OSFI-597 – AFS, Auditor’s Report, Other Shareholder’s Material
Type of Publication: Instructions
Date: 2015 Revision
The information provided in the Return is required pursuant to one or more of the following provisions: sections 312 and 844 of the Bank Act, section 317 of the Trust and Loan Companies Act, sections 335 and 891 of the Insurance Companies Act, or section 296 of the Cooperative Credit Associations Act.
This return only applies to Canadian Domestic Banks and Foreign Bank Subsidiaries, Canadian Life and Property & Casualty Insurance Companies, Credit Union Centrals, Trust and Loan Companies, Co-operative Retail Associations and Foreign Representative Offices.
This return should be used to submit any and all shareholder documentation that must also be submitted to OSFI.
This return is also used by Foreign Representative Offices (FROs) to submit their Audited Financial Statement with OSFI.
In order to submit multiple attachments, zip all files together and submit one zipped file.
RRS resubmissions are permitted for this return type.
This return is not subject to the Late and Erroneous Filing Penalty (LEFP) Framework.
Filing Deadlines
This return is based on the Annual General Meeting (AGM) Date; due 21 days before each AGM date or if AGM is held by Resolution in Writing then due 30 days after the Resolution date.
For FROs, this return is based on manual entry and is due upon receipt of the document.