Pension guidance by topic

Year Title Publication type Plans Topics
2008 Remittance of contributions Past newsletter articles
  • Defined benefit plans
  • Defined contribution plans
  • Governance
2008 No Age Limit for the Purchase of a LIF or an Immediate Annuity Guidance
  • Defined benefit plans
  • Defined contribution plans
  • Locked-in retirement funds
2008 Vested Benefits Payable to Terminating Employees Guidance
  • Defined benefit plans
  • Benefits
2009 Defined Benefit Plan Termination and Related Investment Decisions Guidance
  • Defined benefit plans
  • Investment of pension funds
  • Terminations
2009 Pensionable Age and Early Retirement Guidance
  • Defined benefit plans
  • Benefits
2009 Amendments to Supporting Documents Guidance
  • Defined benefit plans
  • Defined contribution plans
  • Amendments
2009 Plan Member Information Requests Guidance
  • Defined benefit plans
  • Defined contribution plans
  • Governance
2009 Garnishment, Seizure and Execution Guidance
  • Defined benefit plans
  • Defined contribution plans
  • Garnishment, seizure and execution
  • Locked-in retirement funds
2009 Waiver and Surrender of Spousal Benefits Guidance
  • Defined benefit plans
  • Defined contribution plans
  • Benefits
2009 Determining a Member’s Transfer Value – DB Past newsletter articles
  • Defined benefit plans
  • Benefits
2009 Purchasing Annuities for Benefits on Plan Termination Guidance
  • Defined benefit plans
  • Terminations
2009 Custodial Transfers within a Pension Fund Guidance
  • Defined benefit plans
  • Defined contribution plans
  • Asset transfers
2009 Required Filings for Real Estate, Resource and Investment Corporations Guidance
  • Defined benefit plans
  • Defined contribution plans
  • Investment of pension funds
2009 Opting out of a PBSA Regulated Pension Plan Guidance
  • Defined benefit plans
  • Defined contribution plans
  • Eligibility to join a plan
2009 Filing Requirements in Effect Prior to Receiving a Registration Past newsletter articles
  • Defined benefit plans
  • Defined contribution plans
  • Registrations
2010 Inactive Pension Plans Past newsletter articles
  • Defined benefit plans
  • Defined contribution plans
  • Registrations
2010 Delegations and Transfers between Jurisdictions Past newsletter articles
  • Defined benefit plans
  • Defined contribution plans
  • Registrations
2010 Required Filings for Terminated Plans Past newsletter articles
  • Defined benefit plans
  • Terminations
2010 Provincial Property Laws Past newsletter articles
  • Defined benefit plans
  • Marriage or common-law partnership breakdown
2010 Survivor Rights – Prescribed Retirement Savings Plan Past newsletter articles
  • Defined benefit plans
  • Defined contribution plans
  • Benefits