Basic rate for assessments of pension plans (November 2018)

Publication type
Past newsletter articles
Pooled registered pension plan
Issue #

The Assessment of Pension Plans Regulations require the Superintendent of Financial Institutions to publish annually in the Canada Gazette, Part I, a notice setting out the basic rate that will be applied to the assessment of pension plans in the upcoming fiscal year.

A notice was published in Part I of the Canada Gazette on September 29, 2018 setting out that the basic rate in effect for assessments that are due to be paid from April 1, 2019 to March 31, 2020 is $9. This basic rate is an increase of $1 from the basic rate that is currently in effect. This results in an increase of $50 to the minimum assessment amount ($400 to $450) and $20,000 to the maximum amount ($160,000 to $180,000) for the 2019-2020 fiscal year.