological Products, Except Diagnostic Substances'Key '284' = Label 'Soap, Detergents, And Cleaning Preparations;'Key '2841' = Label 'Soap And Other Detergents, Except Specialty Cleaners'Key '2842' = Label 'Specialty Cleaning, Polishing, And Sanitation Preparations'Key '2843' = Label 'Surface Active Agents, Finishing Agents, Sulfonated Oils, And'Key '2844' = Label 'Perfumes, Cosmetics, And Other Toilet Preparations'Key '285' = Label 'Paints, Varnishes, Lacquers, Enamels, And Allied'Key '2851' = Label 'Paints, Varnishes, Lacquers, Enamels, And Allied Products'Key '286' = Label 'Industrial Organic Chemicals'Key '2861' = Label 'Gum And Wood Chemicals'Key '2865' = Label 'Cyclic Organic Crudes And Intermediates, And Organic Dyes And'Key '2869' = Label 'Industrial Organic Chemicals, Not Elsewhere Classified'Key '287' = Label 'Agricultural Chemicals'Key '2873' = Label 'Nitrogenous Fertilizers'Key '2874' = Label 'Phosphatic Fertilizers'Key '2875' = Label 'Fertilizers, Mixing Only'Key '2879' = Label 'Pesticides And Agricultural Chemicals, Not Elsewhere Classified'Key '289' = Label 'Miscellaneous Chemical Products'Key '2891' = Label 'Adhesives And Sealants'Key '2892' = Label 'Explosives'Key '2893' = Label 'Printing Ink'Key '2895' = Label 'Carbon Black'Key '2899' = Label 'Chemicals And Chemical Preparations, Not Elsewhere Classified'Key '29' = Label 'Petroleum Refining And Related Industries'Key '291' = Label 'Petroleum Refining'Key '2911' = Label 'Petroleum Refining'Key '295' = Label 'Asphalt Paving And Roofing Materials'Key '2951' = Label 'Asphalt Paving Mixtures And Blocks'Key '2952' = Label 'Asphalt Felts And Coatings'Key '299' = Label 'Miscellaneous Products Of Petroleum And Coal'Key '2992' = Label 'Lubricating Oils And Greases'Key '2999' = Label 'Products Of Petroleum And Coal, Not Elsewhere Classified'Key '30' = Label 'Rubber And Miscellaneous Plastics Products'Key '301' = Label 'Tires And Inner Tubes'Key '3011' = Label 'Tires And Inner Tubes'Key '302' = Label 'Rubber And Plastics Footwear'Key '3021' = Label 'Rubber And Plastics Footwear'Key '305' = Label 'Gaskets, Packing, And Sealing Devices And Rubber'Key '3052' = Label 'Rubber And Plastics Hose And Belting'Key '3053' = Label 'Gaskets, Packing, And Sealing Devices'Key '306' = Label 'Fabricated Rubber Products, Not Elsewhere'Key '3061' = Label 'Molded, Extruded, And Lathe-cut Mechanical Rubber Goods'Key '3069' = Label 'Fabricated Rubber Products, Not Elsewhere Classified'Key '308' = Label 'Miscellaneous Plastics Products'Key '3081' = Label 'Unsupported Plastics Film And Sheet'Key '3082' = Label 'Unsupported Plastics Profile Shapes'Key '3083' = Label 'Laminated Plastics Plate, Sheet, And Profile Shapes'Key '3084' = Label 'Plastics Pipe'Key '3085' = Label 'Plastics Bottles'Key '3086' = Label 'Plastics Foam Products'Key '3087' = Label 'Custom Compounding Of Purchased Plastics Resins'Key '3088' = Label 'Plastics Plumbing Fixtures'Key '3089' = Label 'Plastics Products, Not Elsewhere Classified'Key '31' = Label 'Leather And Leather Products'Key '311' = Label 'Leather Tanning And Finishing'Key '3111' = Label 'Leather Tanning And Finishing'Key '313' = Label 'Boot And Shoe Cut Stock And Findings'Key '3131' = Label 'Boot And Shoe Cut Stock And Findings'Key '314' = Label 'Footwear, Except Rubber'Key '3142' = Label 'House Slippers'Key '3143' = Label 'Men's Footwear, Except Athletic'Key '3144' = Label 'Women's Footwear, Except Athletic'Key '3149' = Label 'Footwear, Except Rubber, Not Elsewhere Classified'Key '315' = Label 'Leather Gloves And Mittens'Key '3151' = Label 'Leather Gloves And Mittens'Key '316' = Label 'Luggage'Key '3161' = Label 'Luggage'Key '317' = Label 'Handbags And Other Personal Leather Goods'Key '3171' = Label 'Women's Handbags And Purses'Key '3172' = Label 'Personal Leather Goods, Except Women's Handbags And Purses'Key '319' = Label 'Leather Goods, Not Elsewhere Classified'Key '3199' = Label 'Leather Goods, Not Elsewhere Classified'Key '32' = Label 'Stone, Clay, Glass, And Concrete Products'Key '321' = Label 'Flat Glass'Key '3211' = Label 'Flat Glass'Key '322' = Label 'Glass And Glassware, Pressed Or Blown'Key '3221' = Label 'Glass Containers'Key '3229' = Label 'Pressed And Blown Glass And Glassware, Not Elsewhere Classified'Key '323' = Label 'Glass Products, Made Of Purchased Glass'Key '3231' = Label 'Glass Products, Made Of Purchased Glass'Key '324' = Label 'Cement, Hydraulic'Key '3241' = Label 'Cement, Hydraulic'Key '325' = Label 'Structural Clay Products'Key '3251' = Label 'Brick And Structural Clay Tile'Key '3253' = Label 'Ceramic Wall And Floor Tile'Key '3255' = Label 'Clay Refractories'Key '3259' = Label 'Structural Clay Products, Not Elsewhere Classified'Key '326' = Label 'Pottery And Related Products'Key '3261' = Label 'Vitreous China Plumbing Fixtures And China And Earthenware Fittings'Key '3262' = Label 'Vitreous China Table And Kitchen Articles'Key '3263' = Label 'Fine Earthenware (whiteware) Table And Kitchen Articles'Key '3264' = Label 'Porcelain Electrical Supplies'Key '3269' = Label 'Pottery Products, Not Elsewhere Classified'Key '327' = Label 'Concrete, Gypsum, And Plaster Products'Key '3271' = Label 'Concrete Block And Brick'Key '3272' = Label 'Concrete Products, Except Block And Brick'Key '3273' = Label 'Ready-mixed Concrete'Key '3274' = Label 'Lime'Key '3275' = Label 'Gypsum Products'Key '328' = Label 'Cut Stone And Stone Products'Key '3281' = Label 'Cut Stone And Stone Products'Key '329' = Label 'Abrasive, Asbestos, And Miscellaneous'Key '3291' = Label 'Abrasive Products'Key '3292' = Label 'Asbestos Products'Key '3295' = Label 'Minerals And Earths, Ground Or Otherwise Treated'Key '3296' = Label 'Mineral Wool'Key '3297' = Label 'Nonclay Refractories'Key '3299' = Label 'Nonmetallic Mineral Products, Not Elsewhere Classified'Key '33' = Label 'Primary Metal Industries'Key '331' = Label 'Steel Works, Blast Furnaces, And Rolling And'Key '3312' = Label 'Steel Works, Blast Furnaces (including Coke Ovens), And Rolling'Key '3313' = Label 'Electrometallurgical Products, Except Steel'Key '3315' = Label 'Steel Wiredrawing And Steel Nails And Spikes'Key '3316' = Label 'Cold-rolled Steel Sheet, Strip, And Bars'Key '3317' = Label 'Steel Pipe And Tubes'Key '332' = Label 'Iron And Steel Foundries'Key '3321' = Label 'Gray And Ductile Iron Foundries'Key '3322' = Label 'Malleable Iron Foundries'Key '3324' = Label 'Steel Investment Foundries'Key '3325' = Label 'Steel Foundries, Not Elsewhere Classified'Key '333' = Label 'Primary Smelting And Refining Of Nonferrous'Key '3331' = Label 'Primary Smelting And Refining Of Copper'Key '3334' = Label 'Primary Production Of Aluminum'Key '3339' = Label 'Primary Smelting And Refining Of Nonferrous Metals, Except Copper'Key '334' = Label 'Secondary Smelting And Refining Of Nonferrous'Key '3341' = Label 'Secondary Smelting And Refining Of Nonferrous Metals'Key '335' = Label 'Rolling, Drawing, And Extruding Of Nonferrous'Key '3351' = Label 'Rolling, Drawing, And Extruding Of Copper'Key '3353' = Label 'Aluminum Sheet, Plate, And Foil'Key '3354' = Label 'Aluminum Extruded Products'Key '3355' = Label 'Aluminum Rolling And Drawing, Not Elsewhere Classified'Key '3356' = Label 'Rolling, Drawing, And Extruding Of Nonferrous Metals, Except'Key '3357' = Label 'Drawing And Insulating Of Nonferrous Wire'Key '336' = Label 'Nonferrous Foundries (castings)'Key '3363' = Label 'Aluminum Die-castings'Key '3364' = Label 'Nonferrous Die-castings, Except Aluminum'Key '3365' = Label 'Aluminum Foundries'Key '3366' = Label 'Copper Foundries'Key '3369' = Label 'Nonferrous Foundries, Except Aluminum And Copper'Key '339' = Label 'Miscellaneous Primary Metal Products'Key '3398' = Label 'Metal Heat Treating'Key '3399' = Label 'Primary Metal Products, Not Elsewhere Classified'Key '34' = Label 'Fabricated Metal Products, Except Machinery And Transportation Equipment'Key '341' = Label 'Metal Cans And Shipping Containers'Key '3411' = Label 'Metal Cans'Key '3412' = Label 'Metal Shipping Barrels, Drums, Kegs, And Pails'Key '342' = Label 'Cutlery, Handtools, And General Hardware'Key '3421' = Label 'Cutlery'Key '3423' = Label 'Hand And Edge Tools, Except Machine Tools And Handsaws'Key '3425' = Label 'Saw Blades And Handsaws'Key '3429' = Label 'Hardware, Not Elsewhere Classified'Key '343' = Label 'Heating Equipment, Except Electric And Warm Air;'Key '3431' = Label 'Enameled Iron And Metal Sanitary Ware'Key '3432' = Label 'Plumbing Fixture Fittings And Trim'Key '3433' = Label 'Heating Equipment, Except Electric And Warm Air Furnaces'Key '344' = Label 'Fabricated Structural Metal Products'Key '3441' = Label 'Fabricated Structural Metal'Key '3442' = Label 'Metal Doors, Sash, Frames, Molding, And Trim'Key '3443' = Label 'Fabricated Plate Work (boiler Shops)'Key '3444' = Label 'Sheet Metal Work'Key '3446' = Label 'Architectural And Ornamental Metal Work'Key '3448' = Label 'Prefabricated Metal Buildings And Components'Key '3449' = Label 'Miscellaneous Structural Metal Work'Key '345' = Label 'Screw Machine Products, And Bolts, Nuts, Screws, Rivets, And Washers'Key '3451' = Label 'Screw Machine Products'Key '3452' = Label 'Bolts, Nuts, Screws, Rivets, And Washers'Key '346' = Label 'Metal Forgings And Stampings'Key '3462' = Label 'Iron And Steel Forgings'Key '3463' = Label 'Nonferrous Forgings'Key '3465' = Label 'Automotive Stampings'Key '3466' = Label 'Crowns And Closures'Key '3469' = Label 'Metal Stampings, Not Elsewhere Classified'Key '347' = Label 'Coating, Engraving, And Allied Services'Key '3471' = Label 'Electroplating, Plating, Polishing, Anodizing, And Coloring'Key '3479' = Label 'Coating, Engraving, And Allied Services, Not Elsewhere Classified'Key '348' = Label 'Ordnance And Accessories, Except Vehicles And'Key '3482' = Label 'Small Arms Ammunition'Key '3483' = Label 'Ammunition, Except For Small Arms'Key '3484' = Label 'Small Arms'Key '3489' = Label 'Ordnance And Accessories, Not Elsewhere Classified'Key '349' = Label 'Miscellaneous Fabricated Metal Products'Key '3491' = Label 'Industrial Valves'Key '3492' = Label 'Fluid Power Valves And Hose Fittings'Key '3493' = Label 'Steel Springs, Except Wire'Key '3494' = Label 'Valves And Pipe Fittings, Not Elsewhere Classified'Key '3495' = Label 'Wire Springs'Key '3496' = Label 'Miscellaneous Fabricated Wire Products'Key '3497' = Label 'Metal Foil And Leaf'Key '3498' = Label 'Fabricated Pipe And Pipe Fittings'Key '3499' = Label 'Fabricated Metal Products, Not Elsewhere Classified'Key '35' = Label 'Industrial And Commercial Machinery And Computer Equipment'Key '351' = Label 'Engines And Turbines'Key '3511' = Label 'Steam, Gas, And Hydraulic Turbines, And Turbine Generator Set Units'Key '3519' = Label 'Internal Combustion Engines, Not Elsewhere Classified'Key '352' = Label 'Farm And Garden Machinery And Equipment'Key '3523' = Label 'Farm Machinery And Equipment'Key '3524' = Label 'Lawn And Garden Tractors And Home Lawn And Garden Equipment'Key '353' = Label 'Construction, Mining, And Materials Handling'Key '3531' = Label 'Construction Machinery And Equipment'Key '3532' = Label 'Mining Machinery And Equipment, Except Oil And Gas Field'Key '3533' = Label 'Oil And Gas Field Machinery And Equipment'Key '3534' = Label 'Elevators And Moving Stairways'Key '3535' = Label 'Conveyors And Conveying Equipment'Key '3536' = Label 'Overhead Traveling Cranes, Hoists, And Monorail Systems'Key '3537' = Label 'Industrial Trucks, Tractors, Trailers, And Stackers'Key '354' = Label 'Metalworking Machinery And Equipment'Key '3541' = Label 'Machine Tools, Metal Cutting Types'Key '3542' = Label 'Machine Tools, Metal Forming Types'Key '3543' = Label 'Industrial Patterns'Key '3544' = Label 'Special Dies And Tools, Die Sets, Jigs And Fixtures, And Industrial'Key '3545' = Label 'Cutting Tools, Machine Tool Accessories, And Machinists' Precision'Key '3546' = Label 'Power-driven Handtools'Key '3547' = Label 'Rolling Mill Machinery And Equipment'Key '3548' = Label 'Electric And Gas Welding And Soldering Equipment'Key '3549' = Label 'Metalworking Machinery, Not Elsewhere Classified'Key '355' = Label 'Special Industry Machinery, Except Metalworking'Key '3552' = Label 'Textile Machinery'Key '3553' = Label 'Woodworking Machinery'Key '3554' = Label 'Paper Industries Machinery'Key '3555' = Label 'Printing Trades Machinery And Equipment'Key '3556' = Label 'Food Products Machinery'Key '3559' = Label 'Special Industry Machinery, Not Elsewhere Classified'Key '356' = Label 'General Industrial Machinery And Equipment'Key '3561' = Label 'Pumps And Pumping Equipment'Key '3562' = Label 'Ball And Roller Bearings'Key '3563' = Label 'Air And Gas Compressors'Key '3564' = Label 'Industrial And Commercial Fans And Blowers And Air Purification'Key '3565' = Label 'Packaging Machinery'Key '3566' = Label 'Speed Changers, Industrial High-speed Drives, And Gears'Key '3567' = Label 'Industrial Process Furnaces And Ovens'Key '3568' = Label 'Mechanical Power Transmission Equipment, Not Elsewhere Classified'Key '3569' = Label 'General Industrial Machinery And Equipment, Not Elsewhere'Key '357' = Label 'Computer And Office Equipment'Key '3571' = Label 'Electronic Computers'Key '3572' = Label 'Computer Storage Devices'Key '3575' = Label 'Computer Terminals'Key '3577' = Label 'Computer Peripheral Equipment, Not Elsewhere Classified'Key '3578' = Label 'Calculating And Accounting Machines, Except Electronic Computers'Key '3579' = Label 'Office Machines, Not Elsewhere Classified'Key '358' = Label 'Refrigeration And Service Industry Machinery'Key '3581' = Label 'Automatic Vending Machines'Key '3582' = Label 'Commercial Laundry, Drycleaning, And Pressing Machines'Key '3585' = Label 'Air-conditioning And Warm Air Heating Equipment And Commercial'Key '3586' = Label 'Measuring And Dispensing Pumps'Key '3589' = Label 'Service Industry Machinery, Not Elsewhere Classified'Key '359' = Label 'Miscellaneous Industrial And Commercial'Key '3592' = Label 'Carburetors, Pistons, Piston Rings, And Valves'Key '3593' = Label 'Fluid Power Cylinders And Actuators'Key '3594' = Label 'Fluid Power Pumps And Motors'Key '3596' = Label 'Scales And Balances, Except Laboratory'Key '3599' = Label 'Industrial And Commercial Machinery And Equipment, Not Elsewhere'Key '36' = Label 'Electronic And Other Electrical Equipment And Components, Except Computer Equipment'Key '361' = Label 'Electric Transmission And Distribution Equipment'Key '3612' = Label 'Power, Distribution, And Specialty Transformers'Key '3613' = Label 'Switchgear And Switchboard Apparatus'Key '362' = Label 'Electrical Industrial Apparatus'Key '3621' = Label 'Motors And Generators'Key '3624' = Label 'Carbon And Graphite Products'Key '3625' = Label 'Relays And Industrial Controls'Key '3629' = Label 'Electrical Industrial Apparatus, Not Elsewhere Classified'Key '363' = Label 'Household Appliances'Key '3631' = Label 'Household Cooking Equipment'Key '3632' = Label 'Household Refrigerators And Home And Farm Freezers'Key '3633' = Label 'Household Laundry Equipment'Key '3634' = Label 'Electric Housewares And Fans'Key '3635' = Label 'Household Vacuum Cleaners'Key '3639' = Label 'Household Appliances, Not Elsewhere Classified'Key '364' = Label 'Electric Lighting And Wiring Equipment'Key '3641' = Label 'Electric Lamp Bulbs And Tubes'Key '3643' = Label 'Current-carrying Wiring Devices'Key '3644' = Label 'Noncurrent-carrying Wiring Devices'Key '3645' = Label 'Residential Electric Lighting Fixtures'Key '3646' = Label 'Commercial, Industrial, And Institutional Electric Lighting Fixtures'Key '3647' = Label 'Vehicular Lighting Equipment'Key '3648' = Label 'Lighting Equipment, Not Elsewhere Classified'Key '365' = Label 'Household Audio And Video Equipment, And Audio'Key '3651' = Label 'Household Audio And Video Equipment'Key '3652' = Label 'Phonograph Records And Prerecorded Audio Tapes And Disks'Key '366' = Label 'Communications Equipment'Key '3661' = Label 'Telephone And Telegraph Apparatus'Key '3663' = Label 'Radio And Television Broadcasting And Communications Equipment'Key '3669' = Label 'Communications Equipment, Not Elsewhere Classified'Key '367' = Label 'Electronic Components And Accessories'Key '3671' = Label 'Electron Tubes'Key '3672' = Label 'Printed Circuit Boards'Key '3674' = Label 'Semiconductors And Related Devices'Key '3675' = Label 'Electronic Capacitors'Key '3676' = Label 'Electronic Resistors'Key '3677' = Label 'Electronic Coils, Transformers, And Other Inductors'Key '3678' = Label 'Electronic Connectors'Key '3679' = Label 'Electronic Components, Not Elsewhere Classified'Key '369' = Label 'Miscellaneous Electrical Machinery, Equipment,'Key '3691' = Label 'Storage Batteries'Key '3692' = Label 'Primary Batteries, Dry And Wet'Key '3694' = Label 'Electrical Equipment For Internal Combustion Engines'Key '3695' = Label 'Magnetic And Optical Recording Media'Key '3699' = Label 'Electrical Machinery, Equipment, And Supplies, Not Elsewhere'Key '37' = Label 'Transportation Equipment'Key '371' = Label 'Motor Vehicles And Motor Vehicle Equipment'Key '3711' = Label 'Motor Vehicles And Passenger Car Bodies'Key '3713' = Label 'Truck And Bus Bodies'Key '3714' = Label 'Motor Vehicle Parts And Accessories'Key '3715' = Label 'Truck Trailers'Key '3716' = Label 'Motor Homes'Key '372' = Label 'Aircraft And Parts'Key '3721' = Label 'Aircraft'Key '3724' = Label 'Aircraft Engines And Engine Parts'Key '3728' = Label 'Aircraft Parts And Auxiliary Equipment, Not Elsewhere Classified'Key '373' = Label 'Ship And Boat Building And Repairing'Key '3731' = Label 'Ship Building And Repairing'Key '3732' = Label 'Boat Building And Repairing'Key '374' = Label 'Railroad Equipment'Key '3743' = Label 'Railroad Equipment'Key '375' = Label 'Motorcycles, Bicycles, And Parts'Key '3751' = Label 'Motorcycles, Bicycles, And Parts'Key '376' = Label 'Guided Missiles And Space Vehicles And Parts'Key '3761' = Label 'Guided Missiles And Space Vehicles'Key '3764' = Label 'Guided Missile And Space Vehicle Propulsion Units And Propulsion'Key '3769' = Label 'Guided Missile And Space Vehicle Parts And Auxiliary Equipment,'Key '379' = Label 'Miscellaneous Transportation Equipment'Key '3792' = Label 'Travel Trailers And Campers'Key '3795' = Label 'Tanks And Tank Components'Key '3799' = Label 'Transportation Equipment, Not Elsewhere Classified'Key '38' = Label 'Measuring, Analyzing, And Controlling Instruments; Photographic, Medical And Optical Goods; Watches And Clocks'Key '381' = Label 'Search, Detection, Navigation, Guidance,'Key '3812' = Label 'Search, Detection, Navigation, Guidance, Aeronautical, And Nautical'Key '382' = Label 'Laboratory Apparatus And Analytical, Optical,'Key '3821' = Label 'Laboratory Apparatus And Furniture'Key '3822' = Label 'Automatic Controls For Regulating Residential And Commercial'Key '3823' = Label 'Industrial Instruments For Measurement, Display, And Control Of'Key '3824' = Label 'Totalizing Fluid Meters And Counting Devices'Key '3825' = Label 'Instruments For Measuring And Testing Of Electricity And Electrical'Key '3826' = Label 'Laboratory Analytical Instruments'Key '3827' = Label 'Optical Instruments And Lenses'Key '3829' = Label 'Measuring And Controlling Devices, Not Elsewhere Classified'Key '384' = Label 'Surgical, Medical, And Dental Instruments And'Key '3841' = Label 'Surgical And Medical Instruments And Apparatus'Key '3842' = Label 'Orthopedic, Prosthetic, And Surgical Appliances And Supplies'Key '3843' = Label 'Dental Equipment And Supplies'Key '3844' = Label 'X-ray Apparatus And Tubes And Related Irradiation Apparatus'Key '3845' = Label 'Electromedical And Electrotherapeutic Apparatus'Key '385' = Label 'Ophthalmic Goods'Key '3851' = Label 'Ophthalmic Goods'Key '386' = Label 'Photographic Equipment And Supplies'Key '3861' = Label 'Photographic Equipment And Supplies'Key '387' = Label 'Watches, Clocks, Clockwork Operated Devices,'Key '3873' = Label 'Watches, Clocks, Clockwork Operated Devices, And Parts'Key '39' = Label 'Miscellaneous Manufacturing Industries'Key '391' = Label 'Jewelry, Silverware, And Plated Ware'Key '3911' = Label 'Jewelry, Precious Metal'Key '3914' = Label 'Silverware, Plated Ware, And Stainless Steel Ware'Key '3915' = Label 'Jewelers' Findings And Materials, And Lapidary Work'Key '393' = Label 'Musical Instruments'Key '3931' = Label 'Musical Instruments'Key '394' = Label 'Dolls, Toys, Games And Sporting And Athletic'Key '3942' = Label 'Dolls And Stuffed Toys'Key '3944' = Label 'Games, Toys, And Children's Vehicles, Except Dolls And Bicycles'Key '3949' = Label 'Sporting And Athletic Goods, Not Elsewhere Classified'Key '395' = Label 'Pens, Pencils, And Other Artists' Materials'Key '3951' = Label 'Pens, Mechanical Pencils, And Parts'Key '3952' = Label 'Lead Pencils, Crayons, And Artists' Materials'Key '3953' = Label 'Marking Devices'Key '3955' = Label 'Carbon Paper And Inked Ribbons'Key '396' = Label 'Costume Jewelry, Costume Novelties, Buttons, And'Key '3961' = Label 'Costume Jewelry And Costume Novelties, Except Precious Metal'Key '3965' = Label 'Fasteners, Buttons, Needles, And Pins'Key '399' = Label 'Miscellaneous Manufacturing Industries'Key '3991' = Label 'Brooms And Brushes'Key '3993' = Label 'Signs And Advertising Specialties'Key '3995' = Label 'Burial Caskets'Key '3996' = Label 'Linoleum, Asphalted-felt-base, And Other Hard Surface Floor'Key '3999' = Label 'Manufacturing Industries, Not Elsewhere Classified'Key '40' = Label 'Railroad Transportation'Key '401' = Label 'Railroads'Key '4011' = Label 'Railroads, Line-haul Operating'Key '4013' = Label 'Railroad Switching And Terminal Establishments'Key '41' = Label 'Local And Suburban Transit And Interurban Highway Passenger Transportation'Key '411' = Label 'Local And Suburban Passenger Transportation'Key '4111' = Label 'Local And Suburban Transit'Key '4119' = Label 'Local Passenger Transportation, Not Elsewhere Classified'Key '412' = Label 'Taxicabs'Key '4121' = Label 'Taxicabs'Key '413' = Label 'Intercity And Rural Bus Transportation'Key '4131' = Label 'Intercity And Rural Bus Transportation'Key '414' = Label 'Bus Charter Service'Key '4141' = Label 'Local Bus Charter Service'Key '4142' = Label 'Bus Charter Service, Except Local'Key '415' = Label 'School Buses'Key '4151' = Label 'School Buses'Key '417' = Label 'Terminal And Service Facilities For Motor Vehicle'Key '4173' = Label 'Terminal And Service Facilities For Motor Vehicle Passenger'Key '42' = Label 'Motor Freight Transportation And Warehousing'Key '421' = Label 'Trucking And Courier Services, Except Air'Key '4212' = Label 'Local Trucking Without Storage'Key '4213' = Label 'Trucking, Except Local'Key '4214' = Label 'Local Trucking With Storage'Key '4215' = Label 'Courier Services, Except By Air'Key '422' = Label 'Public Warehousing And Storage'Key '4221' = Label 'Farm Product Warehousing And Storage'Key '4222' = Label 'Refrigerated Warehousing And Storage'Key '4225' = Label 'General Warehousing And Storage'Key '4226' = Label 'Special Warehousing And Storage, Not Elsewhere Classified'Key '423' = Label 'Terminal And Joint Terminal Maintenance'Key '4231' = Label 'Terminal And Joint Terminal Maintenance Facilities For Motor Freight'Key '43' = Label 'United States Postal Service'Key '431' = Label 'United States Postal Service'Key '4311' = Label 'United States Postal Service'Key '44' = Label 'Water Transportation'Key '441' = Label 'Deep Sea Foreign Transportation Of Freight'Key '4412' = Label 'Deep Sea Foreign Transportation Of Freight'Key '442' = Label 'Deep Sea Domestic Transportation Of Freight'Key '4424' = Label 'Deep Sea Domestic Transportation Of Freight'Key '443' = Label 'Freight Transportation On The Great Lakes-st.'Key '4432' = Label 'Freight Transportation On The Great Lakes-st. Lawrence Seaway'Key '444' = Label 'Water Transportation Of Freight, Not Elsewhere'Key '4449' = Label 'Water Transportation Of Freight, Not Elsewhere Classified'Key '448' = Label 'Water Transportation Of Passengers'Key '4481' = Label 'Deep Sea Transportation Of Passengers, Except By Ferry'Key '4482' = Label 'Ferries'Key '4489' = Label 'Water Transportation Of Passengers, Not Elsewhere Classified'Key '449' = Label 'Services Incidental To Water Transportation'Key '4491' = Label 'Marine Cargo Handling'Key '4492' = Label 'Towing And Tugboat Services'Key '4493' = Label 'Marinas'Key '4499' = Label 'Water Transportation Services, Not Elsewhere Classified'Key '45' = Label 'Transportation By Air'Key '451' = Label 'Air Transportation, Scheduled, And Air Courier'Key '4512' = Label 'Air Transportation, Scheduled'Key '4513' = Label 'Air Courier Services'Key '452' = Label 'Air Transportation, Nonscheduled'Key '4522' = Label 'Air Transportation, Nonscheduled'Key '458' = Label 'Airports, Flying Fields, And Airport Terminal'Key '4581' = Label 'Airports, Flying Fields, And Airport Terminal Services'Key '46' = Label 'Pipelines, Except Natural Gas'Key '461' = Label 'Pipelines, Except Natural Gas'Key '4612' = Label 'Crude Petroleum Pipelines'Key '4613' = Label 'Refined Petroleum Pipelines'Key '4619' = Label 'Pipelines, Not Elsewhere Classified'Key '47' = Label 'Transportation Services'Key '472' = Label 'Arrangement Of Passenger Transportation'Key '4724' = Label 'Travel Agencies'Key '4725' = Label 'Tour Operators'Key '4729' = Label 'Arrangement Of Passenger Transportation, Not Elsewhere Classified'Key '473' = Label 'Arrangement Of Transportation Of Freight And'Key '4731' = Label 'Arrangement Of Transportation Of Freight And Cargo'Key '474' = Label 'Rental Of Railroad Cars'Key '4741' = Label 'Rental Of Railroad Cars'Key '478' = Label 'Miscellaneous Services Incidental To'Key '4783' = Label 'Packing And Crating'Key '4785' = Label 'Fixed Facilities And Inspection And Weighing Services For Motor'Key '4789' = Label 'Transportation Services, Not Elsewhere Classified'Key '48' = Label 'Communications'Key '481' = Label 'Telephone Communications'Key '4812' = Label 'Radiotelephone Communications'Key '4813' = Label 'Telephone Communications, Except Radiotelephone'Key '482' = Label 'Telegraph And Other Message Communications'Key '4822' = Label 'Telegraph And Other Message Communications'Key '483' = Label 'Radio And Television Broadcasting Stations'Key '4832' = Label 'Radio Broadcasting Stations'Key '4833' = Label 'Television Broadcasting Stations'Key '484' = Label 'Cable And Other Pay Television Services'Key '4841' = Label 'Cable And Other Pay Television Services'Key '489' = Label 'Communications Services, Not Elsewhere'Key '4899' = Label 'Communications Services, Not Elsewhere Classified'Key '49' = Label 'Electric, Gas, And Sanitary Services'Key '491' = Label 'Electric Services'Key '4911' = Label 'Electric Services'Key '492' = Label 'Gas Production And Distribution'Key '4922' = Label 'Natural Gas Transmission'Key '4923' = Label 'Natural Gas Transmission And Distribution'Key '4924' = Label 'Natural Gas Distribution'Key '4925' = Label 'Mixed, Manufactured, Or Liquefied Petroleum Gas Production And/or'Key '493' = Label 'Combination Electric And Gas, And Other Utility'Key '4931' = Label 'Electric And Other Services Combined'Key '4932' = Label 'Gas And Other Services Combined'Key '4939' = Label 'Combination Utilities, Not Elsewhere Classified'Key '494' = Label 'Water Supply'Key '4941' = Label 'Water Supply'Key '495' = Label 'Sanitary Services'Key '4952' = Label 'Sewerage Systems'Key '4953' = Label 'Refuse Systems'Key '4959' = Label 'Sanitary Services, Not Elsewhere Classified'Key '496' = Label 'Steam And Air-conditioning Supply'Key '4961' = Label 'Steam And Air-conditioning Supply'Key '497' = Label 'Irrigation Systems'Key '4971' = Label 'Irrigation Systems'Key '50' = Label 'Wholesale Trade-durable Goods'Key '501' = Label 'Motor Vehicles And Motor Vehicle Parts And'Key '5012' = Label 'Automobiles And Other Motor Vehicles'Key '5013' = Label 'Motor Vehicle Supplies And New Parts'Key '5014' = Label 'Tires And Tubes'Key '5015' = Label 'Motor Vehicle Parts, Used'Key '502' = Label 'Furniture And Home Furnishings'Key '5021' = Label 'Furniture'Key '5023' = Label 'Home Furnishings'Key '503' = Label 'Lumber And Other Construction Materials'Key '5031' = Label 'Lumber, Plywood, Millwork, And Wood Panels'Key '5032' = Label 'Brick, Stone, And Related Construction Materials'Key '5033' = Label 'Roofing, Siding, And Insulation Materials'Key '5039' = Label 'Construction Materials, Not Elsewhere Classified'Key '504' = Label 'Professional And Commercial Equipment And'Key '5043' = Label 'Photographic Equipment And Supplies'Key '5044' = Label 'Office Equipment'Key '5045' = Label 'Computers And Computer Peripheral Equipment And Software'Key '5046' = Label 'Commercial Equipment, Not Elsewhere Classified'Key '5047' = Label 'Medical, Dental, And Hospital Equipment And Supplies'Key '5048' = Label 'Ophthalmic Goods'Key '5049' = Label 'Professional Equipment And Supplies, Not Elsewhere Classified'Key '505' = Label 'Metals And Minerals, Except Petroleum'Key '5051' = Label 'Metals Service Centers And Offices'Key '5052' = Label 'Coal And Other Minerals And Ores'Key '506' = Label 'Electrical Goods'Key '5063' = Label 'Electrical Apparatus And Equipment, Wiring Supplies, And'Key '5064' = Label 'Electrical Appliances, Television And Radio Sets'Key '5065' = Label 'Electronic Parts And Equipment, Not Elsewhere Classified'Key '507' = Label 'Hardware, And Plumbing And Heating Equipment'Key '5072' = Label 'Hardware'Key '5074' = Label 'Plumbing And Heating Equipment And Supplies (hydronics)'Key '5075' = Label 'Warm Air Heating And Air-conditioning Equipment And Supplies'Key '5078' = Label 'Refrigeration Equipment And Supplies'Key '508' = Label 'Machinery, Equipment, And Supplies'Key '5082' = Label 'Construction And Mining (except Petroleum) Machinery And'Key '5083' = Label 'Farm And Garden Machinery And Equipment'Key '5084' = Label 'Industrial Machinery And Equipment'Key '5085' = Label 'Industrial Supplies'Key '5087' = Label 'Service Establishment Equipment And Supplies'Key '5088' = Label 'Transportation Equipment And Supplies, Except Motor Vehicles'Key '509' = Label 'Miscellaneous Durable Goods'Key '5091' = Label 'Sporting And Recreational Goods And Supplies'Key '5092' = Label 'Toys And Hobby Goods And Supplies'Key '5093' = Label 'Scrap And Waste Materials'Key '5094' = Label 'Jewelry, Watches, Precious Stones, And Precious Metals'Key '5099' = Label 'Durable Goods, Not Elsewhere Classified'Key '51' = Label 'Wholesale Trade-non-durable Goods'Key '511' = Label 'Paper And Paper Products'Key '5111' = Label 'Printing And Writing Paper'Key '5112' = Label 'Stationery And Office Supplies'Key '5113' = Label 'Industrial And Personal Service Paper'Key '512' = Label 'Drugs, Drug Proprietaries, And Druggists' Sundries'Key '5122' = Label 'Drugs, Drug Proprietaries, And Druggists' Sundries'Key '513' = Label 'Apparel, Piece Goods, And Notions'Key '5131' = Label 'Piece Goods, Notions, And Other Dry Good'Key '5136' = Label 'Men's And Boy's Clothing And Furnishings'Key '5137' = Label 'Women's, Children's, And Infants' Clothing And Accessories'Key '5139' = Label 'Footwear'Key '514' = Label 'Groceries And Related Products'Key '5141' = Label 'Groceries, General Line'Key '5142' = Label 'Packaged Frozen Foods'Key '5143' = Label 'Dairy Products, Except Dried Or Canned'Key '5144' = Label 'Poultry And Poultry Products'Key '5145' = Label 'Confectionery'Key '5146' = Label 'Fish And Seafoods'Key '5147' = Label 'Meats And Meat Products'Key '5148' = Label 'Fresh Fruits And Vegetables'Key '5149' = Label 'Groceries And Related Products, Not Elsewhere Classified'Key '515' = Label 'Farm-product Raw Materials'Key '5153' = Label 'Grain And Field Beans'Key '5154' = Label 'Livestock'Key '5159' = Label 'Farm-product Raw Materials, Not Elsewhere Classified'Key '516' = Label 'Chemicals And Allied Products'Key '5162' = Label 'Plastics Materials And Basic Forms And Shapes'Key '5169' = Label 'Chemicals And Allied Products, Not Elsewhere Classified'Key '517' = Label 'Petroleum And Petroleum Products'Key '5171' = Label 'Petroleum Bulk Stations And Terminals'Key '5172' = Label 'Petroleum And Petroleum Products Wholesalers, Except Bulk Stations'Key '518' = Label 'Beer, Wine, And Distilled Alcoholic Beverages'Key '5181' = Label 'Beer And Ale'Key '5182' = Label 'Wine And Distilled Alcoholic Beverages'Key '519' = Label 'Miscellaneous Non-durable Goods'Key '5191' = Label 'Farm Supplies'Key '5192' = Label 'Books, Periodicals, And Newspapers'Key '5193' = Label 'Flowers, Nursery Stock, And Florists' Supplies'Key '5194' = Label 'Tobacco And Tobacco Products'Key '5198' = Label 'Paints, Varnishes, And Supplies'Key '5199' = Label 'Nondurable Goods, Not Elsewhere Classified'Key '52' = Label 'Building Materials, Hardware, Garden Supply, And Mobile Home Dealers'Key '521' = Label 'Lumber And Other Building Materials Dealers'Key '5211' = Label 'Lumber And Other Building Materials Dealers'Key '523' = Label 'Paint, Glass And Wallpaper Stores'Key '5231' = Label 'Paint, Glass, And Wallpaper Stores'Key '525' = Label 'Hardware Stores'Key '5251' = Label 'Hardware Stores'Key '526' = Label 'Retail Nurseries, Lawn And Garden Supply Stores'Key '5261' = Label 'Retail Nurseries, Lawn And Garden Supply Stores'Key '527' = Label 'Mobile Home Dealers'Key '5271' = Label 'Mobile Home Dealers'Key '53' = Label 'General Merchandise Stores'Key '531' = Label 'Department Stores'Key '5311' = Label 'Department Stores'Key '533' = Label 'Variety Stores'Key '5331' = Label 'Variety Stores'Key '539' = Label 'Miscellaneous General Merchandise Stores'Key '5399' = Label 'Miscellaneous General Merchandise Stores'Key '54' = Label 'Food Stores'Key '541' = Label 'Grocery Stores'Key '5411' = Label 'Grocery Stores'Key '542' = Label 'Meat And Fish (seafood) Markets, Including'Key '5421' = Label 'Meat And Fish (seafood) Markets, Including Freezer Provisioners'Key '543' = Label 'Fruit And Vegetable Markets'Key '5431' = Label 'Fruit And Vegetable Markets'Key '544' = Label 'Candy, Nut, And Confectionery Stores'Key '5441' = Label 'Candy, Nut, And Confectionery Stores'Key '545' = Label 'Dairy Products Stores'Key '5451' = Label 'Dairy Products Stores'Key '546' = Label 'Retail Bakeries'Key '5461' = Label 'Retail Bakeries'Key '549' = Label 'Miscellaneous Food Stores'Key '5499' = Label 'Miscellaneous Food Stores'Key '55' = Label 'Automotive Dealers And Gasoline Service Stations'Key '551' = Label 'Motor Vehicle Dealers (new And Used)'Key '5511' = Label 'Motor Vehicle Dealers (new And Used)'Key '552' = Label 'Motor Vehicle Dealers (used Only)'Key '5521' = Label 'Motor Vehicle Dealers (used Only)'Key '553' = Label 'Auto And Home Supply Stores'Key '5531' = Label 'Auto And Home Supply Stores'Key '554' = Label 'Gasoline Service Stations'Key '5541' = Label 'Gasoline Service Stations'Key '555' = Label 'Boat Dealers'Key '5551' = Label 'Boat Dealers'Key '556' = Label 'Recreational Vehicle Dealers'Key '5561' = Label 'Recreational Vehicle Dealers'Key '557' = Label 'Motorcycle Dealers'Key '5571' = Label 'Motorcycle Dealers'Key '559' = Label 'Automotive Dealers, Not Elsewhere Classified'Key '5599' = Label 'Automotive Dealers, Not Elsewhere Classified'Key '56' = Label 'Apparel And Accessory Stores'Key '561' = Label 'Men's And Boys' Clothing And Accessory Stores'Key '5611' = Label 'Men's And Boys' Clothing And Accessory Stores'Key '562' = Label 'Women's Clothing Stores'Key '5621' = Label 'Women's Clothing Stores'Key '563' = Label 'Women's Accessory And Specialty Stores'Key '5632' = Label 'Women's Accessory And Specialty Stores'Key '564' = Label 'Children's And Infants' Wear Stores'Key '5641' = Label 'Children's And Infants' Wear Stores'Key '565' = Label 'Family Clothing Stores'Key '5651' = Label 'Family Clothing Stores'Key '566' = Label 'Shoe Stores'Key '5661' = Label 'Shoe Stores'Key '569' = Label 'Miscellaneous Apparel And Accessory Stores'Key '5699' = Label 'Miscellaneous Apparel And Accessory Stores'Key '57' = Label 'Home Furniture, Furnishings, And Equipment Stores'Key '571' = Label 'Home Furniture And Furnishings Stores'Key '5712' = Label 'Furniture Stores'Key '5713' = Label 'Floor Covering Stores'Key '5714' = Label 'Drapery, Curtain, And Upholstery Stores'Key '5719' = Label 'Miscellaneous Home Furnishings Stores'Key '572' = Label 'Household Appliance Stores'Key '5722' = Label 'Household Appliance Stores'Key '573' = Label 'Radio, Television, Consumer Electronics, And'Key '5731' = Label 'Radio, Television, And Consumer Electronics Stores'Key '5734' = Label 'Computer And Computer Software Stores'Key '5735' = Label 'Record And Prerecorded Tape Stores'Key '5736' = Label 'Musical Instrument Stores'Key '58' = Label 'Eating And Drinking Places'Key '581' = Label 'Eating And Drinking Places'Key '5812' = Label 'Eating Places'Key '5813' = Label 'Drinking Places (alcoholic Beverages)'Key '59' = Label 'Miscellaneous Retail'Key '591' = Label 'Drug Stores And Proprietary Stores'Key '5912' = Label 'Drug Stores And Proprietary Stores'Key '592' = Label 'Liquor Stores'Key '5921' = Label 'Liquor Stores'Key '593' = Label 'Used Merchandise Stores'Key '5932' = Label 'Used Merchandise Stores'Key '594' = Label 'Miscellaneous Shopping Goods Stores'Key '5941' = Label 'Sporting Goods Stores And Bicycle Shops'Key '5942' = Label 'Book Stores'Key '5943' = Label 'Stationery Stores'Key '5944' = Label 'Jewelry Stores'Key '5945' = Label 'Hobby, Toy, And Game Shops'Key '5946' = Label 'Camera And Photographic Supply Stores'Key '5947' = Label 'Gift, Novelty, And Souvenir Shops'Key '5948' = Label 'Luggage And Leather Goods Stores'Key '5949' = Label 'Sewing, Needlework, And Piece Goods Stores'Key '596' = Label 'Nonstore Retailers'Key '5961' = Label 'Catalog And Mail-order Houses'Key '5962' = Label 'Automatic Merchandising Machine Operators'Key '5963' = Label 'Direct Selling Establishments'Key '598' = Label 'Fuel Dealers'Key '5983' = Label 'Fuel Oil Dealers'Key '5984' = Label 'Liquefied Petroleum Gas (bottled Gas) Dealers'Key '5989' = Label 'Fuel Dealers, Not Elsewhere Classified'Key '599' = Label 'Retail Stores, Not Elsewhere Classified'Key '5992' = Label 'Florists'Key '5993' = Label 'Tobacco Stores And Stands'Key '5994' = Label 'News Dealers And Newsstands'Key '5995' = Label 'Optical Goods Stores'Key '5999' = Label 'Miscellaneous Retail Stores, Not Elsewhere Classified'Key '60' = Label 'Depository Institutions'Key '601' = Label 'Central Reserve Depository Institutions'Key '6011' = Label 'Federal Reserve Banks'Key '6019' = Label 'Central Reserve Depository Institutions, Not Elsewhere Classified'Key '602' = Label 'Commercial Banks'Key '6021' = Label 'National Commercial Banks'Key '6022' = Label 'State Commercial Banks'Key '6029' = Label 'Commercial Banks, Not Elsewhere Classified'Key '603' = Label 'Savings Institutions'Key '6035' = Label 'Savings Institutions, Federally Chartered'Key '6036' = Label 'Savings Institutions, Not Federally Chartered'Key '606' = Label 'Credit Unions'Key '6061' = Label 'Credit Unions, Federally Chartered'Key '6062' = Label 'Credit Unions, Not Federally Chartered'Key '608' = Label 'Foreign Banking And Branches And Agencies Of'Key '6081' = Label 'Branches And Agencies Of Foreign Banks'Key '6082' = Label 'Foreign Trade And International Banking Institutions'Key '609' = Label 'Functions Related To Depository Banking'Key '6091' = Label 'Non-deposit Trust Facilities,'Key '6099' = Label 'Functions Related To Depository Banking, Not Elsewhere Classified'Key '61' = Label 'Non-depository Credit Institutions'Key '611' = Label 'Federal And Federally-sponsored Credit Agencies'Key '6111' = Label 'Federal And Federally-sponsored Credit Agencies'Key '614' = Label 'Personal Credit Institutions'Key '6141' = Label 'Personal Credit Institutions'Key '615' = Label 'Business Credit Institutions'Key '6153' = Label 'Short-term Business Credit Institutions, Except Agricultural'Key '6159' = Label 'Miscellaneous Business Credit Institutions'Key '616' = Label 'Mortgage Bankers And Brokers'Key '6162' = Label 'Mortgage Bankers And Loan Correspondents'Key '6163' = Label 'Loan Brokers'Key '62' = Label 'Security And Commodity Brokers, Dealers, Exchanges, And Services'Key '621' = Label 'Security Brokers, Dealers, And Flotation'Key '6211' = Label 'Security Brokers, Dealers, And Flotation Companies'Key '622' = Label 'Commodity Contracts Brokers And Dealers'Key '6221' = Label 'Commodity Contracts Brokers And Dealers'Key '623' = Label 'Security And Commodity Exchanges'Key '6231' = Label 'Security And Commodity Exchanges'Key '628' = Label 'Services Allied With The Exchange Of Securities'Key '6282' = Label 'Investment Advice'Key '6289' = Label 'Services Allied With The Exchange Of Securities Or Commodities, Not'Key '63' = Label 'Insurance Carriers'Key '631' = Label 'Life Insurance'Key '6311' = Label 'Life Insurance'Key '632' = Label 'Accident And Health Insurance And Medical'Key '6321' = Label 'Accident And Health Insurance'Key '6324' = Label 'Hospital And Medical Service Plans'Key '633' = Label 'Fire, Marine, And Casualty Insurance'Key '6331' = Label 'Fire, Marine, And Casualty Insurance'Key '635' = Label 'Surety Insurance'Key '6351' = Label 'Surety Insurance'Key '636' = Label 'Title Insurance'Key '6361' = Label 'Title Insurance'Key '637' = Label 'Pension, Health, And Welfare Funds'Key '6371' = Label 'Pension, Health, And Welfare Funds'Key '639' = Label 'Insurance Carriers, Not Elsewhere Classified'Key '6399' = Label 'Insurance Carriers, Not Elsewhere Classified'Key '64' = Label 'Insurance Agents, Brokers, And Service'Key '641' = Label 'Insurance Agents, Brokers, And Service'Key '6411' = Label 'Insurance Agents, Brokers, And Service'Key '65' = Label 'Real Estate'Key '651' = Label 'Real Estate Operators (except Developers) And'Key '6512' = Label 'Operators Of Nonresidential Buildings'Key '6513' = Label 'Operators Or Apartment Buildings'Key '6514' = Label 'Operators Of Dwellings Other Than Apartment Buildings'Key '6515' = Label 'Operators Of Residential Mobile Home Sites'Key '6517' = Label 'Lessors Of Railroad Property'Key '6519' = Label 'Lessors Of Real Property, Not Elsewhere Classified'Key '653' = Label 'Real Estate Agents And Managers'Key '6531' = Label 'Real Estate Agents And Managers'Key '654' = Label 'Title Abstract Offices'Key '6541' = Label 'Title Abstract Offices'Key '655' = Label 'Land Subdividers And Developers'Key '6552' = Label 'Land Subdividers And Developers, Except Cemeteries'Key '6553' = Label 'Cemetery Subdividers And Developers'Key '67' = Label 'Holding And Other Investment Offices'Key '671' = Label 'Holding Offices'Key '6712' = Label 'Offices Of Bank Holding Companies'Key '6719' = Label 'Offices Of Holding Companies, Not Elsewhere Classified'Key '672' = Label 'Investment Offices'Key '6722' = Label 'Management Investment Offices, Open-end'Key '6726' = Label 'Unit Investment Trusts, Face-amount Certificate Offices, And'Key '673' = Label 'Trusts'Key '6732' = Label 'Educational, Religious, And Charitable Trusts'Key '6733' = Label 'Trusts, Except Educational, Religious, And Charitable'Key '679' = Label 'Miscellaneous Investing'Key '6792' = Label 'Oil Royalty Traders'Key '6794' = Label 'Patent Owners And Lessors'Key '6798' = Label 'Real Estate Investment Trusts'Key '6799' = Label 'Investors, Not Elsewhere Classified'Key '70' = Label 'Hotels, Rooming Houses, Camps, And Other Lodging Places'Key '701' = Label 'Hotels And Motels'Key '7011' = Label 'Hotels And Motels'Key '702' = Label 'Rooming And Boarding Houses'Key '7021' = Label 'Rooming And Boarding Houses'Key '703' = Label 'Camps And Recreational Vehicle Parks'Key '7032' = Label 'Sporting And Recreational Camps'Key '7033' = Label 'Recreational Vehicle Parks And Campsites'Key '704' = Label 'Organization Hotels And Lodging Houses, On'Key '7041' = Label 'Organization Hotels And Lodging Houses, On Membership Basis'Key '72' = Label 'Personal Services'Key '721' = Label 'Laundry, Cleaning, And Garment Services'Key '7211' = Label 'Power Laundries, Family And Commercial'Key '7212' = Label 'Garment Pressing, And Agents For Laundries And Drycleaners'Key '7213' = Label 'Linen Supply'Key '7215' = Label 'Coin-operated Laundries And Drycleaning'Key '7216' = Label 'Drycleaning Plants, Except Rug Cleaning'Key '7217' = Label 'Carpet And Upholstery Cleaning'Key '7218' = Label 'Industrial Launderers'Key '7219' = Label 'Laundry And Garment Services, Not Elsewhere Classified'Key '722' = Label 'Photographic Studios, Portrait'Key '7221' = Label 'Photographic Studios, Portrait'Key '723' = Label 'Beauty Shops'Key '7231' = Label 'Beauty Shops'Key '724' = Label 'Barber Shops'Key '7241' = Label 'Barber Shops'Key '725' = Label 'Shoe Repair Shops And Shoeshine Parlors'Key '7251' = Label 'Shoe Repair Shops And Shoeshine Parlors'Key '726' = Label 'Funeral Service And Crematories'Key '7261' = Label 'Funeral Service And Crematories'Key '729' = Label 'Miscellaneous Personal Services'Key '7291' = Label 'Tax Return Preparation Services'Key '7299' = Label 'Miscellaneous Personal Services, Not Elsewhere Classified'Key '73' = Label 'Business Services'Key '731' = Label 'Advertising'Key '7311' = Label 'Advertising Agencies'Key '7312' = Label 'Outdoor Advertising Services'Key '7313' = Label 'Radio, Television, And Publishers' Advertising Representatives'Key '7319' = Label 'Advertising, Not Elsewhere Classified'Key '732' = Label 'Consumer Credit Reporting Agencies, Mercantile'Key '7322' = Label 'Adjustment And Collection Services'Key '7323' = Label 'Credit Reporting Services'Key '733' = Label 'Mailing, Reproduction, Commercial Art And'Key '7331' = Label 'Direct Mail Advertising Services'Key '7334' = Label 'Photocopying And Duplicating Services'Key '7335' = Label 'Commercial Photography'Key '7336' = Label 'Commercial Art And Graphic Design'Key '7338' = Label 'Secretarial And Court Reporting Services'Key '734' = Label 'Services To Dwellings And Other Buildings'Key '7342' = Label 'Disinfecting And Pest Control Services'Key '7349' = Label 'Building Cleaning And Maintenance Services, Not Elsewhere'Key '735' = Label 'Miscellaneous Equipment Rental And Leasing'Key '7352' = Label 'Medical Equipment Rental And Leasing'Key '7353' = Label 'Heavy Construction Equipment Rental And Leasing'Key '7359' = Label 'Equipment Rental And Leasing, Not Elsewhere Classified'Key '736' = Label 'Personnel Supply Services'Key '7361' = Label 'Employment Agencies'Key '7363' = Label 'Help Supply Services'Key '737' = Label 'Computer Programming, Data Processing, And'Key '7371' = Label 'Computer Programming Services'Key '7372' = Label 'Prepackaged Software'Key '7373' = Label 'Computer Integrated Systems Design'Key '7374' = Label 'Computer Processing And Data Preparation And Processing Services'Key '7375' = Label 'Information Retrieval Services'Key '7376' = Label 'Computer Facilities Management Services'Key '7377' = Label 'Computer Rental And Leasing'Key '7378' = Label 'Computer Maintenance And Repair'Key '7379' = Label 'Computer Related Services, Not Elsewhere Classified'Key '738' = Label 'Miscellaneous Business Services'Key '7381' = Label 'Detective, Guard, And Armored Car Services'Key '7382' = Label 'Security Systems Services'Key '7383' = Label 'News Syndicates'Key '7384' = Label 'Photofinishing Laboratories'Key '7389' = Label 'Business Services, Not Elsewhere Classified'Key '75' = Label 'Automotive Repair, Services, And Parking'Key '751' = Label 'Automotive Rental And Leasing, Without Drivers'Key '7513' = Label 'Truck Rental And Leasing, Without Drivers'Key '7514' = Label 'Passenger Car Rental'Key '7515' = Label 'Passenger Car Leasing'Key '7519' = Label 'Utility Trailer And Recreational Vehicle Rental'Key '752' = Label 'Automobile Parking'Key '7521' = Label 'Automobile Parking'Key '753' = Label 'Automotive Repair Shops'Key '7532' = Label 'Top, Body, And Upholstery Repair Shops And Paint Shops'Key '7533' = Label 'Automotive Exhaust System Repair Shops'Key '7534' = Label 'Tire Retreading And Repair Shops'Key '7536' = Label 'Automotive Glass Replacement Shops'Key '7537' = Label 'Automotive Transmission Repair Shops'Key '7538' = Label 'General Automotive Repair Shops'Key '7539' = Label 'Automotive Repair Shops, Not Elsewhere Classified'Key '754' = Label 'Automotive Services, Except Repair'Key '7542' = Label 'Carwashes'Key '7549' = Label 'Automotive Services, Except Repair And Carwashes'Key '76' = Label 'Miscellaneous Repair Services'Key '762' = Label 'Electrical Repair Shops'Key '7622' = Label 'Radio And Television Repair Shops'Key '7623' = Label 'Refrigeration And Air-conditioning Service And Repair Shops'Key '7629' = Label 'Electrical And Electronic Repair Shops, Not Elsewhere Classified'Key '763' = Label 'Watch, Clock, And Jewelry Repair'Key '7631' = Label 'Watch, Clock, And Jewelry Repair'Key '764' = Label 'Reupholstery And Furniture Repair'Key '7641' = Label 'Reupholstery And Furniture Repair'Key '769' = Label 'Miscellaneous Repair Shops And Related Services'Key '7692' = Label 'Welding Repair'Key '7694' = Label 'Armature Rewinding Shops'Key '7699' = Label 'Repair Shops And Related Services, Not Elsewhere Classified'Key '78' = Label 'Motion Pictures'Key '781' = Label 'Motion Picture Production And Allied Services'Key '7812' = Label 'Motion Picture And Video Tape Production'Key '7819' = Label 'Services Allied To Motion Picture Production'Key '782' = Label 'Motion Picture Distribution And Allied Services'Key '7822' = Label 'Motion Picture And Video Tape Distribution'Key '7829' = Label 'Services Allied To Motion Picture Distribution'Key '783' = Label 'Motion Picture Theaters'Key '7832' = Label 'Motion Picture Theaters, Except Drive-in'Key '7833' = Label 'Drive-in Motion Picture Theaters'Key '784' = Label 'Video Tape Rental'Key '7841' = Label 'Video Tape Rental'Key '79' = Label 'Amusement And Recreation Services'Key '791' = Label 'Dance Studios, Schools, And Halls'Key '7911' = Label 'Dance Studios, Schools, And Halls'Key '792' = Label 'Theatrical Producers (except Motion Picture),'Key '7922' = Label 'Theatrical Producers (except Motion Picture) And Miscellaneous'Key '7929' = Label 'Bands, Orchestras, Actors, And Other Entertainers And Entertainment'Key '793' = Label 'Bowling Centers'Key '7933' = Label 'Bowling Centers'Key '794' = Label 'Commercial Sports'Key '7941' = Label 'Professional Sports Clubs And Promoters'Key '7948' = Label 'Racing, Including Track Operation'Key '799' = Label 'Miscellaneous Amusement And Recreation'Key '7991' = Label 'Physical Fitness Facilities'Key '7992' = Label 'Public Golf Courses'Key '7993' = Label 'Coin-operated Amusement Devices'Key '7996' = Label 'Amusement Parks'Key '7997' = Label 'Membership Sports And Recreation Clubs'Key '7999' = Label 'Amusement And Recreation Services, Not Elsewhere Classified'Key '80' = Label 'Health Services'Key '801' = Label 'Offices And Clinics Of Doctors Of Medicine'Key '8011' = Label 'Offices And Clinics Of Doctors Of Medicine'Key '802' = Label 'Offices And Clinics Of Dentists'Key '8021' = Label 'Offices And Clinics Of Dentists'Key '803' = Label 'Offices And Clinics Of Doctors Of Osteopathy'Key '8031' = Label 'Offices And Clinics Of Doctors Of Osteopathy'Key '804' = Label 'Offices And Clinics Of Other Health Practitioners'Key '8041' = Label 'Offices And Clinics Of Chiropractors'Key '8042' = Label 'Offices And Clinics Of Optometrists'Key '8043' = Label 'Offices And Clinics Of Podiatrists'Key '8049' = Label 'Offices And Clinics Of Health Practitioners, Not Elsewhere Classified'Key '805' = Label 'Nursing And Personal Care Facilities'Key '8051' = Label 'Skilled Nursing Care Facilities'Key '8052' = Label 'Intermediate Care Facilities'Key '8059' = Label 'Nursing And Personal Care Facilities, Not Elsewhere Classified'Key '806' = Label 'Hospitals'Key '8062' = Label 'General Medical And Surgical Hospitals'Key '8063' = Label 'Psychiatric Hospitals'Key '8069' = Label 'Specialty Hospitals, Except Psychiatric'Key '807' = Label 'Medical And Dental Laboratories'Key '8071' = Label 'Medical Laboratories'Key '8072' = Label 'Dental Laboratories'Key '808' = Label 'Home Health Care Services'Key '8082' = Label 'Home Health Care Services'Key '809' = Label 'Miscellaneous Health And Allied Services, Not'Key '8092' = Label 'Kidney Dialysis Centers'Key '8093' = Label 'Specialty Outpatient Facilities, Not Elsewhere Classified'Key '8099' = Label 'Health And Allied Services, Not Elsewhere Classified'Key '81' = Label 'Legal Services'Key '811' = Label 'Legal Services'Key '8111' = Label 'Legal Services'Key '82' = Label 'Educational Services'Key '821' = Label 'Elementary And Secondary Schools'Key '8211' = Label 'Elementary And Secondary Schools'Key '822' = Label 'Colleges, Universities, Professional Schools, And'Key '8221' = Label 'Colleges, Universities, And Professional Schools'Key '8222' = Label 'Junior Colleges And Technical Institutes'Key '823' = Label 'Libraries'Key '8231' = Label 'Libraries'Key '824' = Label 'Vocational Schools'Key '8243' = Label 'Data Processing Schools'Key '8244' = Label 'Business And Secretarial Schools'Key '8249' = Label 'Vocational Schools, Not Elsewhere Classified'Key '829' = Label 'Schools And Educational Services, Not Elsewhere'Key '8299' = Label 'Schools And Educational Services, Not Elsewhere Classified'Key '83' = Label 'Social Services'Key '832' = Label 'Individual And Family Social Services'Key '8322' = Label 'Individual And Family Social Services'Key '833' = Label 'Job Training And Vocational Rehabilitation'Key '8331' = Label 'Job Training And Vocational Rehabilitation Services'Key '835' = Label 'Child Day Care Services'Key '8351' = Label 'Child Day Care Services'Key '836' = Label 'Residential Care'Key '8361' = Label 'Residential Care'Key '839' = Label 'Social Services, Not Elsewhere Classified'Key '8399' = Label 'Social Services, Not Elsewhere Classified'Key '84' = Label 'Museums, Art Galleries, And Botanical And Zoological Gardens'Key '841' = Label 'Museums And Art Galleries'Key '8412' = Label 'Museums And Art Galleries'Key '842' = Label 'Arboreta And Botanical Or Zoological Gardens'Key '8422' = Label 'Arboreta And Botanical Or Zoological Gardens'Key '86' = Label 'Membership Organizations'Key '861' = Label 'Business Associations'Key '8611' = Label 'Business Associations'Key '862' = Label 'Professional Membership Organizations'Key '8621' = Label 'Professional Membership Organizations'Key '863' = Label 'Labor Unions And Similar Labor Organizations'Key '8631' = Label 'Labor Unions And Similar Labor Organizations'Key '864' = Label 'Civic, Social, And Fraternal Associations'Key '8641' = Label 'Civic, Social, And Fraternal Associations'Key '865' = Label 'Political Organizations'Key '8651' = Label 'Political Organizations'Key '866' = Label 'Religious Organizations'Key '8661' = Label 'Religious Organizations'Key '869' = Label 'Membership Organizations, Not Elsewhere'Key '8699' = Label 'Membership Organizations, Not Elsewhere Classified'Key '87' = Label 'Engineering, Accounting, Research, Management, And Related Services'Key '871' = Label 'Engineering, Architectural, And Surveying'Key '8711' = Label 'Engineering Services'Key '8712' = Label 'Architectural Services'Key '8713' = Label 'Surveying Services'Key '872' = Label 'Accounting, Auditing, And Bookkeeping Services'Key '8721' = Label 'Accounting, Auditing, And Bookkeeping Services'Key '873' = Label 'Research, Development, And Testing Services'Key '8731' = Label 'Commercial Physical And Biological Research'Key '8732' = Label 'Commercial Economic, Sociological, And Educational Research'Key '8733' = Label 'Noncommercial Research Organizations'Key '8734' = Label 'Testing Laboratories'Key '874' = Label 'Management And Public Relations Services'Key '8741' = Label 'Management Services'Key '8742' = Label 'Management Consulting Services'Key '8743' = Label 'Public Relations Services'Key '8744' = Label 'Facilities Support Management Services'Key '8748' = Label 'Business Consulting Services, Not Elsewhere Classified'Key '88' = Label 'Private Households'Key '881' = Label 'Private Households'Key '8811' = Label 'Private Households'Key '89' = Label 'Miscellaneous services'Key '899' = Label 'Services, Not Elsewhere Classified'Key '8999' = Label 'Services, NEC'Key '91' = Label 'Executive, Legislative, And General Government, Except Finance'Key '911' = Label 'Executive Offices'Key '9111' = Label 'Executive Offices'Key '912' = Label 'Legislative Bodies'Key '9121' = Label 'Legislative Bodies'Key '913' = Label 'Executive And Legislative Offices Combined'Key '9131' = Label 'Executive And Legislative Offices Combined'Key '919' = Label 'General Government, Not Elsewhere Classified'Key '9199' = Label 'General Government, Not Elsewhere Classified'Key '92' = Label 'Justice, Public Order, And Safety'Key '921' = Label 'Courts'Key '9211' = Label 'Courts'Key '922' = Label 'Public Order And Safety'Key '9221' = Label 'Police Protection'Key '9222' = Label 'Legal Counsel And Prosecution'Key '9223' = Label 'Correctional Institutions'Key '9224' = Label 'Fire Protection'Key '9229' = Label 'Public Order And Safety, Not Elsewhere Classified'Key '93' = Label 'Public Finance, Taxation, And Monetary Policy'Key '931' = Label 'Public Finance, Taxation, And Monetary Policy'Key '9311' = Label 'Public Finance, Taxation, And Monetary Policy'Key '94' = Label 'Administration Of Human Resource Programs'Key '941' = Label 'Administration Of Educational Programs'Key '9411' = Label 'Administration Of Educational Programs'Key '943' = Label 'Administration Of Public Health Programs'Key '9431' = Label 'Administration Of Public Health Programs'Key '944' = Label 'Administration Of Social, Human Resource And'Key '9441' = Label 'Administration Of Social, Human Resource And Income Maintenance'Key '945' = Label 'Administration Of Veteran's Affairs, Except'Key '9451' = Label 'Administration Of Veterans' Affairs, Except Health And Insurance'Key '95' = Label 'Administration Of Environmental Quality And Housing Programs'Key '951' = Label 'Administration Of Environmental Quality'Key '9511' = Label 'Air And Water Resource And Solid Waste Management'Key '9512' = Label 'Land, Mineral, Wildlife, And Forest Conservation'Key '953' = Label 'Administration Of Housing And Urban'Key '9531' = Label 'Administration Of Housing Programs'Key '9532' = Label 'Administration Of Urban Planning And Community And Rural'Key '96' = Label 'Administration Of Economic Programs'Key '961' = Label 'Administration Of General Economic Programs'Key '9611' = Label 'Administration Of General Economic Programs'Key '962' = Label 'Regulation And Administration Of Transportation'Key '9621' = Label 'Regulation And Administration Of Transportation Programs'Key '963' = Label 'Regulation And Administration Of'Key '9631' = Label 'Regulation And Administration Of Communications, Electric, Gas, And'Key '964' = Label 'Regulation Of Agricultural Marketing And'Key '9641' = Label 'Regulation Of Agricultural Marketing And Commodities'Key '965' = Label 'Regulation, Licensing, And Inspection Of'Key '9651' = Label 'Regulation, Licensing, And Inspection Of Miscellaneous Commercial'Key '966' = Label 'Space Research And Technology'Key '9661' = Label 'Space And Research And Technology'Key '97' = Label 'National Security And International Affairs'Key '971' = Label 'National Security'Key '9711' = Label 'National Security'Key '972' = Label 'International Affairs'Key '9721' = Label 'International Affairs'Key '99' = Label 'Nonclassifiable Establishments'Key '999' = Label 'Nonclassifiable Establishments'Key '9999' = Label 'Nonclassifiable Establishments'Key 'A' = Label 'Agriculture, Forestry, And Fishing'Key 'B' = Label 'Mining'Key 'C' = Label 'Construction'Key 'D' = Label 'Manufacturing'Key 'E' = Label 'Transportation, Communications, Electric, Gas, And Sanitary Services'Key 'F' = Label 'Wholesale Trade'Key 'G' = Label 'Retail Trade'Key 'H' = Label 'Finance, Insurance, And Real Estate'Key 'I' = Label 'Services'Key 'J' = Label 'Public Administration'NAIC Industry Classification fr-NAIC Industry ClassificationKey '11' = Label 'Agriculture, Forestry, Fishing and Hunting'Key '111' = Label 'Crop Production'Key '1111' = Label 'Oilseed and Grain Farming'Key '11111' = Label 'Soybean Farming'Key '111110' = Label 'Soybean Farming'Key '11112' = Label 'Oilseed (except Soybean) Farming'Key '111120' = Label 'Oilseed (except Soybean) Farming'Key '11113' = Label 'Dry Pea and Bean Farming'Key '111130' = Label 'Dry Pea and Bean Farming'Key '11114' = Label 'Wheat Farming'Key '111140' = Label 'Wheat Farming'Key '11115' = Label 'Corn Farming'Key '111150' = Label 'Corn Farming'Key '11116' = Label 'Rice Farming'Key '111160' = Label 'Rice Farming'Key '11119' = Label 'Other Grain Farming'Key '111190' = Label 'Other Grain Farming'Key '111191' = Label 'Oilseed and Grain Combination Farming'Key '111199' = Label ' All Other Grain Farming'Key '1112' = Label 'Vegetable and Melon Farming'Key '11121' = Label 'Vegetable and Melon Farming'Key '111211' = Label 'Potato Farming'Key '111219' = Label 'Other Vegetable (except Potato) and Melon Farming'Key '1113' = Label 'Fruit and Tree Nut Farming'Key '11131' = Label 'Orange Groves'Key '111310' = Label 'Orange Groves'Key '11132' = Label 'Citrus (except Orange) Groves'Key '111320' = Label 'Citrus (except Orange) Groves'Key '11133' = Label 'Non-Citrus Fruit and Tree Nut Farming'Key '111330' = Label 'Non-Citrus Fruit and Tree Nut Farming'Key '111331' = Label 'Apple Orchards'Key '111332' = Label 'Grape Vineyards'Key '111333' = Label 'Strawberry Farming'Key '111334' = Label 'Berry (except Strawberry) Farming'Key '111335' = Label 'Tree Nut Farming'Key '111336' = Label 'Fruit and Tree Nut Combination Farming'Key '111339' = Label 'Other Noncitrus Fruit Farming'Key '1114' = Label 'Greenhouse, Nursery and Floriculture Production'Key '11141' = Label 'Food Crops Grown Under Cover'Key '111411' = Label 'Mushroom Production'Key '111412' = Label 'Cannabis Grown Under Cover'Key '111419' = Label 'Other Food Crops Grown Under Cover'Key '11142' = Label 'Nursery and Floriculture Production'Key '111421' = Label 'Nursery and Tree Production'Key '111422' = Label 'Floriculture Production'Key '1119' = Label 'Other Crop Farming'Key '11191' = Label 'Tobacco Farming'Key '111910' = Label 'Tobacco Farming'Key '11192' = Label 'Cotton Farming'Key '111920' = Label 'Cotton Farming'Key '11193' = Label 'Sugar-Cane Farming'Key '111930' = Label 'Sugar-Cane Farming'Key '11194' = Label 'Hay Farming'Key '111940' = Label 'Hay Farming'Key '111994' = Label 'Maple Syrup and Products Production'Key '11199' = Label 'All Other Crop Farming'Key '111993' = Label 'Fruit and Vegetable Combination Farming'Key '111995' = Label 'Cannabis Grown in Open Fields'Key '111999' = Label 'All Other Miscellaneous Crop Farming'Key '111991' = Label 'Sugar Beet Farming'Key '111992' = Label 'Peanut Farming'Key '111998' = Label 'All Other Miscellaneous Crop Farming (US NAICS)'Key '112' = Label 'Animal Production'Key '1121' = Label 'Cattle Ranching and Farming'Key '11211' = Label 'Beef Cattle Ranching and Farming, including Feedlots'Key '112110' = Label 'Beef Cattle Ranching and Farming, including Feedlots'Key '112111' = Label 'Beef Cattle Ranching and Farming'Key '112112' = Label 'Cattle Feedlots'Key '11212' = Label 'Dairy Cattle and Milk Production'Key '112120' = Label 'Dairy Cattle and Milk Production'Key '11213' = Label 'Dual-Purpose Cattle Ranching and Farming (11213)'Key '112130' = Label 'Dual-Purpose Cattle Ranching and Farming (112130)'Key '1122' = Label 'Hog and Pig Farming'Key '11221' = Label 'Hog and Pig Farming'Key '112210' = Label 'Hog and Pig Farming'Key '1123' = Label 'Poultry and Egg Production'Key '11231' = Label 'Chicken Egg Production'Key '112310' = Label 'Chicken Egg Production'Key '11232' = Label 'Broiler and Other Meat-Type Chicken Production'Key '112320' = Label 'Broiler and Other Meat-Type Chicken Production'Key '11233' = Label 'Turkey Production'Key '112330' = Label 'Turkey Production'Key '11234' = Label 'Poultry Hatcheries'Key '112340' = Label 'Poultry Hatcheries'Key '11239' = Label 'Other Poultry Production'Key '112390' = Label 'Other Poultry Production'Key '112391' = Label 'Combination Poultry and Egg Production'Key '112399' = Label 'All Other Poultry Production'Key '1124' = Label 'Sheep and Goat Farming'Key '11241' = Label 'Sheep Farming'Key '112410' = Label 'Sheep Farming'Key '11242' = Label 'Goat Farming'Key '112420' = Label 'Goat Farming'Key '1125' = Label 'Animal Aquaculture'Key '11251' = Label 'Animal Aquaculture'Key '112510' = Label 'Animal Aquaculture'Key '112511' = Label 'Finfish Farming and Fish Hatcheries 'Key '112512' = Label 'Shellfish Farming'Key '112519' = Label 'Other Aquaculture'Key '1129' = Label 'Other Animal Production'Key '11291' = Label 'Apiculture'Key '112910' = Label 'Apiculture'Key '11292' = Label 'Horse and Other Equine Production'Key '112920' = Label 'Horse and Other Equine Production'Key '11293' = Label 'Fur-Bearing Animal and Rabbit Production'Key '112930' = Label 'Fur-Bearing Animal and Rabbit Production'Key '11299' = Label 'All Other Animal Production'Key '112991' = Label 'Livestock Combination Farming'Key '112999' = Label 'All Other Miscellaneous Animal Production'Key '112990' = Label 'All Other Animal Production (US NAICS)'Key '113' = Label 'Forestry and Logging'Key '1131' = Label 'Timber Tract Operations'Key '11311' = Label 'Timber Tract Operations'Key '113110' = Label 'Timber Tract Operations'Key '1132' = Label 'Forest Nurseries and Gathering of Forest Products'Key '11321' = Label 'Forest Nurseries and Gathering of Forest Products'Key '113210' = Label 'Forest Nurseries and Gathering of Forest Products'Key '1133' = Label 'Logging'Key '11331' = Label 'Logging'Key '113311' = Label 'Logging (except Contract)'Key '113312' = Label 'Contract Logging'Key '113310' = Label 'Logging (US NAICS)'Key '114' = Label 'Fishing, Hunting and Trapping'Key '1141' = Label 'Fishing'Key '11411' = Label 'Fishing'Key '114111' = Label 'Finfish Fishing'Key '114113' = Label 'Salt Water Fishing'Key '114114' = Label 'Inland Fishing'Key '114112' = Label 'Shellfish Fishing'Key '114119' = Label 'Other Marine Fishing'Key '1142' = Label 'Hunting and Trapping'Key '11421' = Label 'Hunting and Trapping'Key '114210' = Label 'Hunting and Trapping'Key '115' = Label 'Support Activities for Agriculture and Forestry'Key '1151' = Label 'Support Activities for Crop Production'Key '11511' = Label 'Support Activities for Crop Production'Key '115110' = Label 'Support Activities for Crop Production'Key '115111' = Label 'Cotton Ginning'Key '115112' = Label ' Soil Preparation, Planting, and Cultivating'Key '115113' = Label 'Crop Harvesting, Primarily by Machine'Key '115114' = Label 'Postharvest Crop Activities (except Cotton Ginning)'Key '115115' = Label 'Farm Labor Contractors and Crew Leaders'Key '115116' = Label 'Farm Management Services'Key '1152' = Label 'Support Activities for Animal Production'Key '11521' = Label 'Support Activities for Animal Production'Key '115210' = Label 'Support Activities for Animal Production'Key '1153' = Label 'Support Activities for Forestry'Key '11531' = Label 'Support Activities for Forestry'Key '115310' = Label 'Support Activities for Forestry'Key '21' = Label 'Mining and Oil and Gas Extraction'Key '211' = Label 'Oil and Gas Extraction'Key '2111' = Label 'Oil and Gas Extraction'Key '21111' = Label 'Oil and Gas Extraction'Key '211110' = Label 'Oil and Gas Extraction (Except Oil Sands)'Key '211113' = Label 'Conventional Oil and Gas Extraction'Key '211114' = Label 'Non-Conventional Oil Extraction'Key '21112' = Label 'Crude Petroleum Extraction'Key '211120' = Label 'Crude Petroleum Extraction (US NAICS)'Key '21114' = Label 'Oil sands extraction'Key '211141' = Label 'In-situ Oil Sands Extraction'Key '211142' = Label 'Mined Oil Sands Extraction'Key '21113' = Label 'Natural Gas Extraction'Key '211130' = Label 'Natural Gas Extraction (US NAICS)'Key '212' = Label 'Mining (except Oil and Gas)'Key '2121' = Label 'Coal Mining'Key '21211' = Label 'Coal Mining'Key '212111' = Label 'Bituminous Coal and Lignite Surface Mining'Key '212112' = Label 'Bituminous Coal Underground Mining'Key '212113' = Label 'Anthracite Mining'Key '212114' = Label 'Bituminous Coal Mining'Key '212115' = Label 'Subbituminous Coal Mining'Key '212116' = Label 'Lignite Coal Mining'Key '2122' = Label 'Metal Ore Mining'Key '21221' = Label 'Iron Ore Mining'Key '212210' = Label 'Iron Ore Mining'Key '21222' = Label 'Gold and Silver Ore Mining'Key '212220' = Label 'Gold and Silver Ore Mining'Key '212221' = Label 'Gold Ore Mining'Key '212222' = Label 'Silver Ore Mining'Key '21223' = Label 'Copper, Nickel, Lead and Zinc Ore Mining'Key '212231' = Label 'Lead-Zinc Ore Mining'Key '212232' = Label 'Nickel-Copper Ore Mining'Key '212233' = Label 'Copper-Zinc Ore Mining'Key '212230' = Label 'Copper, Nickel, Lead, and Zinc Mining'Key '21229' = Label 'Other Metal Ore Mining'Key '212291' = Label 'Uranium Ore Mining'Key '212299' = Label 'All Other Metal Ore Mining'Key '2123' = Label 'Non-Metallic Mineral Mining and Quarrying'Key '21231' = Label 'Stone Mining and Quarrying'Key '212311' = Label 'Dimension Stone Mining and Quarrying'Key '212312' = Label 'Crushed and Broken Limestone Mining and Quarrying'Key '212313' = Label 'Crushed and Broken Granite Mining and Quarrying'Key '212314' = Label 'Granite Mining and Quarrying'Key '212315' = Label 'Limestone Mining and Quarrying'Key '212316' = Label 'Marble Mining and Quarrying'Key '212317' = Label 'Sandstone Mining and Quarrying'Key '212319' = Label 'Other Crushed and Broken Stone Mining and Quarrying'Key '21232' = Label 'Sand, Gravel, Clay, and Ceramic and Refractory Minerals Mining and Quarrying'Key '212321' = Label 'Construction Sand and Gravel Mining'Key '212322' = Label 'Industrial Sand Mining'Key '212323' = Label 'Sand and Gravel Mining and Quarrying'Key '212324' = Label 'Kaolin and Ball Clay Mining'Key '212325' = Label 'Clay and Ceramic and Refractory Minerals Mining'Key '212326' = Label 'Shale, Clay and Refractory Mineral Mining and Quarrying'Key '21239' = Label 'Other Non-Metallic Mineral Mining and Quarrying'Key '212391' = Label 'Potash, Soda, and Borate Mineral Mining'Key '212392' = Label 'Diamond Mining'Key '212393' = Label 'Salt Mining'Key '212394' = Label 'Asbestos Mining'Key '212395' = Label 'Gypsum Mining'Key '212396' = Label 'Potash Mining'Key '212397' = Label 'Peat Extraction'Key '212398' = Label 'All Other Non-Metallic Mineral Mining and Quarrying'Key '212399' = Label 'All Other Nonmetallic Mineral Mining'Key '213' = Label 'Support Activities for Mining and Oil and Gas Extraction'Key '2131' = Label 'Support Activities for Mining and Oil and Gas Extraction'Key '21311' = Label 'Support Activities for Mining and Oil and Gas Extraction'Key '213111' = Label 'Oil and Gas Contract Drilling'Key '213117' = Label 'Contract Drilling (except Oil and Gas)'Key '213118' = Label 'Services to Oil and Gas Extraction'Key '213119' = Label 'Other Support Activities for Mining'Key '213112' = Label 'Support Activities for Oil and Gas Operations'Key '213113' = Label 'Support Activities for Coal Mining'Key '213114' = Label 'Support Activities for Metal Mining'Key '213115' = Label 'Support Activities for Nonmetallic Minerals (except Fuels) Mining'Key '22' = Label 'Utilities'Key '221' = Label 'Utilities'Key '2211' = Label 'Electric Power Generation, Transmission and Distribution'Key '22111' = Label 'Electric Power Generation'Key '221111' = Label 'Hydro-Electric Power Generation'Key '221112' = Label 'Fossil-Fuel Electric Power Generation'Key '221113' = Label 'Nuclear Electric Power Generation'Key '221119' = Label 'Other Electric Power Generation'Key '221114' = Label 'Solar Electric Power Generation'Key '221115' = Label 'Wind Electric Power Generation'Key '221116' = Label 'Geothermal Electric Power Generation'Key '221117' = Label 'Biomass Electric Power Generation'Key '221118' = Label 'Other Electric Power Generation (US NAICS)'Key '22112' = Label 'Electric Power Transmission, Control and Distribution'Key '221121' = Label 'Electric Bulk Power Transmission and Control'Key '221122' = Label 'Electric Power Distribution'Key '2212' = Label 'Natural Gas Distribution'Key '22121' = Label 'Natural Gas Distribution'Key '221210' = Label 'Natural Gas Distribution'Key '2213' = Label 'Water, Sewage and Other Systems'Key '22131' = Label 'Water Supply and Irrigation Systems'Key '221310' = Label 'Water Supply and Irrigation Systems'Key '22132' = Label 'Sewage Treatment Facilities'Key '221320' = Label 'Sewage Treatment Facilities'Key '22133' = Label 'Steam and Air-Conditioning Supply'Key '221330' = Label 'Steam and Air-Conditioning Supply'Key '23' = Label 'Construction'Key '231' = Label 'Prime Contracting'Key '2311' = Label 'Land Subdivision and Land Development'Key '23111' = Label 'Land Subdivision and Land Development'Key '231110' = Label 'Land Subdivision and Land Development'Key '2312' = Label 'Building Construction'Key '23121' = Label 'Residential Building Construction'Key '231210' = Label 'Residential Building Construction'Key '23122' = Label 'Non-Residential Building Construction'Key '231220' = Label 'Non-Residential Building Construction'Key '2313' = Label 'Engineering Construction'Key '23131' = Label 'Highway, Street and Bridge Construction'Key '231310' = Label 'Highway, Street and Bridge Construction'Key '23132' = Label 'Water and Sewer Construction'Key '231320' = Label 'Water and Sewer Construction'Key '23133' = Label 'Oil and Gas Pipelines and Related Industrial Complexes Construction'Key '231330' = Label 'Oil and Gas Pipelines and Related Industrial Complexes Construction'Key '23139' = Label 'Other Engineering Construction'Key '231390' = Label 'Other Engineering Construction'Key '2314' = Label 'Construction Management'Key '23141' = Label 'Construction Management'Key '231410' = Label 'Construction Management'Key '232' = Label 'Trade Contracting'Key '2321' = Label 'Site Preparation Work'Key '23211' = Label 'Site Preparation Work'Key '232110' = Label 'Site Preparation Work'Key '2322' = Label 'Building Structure Work'Key '23221' = Label 'Forming Work'Key '232210' = Label 'Forming Work'Key '23222' = Label 'Concrete Pouring and Finishing Work'Key '232220' = Label 'Concrete Pouring and Finishing Work'Key '23223' = Label 'Structural Steel and Precast Concrete Erection Work'Key '232230' = Label 'Structural Steel and Precast Concrete Erection Work'Key '23224' = Label 'Crane Rental Services'Key '232240' = Label 'Crane Rental Services'Key '23225' = Label 'Framing and Rough Carpentry Work'Key '232250' = Label 'Framing and Rough Carpentry Work'Key '23229' = Label 'Other Building Structure Work'Key '232290' = Label 'Other Building Structure Work'Key '2323' = Label 'Building Exterior Finishing Work'Key '23231' = Label 'Masonry Work'Key '232310' = Label 'Masonry Work'Key '23232' = Label 'Glass and Glazing Work'Key '232320' = Label 'Glass and Glazing Work'Key '23233' = Label 'Roofing and Related Work'Key '232330' = Label 'Roofing and Related Work'Key '23234' = Label 'Metallic and Other Siding Work'Key '232340' = Label 'Metallic and Other Siding Work'Key '23239' = Label 'Other Building Exterior Finishing Work'Key '232390' = Label 'Other Building Exterior Finishing Work'Key '2324' = Label 'Building Interior Finishing Work'Key '23241' = Label 'Drywall and Plaster Work'Key '232410' = Label 'Drywall and Plaster Work'Key '23242' = Label 'Terrazzo and Tile Work'Key '232420' = Label 'Terrazzo and Tile Work'Key '23243' = Label 'Carpet and Resilient Flooring Work'Key '232430' = Label 'Carpet and Resilient Flooring Work'Key '23244' = Label 'Insulation Work'Key '232440' = Label 'Insulation Work'Key '23245' = Label 'Building Painting and Paperhanging Work'Key '232450' = Label 'Building Painting and Paperhanging Work'Key '23246' = Label 'Finish Carpentry and Wood Flooring Work'Key '232460' = Label 'Finish Carpentry and Wood Flooring Work'Key '23249' = Label 'Other Building Interior Finishing Work'Key '232490' = Label 'Other Building Interior Finishing Work'Key '2325' = Label 'Building Equipment Installation'Key '23251' = Label 'Electrical Work'Key '232510' = Label 'Electrical Work'Key '23252' = Label 'Plumbing, Heating and Air-Conditioning Installation'Key '232520' = Label 'Plumbing, Heating and Air-Conditioning Installation'Key '23253' = Label 'Automatic Sprinkler System Installation'Key '232530' = Label 'Automatic Sprinkler System Installation'Key '23254' = Label 'Commercial Refrigeration Installation'Key '232540' = Label 'Commercial Refrigeration Installation'Key '23255' = Label 'Elevator and Escalator Installation'Key '232550' = Label 'Elevator and Escalator Installation'Key '23259' = Label 'Other Building Equipment Installation'Key '232590' = Label 'Other Building Equipment Installation'Key '2329' = Label 'Other Special Trade Contracting'Key '23291' = Label 'Fencing and Interlocking Stone Contracting'Key '232910' = Label 'Fencing and Interlocking Stone Contracting'Key '23292' = Label 'Residential and Commercial Paving Contracting'Key '232920' = Label 'Residential and Commercial Paving Contracting'Key '23299' = Label 'All Other Special Trade Contracting'Key '232990' = Label 'All Other Special Trade Contracting'Key '236' = Label 'Construction of Buildings'Key '2361' = Label 'Residential Building Construction'Key '23611' = Label 'Residential Building Construction'Key '236110' = Label 'Residential Building Construction'Key '236115' = Label 'New Single-Family Housing Construction (except For-Sale Builders)'Key '236116' = Label 'New Multifamily Housing'Key '236117' = Label 'New Housing For-Sale Builders'Key '236118' = Label 'Residential Remodelers'Key '2362' = Label 'Non-residential Building Construction'Key '23621' = Label 'Industrial Building and Structure Construction'Key '236210' = Label 'Industrial Building and Structure Construction'Key '23622' = Label 'Commercial and Institutional Building Construction'Key '236220' = Label 'Commercial and Institutional Building Construction'Key '237' = Label 'Heavy and Civil Engineering Construction'Key '2371' = Label 'Utility System Construction'Key '23711' = Label 'Water and Sewer Line and Related Structures Constr'Key '237110' = Label 'Water and Sewer Line and Related Structures Constr'Key '23712' = Label 'Oil and Gas Pipeline and Related Structures Constr'Key '237120' = Label 'Oil and Gas Pipeline and Related Structures Constr'Key '23713' = Label 'Power and Communication Line and Related Structure'Key '237130' = Label 'Power and Communication Line and Related Structure'Key '2372' = Label 'Land Subdivision'Key '23721' = Label 'Land Subdivision'Key '237210' = Label 'Land Subdivision'Key '2373' = Label 'Highway, Street and Bridge Construction'Key '23731' = Label 'Highway, Street and Bridge Construction'Key '237310' = Label 'Highway, Street and Bridge Construction'Key '2379' = Label 'Other Heavy and Civil Engineering Construction'Key '23799' = Label 'Other Heavy and Civil Engineering Construction'Key '237990' = Label 'Other Heavy and Civil Engineering Construction'Key '238' = Label 'Specialty Trade Contractors'Key '2381' = Label 'Foundation, Structure, and Building Exterior Contr'Key '23811' = Label 'Poured Concrete Foundation and Structure Contracto'Key '238110' = Label 'Poured Concrete Foundation and Structure Contracto'Key '23812' = Label 'Structural Steel and Precast Concrete Contractors'Key '238120' = Label 'Structural Steel and Precast Concrete Contractors'Key '23813' = Label 'Framing Contractors'Key '238130' = Label 'Framing Contractors'Key '23814' = Label 'Masonry Contractors'Key '238140' = Label 'Masonry Contractors'Key '23815' = Label 'Glass and Glazing Contractors'Key '238150' = Label 'Glass and Glazing Contractors'Key '23816' = Label 'Roofing Contractors'Key '238160' = Label 'Roofing Contractors'Key '23817' = Label 'Siding Contractors'Key '238170' = Label 'Siding Contractors'Key '23819' = Label 'Other Foundation, Structure and Building Exterior'Key '238190' = Label 'Other Foundation, Structure and Building Exterior'Key '2382' = Label 'Building Equipment Contractors'Key '23821' = Label 'Electrical Contractors'Key '238210' = Label 'Electrical Contractors'Key '23822' = Label 'Plumbing, Heating and Air-Conditioning Contractors'Key '238220' = Label 'Plumbing, Heating and Air-Conditioning Contractors'Key '23829' = Label 'Other Building Equipment Contractors'Key '238291' = Label 'Elevator and Escalator Installation Contractors'Key '238299' = Label 'All Other Building Equipment Contractors'Key '238290' = Label 'Other Building Equipment Contractors(US NAICS)'Key '2383' = Label 'Building Finishing Contractors'Key '23831' = Label 'Drywall and Insulation Contractors'Key '238310' = Label 'Drywall and Insulation Contractors'Key '23832' = Label 'Painting and Wall Covering Contractors'Key '238320' = Label 'Painting and Wall Covering Contractors'Key '23833' = Label 'Flooring Contractors'Key '238330' = Label 'Flooring Contractors'Key '23834' = Label 'Tile and Terrazzo Contractors'Key '238340' = Label 'Tile and Terrazzo Contractors'Key '23835' = Label 'Finish Carpentry Contractors'Key '238350' = Label 'Finish Carpentry Contractors'Key '23839' = Label 'Other Building Finishing Contractors'Key '238390' = Label 'Other Building Finishing Contractors'Key '2389' = Label 'Other Specialty Trade Contractors'Key '23891' = Label 'Site Preparation Contractors'Key '238910' = Label 'Site Preparation Contractors'Key '23899' = Label 'All Other Specialty Trade Contractors'Key '238990' = Label 'All Other Specialty Trade Contractors'Key '31' = Label 'Manufacturing'Key '311' = Label 'Food Manufacturing'Key '3111' = Label 'Animal Food Manufacturing'Key '31111' = Label 'Animal Food Manufacturing'Key '311111' = Label 'Dog and Cat Food Manufacturing'Key '311119' = Label 'Other Animal Food Manufacturing'Key '3112' = Label 'Grain and Oilseed Milling'Key '31121' = Label 'Flour Milling and Malt Manufacturing'Key '311211' = Label 'Flour Milling'Key '311212' = Label 'Rice Milling'Key '311213' = Label 'Malt Manufacturing'Key '311214' = Label 'Rice Milling and Malt Manufacturing'Key '31122' = Label 'Starch and Vegetable Fat and Oil Manufacturing'Key '311221' = Label 'Wet Corn Milling'Key '311224' = Label 'Oilseed Processing'Key '311225' = Label 'Fat and Oil Refining and Blending'Key '31123' = Label 'Breakfast Cereal Manufacturing'Key '311230' = Label 'Breakfast Cereal Manufacturing'Key '3113' = Label 'Sugar and Confectionery Product Manufacturing'Key '31131' = Label 'Sugar Manufacturing'Key '311310' = Label 'Sugar Manufacturing'Key '311313' = Label 'Beet Sugar Manufacturing'Key '311314' = Label 'Cane Sugar Manufacturing'Key '31132' = Label 'Chocolate and Confectionery Manufacturing from Cacao Beans'Key '311320' = Label 'Chocolate and Confectionery Manufacturing from Cacao Beans'Key '31133' = Label 'Confectionery Manufacturing from Purchased Chocolate'Key '311330' = Label 'Confectionery Manufacturing from Purchased Chocolate'Key '31134' = Label 'Non-Chocolate Confectionery Manufacturing'Key '311340' = Label 'Non-Chocolate Confectionery Manufacturing'Key '31135' = Label 'Chocolate and Chocolate Confectionery Manufacturing'Key '311351' = Label 'Chocolate and Chocolate Confectionery Manufacturing from Cacao Beans'Key '311352' = Label 'Confectionery Manufacturing from Purchased Chocolate (NAICS 2017)'Key '3114' = Label 'Fruit and Vegetable Preserving and Specialty Food Manufacturing'Key '31141' = Label 'Frozen Food Manufacturing'Key '311410' = Label 'Frozen Food Manufacturing'Key '311411' = Label 'Frozen Fruit, Juice, and Vegetable Manufacturing'