Amendments, Applications and Approvals
Amendments – Defined Benefit and Defined Combination Plans
- Instruction Guide: Amendments to Supporting Documents
- Forms: OSFI 594 – Defined Benefit/Combination Pension Plan Amendment Information Form
- RRS Filing Instructions: Filing Pension Plan Amendments using RRS
- RRS Sample forms: PP1 - Amendments to Pension Plans and To Documents That Create or Support The Plan or The Pension Fund (sample)
Amendments – Defined Contribution Plans
- Instruction Guide: Amendments to Supporting Documents
- Forms: OSFI 593 – Defined Contribution Pension Plan Text Amendment Information Form
- RRS Filing Instructions: Filing Pension Plan Amendments using RRS
- RRS Sample forms: PP1 - Amendments to Pension Plans and To Documents That Create or Support The Plan or The Pension Fund (sample)
Asset Transfers – Defined Benefit
- Instruction Guide: Asset Transfers related to Defined Benefit Provisions of Pension Plans
- Forms: Approval Request Form – Asset Transfers related to Defined Benefit Provisions of Pension Plans (PDF, 2.15 MB)
- RRS Filing Instructions: Filing an Application for Approval of an Asset Transfer related to Defined Benefit Provisions using RRS
- RRS Sample forms: PP6 - Approval Request Return for Asset Transfer Related to Defined Benefit Provisions (sample)
Asset Transfers – Defined Contribution
- Instruction Guide: Asset Transfers related to Defined Contribution Provisions of Pension Plans
- Forms: Standardized Asset Transfer Request Form – Asset Transfers related to Defined Contribution Provisions of Pension Plans (PDF, 299 KB)
- RRS Filing Instructions: Filing an Application for Approval of an Asset Transfer related to Defined Contribution Provisions (Provincial Plan Members Only) using RRS
- RRS Sample forms: PP5 - Approval Request Return for Asset Transfer Related to Defined Contribution Provisions (Provincial Plan Members Only) (sample)
Benefit Reductions
- Instruction Guide: Authorization of Amendments Reducing Benefits in Defined Benefit Pension Plans
- Forms: Authorization Request Form – Amendments Reducing Benefits (PDF, 223 KB)
- RRS Filing Instructions: Filing an Application for Approval of Amendments Reducing Benefits using RRS
- RRS Sample forms: PP7 - Approval Request Return for Amendments Reducing Benefits (sample)
- Instruction Guide: Guideline for Converting Plans from Defined Benefit to Defined Contribution
- Forms: N/A
- RRS Filing Instructions: N/A
- RRS Sample forms: N/A
Refund of Surplus
- Instruction Guide: Refund of Surplus to the Employer
- Forms: N/A (Refer to Instruction Guide)
- RRS Filing Instructions: Filing an Application for Approval of a Refund of Surplus to the Employer using RRS
- RRS Sample forms: PP8 - Application for a Refund of Surplus to The Employer (sample)
Registrations – Defined Benefit Plans
- Instruction Guide: Registration of a Defined Benefit Pension Plan
- Forms: OSFI 48DB – Application for the Registration of a Defined Benefit Pension Plan (PDF, 603 KB)
- RRS Filing Instructions: N/A - Submitted via email to
- RRS Sample forms: N/A - Submitted via email to
Registrations – Defined Contribution Plans
- Instruction Guide: Registration of a Defined Contribution Pension Plan
- Forms: OSFI-48DC – Application for the Registration of a Defined Contribution Pension Plan (PDF, 540 KB)
- RRS Filing Instructions: N/A - Submitted via email to
- RRS Sample forms: N/A - Submitted via email to
Terminations – Defined Benefit Plans
- Instruction Guide: Termination of a Defined Benefit Pension Plan
- Forms: Approval Request Form – Termination of a Defined Benefit Pension Plan (PDF, 308 KB)
- RRS Filing Instructions: Filing an Application for Approval of a Defined Benefit Pension Plan Termination Report using RRS
- RRS Sample forms: PP4 - Approval Request Return for Defined Benefit Pension Plan Terminations (sample)
Terminations – Defined Contribution Plans
- Instruction Guide: Termination of a Defined Contribution Pension Plan
- Forms: Standardized Termination Report – Defined Contribution Pension Plans (PDF, 647 KB)
- RRS Filing Instructions: Filing an Application for Approval of a Defined Contribution Pension Plan Termination Report using RRS
- RRS Sample forms: PP3 - Approval Request Return for Defined Contribution Pension Plan Terminations (sample)