Annual Filing Process for Pooled Registered Pension Plan Returns

Publication type
Annual filing requirements
Pooled registered pension plan

All pooled registered pension plan returns that are submitted annually must be filed using the Regulatory Reporting System (RRS). Returns are not considered received at OSFI until the filing process is complete and the returns have been accepted in RRS.

The Manage Corporate Returns User Guide provides instructions for creating and filing returns in RRS to update a plan’s Organizational Profile on page 44.

The Manage Financial Returns User Guide provides instructions for filing returns in RRS via document upload on page 55.

Return Filing Process and Support

Pension Plan Annual Corporate Certification

Due within four months after the end of the year.

Submit using the on-line web form

Note: Prior to submitting the PPACC, the general and role/contact information (i.e. Organizational Profile) of the plan must be reviewed and updated, as required, by creating and submitting a separate return.

Guide to Completing the Pension Plan Annual Corporate Certification

Pooled Registered Pension Plan Annual Information Return (PRPP AIR)

Due within four months after the end of the year.

Submit via document upload

Guide to the Pooled Registered Pension Plan Annual Information Return

Pooled Registered Pension Plan Auditor’s Report (Audited Financial Statements)

Due within four months after the end of the year.

Submit via document upload

If a plan is not registered to file returns using RRS, it should do so immediately. Pension plan administrators must contact the Bank of Canada, as host of the RRS system, to register for access to the Bank of Canada secure site and the RRS system. For assistance in registering, please contact RRS Support at the Bank of Canada by phone at 1-855-865-8636, or by e-mail at

For further information, please visit the OSFI website or contact us at:

Office of the Superintendent of Financial Institutions
255 Albert Street
Ottawa, Ontario
K1A 0H2
Telephone: (613) 991-0609