Priority 3: Culture
Intended outcome
Our employees thrive in an ever-changing and uncertain environment and embrace our critical success factors of grit, integrity, and urgency in all aspects of our daily work.

Why this is a priority
A healthy, thriving culture is crucial to our success as an organization. It supports the wellbeing of employees and is the foundation for productivity and effectiveness. It is dynamic, multifaceted, and requires a collective understanding and steadfast commitment among employees. We want to build an organizational culture that is inclusive, creates a sense of community and shared purpose, and aligns with our risk appetite. Nurturing that shared culture involves creating common values and identifying the behaviors we must adopt every day.
Goals for our culture priority
- We model grit by having the courage to persevere, the determination to keep going when the going gets tough and a can-do attitude no matter what. We adapt when things don’t go as planned, use setbacks as steppingstones to success, and view failure as an opportunity to learn and grow while recognizing and celebrating small victories along the way.
- We demonstrate integrity by upholding our shared values and ethics in our actions and decisions. We follow to the spirit and letter our Conflict of Interest Policy. We keep our promises and commitments to each other and do the right thing, even when it is difficult. We are open and forthcoming in our communications, share relevant information and important details promptly, even when it is bad news.
- We act with a sense of urgency by being alert to what is going on and being proactive in shedding early light on what may become a problem later. We act with clarity and purpose, are relentless in eliminating low-priority items or distractions and identify and remove obstacles quickly. We identify sources of complacency and have the will to take whatever reasonable action is necessary to create urgency.