Adding, Editing, or Removing an RRS Portal User or Local Registration Authority

Publication type
Past newsletter articles
Annual filing requirements
Defined benefit plans
Defined contribution plans
Pooled registered pension plan
Issue #

The Regulatory Reporting System (RRS) used to file pension plan regulatory returns with OSFI is accessed through the Bank of Canada Secure Site. A Local Registration Authority (LRA) is a pension plan administrator’s authorized representative with responsibility to manage users on the Secure Site and on RRS. An LRA is permitted to authorize and create new RRS Portal Users for the pension plan, to assign access permissions, and to deactivate users and authorize any changes to user accounts for the plan. A pension plan must have a minimum of two LRAs. In order to file pension plan regulatory returns in RRS, an individual must be authorized by an LRA as an RRS Portal User for the plan.

While it remains essential that information in a pension plan’s Organization Profile be kept up to date, it is important for RRS users to be aware that updating information in RRS in the Organization Profile does not have the effect of updating the RRS access and filing permissions for the plan. For example, updating a plan’s Organization Profile to reflect that the plan has a new actuary will not revoke the prior actuary’s filing permissions or provide the new actuary with the permissions necessary to file actuarial reports and related returns in RRS for the plan. An LRA must take additional steps to update a plan’s RRS access and filing permissions. These additional steps involve creating, editing, or deactivating RRS Portal Users or LRA accounts.

Information on how to create, edit, and deactivate RRS Portal Users and LRA accounts is available in the Documents section of RRS. If further assistance is needed, please contact the Bank of Canada at 1-855-865-8636 and follow the instructions to reach RRS Support.