Mortgage Insurance Return – Section V – Jurisdictional Requirements

Type of document
Insurance companies
Mortgage Insurance Return and Instructions
Last updated
May 2024
Table of contents

    Mortgage insurers must accommodate for the differences in legislation from jurisdiction to jurisdiction in Canada.

    Each jurisdiction's requirements can now be found in this section, including filing requirements/dates and mailing addresses.

    Also included are the statutory references that may be used as authoritative sources for the completion of each jurisdiction's filing.



    Superintendent of Insurance
    Alberta Government
    402 Terrace Building
    9515-107 Street
    Edmonton, AB T5K 2C3

    Telephone: (780) 643-2237
    Fax: (780) 420-0752

    British Columbia

    BC Financial Services Authority
    600 - 750 West Pender Street
    Vancouver, BC V6C 2T8

    Telephone: (604) 660-3555
    Fax: (604) 660-3365


    Deputy Superintendent of Financial Institutions - Insurance
    Financial Institutions Regulation Branch
    207 - 400 St. Mary Avenue
    Winnipeg, MB R3C 4K5

    Telephone: (204) 945-2542
    Fax: (204) 948-2268

    New Brunswick

    Superintendent of Insurance
    Financial and Consumer Services Commission
    225 King Street, Suite 200
    Fredericton, NB E3B 1E1

    Telephone: (866) 933-2222
    Fax: (506) 453-7435

    Newfoundland and Labrador

    Superintendent of Insurance
    Service NL
    West Block Confederation Bldg., 2nd Floor
    Prince Philip Drive, P.O. Box 8700
    St. John's, NL A1B 4J6

    Telephone: (709) 729-4189
    Fax: (709) 729-3205

    Northwest Territories

    Superintendent of Insurance
    Department of Finance
    Government of the Northwest Territories
    P.O. Box 1320; YK-3
    Yellowknife, NT X1A 2L9

    Telephone: (867) 767-9171, ext 15252 or 15083
    Fax: (867) 920-6133

    Nova Scotia

    Deputy Superintendent of Insurance
    Trust and Loan Companies, Credit Unions and Pensions
    Department of Finance
    P.O. Box 2271
    Halifax, NS B3J 3C8

    Telephone: (902) 424-4987
    Fax: (902) 424-1293


    Superintendent of Insurance
    Department of Finance
    Government of Nunavut
    PO Box 2260
    Iqaluit, NU X0A 0H0

    Telephone: (867) 975-5889
    Fax: (867) 975-5845


    Chief Executive Officer
    Financial Services Regulatory Authority of Ontario
    25 Sheppard Avenue West, Suite 100
    North York, ON M2N 6S6

    Telephone: (416) 250-7250
    Toll-Free: (800) 668-0128


    Superintendent of Solvency
    Autorité des marchés financiers
    Place de la Cité, Cominar Tower
    2640 Laurier Boulevard, 4th floor
    Québec, QC G1V 5C1

    Telephone: (418) 525-0337, ext. 4501
    Fax: (418) 525-4509

    Prince Edward Island

    Superintendent of Insurance
    Department of Environment, Labour and Justice
    95 Rochford Street
    P.O. Box 2000
    Charlottetown, PEI C1A 7N8

    Telephone: (902) 368-4550
    Fax: (902) 368-5283


    Superintendent of Insurance
    Insurance and Real Estate Division
    Financial and Consumer Affairs Authority of Saskatchewan
    1919 Saskatchewan Drive, 6th Floor
    Regina, SK S4P 4H2

    Telephone: (306) 787-6700
    Fax: (306) 787-9006


    Superintendent of Insurance
    Professional Licensing & Regulatory Affairs C-5
    Government of Yukon
    Box 2703
    Whitehorse, YT Y1A 2C6

    Telephone: (867) 667-5111
    Fax: (867) 667-3609


    Risk & Data Analytics
    Office of the Superintendent of Financial Institutions
    255 Albert Street, 12th Floor
    Ottawa, ON K1A 0H2

    Telephone: (613) 991-0609
    Fax: (613) 991-6118

    Newfoundland and Labrador

    Other specific instructions enabling insurers to meet Newfoundland and Labrador's requirements may be circulated by the Superintendent to the appropriate insurers prior to year end.


    Refer to NL's website.


    Contact Regulator.

    Signature requirements

    There is no section in the Insurance Companies Act of the province of Newfoundland and Labrador stating specifically who must verify the Annual Return.

    Statutory filings by federally registered mortgage insurers

    Federally registered mortgage insurers submit their statutory filings only to the Office of the Superintendent of Financial Institutions Canada.

    Actuary's Report

    Only Mortgage insurers incorporated in the Province of Newfoundland and Labrador are required to submit a full copy of the Actuary's Report with their annual filing. The actuary's Certificate of Opinion is considered an integral part of the annual filing, and failure to include it would render the filing incomplete.

    Statutory filings by mortgage insurers incorporated in a province other than Newfoundland and Labrador

    Only page 93.30 of the MI financial statutory filings is required to be filed.

    Filing requirements

    Mortgage insurers licensed in the province of Newfoundland and Labrador, other than insurers incorporated in the province of Newfoundland and Labrador
    MI returns Due dates PwC Other electronic file Printed copy Other comments
    ASCII file Text ".txt" file Special Excel file
    MI Financial Annual Filing (Core Financial Statements, Supervisory Quarterly, Supervisory Annual and Provincial returns) February 28 No No No No Yes Extra-provincial insurers are only required to provide page 93.30. Not required for federally registered insurers due to information-sharing agreement with OSFI.
    Mortgage Insurance Capital Adequacy Test (MICAT) Annual Filing February 28 No No No No Yes Not required for federally registered insurers due to information-sharing agreement with OSFI.

    Prince Edward Island

    Other specific instructions enabling insurers to meet Prince Edward Island's requirements may be circulated by the Superintendent to the appropriate insurers prior to year end.


    Refer to PEI's website.


    Contact Regulator.

    Signature requirements

    The Annual Return must be verified by the president, vice-president or managing director, or other director appointed for the purpose by the board of directors, and by the secretary or manager of the mortgage insurer.

    Statutory filings by federally registered mortgage insurers

    Federally registered mortgage insurers are only required to file page 93.30 of the MI Financial statutory filings.

    Actuary's Report

    Mortgage insurers are required to file only a Certificate of Opinion with the condition that a copy of the Actuary's Report be available at any time upon request.

    Filing requirements

    Federally registered mortgage insurers licensed to do business in Prince Edward Island
    MI returns Due dates PwC Other electronic file Printed copy Other comments
    ASCII file Text ".txt" file Special Excel file
    MI Financial Annual Filing (Core Financial Statements, Supervisory Quarterly, Supervisory Annual and Provincial returns) February 28 No No No No Yes Page 93.30 only
    Mortgage Insurance Capital Adequacy Test (MICAT) Annual Filing February 28 No No No No Yes n/a

    Nova Scotia

    Other specific instructions enabling insurers to meet Nova Scotia's requirements may be circulated by the Superintendent to the appropriate insurers prior to year end.


    Refer to NS's website.


    Contact Regulator.

    Signature requirements

    The Annual Return must be verified by the president, vice-president or managing director, or other director appointed for the purpose by the board of directors, and by the secretary or manager of the mortgage insurer.

    Statutory filings by federally registered mortgage insurers

    Federally registered mortgage insurers are only required to file pages 10.10, 93.30, 99.10 and 99.16 of the MI Financial Annual statutory filings.

    Actuary's Report

    Mortgage insurers are not required to file their Actuary's Report with the condition that a copy be available at any time upon request.

    Filing requirements

    Federally registered mortgage insurers licensed to do business in Nova Scotia
    MI returns Due dates PwC Other electronic file Printed copy Other comments
    ASCII file Text ".txt" file Special Excel file
    MI Financial Annual Filing (Core Financial Statements, Supervisory Quarterly, Supervisory Annual and Provincial returns) March 31 No No No No Yes Page 10.10, 93.30, 99.10 and 99.16 only
    Mortgage Insurance Capital Adequacy Test (MICAT) Annual Filing March 31 No No No No Yes n/a

    New Brunswick

    Other specific instructions enabling insurers to meet New Brunswick's requirements may be circulated by the Superintendent to the appropriate insurers prior to year end.


    Refer to NB's website.


    Filings in either official language are acceptable.

    Signature requirements

    The Annual Return must be verified by the president, vice-president or managing director, or other director appointed for the purpose by the board of directors, and by the secretary or manager of the mortgage insurer.

    Statutory filings by federally registered mortgage insurers


    Actuary's Report

    Mortgage insurers are required to file only a Certificate of Opinion with the condition that a copy of the Actuary's Report be available at any time upon request.

    Filing requirements

    Federally and extraprovincially registered mortgage insurers licensed to do business in New Brunswick
    MI returns Due dates PwC Other electronic file Printed copy Other comments
    ASCII file Text ".txt" file Special Excel file
    MI Financial Annual Filing (Core Financial Statements, Supervisory Quarterly and Provincial returns) March 31 See comment No No No Yes Required if produced.
    Mortgage Insurance Capital Adequacy Test (MICAT) Annual Filing March 31 See comment No No No Yes Required if produced.
    Auditor's Report to the Superintendent March 31 No No No No Yes n/a
    Auditor's Report for the MICAT March 31 No No No No Yes n/a
    AAR - Financial Condition Testing March 31 No No No No Yes n/a


    Under the Act respecting insurance, CQLR, c. A-32, (the "Act"), every mortgage insurer is required to file with the Autorité des marchés financiers (the "AMF" or the "Authority") in such form as the AMF may determine, the documents and information it requires.

    The AMF will no longer send a letter each year listing the documents and information required under the Act. This information will now be available only through the AMF Bulletins and postings on the AMF website.

    For further information, consult the Notice on filing for Mortgage Insurers on the AMF website.


    Refer to AMF website.



    Signature requirements

    In accordance with section 309 of the Act, the two persons signing the Annual Return must be directors of the mortgage insurer.

    Statutory filings by federally registered mortgage insurers

    Please consult the Notice on the AMF website.

    Actuary's Report

    Pursuant to sections 298.14 and 309 of the Act, every mortgage insurer authorized to underwrite "damage" (property and casualty) insurance in Quebec must attach an actuary's Expression of Opinion on the valuation of the provisions and reserves to its Annual filing.

    A copy of the Actuary's Report that establishes and presents the provisions and reserves must be forwarded to the Autorité des marchés financiers upon request.

    The actuary will have to include a description of the assumptions and methods used in the valuation of the said reserves or provisions and also state and justify the criteria that have served as the basis for choices made.

    Moreover, the AMF may require certain mortgage insurers to include other information in the report.

    Mortgage insurers with charters from outside Quebec that transact insurance in Quebec must file a copy of the Actuary's Report filed with their home jurisdiction.

    A copy of the resolution of the board of directors concerning the appointment of the actuary must be forwarded to the AMF within 10 days of the actuary's initial appointment or at the change of the actuary.

    Auditor Report

    For Quebec-incorporated mortgage insurers, the report is to be addressed to the AMF. All other mortgage insurers licensed in Quebec must submit a copy of the Auditor Report addressed to their regulator.

    In addition, Canadian mortgage insurers are expected to provide the AMF with a copy of their Annual Report including the Auditor Report to the shareholders and members.

    Loans and advances to subsidiaries, associates and joint ventures (with greater than 10% ownership interest)

    Quebec-incorporated mortgage insurers must show loans and advances to subsidiaries, associates and joint ventures (with greater than 10% ownership interest) on page 50.32. See the instructions for page 50.32 in the document "Section VI - Detailed instructions."

    Exhibits not required

    The following exhibits or sections of exhibits need not be completed by Quebec-incorporated mortgage insurers that transact insurance in Quebec only.

    Quebec - Exhibits not required
    Page Exhibit
    10.15 Directors
    10.17 Annual Corporate Information

    Letters of credit

    Letters of credits may be used to reduce capital otherwise required for unregistered reinsurance or a self-insured retention, this up to a prescribed limit, and are subject to a capital charge as specified in the Autorité's Guideline on capital adequacy requirements. The limit is applicable to all insurers licensed in Quebec. General requirements concerning letters of credit are set out below:

    1. Letters of credit must be in Canadian dollars and payable in Canada. Letters of credit must be issued by a Canadian bank or confirmed by a Canadian bank if issued by a foreign bank;
    2. They must be for a fixed term, at least one year;
    3. They must be for a stipulated dollar amount;
    4. They must be irrevocable except with at least three months notice to the Regulator. This condition can be satisfied either by a provision in letter of credit or by a letter of confirmation from the issuing bank; and
    5. The issuing bank and the confirming bank must not have any claim on the assets of the Canadian insurance company as security for the letters of credit.

    A copy of the major letters of credit must be sent with the Annual Return.

    Registered insurer/reinsurer

    To be deemed approved, the mortgage insurer must be approved in Quebec or another province, or subject to federal regulation.

    Registered reinsurer: A reinsurance agreement is deemed registered if it was assumed by an insurer constituted under the laws of Quebec, of another province, or of Canada, and in this case, licensed by one or more provincial regulator(s). A reinsurance agreement is also deemed registered if it was assumed by the branch of a foreign company authorized by the federal authority and licensed by one or more provincial regulator(s), and if the branch maintains assets guaranteeing the fulfilment of its obligations under the agreement.


    Other specific instructions enabling insurers to meet Ontario's requirements may be circulated by the Superintendent to the appropriate insurers prior to year end.


    Refer to ON's website.


    Filings in either official language are acceptable.

    Signature requirements

    The Annual Return must be verified by the president, vice-president or managing director, or other director appointed for the purpose by the board of directors and by the secretary or manager of the mortgage insurer.

    Statutory filings by federally registered mortgage insurers

    In accordance with section 102 of the Ontario Insurance Act, federally registered mortgage insurers licensed in Ontario must submit their statutory filings only to the Office of the Superintendent of Financial Institutions Canada.

    Also refer to FSRAO's website for further details.

    For any questions, please contact the

    Filing requirements

    Federally registered mortgage insurers licensed to do business in Ontario
    MI returns Due dates PwC Other electronic file Printed copy Other comments
    ASCII file Text ".txt" file Special Excel file
    MI Financial Annual Filing (Core Financial Statements, Supervisory Quarterly, Supervisory Annual and Provincial returns) February 28 Yes No Yes See comment No PDF format preferred for electronic copies. Signed copies should be provided in PDF format.
    MI Financial Annual Filing - Reinsurers Ontario table footnote * (Core Financial Statements, Supervisory Quarterly, Supervisory Annual and Provincial returns) April 15 Yes No Yes See comment No PDF format preferred for electronic copies. Signed copies should be provided in PDF format.
    Mortgage Insurance Capital Adequacy Test (MICAT) Annual Filing February 28 Yes No Yes See comment No PDF format preferred for electronic copies. Signed copies should be provided in PDF format.
    MI Financial Quarterly Filing (Core Financial Statements, Supervisory Quarterly and Provincial returns) Within 45 days Yes No Yes See comment No PDF format preferred for electronic copies. Signed copies should be provided in PDF format.
    MICAT Quarterly Filing Within 45 days Yes No No See comment No PDF format preferred for electronic copies. Signed copies should be provided in PDF format.

    Ontario table footnotes

    Ontario table footnote *

    Insurers whose certificates of registry are limited to reinsurance.

    Return to Ontario table footnote *


    Other specific instructions enabling insurers to meet Manitoba's requirements may be circulated by the Superintendent to the appropriate insurers prior to year end.


    Refer to MB's website.


    Filings in either official language are acceptable.

    Signature requirements


    Statutory filings by federally registered mortgage insurers

    In accordance with section 84 of the Act, federally registered mortgage insurers must submit their statutory filings only to the Office of the Superintendent of Financial Institutions Canada.

    Actuary's Report

    Mortgage insurers are not required to file their Actuary's Report with the condition that a copy be available at any time upon request.

    Insurers other than provincial insurers

    These insurers must produce a report that sets out the particulars of their business in Manitoba during the year (section 84). To meet this requirement, mortgage insurers must file page 93.30 of the MI Financial statutory filings.

    Filing requirements

    Federally registered mortgage insurers licensed to do business in Manitoba
    MI returns Due dates PwC Other electronic file Printed copy Other comments
    ASCII file Text ".txt" file Special Excel file
    MI Financial Annual Filing (Core Financial Statements, Supervisory Quarterly, Supervisory Annual and Provincial returns) February 28 No No No No Yes n/a
    MI Financial Annual Filing - Reinsurers Manitoba table footnote * (Core Financial Statements, Supervisory Quarterly, Supervisory Annual and Provincial returns) March 15 No No No No Yes n/a
    Mortgage Insurance Capital Adequacy Test (MICAT) Annual Filing February 28 No No No No Yes n/a

    Manitoba table footnotes

    Manitoba table footnote *

    Insurers whose certificates of registry are limited to reinsurance.

    Return to Manitoba table footnote *


    Other specific instructions enabling insurers to meet Saskatchewan's requirements may be circulated by the Superintendent to the appropriate insurers prior to year-end.

    Refer to the Financial and Consumer Affairs Authority's website for instructions for filing the Annual Return.


    Refer to SK's website.


    Contact the regulator for information on language requirements.

    Signature requirements

    For provincial mortgage insurers, the Annual Return must be verified by the president, vice-president or managing director, or other director appointed for the purpose by the board of directors and by the secretary or manager of the mortgage insurer.

    Statutory filings by federally registered mortgage insurers

    Federally registered mortgage insurers satisfy the annual filing requirements by answering the questions contained in the submission filed online through RLS.

    Filing deadlines

    All insurers are required to file their Annual Return submission online through the Financial and Consumer Affairs Authority's (FCAA) Registration and Licensing System (RLS).

    Refer to FCAA's website for instructions for filing the Annual Return.


    Filing requirements

    Provincially incorporated mortgage insurers

    Saskatchewan incorporated mortgage insurers are required to:

    • File the MI Quarterly Return and the MI Annual Supplement (section 2-33); and
    • Submit the following additional information:
      1. The actuary's report if required by the Superintendent;
      2. The audited financial statements with the auditor's opinion;
      3. The audited financial statements for any subsidiaries with the auditor's opinion. If subsidiaries are regulated financial institutions, the filings with the primary regulators; and
      4. The detailed list of investment as at the fiscal year-end.

    Extra-provincial mortgage insurers

    Extra-provincial mortgage insurers must file pages 10.10 (corporate information), 93.30, 99.10, 99.16 and 99.20 (Quebec Incorporated Insurer) of the MI Financial statutory filings.

    Filing requirements

    Mortgage insurers licensed in the province of Saskatchewan
    MI returns Due dates PwC Other electronic file Printed copy Other comments
    ASCII file Text ".txt" file Special Excel file
    MI Annual Filing (Core Financial Statements, Supervisory Quarterly, Supervisory Annual and Provincial returns) Within 60 days No No No Yes No

    Extra-provincial mortgage insurers are only required to provide pages 10.10, 93.30, 99.10 and 99.20 of the MI Financial statutory filings. PDF format preferred.

    Federally registered insurers satisfy the annual filing requirement by answering the questions contained in the submission filed online through RLS.

    MI Annual Filing - Reinsurers Saskatchewan table footnote * (Core Financial Statements, Supervisory Quarterly, Supervisory Annual and Provincial returns) Within 105 days No No No Yes No

    Extra-provincial mortgage insurers are only required to provide pages 10.10, 93.30, 99.10 and 99.20 of the MI Financial statutory filings. PDF format preferred.

    Federally registered insurers satisfy the annual filing requirement by answering the questions contained in the submission filed online through RLS.

    Saskatchewan table footnotes

    Saskatchewan table footnote *

    Insurers whose certificates of registry are limited to reinsurance.

    Return to Saskatchewan table footnote *



    Refer to AB's website.


    Annual Returns must be submitted in English.

    Signature requirements

    Alberta incorporated mortgage insurers – Section 44(3)(f) of the Insurance Act states the Annual Return (affidavit on page 99.10) must be approved and signed by the president, vice-president or managing director or other director appointed for the purpose by the board of directors and by the secretary or manager of the company.

    Statutory filings by federally registered mortgage insurers

    Federally registered mortgage insurers are required to file a fourth quarter MI Financial statutory filings with the Office of the Superintendent of Financial Institutions Canada. This will satisfy the reporting requirement for the comparable period.

    Actuary's Report

    Pursuant to section 44(3)(d) of the Insurance Act, Alberta-incorporated mortgage insurers licensed under this Act must submit, with the Annual Return, an opinion, in accordance with section 405.

    Mortgage insurers incorporated and/or transferred into Alberta must file a copy of the actuarial report with an Expression of Opinion in accordance with the instructions set out by OSFI in its annual memorandums to the appointed actuary.

    The Actuary's report is required to include an Unpaid Claims and Loss Ratio Analysis Exhibit, consistent with the OSFI requirements.

    Federally and extra-provincially incorporated mortgage insurers are not required to file their Actuary's Report.

    Discounting of reserves

    Effective January 1, 2003, the reporting of actuarial liabilities on a discounted basis by Alberta-incorporated mortgage insurance companies is optional.

    Mortgage insurers are expected to file on either a discounted or undiscounted basis consistently. Mortgage insurers who wish to change the basis on which they file must notify the Superintendent prior to making the change.

    Format of the actuarial opinion and report

    The opinion should state the status of the signatory, his or her title, his or her relationship to the mortgage insurer, and, if not a Fellow of the Canadian Institute of Actuaries, how he or she qualifies.

    Auditor Report

    Pursuant to section 43(1), all mortgage insurers licensed in Alberta must submit a copy of their audited financial statements within 180 days of the insurer's year end.

    Alberta requires the following reports be filed with the Annual filings:

    • Auditor Report addressed to the Alberta Superintendent of Insurance; and,
    • Auditor Report for the Mortgage Insurer Capital Adequacy Test.

    Annual Report

    All Alberta incorporated mortgage insurers are expected to file a copy of their Annual Report including the Auditor's Report to the shareholders and members when published.

    Financial statements of subsidiaries

    A copy of the current financial statements of each subsidiary must be made available on request.

    Filing requirements

    Visit the Insurance Regulatory Information System's website.

    For Insurance Companies, Fraternal Benefit Societies or Reciprocal Insurance Exchanges, if you require assistance, please send an email to:

    Refer to the Alberta Superintendent of Insurance's website for:

    Refer to the Alberta Superintendent of Insurance's website for instructions on electronic filing of annual returns.

    • Alberta-incorporated mortgage insurers and reinsurers are required to file a fourth quarter MI Financial statutory filings in both ASCII and special excel file formats.
    • All extra-provincially incorporated mortgage insurers are required to file a fourth quarter MI Financial statutory filings in an ASCII file format.

    Pursuant of section 44(2), for Alberta-incorporated insurers, all filings must be received within 60 days after the company's fiscal year end.

    Pursuant of section 46(1), for every non-Alberta-incorporated insurers that is licensed in Alberta, all filing requirements must be received before the last day of February of the year following the reporting year.

    Alberta only accepts electronic filings.

    Mortgage insurers licensed in the province of Alberta
    MI returns Due dates PwC Other electronic file Printed copy Other comments
    ASCII file Text ".txt" file Special Excel file
    MI Financial Annual Filing – fourth-quarter Core Financial, Supervisory Quarterly, Supervisory Annual and Provincial returns Within 60 days Yes No Yes No No Extra-provincial insurers are required to provide an ASCII file, and federally registered insurers will satisfy the reporting requirement for the comparable period by filing with OSFI. A PDF copy of the signed affidavit should be embedded in a special Excel file.
    MI Financial Annual Filing - Reinsurers Alberta table footnote * – fourth-quarter Core Financial Statements, Supervisory Quarterly, Supervisory Annual and Provincial returns. Within 105 days Yes No Yes No No Extra-provincial insurers are required to provide an ASCII file, and federally registered insurers will satisfy the reporting requirement for the comparable period by filing with OSFI. A PDF copy of the signed affidavit should be embedded in a special Excel file.
    Mortgage Insurance Capital Adequacy Test (MICAT) Annual Filing Within 60 days Yes No Yes No No Extra-provincial insurers are required to provide an ASCII file, and federally registered insurers will satisfy the reporting requirement for the comparable period by filing with OSFI. A PDF copy of the signed affidavit should be embedded in a special Excel file.
    Auditor's Report to the Superintendent Within 180 days No No No Yes No PDF format preferred.
    Auditor's Report for the MICAT Within 180 days No No No Yes No PDF format preferred.
    Audited financial statements Within 180 days No No No Yes No

    Please refer to the Alberta Superintendent of Insurance website for instructions on filing your financial statements electronically;

    PDF format preferred.

    Alberta Reserve and Guarantee Fund worksheet Within 60 days No No No Yes No Applicable to all reciprocals licensed in Alberta.

    Alberta table footnotes

    Alberta table footnote *

    Insurers whose certificates of registry are limited to reinsurance.

    Return to Alberta table footnote *

    British Columbia

    Other specific instructions necessary to meet BC Financial Services Authority's requirements may be circulated by the Superintendent, to the appropriate insurers, prior to year end.


    Refer to BCFSA's website.


    Annual filings must be submitted in English.

    Signature requirements

    Original signatures are not required. BCFSA will accept scanned or electronic versions of original signatures.

    Statutory filings by federally registered mortgage insurers

    Refer to BCFSA's website.

    Filing requirements

    For B.C. Licensed MI Insurers' filing requirements, please refer to BCFSA's website.

    For reciprocal exchanges the Application for Reciprocal Exchange Annual Permit (Form 10) must be submitted annually by March 31st.


    Other specific instructions enabling insurers to meet the Yukon's requirements may be circulated by the Superintendent to the appropriate insurers prior to year end.


    Refer to YK's website.


    Contact the regulator for language requirements.

    Signature requirements

    The Annual Return must be verified by the president, vice-president or managing director, or other director appointed for the purpose by the board of directors, and by the secretary or manager of the mortgage insurer.

    Statutory filings by federally registered mortgage insurers


    Actuary's Report

    Mortgage insurers are not required to file their Actuary's Report with the condition that a copy be available at any time upon request.

    Electronic filing

    All required filings should be filed in PDF, or Excel format, as appropriate, by email to The email subject line should include the company name and the word "filing."

    Filing requirements

    Mortgage insurers licensed to do business in Yukon
    MI returns Due dates PwC Other electronic file Printed copy Other comments
    ASCII file Text ".txt" file Special Excel file
    MI Financial Annual Filing (Core Financial Statements, Supervisory Quarterly, Supervisory Annual and Provincial returns) March 15 No No No Yes No PDF format preferred.
    Mortgage Insurance Capital Adequacy Test (MICAT) Annual Filing March 15 No No No Yes No PDF format preferred.

    Northwest Territories

    Other specific instructions enabling insurers to meet the Northwest Territories' requirements may be circulated by the Superintendent to the appropriate insurers prior to year end.


    Refer to NT's website.


    Contact the regulator for language requirements.

    Signature requirements

    The Annual Return must be verified by the president, vice-president or managing director, or other director appointed for the purpose by the board of directors, and by the secretary or manager of the mortgage insurer.

    Statutory filings by federally registered mortgage insurers


    Filing requirements

    Mortgage insurers licensed in the Northwest TerritoriesNorthwest Territories table footnote *
    MI returns Due dates PwC Other electronic file Printed copy Other comments
    ASCII file Text ".txt" file Special Excel file
    MI Financial Annual Filing (Core Financial Statements, Supervisory Quarterly, Supervisory Annual and Provincial returns) February 28 No No No Yes No PDF; Electronic filings only
    Mortgage Insurance Capital Adequacy Test (MICAT) Annual Filing February 28 No No No Yes No PDF; Electronic filings only
    Audited financial statements February 28 No No No Yes No

    Not required if OSFI return filed

    Northwest Territories tablefootnotes

    Northwest Territories table footnote *

    Licencing related matters (individual or company), email; for Filings and Premium Tax, email

    Return to Northwest Territories table footnote *


    Other specific instructions enabling insurers to meet Nunavut's requirements may be circulated by the Superintendent, to the appropriate insurers, prior to year end.


    Refer to NU's website.


    Contact the regulator for language requirements.

    Signature requirements

    The Annual Return must be verified by the president, vice-president or managing director, or other director appointed for the purpose by the board of directors, and by the secretary or manager of the mortgage insurer.

    Statutory filings by federally registered mortgage insurers


    Filing requirements

    Federally registered mortgage insurers licensed to do business in Nunavut
    MI returns Due dates PwC Other electronic file Printed copy Other comments
    ASCII file Text ".txt" file Special Excel file
    MI Financial Annual Filing (Core Financial Statements, Supervisory Quarterly, Supervisory Annual and Provincial returns) February 28 No No No No Yes n/a
    Mortgage Insurance Capital Adequacy Test (MICAT) Annual Filing February 28 No No No No Yes n/a


    Insurance Companies Act (ICA)

    Regulations that are applicable to federally regulated mortgage insurance companies can be accessed on Justice Canada's website.

    Guidelines and other guidance

    Guidelines that are applicable to mortgage insurance companies are available on the OSFI website.

    OSFI also issues other guidance (i.e. letters, bulletins) that is accessible on its website.

    Auditor Report to shareholders/policyholders

    The Auditor Report to shareholders/policyholders, together with the annual financial statements, is to be filed with OSFI's Risk and Data Analytics Division no later than 21 days prior to the annual meeting. If the annual meeting is held by resolution in writing, the report is to be filed no later than 30 days following the date of signing of the resolution in writing. Reports should all be filed through the RRS system.

    Auditor and Appointed Actuary Reports

    Federally regulated mortgage insurers must electronically file their Auditor Reports and Appointed Actuary's Report as separate documents as defined in the Regulatory Reporting System (RRS) User Guide (PDF).

    Financial statements of subsidiaries

    Federally regulated mortgage insurers are required to make available a copy of the current financial statements of each subsidiary at the insurer's head office upon request.

    Net ultimate claims and adjustment expenses – Claims development

    Transitional Instructions – (pages 60.45 and 93.65)

    Affidavit verifying Annual Return - (page 99.10)

    The affidavit on page 99.10 must be signed by the president/CEO and another executive officer or director.

    Electronic filing

    For electronic filing instructions, please refer to the Regulatory Reporting System (RRS) – Guide for OSFI RRS Users (PDF) located on the OSFI website.

    Filing requirements

    Federally regulated mortgage insurers
    MI returns Due dates PwC Other electronic file Printed copy Other comments
    XML file Special Excel file
    MI Financial Annual Filings (Core Financial Statements (MI3), Supervisory Quarterly Return (MI4), Supervisory Annual Return (MI5) and special excel file (OSFI973)) Within 60 days Yes Yes No No n/a
    Mortgage Insurance Capital Adequacy Test (MICAT) Annual Filing (MI) Within 60 days Yes No No No n/a
    MI Financial Quarterly Filing (Core Financial Statements (MI3), Supervisory Quarterly Return (MI4) and special excel file (OSFI973)) Within 45 days Yes Yes No No n/a
    MICAT Quarterly Filing (MI) Within 45 days Yes No No No n/a
    Auditor's Report to the Superintendent (OSFI625) Within 60 days No No Yes No n/a
    Auditor's Report for the MICAT (OSFI632) Within 60 days No No Yes No n/a
    Appointed Actuary's Report (AAR) (OSFI605) Within 60 days No No Yes No n/a
    AAR Supplementary Tables (OSFI987) Within 60 days No No Yes No n/a
    AAR Discount Curve (PC6) Within 60 days Yes No No No n/a
    Financial Condition Testing (FCT) (OSFI610) See comment No No Yes No Earlier of: 30 days after presentation to the Board of Directors, and one year after fiscal year end.
    FCT Template (OSFI952) See comment No No Yes No Earlier of: 30 days after presentation to the Board of Directors, and one year after fiscal year end.
    External Review Report - AAR (OSFI615) See comment No No Yes No Pre-release ERRs: 60 days; Post release ERRs: 90 days
    External Review Report – FCT (OSFI608) December 31 No No Yes No n/a
    External Review Report – Other (OSFI607) See comment No No Yes No As specified and must be requested by contacting
    Unpaid Claims and Loss Ratio exhibits (PC5) Within 60 days Yes No No No n/a
    Annual Financial Statement to Shareholders (OSFI597) See comment No No Yes No

    Due -15 days prior to the annual meeting date. If AGM is held by resolution in writing, due +30 days from resolution date.

    If electronic file is not available, one hard copy is required.

    Earthquake Exposure Data Return (OSFI659) May 31 Yes No No No XML format or manual entry via online RRS form.
    ORSA Key Metric Report (OP) See comment Yes No No No Due annually and within 30 days of the Board of Director's review
    Standardized Stress Testing (OSFI934) See comment No No Yes No Earlier of: 30 days after presentation to the Board of Directors, and one year after fiscal year end.